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What is the point of the & / ampersand sigil for function refs?

by tphyahoo
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on Feb 04, 2005 at 12:02 UTC ( #428024=perlquestion: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help??
tphyahoo has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

In the following code, I can call a module function using &, or not using &. Is there ever a scenario when it's preferrable to use the &? Where can I learn more about this?

use strict;
use warnings;

#custom modules
use lib 'E:/data/entwicklungsArena/perl/development/modules';
use Misc::Logger;
print 'without &: ';
#Also works: 
print 'with &: ';

Comment on What is the point of the & / ampersand sigil for function refs?
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Re: What is the point of the & sigil for function refs?
by merlyn on Feb 04, 2005 at 12:14 UTC
    The & prefix unambiguously means "this is a user-defined subroutine call coming up next". You can omit it when you are using parens after your function name and your function name doesn't conflict with a built-in, or if you've declared/defined your function before you use it and the name doesn't conflict with a built-in.

    The & prefix also disables prototype checking, but you shouldn't be using prototypes in the first place, so I consider that a very minor point, but if I didn't mention it, someone else would surely raise that flag. {grin}

    In our Learning Perl book, we suggest that you always use the ampersand when you're first learning Perl, because otherwise you'll be a bit befuddled when the following code doesn't work:

    sub log {
      print STDERR "logging: ", @_, "\n";
    Yes, you're not calling your log subroutine... you're calling the built-in "logarithm" function. Oops.

    -- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
    Be sure to read my standard disclaimer if this is a reply.


      > The & prefix also disables prototype checking, but you shouldn't be using prototypes in the first place,
      > so I consider that a very minor point, but if I didn't mention it, someone else would surely raise that flag. {grin}

      I was going to ask for clarification here as I thought prototypes were good ju-perl. How mistaken I was, a supersearch lead me to this node Gratuitous use of Perl Prototypes. Another step on the path to enlightenment.


      Pereant, qui ante nos nostra dixerunt!
Re: What is the point of the & sigil for function refs?
by bpphillips on Feb 04, 2005 at 13:21 UTC
    As merlyn eluded to above, you can omit parens when you use a & in front of the function call. This has an interesting "side-effect" in that the local @_ is implicitly passed to that sub even though no arguments are explicitly passed. For instance:
    foo("\@_ has elements!");    # prints "Surprise! @_ has elements!"
    bar("\@_ has no elements!"); # prints "Surprise!"
    sub foo {
        # absent parens say pass my @_
    sub bar {
        # parens say only pass these arguments (nothing)
    sub baz {
        print "Surprise! ",join("\t",@_),"\n";
    This can be handy when golfing but might cause anyone who looks at your code (including you!) some headaches...


      the local @_ is implicitly passed

      It's even the same @_. This means that &foo(@_) and &foo; won't behave the same; see perlfaq7, "What's the difference between calling a function as &foo; and foo()?". Demonstration:

      use strict;
      sub foo { pop }
      sub bar {
          print "bar before: @_";
          print '&foo      : ' . &foo . "     <--- I am a theif";
          print "bar after : @_   <--- no c";
      sub baz {
          print "baz before: @_";
          print '&foo(@_)  : ' . &foo(@_);
          print "baz after : @_";
      bar(qw/ a b c /); print '';
      baz(qw/ a b c /);
      bar before: a b c
      &foo      : c     <--- I am a theif
      bar after : a b   <--- no c
      baz before: a b c
      &foo(@_)  : c
      baz after : a b c


      See perltoc if you don't know which perldoc to read!

Re: What is the point of the & sigil for function refs?
by grinder on Feb 04, 2005 at 13:28 UTC
    Is there ever a scenario when it's preferrable to use the &

    There is one dramatic difference that occurs when you call the function without a parameter list:

    #! /usr/local/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    sub inner {
        print "  inner: $_\n" for @_;
    sub outer {
        print "outer: $_\n" for @_;
            print "\n";
    sub outer_amp {
        print "outer_amp: $_\n" for @_;
            print "\n";
    outer( qw/ vroon gukguk faba / );
    outer_amp( qw/ foomp tweedle zachitty / );
    outer: vroon
    outer: gukguk
    outer: faba
    outer_amp: foomp
    outer_amp: tweedle
    outer_amp: zachitty
      inner: foomp
      inner: tweedle
      inner: zachitty

    When using the &inner; variant, whatever remains of @_ in the calling routine is passed to the called routine. The only time it's really useful is when doing out-of-the-ordinary stuff like autoloading. In general you should avoid it. It leads to bad surprises

    PS: metasyntactic function call arguments courtesy of BooK's Acme::MetaSyntactic module, the donmartin theme.

    - another intruder with the mooring in the heart of the Perl

Re: What is the point of the & sigil for function refs? (oldie)
by tye on Feb 04, 2005 at 15:24 UTC
Re: What is the point of the & / ampersand sigil for function refs?
by dimar on Feb 07, 2005 at 17:17 UTC
    Where can I learn more about this?

    A somewhat related inquiry follows at: Subroutine Bewilderment with some helpful comments.


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