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Building NHibernate 1.2.1GA on .NET 3.5
20 March 08 02:49 PM
I recently reached a point where for reasons that I'm sure you can all relate to, I decided to clean my laptop and rebuild.  I therefore did a clean install of Vista with SP1.  As a quick aside, SP1 does actually seem to improve performance Read More...
Last Old Blog Code Update
06 March 08 11:12 PM
Ok - after posting this update, I'll consider myself caught up with regard to picking up the pieces of my old blog. This is the updated code sample for creating custom mapping types in NHibernate . The updated sample provides a loose example of implementing Read More...
Old TDD Demo Blog - Digest and Code
01 March 08 11:24 PM
Several of you have emailed me over the past several months asking if I had a copy of the blog text and/or code that I had mentioned in a much earlier blog entry . As it turns out, a good friend of mine found some old archived versions of the site on Read More...
The Visual Studio Gallery
28 February 08 05:23 PM
Once upon a time (ok, fine - 2 weeks ago), I was doing some Ruby development in Notepad and just had a craving for more.  Don't get me wrong - I love the raw performance of Notepad, but between Visual Studio (with R#) and Eclipse, I just had a need Read More...
IIS 7.0 and the ASP.NET Integrated Pipeline
27 December 07 09:45 AM
One of the coolest things about working at MSDN Magazine is the exposure I get to all the different technologies coming down the pipe from all over the company.  One of these that recently grabbed my attention was the set of enhancements that the Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 2 Comments    
"CLR Inside Out" Needs Your Ideas
19 December 07 06:55 AM
One of the benefits that we at MSDN Magazine are proud to be able to offer readers is access to many of the actual product groups at Microsoft.  For those of you who read the magazine, you know that we run a column called CLR Inside Out - the column Read More...
Wow - That Was Annoying
18 November 07 06:18 PM
So I'm in an awkward place right now when it comes to programming.  In addition to the fact that I no longer program on a day-to-day basis (which is starting to bug me a little more than it used to as I'm afraid I'm starting to atrophy a bit), I'm Read More...
Linq-i-fying My Existing Projects - Part 1
14 November 07 08:09 AM
To be honest, I don't know how many parts there will end up being - since the longer I'm away from day to day developing, the fewer projects I have to go back through.  However, I can think of a few more off the top of my head - so I still think Read More...
Turing Complete Text Messaging??
26 October 07 04:40 PM
I live vicariously through people with great senses of humor and WAY too much free time... http://blog.notdot.net/archives/32-LOLCode.net-Now-your-LOLCats-can-use-the-CLR!.html LOL^2! Read More...
XSD.exe Funkiness with Pre-Build Event
06 September 07 04:31 PM
So I'm currently working on something where my domain ontology is maintained in XSD. In the beginning, it was no big deal to periodically run xsd.exe from the command line when I changed my XSD file. However, as my data types became larger in number, Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 0 Comments    
OBA - Are We There Yet?
25 August 07 10:40 PM
I am a beliver in the power of Office as the pre-eminant smart client for the majority of LOB applicaitons. However, I also think that we're still a little ways off from realizing my belief - not because of some entrenched NIH complex held to by consultants Read More...
How Did I Miss This?
24 August 07 12:13 AM
I consider myself relatively savvy in the ways of C#. However, I apparently missed a pretty cool 2.0 operator back in the day and just stumbled over it tonight (by way of researching it after being absolutely sure that the code I was looking at was wrong). Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 4 Comments    
C# 3.0 Object Initializers
13 August 07 08:59 AM
As I'm sure you are aware, C# 3.0 includes a new language feature called object initializers. Put simply, object initializers enable you to initialize the state of an object with a single expression that does not require use of parameterized constructors. Read More...
DinnerNow v1.3 Is Released
03 June 07 08:14 PM
If you're looking for a good sample that shows how to apply some of the new .NET 3.0 technologies, check out the latest distribution of the DinnerNow.Net sample application. More information here . Read More...
WF Runtime Service Parameters
01 June 07 12:08 AM
One thing that I dig about WF is that you can configure the runtime services both imperatively through code and declaratively through the application configuration file. One thing that I did find a little confusing, however, was in determining what the Read More...
Postedby hdierking | 0 Comments    
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