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May 15, 2008

Senate committee adds amnesty for 1.2 million illegal agriculture workers to Iraq spending bill

Senate committee adds amnesty for 1.2 million illegal agriculture workers to Iraq spending bill -- PHONE NOW , from NUMBERS USA:

On a 17-12 vote this afternoon, the Senate Appropriations Committee added Sen. Feinstein's ag amnesty to the Iraq supplemental spending bill.

This bill could come up for a vote before the full Senate tomorrow.

Every phone of every Senator should be ringing off the hook as soon as I click SEND on this alert.

Please pick up your phone the minute you read this and call:

Call the offices of both of your state's U.S. Senators and tell them:

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday afternoon committed an outrageous act of disrespect for our men and women in uniform and to the citizens of this country by attaching an illegal-alien amnesty to the Iraq spending bill.

Urge the Senator to vote and work to strip the amnesty from the Iraq spending bill on the floor.

You - or the Senator - may already oppose this spending bill. But if the Senator is inclined to vote YES on the Iraq bill, ask the Senator to definitely vote NO and send it back to committee if the amnesty is NOT stripped.

There is no need for an amnesty to provide growers with workers. There already is an H-2A foreign ag worker program that provides growers with an unlimited number of temporary workers if the growers agree to pay a decent wage and ensure that they go home at the end of the season. Feinstein is just trying to protect the abysmally low wages and bad working conditions that farmworkers labor under.

Here are additional talking points (and the names of your two Senators, plus additional phone numbers):


Expect that many staffers will either have no idea what is going on or will be lying to you. Some of you were reporting to us that Sen. Feinstein's staffers were telling you that she had no intention of attaching an amnesty this afternoon at the precise time that the committee was voting on her proposal to attach!!!!!

Unless Senators see an outpouring of disgust and outrage similar to what you waged a year ago, they will interpret it to be safe to vote an amnesty this year.

Besides an estimated 1.2 million illegal alien ag workers, all the millions of illegal aliens in their families would apparently get an amnesty, also.

Good luck. You are the only force that stands between some semblance of the rule of law and massive rewards for illegal immigration.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

Other reading:

ACLU: Judges Gave Us a Gift and How You Can Help Protect Marriage in California. at Stop the ACLU


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