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act with amnesty international


There are many ways in which you can get involved with Amnesty International's work, no matter who you are or how much time you have. We have campaign actions to suit everyone. You can do something right now that will make a real difference to somebody's life.

Join a Local Group

An exciting way to engage in campaigning on behalf of Human rights is to join a group in your community.

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Join an Action Group

Joining an action group is one way that you can contribute to the work of Amnesty International. There are various action groups and informal circles of Amnesty supporters in communities throughout Ireland. If you have a personal interest in a particular area of human rights you can sign up to one of these Action Groups.

Make your voice heard!

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Letter Writing Actions

Writing letters is one of the oldest forms of campaigning and is still one of the most effective ways for individuals to communicate their concerns to those responsible for violating human rights. By responding to the worldwide appeals we have easily accessible on our site, you can help individual victims of human rights violations.

You're invited to join thousands of concerned Amnesty members and friends around the world participating in Amnesty International ongoing letter writing actions.

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Join the Urgent Action Network

If you want to work on urgent casework on a regular basis, you can sign up for out Urgent Action Network

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Join the Child Action Network (CAN)

The Child Action network works on issues of child abuse in a spread of different countries world wide and on a range of different issues.

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Send an E-card

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Lobby Your Local T.D.

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Speak at your Local School

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Take Action

I am Amnesty

Never has there been a time in history with such an intensity of human rights abuses across all social, economic and cultural divides. Amnesty must become a larger movement, a louder global voice, if we are to increase our reach and our impact.

You are Amnesty

Join now for Human Rights

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