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Creepy, Creepy...(Shiver)
01 April 08 09:20 PM
This really weirded me out - I kept moving my mouse around the screen so that she wouldn't look at me... http://cubo.cc/ Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 4 Comments    
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You Always Hope...
24 January 08 07:32 PM
That your kids will find what you do for a living somewhat interesting.  As you can see, I don't think I'm going to be that lucky... Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 3 Comments    
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When Poor Quality Control is Just Plain Funny...
25 December 07 10:24 AM
Anyone that I went to high school with will find extra humor in this.  This moment of Christmas humor is brought to you by Pottery Barn . Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 3 Comments    
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Random Question...
18 December 07 09:44 AM
Since I discovered that I can keep my laptop powered during the 5 hour flight between Seattle and New York, I've been able to do some programming again!!  And naturally (well, maybe not naturally), that got me thinking about...music. So the question: Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 9 Comments    
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The Coolest Thing About Flying First Class
17 December 07 06:24 AM
So I finally earned enough frequent flyer miles to qualify for Medallion status on Delta.  One of the benefits of the program is that you are automatically upgraded from coach to first class if there are available seats.  For my latest trip Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 6 Comments    
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Turing Complete Text Messaging??
26 October 07 04:40 PM
I live vicariously through people with great senses of humor and WAY too much free time... http://blog.notdot.net/archives/32-LOLCode.net-Now-your-LOLCats-can-use-the-CLR!.html LOL^2! Read More...
Disabling the Annoying Toshiba Menu
19 October 07 11:25 AM
Do any of you have a Toshiba laptop? I have a Techra M5, and today I finally got annoyed to the point of looking up how to disable this moronic system menu . Now I can move my mouse again without fear of accidentally bumping the top of the screen. Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 4 Comments    
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Microsoft Bellevue Office - What a View!
18 October 07 11:20 AM
I had a meeting yesterday at one of Microsoft's newer office spaces in downtown Bellevue. Microsoft has the top 15 or so floors of a 28 story building right in Lincoln Square (translation: lots of great places to hang out/eat). Here's one of the coolest Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 3 Comments    
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Ode To Teachers: Dennis Phllips
05 October 07 09:30 AM
As you may or may not know, Friday, October 5, is Worldwide Teacher Appreciation Day . As such, I would like to quickly pay special tribute to my high school biology teacher, Dennis Phillips. Mr. Phillips had that special quality that enabled him to push Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 1 Comments    
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I Love M.I.T.!
26 September 07 03:42 PM
I've always been a big supporter of the school. Several family members went there, I considered Sloan for business school, and I still follow the research coming from the school - particularly the media lab - pretty closely. However, the greatest reason Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 1 Comments    
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New Windows Live Writer
10 September 07 11:23 AM
I just installed the beta for the new Windows Live suite of applications - which is basically just a bundle of many of the apps that you've probably been using for a while. I'm kind of ambivalent to applications like Live Mail mainly just because I don't Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 0 Comments    
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Rockin' Out Once More
08 September 07 11:37 AM
Outside of my day job, music is one of my major passion areas. I was a studio drummer for a little while, and I ran a Pro Tools-based studio out of my house for a few years. As a result of all this, having a good listening environment is very important Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 1 Comments    
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Really Cool Desktop Backgrounds
06 September 07 08:05 PM
I'm pretty sure that this is just one of those sites that I missed because I wasn't paying attention. However, I came across it tonight and absolutely love all of the desktop backgrounds that can be downloaded. They even have a bunch of backgrounds for Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 4 Comments    
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To the Seasoned Traveling Professional - Help!
05 September 07 06:55 AM
Apparently, my internal clock really sucks when it comes to travel. Every single time I travel from Seattle to New York, my first night in New York is tortuous (even without the food poisoning). Why? Because the 3 hour time change is apparently just enough Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 4 Comments    
Beware the Strange Meat Cart
31 August 07 08:39 AM
I'll be in NYC again next week and as I prepare for that trip (by "prepare", I mean that I'm submitting my expenses from the last trip), I'm reflecting on an experience from my trip a few weeks ago - an experience where I got so INSANELY sick that I actually Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 2 Comments    
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