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Old 01-05-2007, 04:25 PM   #1

So – got an umbrella?

“Rain of the superman” indeed. This week’s 52 from DC showed Luthor sinking way lower than he’s ever been, and turned off the powers to recipients of the everyman program. It rained supermen. And rained. And rained. The deluge.

Metropolis got a) very messy, and then b) very dangerous as all the falling bodies (not just the normal-sized ones) started hitting things like gas mains, cars, and the rest. Mass pandemonium. All because Luthor wanted to prove a point.

Oh – and Lobo betrayed the space heroes.

We’re back with 52 Editor Michael Siglain to talk about issue #35.

Newsarama: So - the button push at the end of last issue was doing what we thought it was doing. Any word on a bodycount? Was this all of the Everymen except Infinity Inc?

Michael Siglain: Yep. Luthor pushed the button and shut off the entire Everyman project except for the Infinity, Inc. kids. We don't have a complete bodycount yet, but I can tell you that it's extremely high. Not only did many of the Everyman heroes die, but a lot of innocent victims were killed in the chaos as well.

NRAMA: Again, you mentioned it last week, but now that the deed has been done - what the holy frick was Luthor thinking? As you've said, there were thousands of people who had powers...he just killed thousands of people - why? To prove a point?

MS: At the end of last week, Luthor was filled with rage and disappointment. He was angry that his DNA wasn't compatible with the Everyman project, he was bitter that he still wasn't Metropolis' favorite son, and he was jealous of Supernova's fame and adoration. All of those emotions built and built and built and Luthor eventually cracked. He pushed the button to get back at Supernova and to get some sense of satisfaction.

NRAMA: In that vein - he's smart...but come on - genetic changes that are linked to clock? How can he not think that the finger will immediately point to him?

MS: It's not quite as black and white as that. The genetic changes aren't linked to the clock, and they're not linked to Luthor. Granted, this was an impetuous decision on Luthor's part, but he's not worried about getting caught or taking the blame. This is a horrible, horrible tragedy that happened to his Everyman project and Lex is just as shocked as everyone else. In fact, don't be surprised if Luthor pays for the funerals and spins this to his advantage.

NRAMA: Who was he talking to on the phone?

MS: Lex was talking to Dr. Dennis Laughlin, the head scientist behind the Everyman Project (check out week 33 for his most recent appearance). Dennis is obviously horrified at this sudden turn of events. And unlike Mercy, Dennis doesn’t know that Luthor has caused the deaths of millions of innocent people.

NRAMA: Editorially, in the DCU - is this a major change for Luthor, a line that can never be un-crossed, or just "Oh, that scamp, Luthor...he just killed a lot of people"? Dunno - has he ever done anything like this on this magnitude to so many innocent people before?

MS: You're forgetting the most important fact: we know that Luthor is behind this, but nobody else does. Sure, an intrepid reporter such as Clark Kent or Lois Lane might suspect something, and so might Steel and Natasha, but the public at large has no idea that Luthor is behind this massacre.

NRAMA: Still, given his actions here, that he did this without blinking an eye, that would make Luthor what - a sociopath?

MS: The fact that Luthor has killed so many without even an iota of remorse clearly labels him as a sociopath. And we all know that there's nothing worse than a bald, rich sociopath with a death button.

NRAMA: Again, story-wise and working ahead/behind with 52 and One Year Later - this was the World Trade Center meets Bhopal - and yet this is the first time we're hearing of it in continuity, right? Five months after it, when OYL starts, and no one mentions it? Superman never brings it up to Luthor in Up, Up and Away? The trials, Congressional Hearings, etc aren't on television 24/7...? There's no memorial? Why the silence? Obviously, you had to protect the plot point, but still...

MS: You answered the question when you asked it. The minute we put up a memorial of fallen Everyman heroes, or refer to the "Rain of the Supermen" we end up tipping our hand and giving everything away. We have to keep some secrets. We can't explain everything from the start, otherwise the mystery won't hold up. Conversely, we can hint at World War III, because WWIII says everything and nothing at the same time. It tells you that something very, very bad is going to happen, but it doesn't tell you how, when, or why. Had we said something about the Everyman tragedy, or the New Year's Eve incident, it would've told everyone too much too soon.

NRAMA: Superman in all of this - there've been a few times when he's been depowered, but yet, we've seen him still fighting, still helping, most often putting the safety of others in front of his own...how does one be a role model for heroes everywhere when he's been sitting on the sidelines the whole time? It seems rather...wussy-ish, selfish and indulgent, which I'm sure isn't - how it's supposed to come across, so how am I wrong on that?

MS: So, because Superman didn't save the day on New Year's Eve he's seen as wussy-ish, selfish and indulgent? I don't follow the logic there. First and foremost, this is the missing year, which means that there is no Superman. When the heroes fall from the sky, the hero of Metropolis is Supernova, not the Man of Steel (and we are reminded of this when Supernova saves all of the innocent people and deposits them, ironically enough, next to a sign featuring Superman). Now if Clark Kent rushes out into the streets to lend a helping hand, then he is a hero just like anyone else who comes to the aid of others in a time of crisis. We don't see Clark's reaction because it's important to show how our main players react during this time. We need to see Infinity, Inc. and we need to wonder why their powers are still intact.

NRAMA: Alright, alright – so Clark’s putting out fires, and pulling people from cars. Larger picture here – millions by your count were just killed. 52 so far has been fairly grim. The brighter, more happy DCU...when does that start again?

MS: It's always darkest before the dawn, Matt. Things are looking pretty grim in the DCU right now--the Everyman tragedy, the fact that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman haven't been seen for a year, the disbandment of the JLA, the recent Crisis, the list goes on and on. And things are only going to get worse. After all, World War III is coming.

But fear not, we've seen the future. We know what happens One Year Later. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Unless, of course, this is the tunnel that people see before their lives flash before their eyes. I wonder what tunnel we're really in...I guess only time will tell.

NRAMA: Okay – over to you for the tease…most of the everyman recipients are dead, the heroes in space have been betrayed, and…

MS: All right, gang. We've lived through the tragedy of New Year's in Metropolis, but will our space heroes survive their battle against the vicious Lady Styx? Here's a hint: one of 'em doesn't make it. Intrigued? Curious? Well, let the guessing game begin!

And in case any of you sometime-sleuths want to look for clues as to who that poor victim might be, check out this page from week 36:

And if that's not enough, then check out this captivating cover featuring a return-to-form Lobo by JG and Alex:

MS: And here’s a little dialogue ditty to whet your appetites: “The staffs of the Starmen, Luthor’s Kryptonite gauntlet, Shadow Thief’s Dimensiometer and more. Can’t you make something out of them?” Now you’re really curious, aren’t you? And with that, I will take my leave. See you next week, gang. Same bat-time, same bat-channel!
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:32 PM   #2
I think I'm suffering from 52 burn out. All I can think is, are we there yet?
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:32 PM   #3
Originally Posted by MattBrady
NRAMA: Alright, alright – so Clark’s putting out fires, and pulling people from cars. Larger picture here – millions by your count were just killed. 52 so far has been fairly grim. The brighter, more happy DCU...when does that start again?

As soon as the pack of vandals and cowards running DC get jobs they're more suited to and qualified for, like offering to squeegee your windshield for spare change. I'm surprised I have to explain this.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:34 PM   #4
I hope something significant happens with the space heroes. It feels like they've been doing the same thing for the last 20 issues.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:39 PM   #5
I'm afraid the space death might be Animal Man (Dc seems to have it in for heroes with goggles), but the "Lobo's Last Stand" on the bottom of that gorgeous cover make think maybe it's the main man bitin' the big bullet.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:40 PM   #6
Originally Posted by Munch
As soon as the pack of vandals and cowards running DC get jobs they're more suited to and qualified for, like offering to squeegee your windshield for spare change. I'm surprised I have to explain this.
dude - your posts are consistently rude, drive-by in nature, and insulting. This is the second one today I've had to see. You're done.

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Old 01-05-2007, 05:40 PM   #7
I'm also reaching a burn out. I keep going because there is usually one storyline that is going on that I want to know what is going to happen but I'm not sure if I can make it to the end.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:42 PM   #8
Hope it's not Animal Man. One of the more original heroes out there. Maybe it's Fishy or Lobo. Lobo can always resurrect himself somehow.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:43 PM   #9
On the one hand, I really do think this is too far for Luthor.

I always liked him when there was some truth in the fact that if Superman wasn't there, then he'd really have done good. As the height of what a human could be without powers, yet still not quite as human as Clark, with his powers was.

On the other hand, so long as all the backstory is figured in, it's fine.

He's been through SO much. He had cancer and lost his original body. He became president and lost it, going rather mad in the process. He lost not one but two children.

Yeah, I'm ok with him being a sociopath now. But only so long as NEW EARTH didn't erase all that.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:45 PM   #10
That was a cool issue. Loved Phil Jimenez's Artwork. Superb!
I'm also glad that Lobo is returning to his old murdering self
And, more clues to who is Supernova......Hum....
But: IS Vic Really dead? Hopefully not!
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:45 PM   #11
Originally Posted by Beefy McHuge
I hope something significant happens with the space heroes. It feels like they've been doing the same thing for the last 20 issues.

Would getting back to Earth be a significant happening?
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:46 PM   #12
My guess is that it's Lobo who "falls." Since he can basically regenerate himself with a drop of blood and create and army of himself - that would be pretty handy in crushing Lady Styx's forces. (At least, he made an army of Lobos from his blood in Young Justice)
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:49 PM   #13
Originally Posted by pfunk70
Hope it's not Animal Man. One of the more original heroes out there. Maybe it's Fishy or Lobo. Lobo can always resurrect himself somehow.

I would have to agree with you in that I hope it's not Buddy. Adam is missing from the group but that is probably a red herring in the teaser. If it has to be any of the characters I'll go for Lobo. However if Lady Styx eats blood them maybe Lobo won't be able to be resurrected if he is in her system unless he resurrects and bursts out of her chest which would be a quick, silly death to her...Oh well, I hope it's not Buddy.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:50 PM   #14
Wouldn't at least some of the scientists who worked on the Everyman project have to know about the "kill" switch? Or has he disposed of them, too?

And since Adam Strange is the only space hero not shown in the preview page, I'm gonna go with his buying it. By the way, did they ever explain how he lost his eyes?
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:50 PM   #15
Interesting clue...that part about checking out the page for a hint as to the hero who doesn't make it. Is it Adam Strange because he's not pictured or is it Lobo, Kori or Buddy because they are?

And (I'm assuming, and yes I know what can happen when you assume) the clue to Supernova...the staff, the Shadow Theif's gizmo, the gauntlet, etc.---that seems to sum up SN's powers. If it is someone we've seen in "52"....who? I don't think it's John Henry Irons. "Can't you make something out of them" is one hint. Why would one of the DCU's top techies ask someone else this. It almost sounds like Booster--or one of them if you follow the alternate-time-lines theory. The protector of Metropolis, that could sound right. Then of course, while in Metropolis and wanting to follow in Superman's steps it could be Jimmy Olsen. Or remember the scene in the Batcave? Maybe its Alfred?

I subscribe to no theory...but I can't wait to see how all this plays out.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:53 PM   #16
Re: Consequences for Luthor
Didn't we see, in the first part of Up Up & Away, Luthor facing charges for hundreds of crimes, only to have them all dismissed? Maybe that was related to the Everyman Project, at least in part.

And thanks to Matt Brady for cleaning up.

No comments about the space heroes though in this past week's issue by Siglain.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:57 PM   #17
Originally Posted by punjeb
Interesting clue...that part about checking out the page for a hint as to the hero who doesn't make it. Is it Adam Strange because he's not pictured or is it Lobo, Kori or Buddy because they are?

I hope it's not Buddy. I was thinkin' Lobo because of the cover blurb of "Lobo's Last Stand".
However, I'm starting to think it may be Starfire. In the latest ish of Blue Beetle, brenda is Boom-Tubed to another planet, where the natives offer her a 'relic" from the last earther's to visit. The relic is a scrap of Animal Man's costume......which Starfire is wearing!

Just a thought.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:58 PM   #18
I haven't read this issue yet, but I'm not sure I understand how "millions" of people were killed when Luthor turned off the Everman project. sure, a bunch of people fell out of the sky, but how many of them could there have been? Not every Everman hero could fly, and I'm sure the ones that did didn't fall on top of hundreds of people each.
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:59 PM   #19
Originally Posted by absherlock
Wouldn't at least some of the scientists who worked on the Everyman project have to know about the "kill" switch? Or has he disposed of them, too?

And since Adam Strange is the only space hero not shown in the preview page, I'm gonna go with his buying it. By the way, did they ever explain how he lost his eyes?
The zeta beam accident after the space rift closed somehow caused his eyes to be teleported elsewhere(one is likely in Alan Scott though).
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:00 PM   #20
One thing about next issue that doesn't seem to be getting nearly enough play...

Adam Hughes and Power Girl...

If there's ever been anyone to return to Wally Wood's alleged drawing style of Power Girl, it's AH!

This has got pin-up fodder all over it.
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:05 PM   #21
Originally Posted by superluminal
I haven't read this issue yet, but I'm not sure I understand how "millions" of people were killed when Luthor turned off the Everman project. sure, a bunch of people fell out of the sky, but how many of them could there have been? Not every Everman hero could fly, and I'm sure the ones that did didn't fall on top of hundreds of people each.
They landed on the thousands of people gathered to see the "S" drop for New Year's Eve. And caused a panicked riot, where people were trampled, and cars crashed. And, like the interview says, a gas main burst when a blazing everyman crashed and the explosion was probably a big chunk o' the bodycount.
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:07 PM   #22
Originally Posted by punjeb
Interesting clue...that part about checking out the page for a hint as to the hero who doesn't make it. Is it Adam Strange because he's not pictured or is it Lobo, Kori or Buddy because they are?

And (I'm assuming, and yes I know what can happen when you assume) the clue to Supernova...the staff, the Shadow Theif's gizmo, the gauntlet, etc.---that seems to sum up SN's powers. If it is someone we've seen in "52"....who? I don't think it's John Henry Irons. "Can't you make something out of them" is one hint. Why would one of the DCU's top techies ask someone else this. It almost sounds like Booster--or one of them if you follow the alternate-time-lines theory. The protector of Metropolis, that could sound right. Then of course, while in Metropolis and wanting to follow in Superman's steps it could be Jimmy Olsen. Or remember the scene in the Batcave? Maybe its Alfred?

I subscribe to no theory...but I can't wait to see how all this plays out.

Scott Free's name has also been bandied about. (Yes, I just wanted to use the phrase "bandied about.")
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:08 PM   #23
At the end of Villains United, after Mockingbird was revealed to be Real-Lex, he dons his green SuperPowers suit and flies away, telling Scandal "there really were no bombs... your families are safe. I'm not a child killer."

Guess it just depends on who's writing Lex that week, huh?

I'm so over the bloodshed.
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:12 PM   #24
Power Girl by Adam Hugues? Appropiate.
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Old 01-05-2007, 06:12 PM   #25
Originally Posted by MattBrady
Oh – and Lobo betrayed the space heroes.

That's not how I read it. I read it that Adam Strange used his giant brain to plan a tactic involving using Lobo's occupation as a bounty hunter to place the trio (or duo, as the image shows; wow, really hot Starfire!) inside Styx's lair.

I could be wrong, but the story at that point of the issue seemed a tad convoluted, so I can understand my own (or your own) confusion regarding this point.

And again, it'd be nice if you asked about the 6-pronged Hanukkah menorahs, and maybe a clarification of the above, thanks.

Last edited by Squashua : 01-05-2007 at 06:17 PM.
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