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By Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair
with Photos
by Allan Sekula







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Al Gore:
A User's Manual
by Cockburn
and St. Clair

Buy This Explosive
New Book at an
Amazing Discount!

Reviews of Gore:
a User's Manual


A Pocket Guide to
Environmental Bad Guys
by James Ridgeway
and Jeffrey St. Clair


The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine

By Douglas Valentine

Private Warriors
by Ken Silverstein

Old Favorites:

Hypocrisy in Florida

Babbitt: I Was Wronged!

From New Orleans to Midland

Bruce Babbitt:
Sleaze Cashes In

Fear and Torture:
Inside a Genoa Jail

Katharine Graham:
She Needed Fewer Friends

Scenes from the Drug War

Nuked Baltimore?

Condit and the Lie Detector

Angelina Jolie and
the French Revolution

Edward Said:
Israel Sharpens Its Axe

Rest Easy, John Lee

The Battle for Public Power

Hitchens v. Kissinger

CounterPunch Special Report:
The Crimes of Bob Kerrey
by Douglas Valentine

Meet the Secret Rulers
of the World: the Truth About
Bohemian Grove

Hell Hath No Fury
Like a Dragon Scorned

Tariq Ali: What Blair's Victory Means for Britain's Left

Indian Affairs

Trout and Ethnic Cleansing

The Jeffords Jump

Defunct Dems

Pearl Harbor Revisited

Jesse Jackson and
the Movement

Kerrey the Throat Slitter

Hate Crime Follies

Curtains for Jeb Bush?

Kerrey and His Liberal

Shocked About Kerrey?
You Shouldn't Be

The F-22 Fighter:
Tiffany's On Wings

a May Day Meditation

A Letter from the
Trenches of Vieques

Berkshire's Quebec Diary

McVeigh and OK City

Ken Burns Kills Jazz

The Politics of Eminem

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon

Depleted Uranium:
Cancer as Weapon

TR, Clinton, Powell and Plan Colombia

Ashcroft an Extremist?

Farewell Bill and HIll

Criminalizing Youth

CounterPunch Coverage
of Election 2000

Pentagon Auctions
Off the White House

South Carolina's Flag

Attack on Micro-Radio

The CounterPunch 100:
Our List of the
Century's Most Important
Non-fiction Books

Cruel and Unusual Punishment:
Lee Davis Execution Photos

Children In Banana Trees:
a photo exhibit by David Bacon

Bill Gates' Mugshot

Is It the Next Guatemala?

George W. Bush's Money Men:
The 119 Pioneers

What Set Off Ted K.?: The Unabomber, the CIA & LSD

CounterPunch Stories March / Nov. 2004

November 19, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Mementos You Won't Find in the Clinton Library: Back in the 90s When We Were Happy

Kevin Alexander Gray
Soul Brother: the Exhibit You Won't See at the Clinton Library

Paul Craig Roberts
There's No One to Stop Them Now

Jack Z. Bratich
Digging Out Kerry and Burying the Bones(men)

Greg Bates
The Implosion of the Dems and the Death of Pragmatism (Hurray!)

Christopher Brauchli
Terror by Night: Waking Up to Darfur?

Forrest Hylton
At a Loss: for Margaret Hassan

James Petras
The Crushing of Fallujah

November 18, 2004

Brian Cloughley
Iraq War as Video Game: "I Got My Kills...I Just Love My Job"

Hugh Urban
America, "Left Behind": Bush, the Neo-Cons and Evangelical Christian Fiction

Luis A. Gómez
The Bolivian Crisis Deepens

Robert Fisk
The Murder of Margaret Hassan

Suzan Mazur
The New York Times Fesses Up to a Rip Off

Prof. Francis Boyle
Dems Cave on Gonzales: War Criminal as Attorney General?

Mike Ferner
Sign Here, Kid


November 17, 2004

Christian Harleman / Jan Oberg
Who and What Killed Our Friend Margaret Hassan?

Dave Lindorff
Bring Them Home Before They Kill Again

Larry Birns
Condi Rice and Latin America: She Sees Enemies Everywhere

Toni Solo
Rumsfeld in Nicaragua

Omar Barghouti
Snuff Films and War Crimes in Iraq

Clancy Sigal
"How to Take a Beating": Gen. Stilwell's Lessons for Iraq

Brita May Rose
America's Radioactive War: DU in Iraq

Ben Terrall
"We Must Kill the Bandits!": Lula's Troops in Haiti

Sam Hamod
The New Mongols

David Krieger
An Open Letter to the Regents of the University of California on Nuclear Weapons Research

Pierre Tristam
It Has Happened Here

John Marciano
Oppose the War and the Warriors: "Iraqis are a Cancer. An We're the Chemotherapy"

Website of the Day
Fallujah: the Real Story



November 16, 2004

Paul Craig Roberts
Declining Superpower Act: the Coming Currency Shock

Mike Whitney
The Goss Purge: Night of the Long Knives at CIA

Uri Avnery
Rejoice Not: Arafat's Funeral

Andrew Buncombe
Murder in a Fallujah Mosque

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
On Refusing to be Silenced: Sen. Bill Frist v. John Quincy Adams

Rudy Rimando
Cousins of Color: Black Soldiers in the Philippines, 1899

Jordan Green
Fighting Jim Crow in Cincy: The Old South Lives ... Across the River

Hugh Urban
The Ohio "Vote": Ken Blackwell Has Some Explaining to Do

Steve Breyman
Challenges for the Peace Movement

John Ross
Bush in Rapture

Website of the Day
We Doomed?


November 15, 2004

Larry Birns
A Resignation Without Meaning: Powell and Latin America

Walt Brasch
On the (Far) Right Hand of God

John Pilger
The Greatest Political Scandal of Our Time

John Chuckman
Welcome to Ripley's Believe It or Not of Christianity

Francis A. Boyle
Obliterating Fallujah: War Crime in Real Time

Georgy / Sengupta
Fallujah in Ruins: The Air is Polluted with the Stench of Death

Ralph Nader
Voters v. Sports Fans

Neve Gordon
The "No Partner" Myth

Donna J. Volatile
So What Are You Going to Do About It?

On Reading the Duelfer Report



November 13 / 14, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
"Let Them Drink Sand!"

David Domke
Bush, God and the Election: a Theology of War?

James Petras
The Politics of Imperialism: Neoliberalism and Latin America

Carl G. Estabrook
How to Stop the GWOT: "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil!"

Stan Goff
Torture and the Cinema

Dave Lindorff
The Ruins of Fallujah

Mike Whitney
Fallujah and the Erosion of American Power

Ron Jacobs
Waiting for the Last War to End

Alan Maass
The Rise and Fall of Gingrich: a Parable for Our Times

Lenni Brenner
"Next"...a Prison Tale

Gary Leupp
France's Little Vietnam: Imperialist France Destroys an African Air Force

Jessica Leight / Larry Birns
Haiti: the New Regime Shows Its Colors

Heather Gray
Whistling Dixie: Bush's Reelection, a Perspective from the South

Jordan Green
Ohio's Provisional Ballots: the State of Play

Robert Fisk
Arafat Ruled by Emotion and Cronyism

Omar Barghouti
The Death of Arafat and the Two-State SOlution

Fred Gardner
Marijuana: an Election Scorecard

Christopher Brauchli
When a POW Isn't a POW: the Other Torture Memo

Joanne Mariner
A Preview of the Scalia Court

Dr. Susan Block
Blue Values

Patrick Timmons
Violence at the Ballot Box: the War on Gay Rights

Mickey Z.
Rumor Club

Poets Basement
Hasan, Albert, Kent, St. Clair

Website of the Weekend
The Hand of God?


November 12, 2004

Forrest Hylton / Sinclair Thomson
Insurgent Bolivia: the Roots of Rebellion

November 11, 2004

Peggy Thomson
Encounters with Arafat

Joe Bageant
Hung Over in the End Times: Heaven's Foot Soldiers Escape the Dog Patch

Ben Tripp
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grief

Edwin Krales
Cuba's Response to AIDS: a Model for the Developing World

Jordan Green
How They Tried to Suppress the Black Vote in South Carolina

Gary Leupp
Guzman's Fist

Mike Whitney
Meet Your New AG: Alberto Torquemada

Sam Bahour
Palestine is Bigger Than Arafat

Sylvia Shihadeh and Robert Jensen
The Irony of Arafat

Russ Wellen
Why Do They Laugh at Us?

Mark Scaramella
Kerry's Enablers: the Clinton Cult Factor


November 10, 2004

Joshua Frank
The Bright Side of Bush's Reelection

Mickey Z.
The Worst President Ever?: Bush + Clinton = Bubya

Stan Goff
Debating a Neo-Con

Mike Whitney
Exit Ashcroft

Dave Lindorff
Taking a Leak on the Bush Bulge

Ghada Karmi
After Arafat

Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste
Letter from a Haitian Jail

Rev. Bob Jones, III
A Letter to President Bush: "God Has Granted America a Reprieve"

Bernestine Singley
Tampa Vote: Dispatches from the Ground

Website of the Day
Free Camilo Mejia



November 9, 2004

Meredeth Kolodner
Rebuilding the Anti-War Movement

Saul Landau
The Appeal of George W. Bush: a Mystery for the World to Solve

Brian Cloughley
Diego Garcia and Freedom, Bush-Style

Charles Glass
US is Failing the Test of History in Iraq

Robert Fisk
Arafat Died Years Ago

Paul Craig Roberts
The American Century is Over

Adam Federman
Witch Hunt at Columbia: Middle East Profs Smeared as Anti-Semites

M. Junaid Alam
The Discredited Logic of ABB

Tony Kevin
Fallujah and the Making of a War Crime

Pierre Tristam
Zealots on the Mount: Get Voltaire on Speed Dial!

Patrick Cockburn
Crushing Fallujah Will Not End the Iraq War

Website of the Day
Don't Blame the Voters!



November 8, 2004

Roger Burbach
Out of the Ashes: Bush Win is a Defeat for Democrats, Not the Left

Dave Lindorff
Lessons from a Quagmire: Fallujah, the Hue of Iraq

Greg Moses
After the Morning After: On the Homefront of the Civil War

Greg Bates
Nader's Election Legacy: Something to Stand On

Michael Donnelly
The Hit-and-Run Left: From ABB to CYA

Nick Schwellenbach
Gutting FOIA: the Harm of Too Much Secrecy

Adam Jones
Men vs. Civilians in Fallujah

Amelia Peltz
Note from Palestine: This Is Not the Time for Despair

David Swanson
The Media Black Out on Vote Fraud

Brian Rainey
The Devil Made Them Do It? Elections, Religion and the American People

Poets' Basement
Albert, Landau, Hamod

Website of the Day
A Report on the US Supply of Toxic Weapons to Iraq



November 6 / 7, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Jeffrey St. Clair
Green Out

Carl G. Estabrook
Who Killed Cock Robin?

Saul Landau
Che: the Man and the Movie

Gary Leupp
Let There Be Conflict!

Ben Tripp
You Call This a Party?

Paul Craig Roberts
The October Numbers: Continuing Stress on the Jobs Front

Jordan Green
Heroin, Cocaine and Espanola, NM

Fred Gardner
Haul of Justice

J.A. Miller
Cults of the Jealous God: the Balfour Decision Reconsidered

Ramzy Baroud
Life Without Arafat

Dave Zirin
Out at the Ballgame: Pro Sports and the Gay Athelete

Ron Jacobs
The Arrow on the Doorpost

Robert Oscar Lopez
How White Liberals Became a New Racial Minority

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The November Surprise

Dave Lindorff
Silver Linings

Richard Oxman
Invitation to the Bodily Snatched

John Whitlow
Value Wars: the View from Lexington, Kentucky

Rahul Mahajan
Fallujah and the Reality of War

Leila Matsui
Political "Ju-On": Carrying a Grudge


November 5, 2004

David Vest
The Not-Bush Brothers: a Fond Farewell

Elizabeth Boylan
The Dems and Faith-Based Politics

Conn Hallinan
War Crimes and Iraq

David Zonsheine
Poetry and the Courage to Refuse

Cynthia McKinney
It's a New Day!

Elaine Cassel
Running from the Religious Right

Chris Geovanis
First Protect Your Vote: Lessons for Democrats on Fixing Elections from Chicago

Rob Ritchie
Election 2004 by the Numbers

Jo Guldi
The Beast of History is In



November 4, 2004

Sharon Smith
The Self-Fulfilling Prophesy of Lesser-Evilism

CounterPunch Wire
Bush Voters: 2000 v. 2004

Ben Tripp
My Fellow Americans...Get Stuffed!

Michael Donnelly
Why Not Blame Rosie?

Vijay Prashad
An Election of Homophobia and Misogyny

Jules Rabin
De Profundis: the Morning After

Robert Jensen
Politics and Professions of Faith: "Your Rich Men are Full of Violence"

Zoltan Grossman
Blue State Secession: the Only Solution?

Jonah Birch
1968 and Today

Dave Lindorff
What Went Wrong?

Jack McCarthy
I Knew It Was Over When Michael Moore Showed Up: He Was For Nader...Before He Was Against Him

Donna J. Volatile
Ahoy Kerrycrats! Welcome to Our Nightmare

Paul Craig Roberts
The Bright Side of Black Tuesday



November 3, 2004

James Hodge / Linda Cooper
The CIA and Abu Ghraib: 50 Years of Training Torturers

Ann Harrison
The Ghost Votes in the Machine: Voting Snafus Across the Nation

Greg Moses
Blues for Fallujah

Anis Memon
The Moral (Values) of This Election

Mickey Z.
Post Mortem

Josh Frank
The Dems Should be Ashamed

Chris Floyd
No Ways Tired: Defeat, Dissent and the Bush Machine

Smoke Signals from Portland: Karmic Blowback and the Democrats

Friedrich von Schiller
Folly, Thou Conquerest

Cockburn / St. Clair
Democrats in End Time: Who to Blame Now?


November 2, 2004

Gary Leupp
Democratic Elections in Historical Perspective: The Wrong Side Wins

Lance Selfa
Selling the War on Terror

Laura Carlsen
The US Elections and Latin America: Can the US Ever be a Good Neighbor?

James Davis
To Control the Event: Attention Bicyclists

Richard Oxman
Getting Up with Osama

Dr. Ira Kay
A Mental Map of the Bush Presidency

Jesse Walker
Frankenstein v. Chucky: the Halloween Election

Thomas C. Mountain
Election '24, Deja Vu?: LaFollette, Nader, & the "Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes"


November 1, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It

Dave Lindorff
Bulgegate Confirmed; Press Yawns

Greg Bates
Nader Voter Survey Results

Roger Morris
Novel Politics: Only Fiction Can Do This Election Justice

Diane Christian
Death Tolls

Lenni Brenner
Secularists Be Warned: Christlike Kerry Roams Spiritual Universe

Christopher C. Conway
Can the Left Sink Any Lower?

Francis Boyle
Legal Elites and the Iraq War: the Nazis Had Their Law Professors, Too

Jason Leopold
Rummy's Failed War Plan

Website of the Day
Dylan Resurrects "Masters of War"



October 30 / 31, 2004

JoAnn Wypijewski
The Long March and the Million Worker March

Winslow T. Wheeler
Spartacus Tells All

Bruce Anderson
Notes from the Big Empty: When the Hippies Invaded NoCal

Vicente Navarro
They Worked for Franco: How Sec. of State Cordell Hull and Nobel Laureate Camilo Jose Cela Collaborated with the Fascist Regime

Robin Blackburn
How Monica Lewinsky Saved Social Security

Greg Bates
A Question of Character: What Makes Nader Tick?

Nancy Welch
The American Health Care Crisis: an Interview with Dr. David Himmelstein

William Lind
Election Day: Which Menendez Brother Will You Vote For?

Brian Cloughley
Uzbekistan and Bush Hypocrisies

Suzan Mazur
Oops They Did It Again: the NYTs the Paper of Record and Rip-Offs

Greg Moses
Standing at the Graves of Iraq

John Chuckman
Osama's Endorsement

Richard Oxman
Why Not Accept Osama's Offer?

Ken Avidor
Landscape of Fear: When Ugly is Suspicious

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Bush, Ba'ath and Beyond

Hope Bastian
Strangling Cuba's Economy

P. Sainath
Tower of Gabble: Toward a Sustainable Rhetoric

Dave Zirin
Bush League: Why MLB Owners Support the Prez

Jon Swift
The Dry Drunk Thang: Put a Cork in It

Ron Jacobs
The Joke's on Me: a Review of Bob Dylan's Chronicles Vol. 1

Alexander Billet
Taking Theatre Back: Are the States Ready for "Stuff Happens"?

Poets' Basement
Jones, Laymon, Norris, Ford and Albert

Website of the Weekend
The Origins of Halloween


October 29, 2004

Harry Browne
No Justice for Peace Activist in County Clare

October 28, 2004

Forrest Hylton
"The Gas is Ours:" Bolivia's Ghosts of October

Col. Dan Smith
Rebellion in the Ranks

Alan Maass
Jon Stewart v. the Pundits

Ron Jacobs
Ecstasy in Red Sox Nation

Alexander Cockburn
Kerrycrats and the War



October 27, 2004

Jules Rabin
Crammed with Distressful Politics

Dave Lindorff
Bulgegate: the Lies Continue

Katherine Van Tassel
On the Home Front: Both Parties Ignore Working Parents

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Bi-Partisan Politics of Oil


October 26, 2004

Brian Cloughley
Three Weddings and Lots of Funerals: Atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan

William Blum
Fear Factors

Lenni Brenner
The 1964 Berkeley Free Speech Movement: Lessons for 2004

Ben Tripp
The Chicken Salad Election

Fidel Castro
After the Fall

Greg Bates
The Nation's Flawed Calculus

Walter Brasch
Gag the Public: the War on Dissent

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
An Open Letter to Pat Buchanan

Mickey Z.
Rumble in the Jungle at 30: Ali, Foreman and the Congo

Amir Taheri
The Boom in Conspiracy Theories

Alexander Billet
Say It Ain't So, Bruce!: the Boss Endorses Kerry

Doug Giebel
The Religion of G.W. Bush

Kathleen Christison
Why I Liked Thomas Friedman's Latest Column Before I Didn't


October 25, 2004

Ralph Nader
Letter from a Minnesota Highway

West Texas Wahabbism

Dave Zirin
Boston's Killer Cops: Death of a Fan

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: Oregon Revokes Dr. Leveque's License

Omar Barghouti
Executing Another Child in Rafah

William J. Nottingham
Lori Berenson's Story

John Chuckman
A Foolish Consistency

Uri Avnery
On the Road to Civil War


October 22 / 24, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
You Can't Blame Nader for This

Rev. William Alberts
On Bended Knee: Faith-Based Deceptions

Willliam A. Cook
Killing for Christ

Saul Landau
George W. Bush: a Man of His Words?

Bill Quigley
I Held the Bullet in My Palm: Masked Haitian Police Shoot Children While Arresting Priest

Christopher Brauchli
Seal It With a Frown: What Compassionate Conservativism Really Means

William S. Lind
Fallujah and the Moral Level of War

Sharon Smith
Guilt Trippers for Kerry

Greg Bates
Kerrynomics: "Hurt the Ones Who Vote for Us"

Justin E.H. Smith
Is Lesser Evilism a Compromise with Evil?

Rebecca Evans
Tarnished Legacy: Pinochet and the Chilean Military

Mike Whitney
Al Hurra TV: the Second Invasion

M. Junaid Alam
Purchasing Individuality in America

David Krieger
Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Examining the Policies of Bush and Kerry

David J. Ledermann
The Emperor's New Crumbs

Lawrence Reichard
Same Old FBI Story

Website of the Weekend
Lie Girls: the Real Coalition of the Willling



October 21, 2004

Ben Tripp
The Undecided Voter Examined

Joshua Frank
Kerry and the Environment:
It's Not Easy Pretending to be Green

Stan Cox
What the Left Doesn't Get About Small Businesses

Bill Martinez
State Depart and Cuban Visas: Only Anti-Castro Agitators Need Apply

Mark Engler
The War and Globalization

Lina Britto and Lucia Suarez
Bolivia: a Year After the October Insurrection

Website of the Day
Two Pampered Children of Wealth



October 20, 2004

Yitzhak Laor
"Did You Two Squabble?": a Bullet Fired for Every Palestinian Child

Jason Leopold
Sinclair Broadcasting's Air War: a Long History of Journalistic Deception

Jesse Sharkey
A Teacher's Account of How Military Recruiters Prey on High School Students

Col. Dan Smith
Choking Free Speech About the Draft

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
Using My Religion

David Vest
If Bush Wins, Blame Me

Jack Random
The Jackson 17: Reflections on a Mutiny

Ron Jacobs
Time to Kick It Up a Notch

James Brittain
Plan Patriota and the FARC: a Change in the Countryside?

Christopher Dols
Bombing Madison: Michael Moore's Fright Fest

Dave Lindorff
First They Came for the Nurses...

Website of the Day
Banana Republican Catalogue



October 19, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
Party Favors: the Political Business of Terry McAuliffe

Jeff Taylor
Confessions of a Swing State Voter

Matt Vidal
American Myopia: "More Money in Your Pocket"

Victor Kattan
"It's Not Who You're Against; It's Who You're For": Palestine Takes Center Stage At Euro Social Forum

William Loren Katz
What Goes Around Comes Around

Sean Carter
O'Reilly Should Shut Up About Extortion Claiims

CounterPunch Wire
Who's Really in Bed with Republican Funders: Kerry or Nader?




October 18, 2004

Saul Landau
Facts and Lies; Slogans and Truth

Dave Lindorff
Bulletin on the Bush Bulge

Diane Christian
Sheep and Goats: On the Language of Goodness

Greg Bates / Dave Lindorff
Betting on War: a Wager on the Fallout of a Kerry Presidency

Uri Avnery
Ariel Sharon's Philosophy

Peter LaVenia
Leaving the Greens So Soon? a Response to Josh Frank

Mike Whitney
O'Reilly at the Whipping Post

Elaine Cassel
The Other War: Civil Liberties Three Years After 9/11


October 16 / 17, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
The Free Speech Movement and Howard Stern

Leslie Brill
Unmerciful Judge, Merry Executioners: the Death Penalty as the True Measure of Bush's Character

Jules Rabin
Reckoning Deaths in an Agitated World

Dave Lindorff
About the Bush Bulge: Was There a Pucker in That Jacket or Was the President Just Glad to be There?

Peter Linebaugh
Judging Judges: a Few Pages from The Mirror of Justices

Gary Leupp
Iran and Syria: How to Effect Regime Change and Expand the Empire

M. Shahid Alam
America, Imagine This!

Ron Jacobs
Trying to Cross Lake Champlain

Fred Gardner
The Flu Vaccine Question: How Bush Blew It

Jenna Orkin
The Toxic Legacy of 9/11

Dave Zirin
Name the DC Baseball Team: Contest Results

David Hamilton
Alone and Exposed: Bush as a Strong Leader?

Ralph Nader
Criticizing Israel is Not Anti-Semitism

Doug Giebel
Thinking the Unthinkable

Mark Engler
Crimes in Freedom's Name: Dick Cheney's El Salvador

Derek Tyner
Blacks Didn't Get the Vote by Voting: an Interview With Clarence Thomas on the Million Worker March

Evan Jones
Gimme That Ole Time Religion: Cash and "The Mind of the South"

Poets' Basement
LaMorticella, Klipschutz and Albert

Website of the Weekend
No More Bush Girls


October 15, 2004

Paul Craig Roberts
Where Did These "Conservatives" Come From?: The Brownshirting of America

Laura Carlsen
Wal-Mart vs. the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon

Greg Bates
Empire of Insanity: Kerry's Iraq Troop Numbers

Michael Donnelly
News from a Swing State: Does Anyone Here Have a Spine?

Katherine Lahey
The Venezuelan "Threat": Why Do Kerry and Bush Fear Hugo Chavez?

Robert Jensen / Pat Youngblood
Election Day Fears

Leah Caldwell
From Supermax to Abu Ghraib: the Masterminds of Torture and Abuse

Website of the Day
An Anti-Billionaire Policy? Why That Would Be Economic Racism



October 14, 2004

Darcy Richardson
The Other Progressive Candidate: the Lonely Crusade of Walt Brown

Willliam A. Cook
Turning Myths into Truth

Laura Santina
Water, Women and War

Evelyn Pringle
Free Speech Banned by Big Pharma: What You Can't Say About Drug Importation

Alan Farago
Lessons from Nature

Rep. Maxine Waters
A Letter to Colin Powell on Haiti

Nicole Colson
Maimed for Oil and Empire




October 13, 2004

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton and Bill Quigley
Aftermath of a Coup: The Other Disaster in Haiti

Sharon Smith
Barak O-Bomb-a?: Democrats Target Iran

Christopher Brauchli
God and the Bush Administration

Mike Whitney
The Real Meaning of the Hamdi Case

Paul de Rooij
Amnesty International: a False Beacon?

Website of the Day
Operation Truth



October 12, 2004

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
"Indian Country"

Greg Bates
The Year of Voting Dangerously: a Survey Request of Nader Voters in Swing States

Steven Conn
Progressives as Pawns: Kerry's War on Nader

Jason Leopold
Under Cheney, Halliburton Helped Saddam Siphon Billions from UN Oil-for-Food Program

Security Scholars for a Sensible Foreign Policy
Time for a Change of Course

Timothy J. Freeman
Dying for a Mistake

Pierre Tristam
Deconstructing Bush

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The 2nd Debate: the Blurring of Act and Audience

Bill and Kathleen Christison
Israel as Sideshow

Website of the Day
John Kerry's Personal Off-Shore Tax Shelters


October 11, 2004

Robert Fisk
Iraq: Unforgivable Betrayals and Broken Promises

Kevin Pina
The Untold Story of Aristide's Departure from Haiti

Patrick Gavin
Rethinking Columbus Day

Chris Floyd
Tribes with Flags in the New Afghanistan

Daniel Wolff
Radioactive Money: Entergy, Political Cash and America's Most Dangerous Nuclear Plant

Walter Brasch
The Only Ones Who Believe Saddam Had WMDs are Bush, Cheney...and 40% of All Americans

Mike Whitney
The Phony Afghan Elections: Ballot of the Disappearing Ink

Ari Shavit
"He Talks to Condi Rice Every Day": an Interview with Sharon's Lawyer

Paul Craig Roberts
The Debates and the Big Lie

Website of the Day
Dylan's Greatest Recording?



October 9 / 10, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
"There Are No Innocents"

Paul de Rooij
Northern Ireland is Still the Issue: a Conversation with Gerry Adams

M. Shahid Alam
Making Sense of Our Times

Laura Carlsen
Protest and Populism in Latin America

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: ASA Goes to Court

Col. Dan Smith
Bush's Credibility Gap

Paul Craig Roberts
Faith-Based Economics

Greg Bates
What If Nader Critics Get What They Demand?

Joshua Frank
Cobb, the Greens and the Collapse of the Left

Felice Pace
Wilderness, Politics and the Oligarchy: How the Pew Charitable Trust is Smothering the Grassroots Environmental Movement

Walter A. Davis
Of Pynchon, Thanatos and Depleted Uranium

William A. Cook
The Agony of Colin Powell

Phyllis Pollack
Twas No Crank Call Love Affair: London Calling, 25 Years Later

Poets' Basement
Klipschutz, Albert, Ford

Website of the Weekend
Abu Ghraib: the Taguba Annexes


October 8, 2004

Jennifer Loewenstein
The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

Moshe Adler
Edwards' Gambit: He Hoped No One Would Notice the Similarities

David Swanson
Media Blackout: Press Continues to Ignore Labor's Opposition to Iraq War

Dave Zirin
CounterPunch Contest: Let's Name the New DC Baseball Team!

Rep. Ron Paul
The Draft is a Form of Slavery

William S. Lind
Keeping Our SA Up

Samar Assad
Kerry v. Bush: No Difference When It Comes to Israel / Palestine

Jim Ingalls and Sonali Kolhatkar
The Elections in Afghanistan



October 7, 2004

Dave Lindorff
All Out of Volunteers: A Draft is in the Air

Masha Hamilton
Fear in Kandahar

Christopher Brauchli
Master of Corruption: the Ripening Scandals of Tom Delay

Jason Leopold
Is There Still Time to Impeach Bush?

Bruce K. Gagnon
Bombing the Panhandle: Fighting the Pentagon in Rural Florida

Meredith Kolodner
Where is the Urgency?: The Anti-War Movement's Election Year Challenge



October 6, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
"Please, Dude, Can I Take Them Out?": Targeting Civilians in Fallujah

Ron Jacobs
Going Nuclear: the Ghost of Edward Teller Lives

Michael Colby
The National Flip-Flop: Suddenly Bush is Unfit to Lead?

Tarif Abboushi
More of the Same: Israel Wins the Debates

Matthew Behrens
Canadian Firms Profit from Iraqi Blood

Mike Whitney
Rethinking WMDs

John Pilger
Stealing Diego Garcia

Ben Tripp
Kerry's "Triumph"

Kevin McKiernan
Cheney's Poison Lab: Wrong Time, Wrong Target

Patrick Cockburn
Elections Will Not End the Fighting in Iraq

Website of the Day
Is There an Islamic Problem?


October 5, 2004

Anthony Loewenstein
Rupert Murdoch and the Marginals: "Personally Creating Outcomes"

Mark Clinton and Tony Udell
The Suicide of an Iraq War Veteran

Greg Bates
Trading Idiots: an Open Letter to Eric Alterman

Dave Lindorff
What's the Frequency, Karl?

Norm Dixon
Why Washington Won't Save Darfur Villagers

Larry Kearney
God Talk and Burning Children

Bill Linville
Dirty Politics in the Land of "Clean" Government

Gary Leupp
What Edwards Should Ask Cheney

Website of the Day
A Guide to Halliburton for Tonight's Debate


October 4, 2004

Diane Christian
The Gates of Hell

Joshua Frank
An Interview with David Cobb

Doug Giebel
Incurious George: What If Bush Didn't Lie?

John Chuckman
Strange Victory: Sen. Obvious and the Pathetic Lump

Ramzy Baroud
Reverse the Picture: Anatomy of a Palestinian Outrage

Julia Stein
Remembering Mario Savio and the FSM

Sean Donahue
Outsourcing Terror: Kerry and Special Forces

Website of the Day
Mapping Mt. St. Helens as She Rocks


October 2 / 3. 2004

Paul Wright
John Kerry on Criminal Justice

Kathleen and Bill Christison
An Exchange with Israeli Historian Bennie Morris

Kathie Helmkamp
My Son Trent: a Marine Who Doesn't Want to Kill

Phillip Cryan
Indigenous Mobilization in Colombia

Lenni Brenner
The First Ex-Catholic Saint: Memories of Mario Savio

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: In Case You Missed "Montel"

Ron Jacobs
It Did Happen Here: When Neo-Nazis Terrorized Olympia

Ben Tripp
Sticker Shock

William S. Lind
The Grand Illusion: Iraqi Security Forces

Dave Zirin
The Swindle of the Century: Baseball Comes to DC

Dave Lindorff
Lies from the Great Debate

Luscon Pierre-Charles
Haiti's Elections: a High-Tech Sham is Underway

Zoe Moskovitz & Sasha Kramer
Separating Lies from Truth About Haiti

Nelson P. Valdes
Habana Night vs. Latin American Scholars in Vegas: 61 Banned Cuban Academics

Alan Farago
The "Ownership Society" and the End of the Everglades

Nancy Haley
What is the Historical Jesus Trying to Tell Us?

Alex Billet
Long Live The Clash: London Still Calling After 25 Years

Steve Fesenmaier
Save and Burn: The War on Libraries

Poets' Basement
Smith, Holt, Albert


October 1, 2004

Steve Breyman
Kerry's Missed Opportunities

Rose Gentle
My Son Died for a Lie

Lee Sustar
Iran in the Crosshairs

Ralph Nader
What We Didn't Hear at the Debate: Where's the Exit Strategy?

Walter Andrews
We Are Less Secure Now Than Ever

Mike Whitney
Pandora's Government

Mickey Z.
Debate This

Saul Landau
The Iraq Invasion: Lessons from the Pinochet Cases


September 30, 2004

Ralph Nader
10 Ways to Beat Bush: a Gift to the Kerry/Edwards Campaign

Patrick Cockburn
The Kidnap Capital of the World: Iraq's One Growth Industry

Gideon Levy
When You Have Breast Cancer in Gaza

Joshua Frank
Presidential Debates? Pass the Remote

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
I Dreamed They Had a Debate

Ali Khan
Dershowitz's Jihad: Inventing Exceptions to International Law

Steve Perry
An Interview with Sibel Edmonds



September 29, 2004

Behrooz Ghamari
Playing Politics with Nukes: A Collision Course with Iran?

Ray McGovern
More Troops to Iraq...After the Election

Walter Brasch
Tinseltown Traitors?: Applauding Only the Right Entertainers

Chris Floyd
The Deceivers: Chronicle of a Quagmire Foretold

Stacey Reynolds
The Story of a Mercury-Poisoned American

M. Junaid Alam
Disrupting America's Fateful Non-Debate on the Roots of Terrorism

John L. Hess
They've Already Called It

Paul Craig Roberts
Delusion Rules: War, Outsourcing an Debt


September 28, 2004

Mike Whitney
Kerry's Moral Compass

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: the Civics Teacher

Dan Meek
How Democrats Kicked Nader Off the Oregon Ballot

Greg Bates
Choking on Progressives for Kerry

Alan Farago
Jeanne in Haiti: Where is the World?

Lori Berenson
The Cajamarca Protest

Wayne Madsen
Where is the Florida National Guard?

Robert Fisk
Why Have We Suddenly Forgotten Abu Ghraib?



September 27, 2004

Gary Leupp
The Expulsion of Cat Stevens

Patrick Cockburn
As British Muslims Plead for Bigley's Life, US Airstrikes Pound Fallujah

Sam Husseini
The Problem with Public Opinion Polls

Lee Sustar
Putting Bosses First: Latter Day Democrats and Labor

Dave Lindorff
A Progressive Case for (Gag) Kerry?

Norman Madarasz
Talking International: Contra Kerry

Kevin Pina
The Tragedy of Gonaives, Haiti


September 25 / 26, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
C'mon Ralph, You've Got Nothing to Lose

Dave Zirin
The Courage of the NBA's Etan Thomas: "I Am Totally Against This War"

Saul Landau
The Reality of Empire and Campaign Rhetoric

Dave Lindorff
Our Heroic Baby-Killers

Brian J. Foley
Bush at the UN: the Sound of No Hands Clapping

William Blum
Progressives and the Election

Alan Maass
Why is Kerry Running Such a Lame Campaign? You Can't Blame It All on Bob Shrum

Lucson Pierre-Charles
Haiti: Another Lost Story

Solange Echeverria
An Interview with Kevin Pina on the Floods in Haiti

Nicole Colson
What About the Supreme Court?

Justin Smith
The New Sparta

Joshua Frank
Iraq: From Clinton to Bush

Karyn Strickler
Momma, Don't Let Your Babides Grow Up to be Cannon Fodder

Michael Donnelly
Rather Disingenuous: "Remember in November"

Greg Bates
The Politics of Nader's Republican Support

Todd Chretien
Lesser Evilism: We Are Living in the Logical Conclusion

William Loren Katz
Dire Warnings from the Past: From Wilson to Bush

Omar Barghouti
Americans, You've Lost Your Alibi!

Poets' Basement
Holt, Clarke, Albert, Laymon and Ford

Website of the Weekend
Carnival of Chaos


September 24, 2004

Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
The Value of One Life: Keeping Up Appearances and Leaving Hostages to the Wolves

William S. Lind
Destroying the National Guard

Mike Whitney
The Bush Tent Show

Nancy Welch
What's at Stake for Women in 2004?

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Logical Limbo

Joshua Frank
Fear Mongering 101

Victor Kattan
An Interview with Afif Safieh

Ben Terrall
Kerry and Haiti: Will He Stand Up?

Kathleen and Bill Christison
"Finally It Broke My Heart": Random Impressions from Palestine



September 23, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Why Are They Still Holding "Mrs. Anthrax?"

Christopher Brauchli
Ashcroft's "Distressing Lack of Care": Hamdi and the Phony War on Terrorism

Derek Seidman
Fighting for a Union at Starbucks: an Interview with Daniel Gross

Michael Neumann
Three Years and Counting? How Time Flies


September 22, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Zarqawi's War: the Mysterious Sadist from Jordan

Neve Gordon
The Wall, the Court and Sharon

Joshua Frank
History Repeating: New York, 1832 and Now

Ron Jacobs
Stormy Seas on the Citizen Ship

Jack Random
Defending Dan? Rather Not

Tarif Abboushi
Kerry's Final Straw: Confessions of a Despairing Voter

Mickey Z
Stupid White Guy Quiz

John L. Hess
Faking the Difference: a Serious Debate?

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: The House Rules



September 21, 2004

Gary Leupp
"We Are Not Secure": Kerry's "Unwavering Commitment" to Securing a Middle East Realm

Robert Jensen
Large Dams in India: Temples or Burial Grounds?

Elaine Cassel
Fourth Circuit to Moussouai: Ask Your Questions; Prepare to Die

Stanley Heller
Reagan and the Killing Fields of Lebanon

Adam Federman
America Will Disappoint the World, Again

David Whitehouse
What's Behind the Horror in Darfur?

M. Junaid Alam
How to Avoid Becoming an Anti-American

Paul Craig Roberts
Attention Deficit America

Website of the Day
True American War Heroes: the Iraq Refuseniks



September 20, 2004

Cockburn / Buncombe
Get Fallujah

David Price
Relying on Phonies: What If The Problem with Phone Polls is That They Are Phone Polls

Dave Lindorff
How Dems Fight: Tigers Against Nader, Pussycats Against Bush

Harry Browne
Pre-Nup at Leeds: Talked Out, But Does IRA Give Up?

Mark Wesibrot
Bush's Ownership Society: No Taxes for Owners, Only Workers

Karyn Strickler
The Keys to the White House v. the Shrum Curse?

Uri Avnery
The Temple Mount Bombers




September 18 / 19, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Forgeries, Fingerprints and Forensic Fakery

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Bush's Mask of Anarchy

Patrick Cockburn
Into the Abyss: the Week Iraq's Dream of Peace Fell Apart

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: Financial Torture (Asset Forfeiture)

Joe Allen
The Comrades Kerry Abandoned: the Real Story of Vietnam Vets Against the War

George Corsetti
Poletown Revisited: Finally, Some Vindication

Scott Handleman
The Knock-Knock of a Sledgehammer: Sequestered in Nablus

Richard Ward
Two Weeks in Beit Arabiya

Conn Hallinan
Ashcroft and Indonesia

Lori Smith
Health Care in America: And Then I Got Sick...

Dave Zirin
Hold the Booyah!: SportsCenter Out of the Middle East

John L. Hess
Rather Will Take the Heat, As Bush's War Deteriorates

Brian J. Foley
W is for Wimp: So Why do Manly Men Love Him?

Mickey Z.
Pat Tillman and Osama bin Laden: Odd Juxtapositions

Poets' Basement
Vest, Landau & Albert

Website of the Weekend
Eye on the NYTs




Septemeber 17, 2004

Ray McGovern
Gossing Over the Record

Patrick Cockburn
The New Iraqi Economy: Baghdad's Thriving Kidnapping Industry

Lee Sustar
The State of Working America: an Autopsy of the American Dream

Mike Whitney
John Kerry: 195 Lbs. of Political Helium, Not an Ounce of Sincerity

Victor Kattan
Black September

Ray Hanania
Israel's Demographics

Greg Bates
Nader's Victories: a Mid-Campaign Assessment

Website of the Day
The Road to Hell



September 16, 2004

Landau / Hassen
Meet the New Villain: Syria

Joanne Mariner
Inside Darfur: a Photo Essay

Patrick Cockburn
US Offers Conflicting Accounts of Baghdad Bloodbath

Greg Moses
Four Million Children Might Be News

Joshua Frank
Nader in the Battleground States

Christopher Brauchli
The Bush Drug Lottery Flops

David Himmelstein
Folke Bernadotte: a Rosh Hashonah Remembrance

Website of the Day
The Abu Ghraib Index



September 15, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Hell on Haifa Street

Ron Jacobs
Oppose War, Not Just Bush

David Lindorff
Blanking Out Dissent

Joanne Mariner
Talking About Darfur: Is Genocide Just a Word?

Angela Godfrey-Goldstein
An Open Letter to Madonna: Please Don't Support Israeli Apartheid

Dave Zirin
Is the NFL Ready for Us?

Yigal Bronner
"They Are Building Walls Around Us"



September 14, 2004

Gary Leupp
The Problem of Chechnya

Jennifer van Bergen
What's Wrong with Torture?

Stan Goff
Wake Up and Smell the Jungle Rot

Patrick Cockburn
The Punishment of Fallujah: US Precision Strickes...on Ambulances

Anis Memon
Nader in Michigan

Michael Donnelly
The Nuance Comes Off: Former Naderites Beg for Kerry Votes

Zell Miller: the Peckerwood Pericles

Website of the Day
Osama Bin Forgotten?




September 13, 2004

Gabriel Kolko
Elections, Alliances and the American Empire

Phillip Cryan
How Do You Say "Death Squad?": Language in Colombia's War

Patrick Cockburn
One of Baghdad's Bloodiest Days: "I'm a Journalist! I'm Dying! I'm Dying"

Noah Leavitt
The War on Civil Liberties

Robert Jensen
Highjacking Catastrophe: Bush, the Neo-Cons and 9/11

Mike Whitney
Alan Greenspan: Fed-Master to the Wealthy

John Chuckman
Stop Talking About the "Election"

Mike Burke
Kerry/Edwards Website Censors Discussion of Israel/Palestine Issues

CounterPunch Wire
The Quotations of David Cobb: "I Don't Care How Many Votes I Get"

Website of the Day
Keep It In Your Pants: the Bush Plan to Combat Teen Promiscuity



September 11 / 12, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Swatting at Flies

Fred Gardner
Yet Another Prozac Scandal

Saul Landau
When Our Assassins Go Free

Jennifer Van Bergen
How to Beat Bush: a Simple Strategy for the Average American

Roger Burbach / Jim Tarbell
The Real Dead Enders: Iraq and the Crisis of Empire

Christopher Reed
9/11 in an Historical Context: a Minor Event When Compared to Worldwide War Casualties

Francisc Catalin
An ABC of American Interventions

Carl Estabrook
Big Science and Government Terror

Bernard Chazelle
Anti-Americanism: a Clinical Study

Sharon Smith
Third Party Blues

Dave Lindorff
Perhaps This Time We're the Silent Majority

Mike Whitney
Fallujah: an Iraqi Beslan?

Frederick B. Hudson
Their Sons Perished in the Flames, But Not Their Faith

Mickey Z.
Round Up the Usual Suspects: a Look Back at 9/11

Ron Jacobs
Redneck Music for the New Century

Greg Moses
Soap Opera Moments in Texas School Funding Trial

Benjamin Dangl / Andrew Kennis
An Interview with Leslie Cagan

Poets Basement
Del Papa, Albert, Gelman



September 10, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Disappointment at Samarrah?

Michael Donnelly
Democrats v. Democracy

Alan Farago
Mosquitoes in a Hurricane

Doug Giebel
Karl Rove's Terror Playbook

Mike Whitney
Bob Graham's Political Tsunami

David Domke
God's Will, According to the Bush Administration




September 9, 2004

Joe Bageant
Karaoke Night in Bush's America

Ed Kinane
Abducted in Baghdad

Peter Bohmer
The Cuban Revolution: Present and Future

Todd May
The Emerging Case for a Single-State Solution

Jeremy Scahill
The New York Model: Indymedia and the Text Message Jihad

Joshua Frank
Green House Party Gasses

Fran Shor
The Crisis in Public Dissent: When Protest is Considered a Terrorist Act

Patrick Cockburn
Welcome to the Dirtiest City in the World: Despair in Baghdad

Website of the Day
Liberty Street Protest: No to War at Ground Zero


September 8, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
This Doesn't Smell Like Victory: A War on Two Fronts in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Bush Confuses; Kerry Mute: Spinning 1000 Dead

Bulent Gokay
Russian and Chechnia After Beslan

Lisa Viscidi
Land Reform and Conflict in Guatemala

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Byrd's Eye View

Mike Whitney
Afghanistan: American's Drug Colony

Stan Goff
Body Count: 1001

Website of the Day
Bush and the Love Doctors



September 7, 2004

Diane Christian
Hostage Tactics: a Game of Mortal Poker

Joshua Frank
Greens Unravel from Within

Patrick Cockburn
Fallujah Erupts Again: US Death Toll in Iraq Nears 1000

Ron Jacobs
Bush and Putin: "We're Not Girlie Men"

Chris Floyd
Cry Havoc: Bush's Own Personal Janjaweed

Dr. Carol Wolman
No Blood for Oil at Paul Bunyan Day Parade

John Ross
The Politics of Darkness North / South



September 6, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
An Anti-Labor Day That Lives in Infamy: How Many Democrats Voted For Taft-Hartley?

Ralph Nader
The Cruel Legacy of Taft-Hartley: a Labor Day Call for Rights for Working People

Lee Sustar
What's Driving the Attack on Pensions?

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Dual Loyalties: the Bush Necons and Israel



September 4-5, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Elephants and Gramsci

Ted Honderich
The Way Things Are

Sasan Fayazmanesh
The Holy Empire: Who We Are and What We Do

Douglas Valentine
What the World Should Know About Guantanamo

Patrick Cockburn
New Iraqi Police State Flexes Its Muscles

Gary Leupp
Neo Cons Under Fire

Fred Gardner
Pot Shots: the Hempstead T-Shirt

William A. Cook
The Day of the Lemming

Dave Zirin
Kobe Bryant and the Price of Freedom

John Chuckman
The Day the World Ended

Karyn Strickler
God Save the Endangered Species Act

Vanessa Jones
Bad Day with an Ikea Cup

Mike Whitney
Kerry: the "Better" War Candidate

Mark Donham
Dear John (Kerry): Start Explaining and Fast

Mickey Z.
McBypass Nation: Feeling Clinton's Pain

Alan Farago
Can the Everglades be Fixed?

Poets' Basement
Landau and Albert



September 3, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Jesus Told Him Where to Bomb

Rahul Mahajan
Bush's RNC Speech: an Annotated Response

Carl Estabrook
The Book of Slaughter and Forgetting

Joshua Frank
The Florida of the Northwest: Oregon Dems Sabotage Nader Again

Gary Leupp
Music to My Ears: Sunday's March

James Hollander
Deja Vu in Manhattan: Assisted Political Suicide?

Mark Engler
Republicans Among Us: a Week at the RNC, Inside and Out

Jesse Sharkey
Making Students and Teachers Pay for the Crisis in Education

Jane Stillwater
Calling the Cops on Your Own Kid

Stephen Green
Serving Two Flags: the Bush Neo-Cons and Israel



September 2, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Part 3: More Pricks Than Kicks

Max Gimble
Et Tu, Menchu? Extrajudicial Killings and Clandestine Graves in Guatemala

James Petras
President Chavez and the Referendum: Myths and Realities

Christopher Brauchli
Bush and the Afghan Electoral Model: "If They Want to Vote Twice, Let Them"

Todd Chretien & Jessie Muldoon
Will the Democrats Expel Zell Miller?

Jack Random
Spite and Venom Day: the Turncoat and the Profiteer

Alan Maass
The Real Vietnam

Christa Allen
Contre Bush

Website of the Day



September 1, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
The Stench of Doom

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Poor Larry Franklin

Dave Lindorff
Kerry's Litmus Test

Josh Frank
Protest in White: Not All of New York Rises Up

John L. Hess
Moles, Scoops and Flip Flops

Mike Whitney
Deconstructing Arnold

Jack Random
Kindergarten Night at the RNC

Andrew Wilson
War on the Pachyderms: Why Do Elephants Hate Us?

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: Part Two: Mark His Words



August 31, 2004

Joseph Nevins
Escapism and Global Apartheid: The Dominican Republic & the NYTs

Matt Vidal
Beyond Bush's Rhetoric on the Economy

Neve Gordon
Kerry and the Middle East

Dave Lindorff
Bush the Peace Candidate?

Mike Whitney
NPR Leads the Charge for War Against Iran

Jack Random
Opening Night: Playing the War Card

Jeffrey St. Clair
High Plains Grifter: the Life and Crimes of George W. Bush (Part One)

CounterPunch Photo of the Day
Pete Seeger in NYC



August 30, 2004

Justin Podhur
The Disappeared Mayor

Shaun Joseph
The Hypocrites at TheNaderbasher.com

Mike Whitney
Israeli Moles in the Pentagon: What More Could They Possibly Want?

Ron Jacobs
Live, From New York: the Majority of Protesters Claimed No Candidate

David Lindorff
Sunday in Manhattan: the Sound of Marchin', Chargin' Feet, Boy

Dave Zirin
USA Basketball: The Team White America Loved to Hate

Sam Husseini
Israeli Spying on the US: a Long History



August 28 / 29, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Zombies for Kerry

Patrick Cockburn
Najaf Ceasefire Good for Iraq, But Weakens Allawi and US

Ray McGovern
Blowing Smoke on Intelligence

Dr. Juan Romagoza
From El Salvador to Abu Ghraib: Reflections of Torture Survivor

Ray Hanania
An Israeli Spy in the Pentagon? Ridiculous!

Fred Gardner
Eddie Lepp Busted by DEA: Facing Life for Growing Medical Pot

Diane Christian
Big Men: the Better Leader Lets You Live

William S. Lind
The Desert Fox

Paul D'Amato
The Left Takes a Dive for Kerry

Joshua Frank
Greens at the Crossroads

Mickey Z.
Media Declares War on Anti-War Protests

Winslow T. Wheeler
Sen. McCain's Pork Chops: an Exchange

Justin E.H. Smith
The New Age Racket and the Left

Thomas St. John
Burning Slaves at the Stake: On "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

Ali Tonak
Help the NYPD?

Mark Engler
New York Says "No"

Justin Felux
Haiti: the Attica of the Americas

Poets' Basement
Gelman, Albert, Ford and Hamod



August 27, 2004

Gary Leupp
Neocon Musings

Robin Cook
The Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Diane Christian

Michael Donnelly
Situational Democracy: the Show Me the Green Party?

Jack Random
4F and Other Heroes: an Army of War Resisters

Mike Ferner
"To the Swift Boats!"

Mazin Qumsiyeh
7000 Palestinian Political Prisoners

Veronza Bowers, Jr.
"You Won't Be Leaving Tomorrow"


August 26, 2004

M. Shahid Alam
The Clash Thesis: a Failing Ideology?

Diane Christian
War Rules: Bush is No Sun Tzu

Derek Seidman
"They're As Bad As Wal-Mart:" Starbucks Workers Get Organized

David Lindorff
Court to RNC Protesters: Drop the Rally

Christopher Brauchli
Signs of Dissent: the Bush in the Bubble

Stew Albert
Reporting Suspicious Activity

Mark Donham
Judgement in Athens: Give the Koreans Their Day in Court

Saul Landau
Pinochet: the Al Capone of the Southern Cone

Website of the Day
The Kerry 527 Ad You'll Never See



August 25, 2004

Amelia Peltz
Can I Have 9.8 Seconds of Your Time?

Noah Leavitt
Defining and Redefining Torture

Ron Jacobs
Takin' It to the Streets: It's Not About the Election, It's About Democracy

James Brooks
Coronado Crosses the Jordan

Akiva Eldar
How to Win the Jewish Vote: Turn Gaza into a "Mini-Afghanistan"

Gemma Araneta
Chavez's New Brand of Populism

Philip Cryan
Uribe's Boys: the Death Squads of Colombia

CounterPunch Wire
Cheney Opens the Closet Door



August 24, 2004

Jeremy Scahill
John Kerry: the Warchurian Candidate

Gary Leupp
"We Want Them to Go Away"

David Domke
God Willing: an Echoing Press and Political Fundamentalism

William Loren Katz
The Meaning of Hugo Chávez: Black and Indian Power in Venezuela

Jonah Gindin
With Chavez? Reading the International Private Media

Fran Schor
Denying Atrocities: From Vietnam to Fallujah

Joe Bageant
Driving on the Bones of God

Website of the Day
The Great America Lockdown: a Primer for the RNC


August 23, 2004

Winslow Wheeler
Don't Mind If I Do: Porkbarrel and the War on Terror

John Pilger
Bush May Be the Lesser Evil

Stan Goff
Swift Boat Dogfight

Bill and Kathleen Christison
Notes from the West Bank: Build, Demolish, Rebuild

Mike Whitney
The Unraveling of Afghanistan

William Blum
Brave New World of Iraqi Sovereignty

Ralph Nader
A Letter to the Washington Post: a Shameful and Unsavory Editorial



August 21 / 22, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
"They Want Blood:" The Bi-Partisan Origins of the Total War on Drugs

Landau / Hassen
Failing the Mission? Form a Commission

Brian Cloughley
The Bush Team in Iraq: Moral Cowardice, as Practiced by Experts

Josh Frank
Nader as David Duke? The ADL Wants You to Think So

Mike Whitney
Reincarnating Mengele: the Torture Doctors of Abu Ghraib

Ron Jacobs
Day Labor Blues

Mickey Z.
Shooting at Whales: 40 Years After Tonkin

Fred Gardner
Dr. Wolman Comes Out: The Cannabis Consultants

Dave Zirin
Uprising in Athens: Iraqi Soccer Team Gives Bush the Boot

Josh Saxe
Witnessing Police Brutality in LA

Yanar Mohammed
Letter from Baghdad: a Democracy of Killings and Bombings

Helen Williams
Ali's Story: a Taste of Reality from Baghdad

Michael Donnelly
Elemental and NaturalForests, Fire and Recovery

Elizabeth Schulte
The Crisis in Affordable Housing

Poets' Basement
Adler, Albert, Virgil, Ford and Krieger

August 14 / 15, 2004

Justin Delacour / Diana Barahona
The Venezuela Referendum: Can the Carter Center's McCoy be an Impartial Observer?

Cockburn / St. Clair
War on the Poor: "A Risk No Sane Person Would Take"

M. Shahid Alam
The Civilizing Mission: Some Economic Results

Saul Landau
God and Botox

John Ross
Echoes of Mexico City, 1968

Fred Gardner
Is California Spying on Pro-Pot Doctors?

Jonah Girdin
The Opposition Strategy in Venezuela: Subvert Democracy in the Name of Democracy

Katherine Lahey
"Uh! Ah! Chávez No Se Va!": Democracy and Venezuela

Medea Benjamin
Hugo Chavez and the Poor of Venezuela

Yves Engler
The Media and the Venezuela Referendum

Zeynep Toufe
The NYTs and Chavez: More Than the Usual Bias

Mike Whitney
The Trouble in Najaf: What Was al-Sadr's Crime?

Eric Drooker
Gaza Stripped

Dave Zirin
Olympic Sized Horror in Greece: 150 Workers Died Building the Facilities

Dave Lindorff
A29 Could be a Very Slow Day

Rebecca Brigham
The Aftermath of Guatemala's Strike: Promises Still Unfulfilled

Wayne Madsen
The McGreevey Scandal: an Israeli Connection?

David Krieger
Nuclear Disarmament in a Time of Globalization: the US Double Standard

Tracy McLellan
The Illegality of Pot is a Crime: a Personal Account

Christina Gerhardt
Confronting Capitalism: What Has Changed Since Seattle 1999?

Poets' Basement
Adler, Albert Vijayalakshmi, Gilliam



August 13, 2004

Lee Sustar
Report from Caracas

Mickey Z.
McProtests R Us: Why are the Dems Trying to Gag Anti-War Protesters?

Stan Goff
There He Goes Again: Kerry's "Energy" Plan

Norman Madarasz
Thoughts on Najaf: How Could the US Ever Be Considered a "Terrorist" State?

Victor Kattan
Press Freedom, Censorship and the War on Terror

Oscar Heck
Is Mendoza Off His Rocker? Chavez Opponents Pledge to Post Results Online Before Polls Close

CounterPunch Wire
Military Families File "Stop Loss" Suit

Milan Rai
Najaf: Bush Started It

Website of the Day
The Yes Men



August 12, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
How Bush Got (and Lost) His Wings

Lenni Brenner
Take It on Faith: Kerry's See-Through-Monk's Robe

Lee Ballinger
The Coors and the Kerrys: Drink Up, Kids!

Tariq Ali
The Handover Fiction

Yves Engler
What's at Stake in Venezuela

William S. Lind
Seeing Through the Other Side's Eyes

Christopher Brauchli
Getting Bush's Goat

Website of the Day
The Sucker Puncher



August 11, 2004

Ceylon Mooney
Who Woke Up Sen. Joe?: Watchers of the NJ Turnpike

Voices in the Wilderness
Hands Off Najaf

Ray McGovern
Porter Goss as CIA Director?

Robert Jensen
US Supports Anti-Democratic Forces in Venezuelan Recall

Annie Higgins
In Memory of Nick Pretzlik: As Good as It Gets

Alexander Cockburn
Bush v. Kerry: Not Even a Dime's Worth of Difference

Website of the Day
Nick Pretzlik


August 10, 2004

William A. Cook
Silencing the Voice of the People

Todd Chretien
California Greens at the Crossroads: Will It Be Nader or Cobb?

Dave Lindorff
Chicago on the Hudson?

Richard Gott
Loathed by the Rich: Why Chavez is Headed for a Big Win

Toni Solo
Bluebeard's Castle: Disappearing the Right to Development

Dave Zirin
Carl Eller's Plea

Rep. Ron Paul
Police State, USA

Patrick Cockburn
If the Chalabis Were Corrupt, They Weren't Alone

Website of the Day
The Surveillance-Industrial Complex




August 9, 2004

Tito Tricot
Pinochet Must Still be Tried: a Murderer and a Thief on the Loose

Ron Jacobs
In Memory of Deep Throat: the Day Nixon Was Gone

Norm Dixon
Crisis in Sudan: Oil Profits Behind West's Tears for Darfur

Kurt Nimmo
The Politics of Entrapment

Elaine Cassel
Welcome to Bush's America

Gary Leupp
Why Iraqi Christians are Moving to Syria



August 7 / 8, 2004

James Petras
The Anatomy of "Terror Experts": Meet the Mandarins of Abu Ghraib

Fred Gardner
Run Ricky Run: Football, Pot and Pain

Justin Delacour
Anti-Chavez Pollsters Panic: Fix Numbers; Reinvent Venezuela

Brian Cloughley
Persecuted by All; Supported by None: Who Would Be A Kurd?

Joshua Frank
The Outsider: a Talk with Ralph Nader

Iain A. Boal
On "Shame": Warmed-Over Orientalism and Racist Projection

Chris Floyd
All About Eve: Open Season on Women in DC and Rome

Andrew Fenton
Fighting for Democracy and Justice in Haiti

Aseem Shrivastava
Saga of an Anguished Afghan

Neil Corbett
See Cuba: Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar, Mr. Bush

Carol Miller / Forrest Hill
Rigged Convention; Divided Party: How David Cobb Won with Only 12% of the Vote

Tarek Milleron
Breaking the Principled Voter

Donald Macintyre
The Battle of Najaf

Ron Jacobs
Spirits of The Dead: Why I Love My Petty Bourgeois Tendencies

Mickey Z.
Kid Gavilan's Grave: Propaganda Scores a TKO

Poets' Basement
Adler, Ford and Albert




August 6, 2004

Joshua Frank
David Cobb's Soft Charade: the Greens and the Politics of Mendacity

Derek Seidman
An Interview with Stan Goff

Mike Whitney
The Arbitrary Imprisonment of Jose Padilla

William S. Lind
Corruption in the Marine Corps

David Price
In the Shadow of Hiroshima and Nagasaki



August 5, 2004

Mike Ferner
The Kerry Show: When Peace is Off Message

Bruce Anderson
Two Rejections

Robert Fisk
The Tale of Saddam's Cameraman

Todd Chretien
Florida Comes to California: the Democrats' Plot Against Nader

Peter Linebaugh
Doing Time for Political Crime: Paul and Silas, Bound in Jail



August 4, 2004

Mickey Z.
Two Traditions: WMD and Disinformation

Justin Huggler
The Hunt for Bin Laden

John Ross
Mexico's Dirty War Never Ended: Inside Puente Grande Prison


August 3, 2004

Uri Avnery
The Oligarchs

Ray McGovern
The 9/11 Commission Chimera

Jack McCarthy
Sexual Politics in Jeb's Florida

Eric Ruder
Meet Barak Obama: the Democrats' New Liberal Star

John L. Hess
Crying Wolf: Orange Alert!

Elaine Cassel
Civil Liberties Elections: 1800 v. 2004

Jules Rabin
The Man Who Didn't Walk By

Website of the Day
No Wall



August 2, 2004

Robert Jensen
Kerry's Hypocrisy on the Vietnam War

Joshua Frank
Greens, Kerry and the Politics of Mendacity

Mike Whitney
The 9/11 Commission and Civil Liberties: "We Need an American Police State"

Gary Leupp
Beyond Good and Evil: Some Thoughts on Invasions

July 31 / Aug. 1, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Kerry: He's the (Any) One

Merlin Chowkwanyun
Five Questions with Noam Chomsky: "The Savage Extreme of a Narrow Policy Spectrum"

David Lindorff
The Shame of the DNC

John Chuckman
The Disturbing Words of John Edwards

Brian Cloughley
All Slam and No Dunk; All Blame and No Responsibility

Christopher Brauchli
"Being Poor is a State of Mind": the Frowning Face of Compassionate Conservatism

Fred Gardner
A World of Pain

Michael Donnelly
How Big Pharma Bilks the Elderly

David Nally
Genocide in Darfur?

Joshua Frank
Forest Battles Escalate in Oregon

Sam Bahour
Colin Powell and My Grandmother

Diane Farsetta
The IMF and the Indonesian Elections: The Invisible Hand in the Voting Booth

Harold Gould
Was Iraq a Mutual Charade?

Van Bergen / Stephens
Election 9/11: Surreal Political Theater

Lee Sustar
A New Model for the Labor Movement?

Ron Jacobs
The Lost Art of Hitchhiking

M. Junaid Alam
An Interview with Palestinian-American Rapper, The Iron Sheik

Poets Basement
Albert, Ford, Krieger, St. Clair

Website of the Weekend
Cross Cultural Poetics


July 30, 2004

Kolhatkar / Ingalls
Shattering Illusions: Kerry's Speech Tells Anti-War Activists They're Not Wanted

Dave Lindorff
Murder Not So Foul?

Bruce Jackson
Walt Whitman on the Sound of Wolf Blitzer's Voice

Fidel Castro
The Pathology of George W. Bush

Maximilien Robespierre
Memo to Kerry and Bush: Why They Resist

Saul Landau
Bush Charges Castro with Sex Tourism; JFK Rolls Over in His Grave


July 29, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Hail, the Conquering War Criminal: What Kerry Really Did in Vietnam

Frank Bardacke
What Michael Moore Left Out of F9/11

Tom Barry
Shallow and Formulaic: Kerry's Latin America Plan

Ron Jacobs
Kerry and Lennon: Hawking the CounterCulture

Robert Fisk
The Unreported War

Lichtman / Kellis-Borok
What Kerry Must Do to Win (But Probably Won't)

William S. Lind
The 9/11 Commission Report: Cashing in on Failure

CounterPunch Wire
Doonesbury Onto John Kerry in 1971!

Website of the Day
Jabbing JibJab: Copyright Madness




July 28, 2004

Robert Fisk
The Occupation at 114 Degrees: Baghdad is Swamped in the Smell of the Dead

Kevin Mink
Kerry's Misperception of Palestine

Ray McGovern
Israel and the Iraq War: How the 9/11 Report Soft-Pedals Root Causes

United for Peace & Justice
An Open Letter to John Kerry: Winter Soldiers and Summer Patriots

Mike Ferner
Vets Demand End to Occupation: "Pull the Troops or Face Impeachment Mvt."

Imraan Siddiqi
Turning Tricks with Ann Coulter

Alexander Cockburn
Candidate Kerry

Website of the Day
Iraq Vets Against the War


July 27, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Why the Democrats Deserve Nader

Dave Lindorff
Back to the 19th Century: Globalization's Coming!

Mike Whitney
Control Room: Inside Al Jazeera

Ali, Anderson, Bello, et al.
If We Were Venezuelan, We'd Vote for Chavez

Stefan Wray
Texas Plan to Grab Los Alamos Takes Hold, as DOE Shuts Down Labs

Louis Proyect
Reflections on Nicaragua: First Came the Contra Butchers, Then the Sweatshops

Rick Giombetti
Faith in Freedom: the Challenge of Thomas Szasz

Bill and Kathleen Christison
The 9/11 Report and Its Weak-Kneed Consensus: Dogding Israel/Palestine; Blinkered on Causes of Terrorism



July 26, 2004

Todd Chretien
Green Resistance: a Reply to Normon Solomon & Medea Benjamin

Robert Fisk
Terror by Video

Richard Forno
Security Theater in Boston: Security Expert Harrassed by DHS for Exposing Flaws at the Fleet Center

Mitchel Cohen
Report from a Boston Demo: Arresting the Curious

Richard Moreno
Rockers for Justice: an Interview with Tom Morello and Serj Tankian

Alexander Cockburn
Boston Awaits a Dead Party



July 24 / 25, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
The Democrats and Their Conventions: Part One

Dennis Hans
Those 16 Words Still Smell, Mr. Bush

Patrick Cockburn
The Struggle for Iraq is Only Beginning

Josh Frank
The War Path of Unity: Dems Reject the Peace Movement

Justin E.H. Smith
Christianity and the Left: the Latin American Experience

Tariq Ali
What's at Stake in Venezuela

Fred Gardner
The Politics of Pot: Year of the Antagonist

Mark Scaramella
There's Dope and There's Dope

Ron Jacobs
The Weather Underground's Prairie Fire Statement...35 Years On



July 23, 2004

Lee Sustar
Revolution in Nicaragua: 25 Years On

Dave Lindorff
Battle for NYC: Bush 1, Protesters 0

Saul Landau
Zaniest President in US History: Bush Beats Reagan

Mike Whitney
The 9/11 Whitewash: Blaming No One

Mickey Z
Get On the Bus: 150 Years After Elizabeth Jennings

Gary Leupp
The 9/11 Commission and the Looming War on Iran


July 22, 2004

M. Junaid Alam
Ten Ways to Build a Better Democrat

Brian McKinlay
Rusted On Down Under: Howard, Bush and Sharon

Jason Leopold
Cheney Lobbied for Easing of Sanctions on Terrorist Regimes While CEO of Halliburton

Chris Floyd
Mob Rule: Ripping the Lid Off of America's Pious Myths

Uri Avnery
Chirac v. Sharon


July 21, 2004

Paula J. Caplan
The Emotional Casualities of War: Psychologists Can't Heal All the Damage

Joshua Frank
Nader Sleeping with the Enemy? Let's be Fair

Ron Jacobs
American Exceptionalism

Reza Ghorashi
The Elections, Iran and al-Qaeda

Amy Martin
Will Congress Rearm the Guatemalan Generals?

John Ross
Bush May Lose, But His Wars Will Go On and On


July 20, 2004

Stan Cox
The Bush / Kerry War Ticket

Chris Randolph
An Open Letter to Dr. Ehrenreich: It's Over, Barb!

Forrest Hylton
The Ghosts of Gonismo: "Popular Patricipation" and Bolivia's Gas Referendum

Mark Scaramella
It's Official! Mendocino County is Crazier and Fatter Than the Rest of California

Sam Bahour
The World is Knocking on Israel's Door

George Reiter
A Defense of David Cobb

John Ross
Burying Iraq, Burying Bush

John L. Hess
Girlie Stuff: Media Tolerance of Arnold & Co.

Website of the Day
This Land is Your Land



July 19, 2004

Uri Avnery
Marie and the Ghosts: the Hoax of Paris

Col. Dan Smith
What Has Been Accomplished?

Mike Whitney
Allawi: Our Puppet with a Pistol

Karyn Strickler
Just Marriage, Not Gay Marriage

Robert Fisk
The Crisis of Information in Baghdad

David Swanson
Media Blackout of US Labor Opposition to Iraq War

Jennifer van Bergen
The Death of the Great Writ of Liberty


July 17 / 18, 2004

Gary Leupp
Apocalypse Now: Why the Book of Revelations is Must Reading

Ghada Karmi
Vanishing the Palestinians

Lenni Brenner
When Cattle Unite, Lions Go Hungry: Notes for Ralph Nader

Ben Tripp
Man on a Bridge: a Ghost Story

Brandy Baker
What Would Elizabeth Cady Stanton Make of John Kerry?

M. Shahid Alam
Israel Builds Another Wall

Sasan Fayazmanesh
Nuclear Hypocrisy: Israel, Iran and the IAEA

Patrick Bond
The George Bush of Africa

Fred Gardner
Politics of Marijuana: Cannabiniod Therapuetics

William Blum
Bush and Thucydides

Ben Terrall
Carter and the Indonesia Elections: "I Don't See Anything Wrong with a General Running the Country"

Tom Barry
John Lehman on the War Path

David Vest
Dylan Without the Music

Phyllis Pollack
Return to Sin City: Keith Richards Does Gram Parsons

Ron Jacobs
Smearing Muhammad Ali: Bob Feller Strikes Out

Joshua Frank
Kerry to Edwards: "Let's Lose!"

David Nally
A Call for Sudan: Our Georgraphical Blindspot

Toni Solo
Bolivia's Gas Referendum

Landau, Hassan, Prashad & Lindorff
Three Reviews of Moore's F911

Poets's Basement
Ford, Smith and Albert



July 16, 2004

Dave Zirin
Adonal Foyle: Master of the Lefty Lay-Up

Shervan Sardar
Dershowitz, the ICJ and Jim Crow Laws

Ron Jacobs
The Lil' Engine That Couldn't: Kucinich Surrenders on Anti-War Plank

Robert Fisk
Iraq, According to Edgar Allen Poe: Coffin Bombs in Baghdad

Greg Moses
The Forts of Iraq

Mickey Z.
Ad Infinitum?: Presidential Campaigns in the Age of TV

Dan Bacher
A Landmark Win for Salmon and the Tribes

Dave Lindorff
The Mumia Case: Support from NAACP, But a Movement in Shambles

Paul McGeough
Did Allawi Shoot Inmates in Cold Blood?

Website of the Day
10 Reasons to Fire Bush (and 9 Reasons Kerry Won't Be Any Better)




July 15, 2004

Heather Williams
McMissing the Point: Supersize Me Crashes on Its Message

Iraq: Follow the Money

Tom Crumpacker
The Birds of Guantanamo

Brian Cloughley
What Does the Bush Regime Object To?

Bill Christison
Reorganize the CIA? Of Course, But...


July 14, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
Chronicle of a Nomination Foretold: the Green Deceivers

Neve Gordon
Of Socrates and the Apartheid Wall

Diane Christian
The Priesthood of Death

Stefan Wray
Who Benefits from Missing Data at Los Alamos Nuclear Lab?

Josh Frank
The Nader / Dean Debate

Conn Hallinan
Divide and Conquer as Imperial Rules

Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Bring My Brother Home!: Class, War and Education

Website of the Day
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and the Selling of US Empire



July 13, 2004

Ray McGovern
The CIA and Iraq: an Intelligence Debacle...and Worse

Mark Donham
The Sierra Club's Inexplicable Treatment of Cynthia McKinney

Ben Tripp
Politus Interruptis: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Electorates?

Mark Gaffney
Slipping Towards Armageddon: Israel in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Osama Wins! Election Postponed!

Chris White
Double Think: the Bedrock of Marine Indoctrination

July 10 / 12, 2004

Kathleen Christison
The Problem with Neutrality Between Palestinians and Israel

Janine Pommy Vega
Trail of the Comet: a Gathering of the World's Poets Against War

Sherry Wolf
From Maverick to Party Attack Dog: Howard Dean Gay-Bashes Nader

Saul Landau and Farrah Hassen
A Transfer of Power, Sort Of

Michael Donnelly
How to Steal an Election: the Green Version, 2004

Stanton / Madsen
Iraq Survey Group: Rumsfeld's al-Qaeda?

Richard Lichtman
The End of Innocence: Reflections on American Pathology

Gila Svirsky
Thank You, Your Honors: a Legal Blow to the Wall

Kurt Nimmo
Clinton's Life

Toni Solo
Empire-Speak: What Roger Noriega Really Means

Ron Jacobs
The Black Panthers and the Rest

Camelo Ruiz Marrero
Gene Warfare in Oaxaca: Genetic Mutation of Mexican Maize

Omar Barghouti
Wither the Empire: Rise of a Global Resistance

Poets' Basement
Curtis and Albert

July 9, 2004

Dave Zirin
Carlos Delgado on Deck: Blue Jays Slugger Stands Up Against War

Justin Delacour
Wishing Kerry Would Shut Up About Latin America

Robert Fisk
Iraq in Reverse: Martial Laws Fuel Insurgency

Boris Kagarlitsky
Two Congresses and a Funeral

William S. Lind
The October Surprises

Sibel Edmonds
Our Broken System: John Ashcroft's War on Truth

Ron Jacobs
Reading Tea Leaves: What Vietnam Tells Us About Iraq's Future

Gary Leupp
The Lie That Will Not Die: Cheney and the Iraq/al-Qaeda Link


July 8, 2004

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Inexplicable John McCain

Toufic Haddad
Protesting Israel's Apartheid Wall: a Letter from the Hunger Strikers' Tent

Dave Lindorff
Liberation as Martial Law

Joshua Frank
The Fall: How Beltway Dems Sank Howard Dean

Christopher Brauchli
Bush & Cheney Play the Hitler Card

James Petras
The Truth About Jimmy Carter

July 7, 2004

John Chuckman
Kerry's BBQ: a Deafening Silence of Meaning

Virginia Tilley
A Line in the Sand: Azmi Bishara's Hunger Strike

Susan Martinez
A Letter to Bill Cosby

Mickey Z
Elie Wiesel's Strange Parade

Michael Donnelly
Our Own Private Wilderness: Trusting the Land in the Inland Empire

Sean Donahue
Boston Social Forum: the Dems aren't the Only Show in Beantown

Diane Christian
Sovereignty and Freedom in Iraq


July 6, 2004

Lisa Viscidi
Fleeing Guatemala: Central Americans Risk Lives to Reach El Norte

Marc Norton
The Felonious Five Ride Again: the Supreme Court and Enemy Combatants

James Brooks
Chemical Warfare on the West Bank?

Ray McGovern
Porter Goss as CIA Director?

William Cook
Legacy of Deceit: If Dante Knew of Bush and the Neo-Cons...


July 5, 2004

Forrest Hylton
US Imperialism in Latin America: Sept. 11, July 4 and Systematic Torture

Chris White
A Former Marine Sgt. on the Meaning of Independence Day

Joe Bageant
Cranky Reflections on the 4th of July

Robert Jensen
Stupid White Movie: What Michael Moore Misses About the Empire

Kathy Kelly
"Two Days an' a Wake-Up"


July 3 / 4, 2004

Elaine Cassel
Bush's Police State and Independence Day

Stan Goff
ABC of Opportunism: "Progressive" Latin American Leaders Support the Coup in Haiti

Snehal Shingavi
"We Want Real Justice for Bhopal": Two Survivors Speak Out

Bruce Anderson
The Cheney-Leahy Metaphor and the Greens

Sharon Smith
Twilight of the Greens: the Chokehold of "Anybody But Bush"

Josh Frank
Ralph Nader's Revolt: an Interview with Greg Bates

Robert Fisk
Pentagon Tried to Censor Saddam's Hearing

Joe Bageant
Sons of a Laboring God: Leftnecks Unite!

Brian Cloughley
Fortress Bush and the One Law Doctrine

Justin Delacour
The Anti-Chavez Echo Chamber: Venezuela's Media Tycoons

William S. Lind
Saudi Spillover

Linda S. Heard
A Joke Called "Justice"

Greg Moses
"It's Illegal, But It's Our Right": Korean Labor Won't Back Down

Ron Jacobs
"Ain't You Proud to be White on Independence Day?"

Toni Solo
Weary of Indigenous Resistances? Just Pretend They're Not There

Dan Nagengast
Chicken Manure as Cattle Food: Safe, But Do We Want to Eat It?

Stew Albert
Brando, a Personal Recollection

Dave Zirin
From the Black Panthers to Sacheen Littlefeather: a Eulogy for Our Brando

Patrick W. Gavin
The Progressive Case for Dodgeball

Steven Rosenthal / Junaid Ahmad
The Problem is Bigger Than the Bushes: a Review of F911

Poets' Basement
Kearney, Ford and Davies

Website of the Day
Global Peace Solution


July 2, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
Suicide Right on the Stage: the Demise of the Green Party

Douglas Valentine
Fahrenheit 911: Mocking the Moral Crisis of Capitalism

Gary Leupp
"Just Because I Could": On Obscenities and Opportunities

Lee Ballinger
Illegal People: Kerry Opposes Immigrant Rights

Robert Fisk
Saddam in the Dock: Confused? Hardly

CounterPunch Wire
"What Law Formed This Court?": a Transcript of Saddam's Arraignment

Christopher Brauchli
Bush's Drug Card Lottery: the Price Ain't Right

Saul Landau
Buzz Words and Venezuela


July 1, 2004

Katherine van Wormer
Bush's Damaged Mind: the Madness in His Method

Joe Bageant
Is Our President a Whackjob? Does It Matter?

William James Martin
The Dogma of Richard Perle

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Evacuation Moment

Robert Fisk
Bread and Circus Trials in Iraq

Alan Maass
Green Party in Reverse

Website of the Day
Michael Moore and Israel: Blind or a Coward?



June 30, 2004

Kurt Nimmo
Nicholson Baker's Checkpoint: a New Kind of Anger About Bush

Tariq Ali
Getting Away with Murder in Iraq

Jennifer Van Bergen
Bush and the Detainees

Douglas Valentine
Apotheosis of the Psychopaths: Instead of Fahrenheit 9/11, Rescreen The Quiet American

David Price
Fahrenheit 9/11 Through the McCain-Feingold Looking Glass

Roger Normand
America's Criminal Occupation of Iraq

Stan Cox
Sanitized for Your Protection: Ashcroft's War on Art

Henry David Thoreau
On the Futility of Bush v. Kerry: All Voting is a Kind of Gaming

Ben Tripp
Who Dast Call Him Liar: a Rebuttal to Nicholas Kristof

June 29, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
The Cloak-and-Dagger Handover

Robert Fisk
Alice in an Iraqi Wonderland

Troy Selvaratnam
New York Times Boosts Pet Developer

Harry Browne
Bush in Ireland

Ray McGovern
The CIA According to Anonymous

Elaine Cassel
Hamdi, Padilla & Rasul: Who Really Won?

June 28, 2004

Patrick Cockburn / Leyla Linton
Grisly Rituals in Iraq

Amira Hass
Confronting Myths and Deadly Power


June 26 / 27, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Venezuela: the Gang's All Here

Patrick Cockburn
Iyad Allawi, the CIA's New Stooge in Iraq

Dennis Hans
Once They Were Sweethearts: Cheney, the NYTs and the Myth of an Iraq Link to 9/11

Ben Tripp
Adventures in Fuel Efficiency

Dave Lindorff
That State Department Terrorism Report: What They Knew, But Didn't Tell You

Chris Floyd
Cold Irons Bound: the Russian Gambit

Ali Tonak
Contamination at Berkeley: Profit Motives, Academic Freedom and the Case of Ignacio Chapela

Keith Rosenthal
The Withering of the Anti-War Movement

Bryan Sacks
The Failure of the 9/11 Commission

Wayne Madsen
Another Case of Blowback

Thomas St. John
L. Frank Baum, Racist: Indian-Hating in the Wizard of Oz

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
American Swadeshi



June 25, 2004

Stephen Gowans
US to North Korea: "Trust Us"

Saul Landau
2006 Pentagon Budget as Sacrilege: Bush Invests the National Treasure in Death and Destruction

Amir Butler
Iraq: the Deadly Embrace

Jack McCarthy
Another Times Plagiarism Scandal? Did Maureen Dowd Lift from the World Weekly News?

Greg Bates
Chomsky and Zinn Plan to Vote Nader




June 24, 2004

Gary Leupp
John Lehman on the Iraq / al-Qaeda Links

Patrick Cockburn
A Day in the Life of Col. Abu Mohammed: Defusing Bombs, Facing Death Threats

Harry Browne
On the Rebound: Bush Bounces Back...in Europe

Bill Kaufman
Another Marxist for Kerry: Joel Kovel's Sad Smear of Ralph Nader

Christopher Brauchli
Bush, Cheney and the 9/11 Commission: What Did They Know? What Did They Tell?

Rick Gioimbetti
Andrea Yates: Victim of Psychiatric Violence?

John Chuckman
Call Center ID Hypocrisy

Diana Johnstone
Kerry and Kosovo: the Lie of a "Good War"

June 23, 2004

Laura Carlsen
Bush and Castro Face Off

Dave Zirin
Barry Bonds vs. Boston: "A Flea Market of Racism"

Kurt Nimmo
From Saddam, With Love

Patricia Wolff
Foundation Wars

Mahboob A. Khawaja
"They Had Me Arrested and Shackled My Son"

Patrick Cockburn
The Pretense of an Independent Iraq

Website of the Day
The Road to Abu Ghraib


June 22, 2004

Dave Lindorff
The Meaning of Putin's Pronouncement: Mutually Assured Pre-emption

Ron Jacobs
Nuclear Plants in US Protectorate of Iraq?

Vanessa Jones
Coogee, Peter Garrett and Valium Earrings

Mickey Z
An Open Letter to the People of Iraq

John L. Hess
Clinton Exhales

Pedro Marset/Ex-Solidarity Committee for Pacho Cortés
An Exchange on the Case of Pacho Cortés

Bruce Jackson
Saying No to Prosecutors: Why Steve Kurtz's Colleagues Refused to Testify

Website of the Day
From Boot Camp to Boot Hill

June 21, 2004

Gary Leupp
Putin's Helpful Remarks

Lucson Pierre-Charles
Haiti After the Press Went Home: Chaos Upon Chaos

Cockburn / Khan
Saddam May Face Death Penalty

Uri Avnery
Irreversible Mental Damage



June 19 / 20, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Inside the Green Zone: US is Paranoid and Isolated

Bruce Anderson
Frozen Gringos

Diane Christian
Morality and Death: a Meditation on Bush and Blake

Walter A. Davis
Passion of the Christ in Abu Ghraib

Josh Frank
How Democrats Helped Bush Rape Mother Nature

Col. Dan Smith
Respectable Genocide?: the Crisis in Sudan

Brian Cloughley
A Profound Disruption of the Senses

Christopher Brauchli
Bush and the Timken Plant, a Year Later

Prudence Crowther
Mr. Ashcroft, Deport Me!

Poets' Basement
Iqbal/Alam, Krieger and Albert

Kathy Kelly
Dying to See Their Kids



June 18, 2004

Chris Floyd
Blood Victory

Dave Zirin
Danielle Green, Basketball Player & Disabled Vet, Speaks Out Against War

Justin E.H. Smith
The Christian Question in American Politics

Gary Leupp
The "Long-Established" Link?: Iraq, al-Qaeda, and al-Zarqawi


June 17, 2004

Noel Ignatiev
Zionism, Anti-Semitism and the People of Palestine

Kurt Nimmo
The Bush-Kerry Conundrum

Ed Cardoni
The Persecution of Steve Kurtz

Ron Jacobs
Power Relations: Rounding Up Everyone Who Knows More Than They Do

Dave Lindorff
Philly Daily News: "Four Wasted Years"

Greg Moses
Geneva Ignored

Norm Dixon
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons



June 18, 2004

Noel Ignatiev
Zionism, Anti-Semitism and the People of Palestine

Kurt Nimmo
The Bush-Kerry Conundrum

Ed Cardoni
The Persecution of Steve Kurtz

Ron Jacobs
Power Relations: Rounding Up Everyone Who Knows More Than They Do

Dave Lindorff
Philly Daily News: "Four Wasted Years"

Greg Moses
Geneva Ignored

Norm Dixon
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons



June 16, 2004

Lenni Brenner
A Question for Kerry Supporters

Davey D
Hip Hop Reflections on Reagan

Daniel Wolff
Why Did Michael Moore Withhold Video Evidence of US Prisoner Abuse?

Bruce Jackson
Harry Levin and the Penultimate Manuscript of Finnegans Wake

Patrick Cockburn
Boom! Boom! Out Go the Lights: Bombings Target Oil and Power Facilities

Gary Handschumacher
Mourn Ben Linder, Not His Killer: Reagan's Death Squads

Turning Haiti into One Big Sweatshop

Mario Benedetti
Obituary with Cheers

Vicente Navarro
Meet the New Head of the IMF: Who is Rodrigo Rato?

Website of the Day
Iraqi Oil Revenue Watch



June 15, 2004

Harry Browne
Ireland Adds a Brick to Fortress Europe

Neve Gordon
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited

David Palmer
Richard Armitage, Abu Ghraib and CACI

John Blair
Lovelock's Misguided Call: Nukes Are No Solution to Global Warming

Dave Lindorff
God Wins in TKO

Bill Quigley
Blood-Pouring Peace Activists: State Charges Dropped; Feds Step In

Patrick Cockburn
Carbombs and Street Dances: 13 More Killed in Baghdad Blast

John Chuckman
John Kerry, Political Placebo

June 14, 2004

John Stanton / Wayne Madsen
Torture, Inc: Oliver North Joins the Party

Kathy Kelly
Requiems: What Happens When Compassion Dies?

Bruce Jackson
Bush Gets Testy About Torture

Lee Sustar
Strikers Defy Visteon's Company Thugs

Kurt Nimmo
The Desperate Censors: the Republican Plot to Kill Farhenheit 9/11

Jim Davis
Hard Right Nativism

Eliot Katz
Death and War

Uri Avnery
The Nightmare Comes True

Website of the Day
Instruments of Statecraft


June 12 / 13, 2004

Peter Linebaugh
Remembering the Common Hood: Soweto and Runnymede

Team CounterPunch
CP's Favorite Albums

Jeffrey St. Clair
Troy, Now and Then

Gary Leupp
Not Really a Puppet Government in Iraq?

Brian Cloughley
US Military in Crisis

Antonio Ponvert, III
Iraqi Prisoner Abuse: the Connecticut Connection

Ben Tripp
The Polls Get Stupider

Joe Bageant
Mash Note to the "Girl with the Leash"

Ron Jacobs
The Return of the Hip Hop Insurgency

Forrest Hylton
Object Lessons from the Case of Francisco Cortés

Christopher Brauchli
Federal Bureau of Errors

Kurt Nimmo
Going After Qaddafi, Again

Wayne Madsen
Israel's Slap at Reagan

Anthony Loewenstein
Al Jazeera Awakens the Arab World

Michael Donnelly
A Lightship in the Forest: Greenpeace Docks in the Siskiyous

Greg Moses
Who Will Tell Us More About the Workers of Nasiriyah?

Susan Davis
Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban

Joseph Ramsey
Weather Report: a Review of The Weather Underground

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The 18th Brumaire in the 21st Century

Wayne Saunders
The Gipper, D-Day and the Stanley Cup

Poets' Basement
Richey, Ford, La Morticella, Albert

Website of the Weekend
Insurgent Music



June 11, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Reagan in Truth and Fiction

Ron Jacobs
Ray Charles' Legacy of Spirit

Chris Floyd
Funeral Games

Steven Sherman
How Reagan Destroyed the Democrats and Paved the Way for Clinton

Mokhiber / Weissman
Remembering Reagan

Norman Solomon
Media's Mourning in America

Paul Alexander
The Kerry Fantasies of Chalmers Johnson

CounterPunch Wire
The Terror Hour: Miami TV Station Invites Commandoes to Talk About Planned Attacks on Cuba




June 10, 2004

Noam Chomsky
The Apotheosis of Reagan : Divinity Through Marketing

Gary Leupp
Bush, the Religious Scholar

Patrick Cockburn
The Iraqi Street Has Spoken: New Govt. Made Up of CIA Pawns

Saul Landau
Force-Feeding Lies About Free Trade

Scott Evans
Settling for the System: How Punkvoter.com Became Just Another Tool of the Democrats

Jacob Levich
John Kerry's World of Hurt: Senator Supports Beam Weapons

Zeynep Toufe
Reagan, Neo-Cons and the "Intelligence Failures"

Nico Pitney
Reform at Wal-Mart?

Dave Zirin
Son of a Reagan: What a Sporty 6-Year Old Saw at the Revolution

Jack McCarthy
Where Were You When Reagan Croaked?

Gary Corseri
Nouns That Should be Acronyms

David Price
Reagan and the Black Budget

Website of the Day
Inequality by the Numbers

June 9, 2004

Mustafa Barghouthi
Israel's Common Use of Torture Must be Exposed

Mike Whitney
Alan Dershowitz, Still Defending Torture

John Chuckman
Why the CIA will Always be a Costly Flop

Jim Tarbell / Roger Burbach
Bush's Democratic Charade in Iraq

Dave Lindorff
Put Reagan on the $3 Bill

Miguel D'Escoto
Reagan was the Butcher of My People

Becky Burgwin
The Betrayal of Smarty Jones: Flogging a Natural Born Hero

Patrick Cockburn
The Rich Have Been Warned to Leave Baghdad


June 8, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Nature of Ronald Reagan: Will the Earth Accept His Corpse?

Dave Lindorff
The March on Rumsfeld's House: Is the US Anti-War Movement Running Out of Steam?

Phillip Cryan
Torture, Bombings & the Press in Colombia

Mark Zepezauer
Getting Reagan Wrong

Mickey Z.
Reagan, Radicals and Repetitive Reactions

John L. Hess
Reagan and Bush in Normandy

Alex Dawoody
Reagan and Saddam: the Unholy Alliance

Christopher Fons
Reagan in a Word: Mean

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Some Tenets are More Important Than Others

Ahmed Bouzid
Nothing New Under the Israeli Sun

Michael Leon
Bush the Narcissist


June 7, 2004

Jason Leopold
New Enron Docs Show Lay and Skilling Knew of California Trading Schemes

Patrick Cockburn
The Baghdad Bombings: the Pattern of Attacks is Changing

Dennis Hans
From Afghanistan to El Salvador: Reagan's Dark Global Legacy

Tracy McLellan
Nader at the National Press Club: a Glimpse at a Different Kind of Politics

Bill Blum
The Myth of the Gipper: Reagan Didn't End the Cold War

Ben Tripp
What I Owe Reagan: the Brylcreemed Bullshitter

Susan Davis
Reagan, In a Nutshell

Phil Gasper
Reagan: Goodbye and Good Riddance

Website of the Day
A Child's ABCs of Terrorism


June 5 / 6, 2004

C. Douglas Lummis
Toward a Universal Declaration of Human Wrongs

Saul Landau
Five Cubans in Prison, Victims of Bush's Obsession

Dave Lindorff
John Walker Lindh, Revisited

Brian Cloughley
Apologies, Please, From Those Who Got It Wrong

Rich Gibson
The Grenada 17: the Last Prisoners of the Cold War are Black

Elaine Cassel
A Sorry FBI

Cathrin Schütz
On the Ruins of Yugoslavia

Ben Tripp
Call Me, Mr. Cassandra

Kurt Nimmo
The Madness of King George

Ron Jacobs
They Ain't Goin' Nowhere (Unless We Make It So)

Laura Flanders
The Lynne Cheney Show?

Lenni Brenner
Renaissance Noir: Caravaggio at the Met

Abigail Jones
Whatever Happened to Lori Berenson, President Toledo's Trophy Prisoner?

Mark Latham
Nothing Bush Said Has Changed Our Hopes

Gerry Adams
I Was Photographed While Tortured, Too

Toni Solo
Venezuela 2004, Nicaragua's Contra War Reprised

Derek Seidman
Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old

M. Junaid Alam
Torture is Just the Symptom

Matt Siegfried
An American Way of War

Dave Zirin
The Politics of Charles Barkley

Poets' Basement
Albert, Krieger, St. Clair

Website of the Weekend
Overnight Sensations



June 4, 2004

Chris Floyd
Masked and Anonymous: Inside America's Animal House

Cornwell / Penketh
Exit Tenet: the Fall of a Fall Guy

Wayne Madsen
Apprehension & Frustation: Neo-Cons on the Brink

Greg Moses
Agitating for Workers' Rights in Iraq

Yitzak Laor
Before Rafah

Ghali Hassan
Ambassador to Death Squads: Who is Negroponte?

Jane Stillwater
God, the Rapture and Vera Casey

CounterPunch Wire
D-Day Reconsidered: Was It Really Worth the Carnage?

John Borowski
Woo-Wooism v. Meteorites: Why the Dems Are No Match for Bush

Mike Griffin
Caterpillar's Assault on the UAW

Alexander Cockburn
Has Bush Gone Over the Edge?

Website of the Day
Aquae Urbis Romae:
Water and Empire

June 3, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Iran's Nuclear Dilemma

Dr. Susan Block
America in tha Hood

Michael Donnelly
The Bully and the Brahmin

John Chuckman
Insanity in America: US Ranks Number One in the Deranged

Christopher Brauchli
The Return of Cardinal Law: Rome on $12,000 a Month

Samia Nassar Melki
Caravaggio in Iraq

Mike Whitney
Subverting Justice: Pre-Trial Ruminations in the Padilla Case

Diane Rejman
Memorial Day Isn't Just About the Dead

Scott Morris
"WMDs" in Cuba

Paul de Rooij
Palestinian Misery in Perspective


June 2, 2004

Brian Cloughley
The Liars are Winning

Ray McGovern
How Far Would They Go? Beware "Credible Intelligence"

Josh Frank
The Anybody But Bush Offensive

Alexander Cockburn
"Bye, Bye Boonville!"

June 1, 2004

Gary Leupp
Instant Karma: Bush's Sins Catch Up with Him

William A. Cook
Manufacturers of Fear and Loathing in Rafah

Dave Lindorff
Will the Times Clean House?

Kevin Zeese
Inside the Kerry / Nader Meeting: Did the Kerry Campaign Lie About What Was Discussed?

Jacob Levich
Coming Soon: Return of the Draft, a Bipartisan Production

Kathy Kelly
Voices in the Wilderness v. the US Government

Website of the Day
Remind Us

May 29 / 31, 2004

Lee Ballinger / Dave Marsh
The Origins of Memorial Day

Janine Pommy Vega
Memo for Memorial Day

Mike Ferner
On Their Way to Abu Ghraib

Alfred W. McCoy
The Cruel Shadow: the Long History of CIA Torture Research

Douglas Valentine
An Open Letter to the NYT: Questions, Questions, Questions

Chris White
First to Fight Culture: a Former Marine on the Marine Motto

Bruce Anderson
The Awful Injustice to Tai Abreu

David Vest
Get Ready for Kerry's War: the 100 Year Quagmire

Saul Landau
Torture: the Logical Outcome of Bush's War for Democracy?

Kurt Nimmo
Abu Hamza al-Mazri, Made in the USA

Elaine Cassel
The Secrets of Surveillance: Ashcroft, Snoops, and Gag Orders

Will Potter
The New War on "Terror": Protest the Torture of Chimps; Get Arrested as a "Terrorist"

Ben Tripp
They Fiddled While Nero Got the Matches

Dr. Susan Block
Save Abu Ghraib!

Kia Kojouri
Nukes, the US, Israel and Iran: an Interview with Sasan Fayazmanesh

Mickey Z
D-Day: 60 Years is Enough!

Jon Brown
Correcting the Correction at the Times

Patrick B. Barr
Pre-emptive War Insurance

Stephen Gowans
Bad Apples in a Bad Barrel

Tom Gorman
Gore on Bush in Iraq: the Approach May be Exotic, But It's Hardly New

Dave Zirin
Fighting for Boxers' Rights: an Interview with Eddie Mustafa Muhammad

Gregory Weiher
Bush to Arabs: "Go Get Yourself Some Democracy"

Erik Cummings
Jung Meets Bush

Poets' Basement
Davies, Ford, Kearney, McLellan and Albert

May 28, 2004

Rafael Rodriguez Cruz
Curtain of Silence on the Cuban 5

Greg Moses
Bush's Misleading Speech on Abu Ghraib

Dave Lindorff
Dissing Independent Contractors: Those Who Do the Dirty Work

Norman Solomon
Leaping for Lies at the Times

Rep. Bill Delahunt
Bush's Cruel New Rules on Cuba

Paul McGeough
Chalabi Baba and the 40 Thieves

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
India and Nehru: 40 Years After

Alexander Cockburn
NYTs: "Maybe We Did Screw Up...a Little"

May 27, 2004

Amy Goodman / David Goodman
Fatal Errors: the Lies of Our Times

Douglas Valentine
Ragging the Dogs of War at the NYTs

John L. Hess
The Times Confesses...Kind Of

Stew Albert
Dellinger, the Wrestling Pacifist

Dave Dellinger
a 1993 Interview

Christopher Brauchli
Tax Breaks for Scions...to Hell with Poor Kids

Rampton / Stauber
Banana Republicans: Pumping Irony

May 26, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Goodbye, David Dellinger: He Was a Friend of Ours

Robert Fisk
The Things Bush Didn't Say in His Speech

Zeynep Toufe
New Draft UN Resolution Permits Perpetual Occupation

Conn Hallinan
Bush and Sharon: the Oil Connection

Tom Stephens
2 + 2 is On My Mind: More Morons and War Crimes

Derek Medley
Protesting Gov. Bigot

CounterPunch Wire
FBI Abducts Artist; Seizes Art

Andrew Cockburn
The Trail to Tehran

May 25, 2004

Joe Bageant
The Covert Kingdom: On Earth as It is in Texas

Col. Dan Smith
A Question of Human Dignity

Gary Handschumacher
Visiting Lori Berenson: Time to Bring Her Home

Toni Solo
A Developing War in the Andes

Marc Estrin
September Song: Disturbing Questions About 9/11

Stephen Banko, III
A Vietnam Vet on "Supporting the Troops"

Website of the Day
The Wizard of Whimsy

May 24, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Dan Senor is Safe!

Kurt Nimmo
Dirty Tricks & TortureGate: the Missing Taguba Pages

Sam Hamod
Gen. Zinni: "Wrong War, Wrong Place, Wrong Time"

Mike Whitney
The Wedding was a Bomb

Stan Goff
Open Season on MAMs

Image of the Day
A Photo from Abu Ghraib We Didn't See on the Front Page of the NYTs

May 22 / 23, 2004

Paul de Rooij
Colin Powell, a Political Obituary

Jeffrey St. Clair
When War is Swell: Bush and the Carlyle Group

Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
Her Son Was Told He Wouldn't See Combat; Now He's Dead: an Interview with Sue Niederer

Brian Cloughley
America is Committing War Crimes in Iraq

Saul Landau
Democracy in Latin America: Great for Investors; Not So Good for People

Brandy Baker
Feminists Stand By Their Man: Abortion, Judges and Kerry

Randall Robinson
Bushwhacked in the Caribbean

Uri Avnery
The Rape of Rafah

Ben Tripp
Assume the Worst

Bruce Anderson
News from Ecotopia: the Truth About the Wine Business

Josh Ruebner
Why I Burned My Israeli Military Papers

Peter Wolson, Ph. D.
Exhibitionistic Revenge at Abu Ghraib

Chloe Cockburn
In Defense of "Troy": What Hector Could Teach Rummy

Linda Burnham
Sexual Domination in Uniform: an American Value

Adrien Rain Burke
War of the Necrophiliacs: Spc. Sabrina Harman and Her Corpse

David Krieger
Charting a New Course for US Nuclear Policy

Ron Jacobs

Poets' Basement
Ford, Albert & LaMorticella


May 21, 2004

Ray Close
The Canards of the Apologists

Christopher Brauchli
"The Object of Torture is Torture"

Amira Hass
Darkness at Noon

Jack McCarthy
Camilo Mejia: Can the Son of a Sandinista Get a Fair Trial from the US Army?

Bill Kauffman
Nader v. Bush

Omar Barghouti
No More Tears for America

Ghali Hassan
Moral Failure of the "Free World" in Gaza

Christopher Reed
How the CIA Taught the Portuguese to Torture

Website of the Day
Eric Idle on the Bush Administration: Fuck You, So Very Much

May 20, 2004

Andrew Cockburn
The Truth About Chalabi

Kathy Kelly
A Visit from the FBI

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Brown and Bored of Education in India

Tom Stephens & John Philo
The War Crimes of Bush, Cheney & Co.

Sam Bahour / Michael Dahan
Genocide by Public Policy

Robert Ovetz
Ending the Race for the Last Turtle

Billy Wilson
The Most Important Thing I Learned at School This Year

Website of the Day
Rafah Today


May 19, 2004

Elizabeth W. Corrie
Caterpillar Should Do the Right Thing, Now

Bill and Kathleen Christison
The US Can't Win

Vijay Prashad
For Whom the Polls Toll: the Indian Elections of 2004

Ray Hanania
Israeli War Crimes: Who to Believe, AIPAC or Amnesty Intl.?

Greg Moses
Man President Kisses Up at AIPAC

Michael Gillespie
Who is Kenneth deGraffenried?

Josh Frank
Homes Destroyed; Death Toll Mounts: But Where's John Kerry?

Gary Corseri
Out of Iraq and Plato's Cave

Kevin Alexander Gray
If Malcolm Were Alive

May 18, 2004

Neve Gordon
The Gaza Debacle

Doug Stokes
Imperial Policing: Why Abu Ghraib Shouldn't Surprise Us

Bob Wing
The Color of Abu Ghraib

Vanessa Jones
Man on a Leash

Thomas P. Healy
Chemical Trespass: the Body Burden

Zeynep Toufe
Torture and Moral Agency: the Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations

Kenneth Roth
Mistreatment of Detainees in US Custody: a Letter to Bush

Elaine Cassel
Pre-empting the Bill of Rights: The Other War, One Year Later

Website of the Day
Truth Against Truth


May 17, 2004

Kurt Nimmo
The John-John Ticket: Kerry Woos McCain

Laura Santina
Military Conditioning and Abu Ghraib

Mickey Z.
With Friends Like These: More Election 2004 Madness

Frederick B. Hudson
Police Terror: Three Mothers Search for Justice

Shakirah Esmail-Hudani
Inside Abu Ghraib: the Violence of the Camera

Boris Leonardo Caro
The Revelations of Mr. W.

Alex Dawoody
Iraq: From Saddam to Occupation

Victor Kattan
On Watching the Execution of Nick Berg

Ron Jacobs
Rumsfeld's Sovereignty Shell Game



May 15 / 16, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Green Lights for Torture

Douglas Valentine
ABCs of American Interrogation: Phoenix Program, Revisited

John Stanton
Kings of Pain: UK, US and Israel

Ben Tripp
Torture: a Fond Reminiscence

Brian Cloughley
Where are You Heading, America? Taking a Closer Look at the Patriot Act

Justin E. H. Smith
Islam and Democracy: the Lesson from Turkey

Brandy Baker
Equal Opportunity Torture: Lynddie England, the Right and Feminism

John Chuckman
Peep Show on Capitol Hill: Sex, Lies and Videotape

Bill Glahn
RIAA Watch: Goon Squad

John Holt
Fencing the Sky

Ron Jacobs
The Power of Patti Smith

Brian J. Foley
Why the Outrage Over Abu Ghraib?

Robin Philpot
Re-writing the History of the Rwandan Genocide

Eric Leser
The Carlyle Empire

Ray Hanania
From Abu Ghraib to Nick Berg: There's No Such Thing as a Good War Crime

Jeff Halper
Dozers of Mass Destruction

Joe Surkiewicz
Inside the Baltimore Detention Center

John Whitlow
Iraq Goddamn

Michael Leon
Invitation to a Beheading: Why Bush Should Watch the Berg Video

Poets' Basement
Krieger, Ford, LaMorticella, Smith and Albert




May 14, 2004

Dr. Susan Block
Bush's POW Porn

Ron Jacobs
Secret History of the War on Drugs

William Blum
God, Country and Torture

Michael Donnelly
The People v. Corporate Greed: A Victory on the North Coast

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
India Shines

Stephen Gowans
Building Democracy in Iraq and Other Absurdities




May 13, 2004

Dave Lindorff
Where is Kerry?

Colm O'Laithian
Torture and Degradation: Revenge American Style?

Saul Landau and Farrah Hassan
Wal-Mart: Scrooge with Hi-Tech Accounting Practices

Ralph Nader
An Open Letter to Bush on the Inhumane Treatment of Iraqi Prisoners

Willliam James Martin
Deir Yassin Massacre Recalled

Marc Salomon
Reality TV Bites

Forrest Hylton
Law 'n Order in La Paz: All Quiet on the Southern Front?

May 12, 2004

Virginia Tilley
So, Who's to Blame?

Bruce Jackson
James Inhofe, the Dumbest Senator of Them All

Thomas P. Healy
No Enemies: Making Peace with Bert Sacks

Linda S. Heard
Racism and Ignorance: a Lethal Cocktail in Iraq

Norman Solomon
Spinning Torturegate

Lisa Viscidi
The People's Voice: Community Radio in Guatemala

Jack Heyman
View from the Bay Bridge: Longshoremen Plan Mass Workers March on DC

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Rummy's Reprieve

CounterPunch Wire
Teamsters Corruption Scandal: Hoffa Exec. Assistant Alleged to Have Quashed Investigation into Mob Influence

Christopher Brauchli
Detention Camp, USA

May 11, 2004

Mark Engler
On the "Necessity" of Torture

Ray McGovern
More Troops? A March of Folly

Kurt Nimmo
Dirty Nukes and Jefferson's Grand Experiment

Mickey Z.
Less Than Hero

Christopher Reed
Torture on the Homefront: America's Long History of Prison Abuse

Dennis Hans
When John Negroponte was Mullah Omar

Bruce Jackson
Pete Seeger at 85

Mike Whitney
Killing al Sadr

Simon Helweg-Larsen
Shrinking the Guatemalan Military

William A. Cook
The Unconscious Country: Righteous Indignation, Nakedly Displayed

May 10, 2004

Robert Fisk
From Hollywood to Abu Ghraib: Racism and Torture as Entertainment

Wayne Madsen
The Israeli Torture Template: Rape, Feces and Urine-Soaked Cloth Sacks

Col. Dan Smith
The Shame of Abu Ghraib

Joe Bageant
John Ashcroft, Keep Your Mouth Off My Wife!

Ron Jacobs
Rummy's Prisongate Blues: Don't Leave Mad; Just Leave

Ben Tripp
Getting in Touch with Your Inner Savage

Ray Hanania
Why They Hate Us: Racism, Bigotry and Abuse

Reza Fiyouzat
Mishandled" Invasions

Diane Christian
Images & Abstractions & Genitals

Website of the Day
Crushing Iraqi Skulls with Tanks for Sport?

May 8 / 9, 2004

Cockburn / St. Clair
Torture: as American as Apple Pie

Adam Jones
America's Srebrenica: What About the Hundreds of POWs Suffocated and Shot at Kunduz?

Douglas Valentine
Who Let the Dogs Out?: Torture, the CIA and the Press

Kurt Nimmo
Rush Limbaugh and the Babes of Abu Ghraib

Brian Cloughley
Humpty Dumpty is Falling

Lucia Dailey
Forbidden Games

Joanne Mariner
* * * *: Redacting Moussaoui

Mickey Z.
Please Forgive U.S.? (There Are No Innocent Bystanders)

John Chuckman
The Thing with No Brain

Doug Giebel
Someone Knew: There Were No WMDs

Norm Dixon
How the Bush Gang Exploited 9/11

Sam Bahour
A Guiding Light Falls on Ramallah

Susan Davis
Disorderly Conduct as Fine Art

Dave Marsh
In a Pig's Eye: Alan Lomax, Dead But Still Stealing

Laura Flanders
Life with Dick and Lynne

Dave Zirin
Fans Push Spiderman Off Base

Carolyn Baker
Why I Won't Vote in 2004

"Ain't No Sense in Voting"

Dr. Susan Block
Onan for Two: Liberating Masturbation

Poets' Basement
Smith, Sleeth, Ford, Albert and Saska


May 7, 2004

Human Rights Watch
10 Prisons; 9,000 Prisoners: US Detention Facilities in Iraq

Ron Jacobs
UnAmerican? I Wish It Were So

Robert Fisk
An Illegal and Immoral War

Ahmad Faruqui
The 50th Anniversary of Dien Bien Phu

Alexander Zaitchik
From Terrell Unit in Texas to Abu Ghraib: Doesn't It Ring a (Prison) Bell?

Mike Whitney
The Price of Victory

Norman Solomon
This War, Racism and Media Denial

M. Shahid Alam
A Comic Apology

May 6, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
They Did It for Jessica: Smeared with Shit; Kicked to Death

Kathy Kelly
May Day in Pekin Prison: Prison Labor for the War Machine

The Sunk Cost Fallacy: War as Vegas Casino Game

Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Totalitarian Democracy

Robert Fisk
"Smoke Him": Video Shows Wounded Men Being Shot by US Helicopter

John Janney
Torturing the Way to Freedom?

Christopher Ketcham
Outlaw Heterosexual Marriage Now!

Alan Farago
Dead Oceans: So Long, Thanks for the Fish

Sam Hamod
Bush on Arab TV: Worthless and Demeaning

James Brooks
Sullen Spring

William S. Lind
On the Brink of Defeat in Iraq


May 5, 2004

Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba
Complete US Army Report on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

Kathleen and Bill Christison
Kerry: a Lost Cause for Progressives?

Will Youmans
Deal with the Devil: a Palestinian Zionist and the End of the World

Patrick B. Barr
Terrorists R Us: the Powerful are Exempt from the Label

Lawrence Magnuson
Nightline's All-American Morgue

Greg Moses
Pocketbook of Denuded Ideals

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Tormenting Prisoners, Torturing Truth

Lee Ballinger
Cinco de Mayo and Unity

Gilbert Achcar
Bush's Cakewalk into the Iraq Quaqmire

Website of the Day
Operation Phoenix & Iraq

May 4, 2004

Human Rights Watch
A Timeline of Torture and Abuse Allegations and Responses

Kurt Nimmo
The CIA Privatized Torture

David Peterson
CBS, Self-Censorship & Iraq

Barry Lando
CACI's Private Torture Chambers

Patrick Cockburn
Torture: Iraqis Disgusted, But Not Surprised

Dr. Susan Block
Indecent Insurgents: Watch What You Say

Fidel Castro
A Mindless, Unnecessary War

Mike Whitney
Empire of Torture

Sonali Kolhatkar
How to Stop the War: Demonstrate Against John Kerry

Josh Frank
The Lost Sierra Club

Stan Goff
The Role: Another Open Letter to US Troops in Iraq

Agustin Velloso
Spare Us Your Disgusting Ethics

Stew Albert
American Know-How

Website of the Day
Scenes from a Cover-Up


May 1 / 2, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
An Army in Disgrace, a Policy in Tatters, the Real Prospect of Defeat

Robert Fisk
"Good Guys" Who Can Do No Wrong

Alexander Cockburn
Watching Niagara: Stupid Leaders, Useless Spies, Angry World

Heather Williams
Gringo, We're Going Home: Latin American Troops Flee Iraq

Diane Rejman
An Army Vet on Torture in Iraq: Abu Ghraib as My Lai?

Diane Christian
Blood Spilling: Osama, Bush and Sharon Speak the Same Language

Patrick Cockburn
Seems Like Old Times in Fallujah

Dave Lindorff
Bush's Torturous Logic: Shocked, Shocked, Shocked

Chris Floyd
Suicide Bomber: Neocons, Nihilists and Annihilation



April 29 / 30, 2004

Dave Zirin
A Pawn in Their Game: the Unlonesome Death of Pat Tillman

Kathy Kelly
The Warden's Tour

Greg Weiher
Fallujah and the Warsaw Ghetto: the Banality of Evil

Michael S. Ladah
Terrorism and Assassination: the Ultimate Depception

Patrick Cockburn
The Fallujah Mutinies

April 28, 2004

Christopher Brauchli
Meet Congressman Know-Nothing: Tom Tancredo

Wendy Brinker
The Politics of the Numb

Faisal Kutty
The Dirty Work of Canadian Intelligence

John Chuckman
Seeking the Evil One

Mike Whitney
Flag-Draped Coffins and the Seattle Times

Tom Mountain
Rwanda and the F***** Word

Graeme Greenback
The Iraqi Alamo: a CNN/CIA Production

Tracy McLellan
The War Comes Home

M. Junaid Alam
We are the Barbarians

William Loren Katz
Iraq, the US and an Old Lesson

April 27, 2004

James Davis
The Colombia 3 Acquitted

Dave Lindorff
Chalabi as Prosecutor

Bruce Schneier
Terrorist Threats and Political Gain

Cockburn / Sengupta
British Generals Resist Calls for More Troops to Aid Americans in Iraq

Walt Brasch
Presidential Letters: The Day I Was Asked to Feed an Elephant

Saul Landau
The Empire in Denial and the Denial of Empire

April 26, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
Crossing the Shia Line: US Troops Prepare to Enter Najaf

Wayne Madsen
Trading Places: Will the US Go the Way of the USSR?

Grover Furr
Protest, Rebellion, Commitment

Elaine Cassel
Lies About the Patriot Act

Mickey Z.
Inspired by Pat Tillman?

Greg Moses
Bremer's De-De-Ba'athjfication Gambit

Gila Svirsky
Anarchy in Our Souls

Uri Avnery
Vanunu and the Terrible Secret

April 24 / 25, 2004

William A. Cook
Tweedledee and Tweedledum: Kerry and Bush Melt into One

Jeffrey St. Clair
Stryking Out: a General, GM and the Army's Latest Tank

Brandy Baker
A Revitalized Women's Movement? Let's Hope So

Robert Fisk
A Warning to Those Who Dare Criticize Israel in the Land of Free Speech

Ben Tripp
October Surmise: a Case of Worst Scenarios

Nelson Valdés
"Submit or Die": Iraq and the American Borg

Lucson Pierre-Charles
Haiti's Return to the Future

Kurt Nimmo
The CIA Killed Pat Tillman

Mark Scaramella
Does Anybody Know Anything?

Patrick Cockburn
The Return of Saddam's Generals

Gary Engler
Welcome to La Paz: a Vacation in Tear Gas

Col. Dan Smith
Whistling in the Dark: Israel, Palestine and Bush

Greg Weiher
Iraq is Utterly Unlike Vietnam...

Elaine Cassel
Life on the Outside: a Review

Vanessa Jones
Letter from Australia: Why an Independent Won Sydney

Jim French
Agriculture's Bullied Market

Hammond Guthrie
Al Aronowitz, Bob Dylan and The Beatles

Poets' Basement
Jones, Holt, Albert, LaMorticella

April 23, 2004

Ron Jacobs
The Only Solution is Immediate Withdrawal

Dave Lindorff
Imagination Deficit Disorder

Mokhiber / Weissman
Contractors and Mercenaries: the Rising Corporate Military Monster

Norman Solomon
Country Joe Band, 2004: "What Are We Fighting For?"

Cynthia McKinney
All Things Are Not Equal: the Perils of Globalization

CounterPunch Wire
A Bitch Called Wanda

Karyn Strickler
Sierra Club, Inc.

Hammond Guthrie
Yellow Caked in the Face

Paul de Rooij
Graveyard of Justifications: Glossary of the Iraqi Occupation

April 22, 2004

Patrick Cockburn
When Terror Came to Basra: "I Saw a Minibus of Children on Fire"

Tanya Reinhart
The Wall Behind Disengagement

Lance Selfa
Why is Kucinich Still in the Race?

Josh Frank
Street Fighting Man? Kucinich's Pulled Punches

Sen. Robert Byrd
Bush Owes America Answers on Iraq

William S. Lind
Why We Get It Wrong

Mickey Z.
Undoing the Latches

Robert Jensen
Why They Fast: Remembering the Victims of the World Bank

John L. Hess
The New York Times from 30,000 Feet

April 21, 2004

Gary Leupp
Yeats on Iraq

Alfredo Castro
Colombia's Forgotten Prisoners

Dr. Susan Block
Bush's Taliban Drug Deal

William A. Cook
George 1 to George 2

Jack Random
Iraq and Vietnam

Jean-Guy Allard
Alarcon Meets the Editors

Mike Whitney
Charade in the Desert

Bill Christison
Only Major Policies Changes Can Help Washington Now


April 20, 2004

Dave Lindorff
Bush and Kerry Share a Problem

Stan Cox
Wal-Mart's Magic Numbers

Bruce Anderson
On Listening to Air America

Joseph Kalvoda
Czech Mate for Condi

Greg Moses
Yesterday's Intelligence

Stan Goff
The Democrats and Iraq

Website of the Day
Santorum Happens

April 19, 2004

Kurt Nimmo
The "Central Hand" of the Resistance

Mike Whitney
Bob Woodward's Imperial Trifles

Douglas Valentine
52 Pick-Up and the 100-to-1 Rule

John Chuckman
The Sharon Annex: Evil Does Often Triumph

Doug Giebel
Welcome to the Club

Rahul Mahajan
Hospital Closings and War Crimes

April 16 / 18, 2004

Robert Fisk
Bush Legitimizes Terror

Saul Landau
Subverting Brazil and Cuba

Dave Lindorff
Paying for War: $2,150 per Family and Counting

Brandy Baker
Fallujah's Collateral Damage

Mickey Z.
The Left Attacks from the Right

Bruce Jackson
The Bush Press Conference: Gott Mit Uns

Norman Solomon
How the "NewsHour" Changed History

Alexander Cockburn
Bush, Kerry and Empire

April 15, 2004

Greg Moses
Follow the Families, Not the Script

Virginia Tilley
The Carnage According to Gen. Kimmitt: Just Change the Channel

Ron Jacobs
They Coulda Been Champions of the World: Hurricane Carter and Ron Kovic

Michael Neumann
A Happy Compromise: Hate Crimes Reporting in the Toronto Globe and Mail

April 14, 2004

Tom Reeves
Return to Haiti: an American Learning Zone

Reza Fiyouzat
Japan and Iraq

Ron Jacobs
What Bush Really Said

Diane Christian
The Real Passion

April 10 / 12, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
The Greatest Radical Journalist of His Age

Patrick Cockburn
Ambush, Kidnap, Murder: Another Day in "Post War" Iraq

Ellen Cantarow
Health Under Siege on the West Bank

Tariq Ali
Iraqi Resistance: a New Phase

Pseudoconservatism Revisited: When God is Pro War & Other Delicacies

Robert Fisk
Bush's War Lords to Their Critics: "Just Shut Up"

Gary Leupp
Indian Wars, Vietnam and Orientalist Fantasy

Ron Jacobs
The Iranian Revolution, Cont.

Jorge Mariscal
Perils of the Bootstrap

Phil Gasper
Defying Stereotypes About Death Row

Dave Zirin
Bringing the Black Freedom Struggle Into Sports: an Interview with Lee Evans

Brandy Baker
The Revolution is Playing at a Theater Near You

Mickey Z.
Underground Music is Free Media: an Interview with Twiin

Ali Tonak
Get Ready for the Million Worker March

Harry Browne
Asking the Wrong Question About Richard Clarke & 9/11

Gideon Samet
The Sharonizing of America

Conn Hallinan
Remote Control Warriors

Website of the Weekend
Taboo Tunes



April 9, 2004

Robert Fisk
This War's Simple Truth: Iraqis Do Not Want Us

John L. Hess
The Non-Confessions of a Warrior Princess: Condi on the Stand

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Condoleezza's Condescensions

Christopher Brauchli
Holes in the Sky: Bush's Crazed Missile Defense Plan

Don Santina
Forget the Alamo!: Glorifying the Fight for Slavery in Texas

William S. Lind
The 4G Warfare Seminar, Cont.

Bill Christison
9/11 Commission is Bush's New Lapdog

Website of the Day
What We've Done to Fallujah


April 8, 2004

Wayne Madsen
Rice (and the Record) Proves It: Bush Knew, But Failed to Act

Kurt Nimmo
Will Bush Flatten Fallajuh?

Patrick Cockburn
Guided Missile; Misguided War

Laura Flanders
Steamed Rice

Larry Everest
What Condi Rice is Hiding

Adam Federman
Sacred Capitalism Hits Russia

M. Junaid Alam
The Iraqi Intifada Begins

Norman Solomon
The Quest for a Monopoly on Violence

Douglas Valentine
Echoes of Vietnam: Phoenix, Assassination and Blowback in Iraq

Website of the Day
Xispas: Chicano Art, Culture and Politics



April 7, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Those Pulitzers!

Sen. Robert Byrd
Deeper into the Mouth of Hell: We Must Find the Exit from Iraq

Ron Jacobs
Tet in Iraq: Closer to the Cosmic Disaster?

Patrick Cockburn
Battles Across Iraq: US Death Toll Mounts

Kathy Kelly
Pacification: Worth the Price?

Sonali Kolhatkar
What Are You Doing About Afghanistan?

Rahul Mahajan
Report from Baghdad: Opening the Gates of Hell

Robert Fisk
US Airlifts Saddam to Qatar

Mike Whitney
America Out of Iraq, Now!

Sam Hamod
Bush, Pandora's Box and the Tiger


April 6, 2004

C.G. Estabrook
Mercenaries and Occupiers

William Blum
The Anti-Empire Report: the Israel Lobby

Col. Dan Smith
The Language of Disbelief: 1.3 Billion Still Live in War Zones

Dr. Bulent Gokay
The Coming Islamic Republic of Iraq?

Lynn Landes
Faking Democracy: Americans Don't Vote; Machines Do

Sheila Samples
What Would Royko Write?

Jason Leopold
Condi's Blind Spot: Rice Never Mentioned al-Qaeda

Mickey Z.
A Reality Show with No End in Sight

Robert Fisk
Iraq on the Brink of Anarchy

April 5, 2004

John Farrell
Lessons from El Salvador and Iraq

Robert Fisk
Bloodbath a Bad Omen for Bush

Gary Leupp
Shiites Say No: Another "Nightmare Scenario"



April 3 / 4, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Anti-Depressants a Problem? We're Shocked

Jeffrey St. Clair
How Neil Bush Succeeded in Business Without Really Trying

Gary Leupp
On Jefferson, Diderot and the Political Uses of God

Lawrence Davidson
Orwell and Kafka in Israel / Palestine

Frederick B. Hudson
Condi Rice: the Family Retainer

Phillip Cryan
The Magic of Coca-Cola: Colombian Workers, Civil Rights and Advertising

Dave Zirin
Lester Speaks: an Interview with Lester "Red" Rodney

Ben Tripp
Talking Dirty: Obscene But Not Heard

Bruce Anderson
Phony Liberals and Fake Concern for the Homeless

Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Justice and Legitimacy in Haiti

Mark Scaramella
Do You Have What It Takes to Be Sec. of Defense? Take the Rumsfeld Quiz

Sharon Smith
Do Most Iraqis Really Want the US to Stay?

Rick Giombetti
Melissa Ann Rowland: a Witch for Our Time

Nader/Kerry Quandary

Stephen Gowans
Communists for Capitalism?

Frank Bardacke / Doug Lummis
Support Nader; Dump Bush: an Election Manifesto

Mickey Z
Turn ON

Saul Landau
Kerry: a Less Dangerous Imperialist?

Richard Oxman
Nader and/or Death?

Poets' Basement
Holt, LaMorticella, Davies, Albert and Tripp

Website of the Weekend


April 2, 2004

Dave Lindorff
Barbaric Relativism: the Press and Fallujah

Kurt Nimmo
Wherever Bush Goes, Osama is Bound to Follow

Emma Miller
The Role of the West in the Rwandan Genocide

Dr. Susan Block
Same Sex Marriages: Just Say "No" to Prohibition

Norman Solomon
Media Strategy Memo for George & Dick

Sacha Guney
The Meaning of the Elections in Turkey

Christopher Brauchli
The Disturbing Case of Cpt. Yee

Website of the Day
Mercenaries, Inc.


April 1, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Dying in Vain in Iraq

Harry Browne
No Smoke, Plenty of Fire: Ireland's Pubs Go Smokefree

Chris Floyd
Towel Boy: Bush Hits Workers with Chemical Weapons

Nicole Colson
Inside America's Concentration Camp: Tortured at Guantanamo

Charles Arthur
Haiti's Army Cracks Down on Workers

Laura Flanders
Elaine Chao: a First Daughter for the First Son

March 31, 2004

M. Junaid Alam
Israel: Suicide Nation?

John L. Hess
Condi Under Oath: But What About the NYTs Reporters?

Fernando Suarez del Solar
A Year Since My Son's Death in Iraq

Sofia Perez
Spain's U-Turn on Iraq is Real Democracy in Action

David Vest
Stick 'Em Up: Put Cheney and Bush Under Oath

Tanya Reinhart
As in Tiannamen Square: Justice and the Yassin Assassination

Mike Whitney
Time to Dump the Pledge

Donald Kaul
Martha Stewart's Lesson: Never Talk to the FBI

Milt Bearden
Mired in the Tracks of Alexander the Great

Marjorie Cohn
The Illegal Coup in Haiti: How the Kidnapping of Aristide Violated US and International Law

Website of the Day
New Pentagon Papers Dropped at DC Starbucks

March 30, 2004

William S. Lind
An Occurrence in Pakistan: the Battle That Wasn't

Ron Jacobs
Assassinations, Hate Mail & Justice

Mickey Z.
Tommy Boy Friedman Does "Imagine"

Neve Gordon
Strategic Motives of the Yassin Assassination

Mark Scaramella
The Founding Scam: Insider Trading is the American Way

John Chuckman
The Countessa of Empire: Condi Rice's Idea of Democracy

Greg Moses
Live from Pasadena: Silhouettes of New Order

Rai O'Brien
What Kind of Democracy to Expect if the Opposition Takes Power in Venezuela

Bill Christison
The 9/11 Commission: Dangerous Harbinger for the Future

Website of the Day
Ghost Town: Riding Through Chernobyl


March 29, 2004

John Maxwell
Crisis in the Caribbean: a Miasma Foretold

J. Michael Springmann
Email Spying & Attorney Client Privilege

Robert Fisk / Severin Carrell
Coalition of the Mercenaries

The Black Commentator
Haiti's Troika of Terror

Doug Giebel
Candide in the Wilderness:
How Bush Policy Was Made

David Krieger
The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Bargain

Mike Whitney
Rejecting the Language of Terrorism

Richard Oxman
The Pitts: a 9/11 Burrow of an American Family

Kim Scipes
The AFL-CIO in Venezuela: Deja Vu All Over Again

Michael Donnelly
End Game for Northwest Forests

Norman Solomon
The Media Politics of 9/11

Kathy Kelly
Last Lines Before Vanishing

Website of the Day
Swans: Can Money Buy Everything?



March 27 / 28, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
Empire of the Locusts

Gary Leupp
The Yassin Assassination: Prelude to an Attack on Syria

William A. Cook
The Yassin Assassination: a Monstrous Insanity Blessed by the US

Faheem Hussain
Some Thoughts on Waziristan: Once and Always a Colonial Army

Elaine Cassel
Is Playing Paintball Terrorism?

Larry Birns / Jessica Leight
Disturbing Signals: Kerry and Latin America

John Ross
Bush Tells the World: "Drop Dead"

John Eskow
A Memo to Karl Rove from the Hollywood Caucus

Alan Maass
Who Are the Real Terrorists?

Dave Lindorff
Spineless of US Journalists

Joe Bageant
Howling in the Belly of the Confederacy

Dave Zirin
Reasonable Doubt: Why Barry Bonds is Not on Steroids

Craig Waggoner
Who Would Mel's Jesus Nuke?

The Kerry Quandry

Joel Wendland
Marxists for Kerry

Josh Frank
Scary, Scary John Kerry

Matt Vidal
Spoilers, Electability and the Poverty of American Democracy

Poets' Basement
LaMorticella, Hamod, Guthrie, Davies and Albert

Website of the Weekend
Say a Little Prayer



March 26, 2004

Christopher Brauchli
There's a Chill Over the Country

Robert Fisk
The Man Who Knew Too Much: the Ordeal of Mordechai Vanunu

Joe DeRaymond
Democracy in El Salvador? Think Again

Mike Whitney
Lessons on Apartheid from Ariel Sharon

Mickey Z.
Somalia and Iraq: Looking Back and Ahead

Chris Floyd
The Pentagon Archipelago

CounterPunch Photo Wire
Cheney's Close Shave?

John Breneman
Bush's Comic Bomb

Website of the Day
Dick is a Killer


March 25, 2004

Lee Sustar
Who is to Blame for Lost Jobs?

Standard Schaefer
An Interview with Michael Hudson on Offshore Banking Centers

Roger Burbach
Lula vs. the IMF: Brazil Begins to Throw Off the Austerity Planners

Jimmer Endres
Elections Without Politics: The Military Budget Is Not an "Issue"

Larry Tuttle
Acting in Your Name: Identity Theft and Public Interest Groups

Toni Solo
Misreporting Venezuela

Dan Bacher
A Memorial Wall for Iraq War's Dead and Wounded

Saul Landau
Is Venezuela Next?

Website of the Day
The Spiral Railway



March 24, 2004

Gary Leupp
General Musharraf's IOU

Richard Oxman
Shakespeare for Kerry

William Lind
The Beginning of Phase Three: 4G Warfare Hits Iraq

Rep. Ron Paul
Iraq One Year Later

Michael Dempsey
Killing Rachel Corrie Again

Alan Farago
The Bad Math of Mercury: Bush's War on the Unborn

Benjamin Dangl
and April Howard
Media in Cuba

John L. Hess
No Lie Left Behind: Judy Miller Does Dick Clarke

Greg Weiher
Two Cheers for Dems: "We're Not as Bad as George"

Eva Golinger
An Open Letter to John Kerry on Venezuela

Grayson Childs
Where's Cynthia McKinney?

Steve Niva
Israel's Assassinations will Only Fuel More Suicide Bombings

Website of the Day
The Bushiad and the Idiossey

March 23, 2004

Phillip Cryan
The Drug War's Next Casualty: Colombia's National Parks

Ron Jacobs
They Shoot Men in Wheelchairs, Too?

Dave Lindorff
A Spanish Parallel: Scare Tactics and Elections

Mike Whitney
Richard Clarke and Teflon George

Brian McKinlay
Bush's Lil' Buddy in Trouble: John Howard Starts to Wobble

Driving Mr. Koon: "Jim Crow Lives Next Door"

Phyllis Pollack
Gettin' Jigga with Metallica: the Battle Over the Double Black CD

Ahmed Bouzid
Sharon's One-Way Track

Sean Carter
The G-Word Goes to Court: One Nation Under [Your Logo Here]

M. Shahid Alam
World's Greatest Country: Do the Facts Lie


March 22, 2004

Mazin Qumsiyeh
On Extrajudicial Executions

Uri Avnery
The Assassination of Sheikh Yassin is Worse Than a Crime

Gilad Atzmon
Sharon's Rampage

Mike Whitney
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: the Story of Captain James Yee

Jason Leopold
Firm With Ties to Cheney Faces Criminal Indictment in Cal Energy Scam

Greg Moses
Stop Walling and Stalling: a Report from Houston's Peace March

Phil Gasper
San Francisco: 25,000 March for an End to the Occupation

Lenni Brenner
Report from NYC: Old and Young Parade for Peace

Julian Borger
The Clarke Revelations

Steve Perry
Karl Rove's Moment

Website of the Day
Enviros Against War

March 20 / 21, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Gay Marriage: Sidestep on Freedom's Path

Jeffrey St. Clair
Intolerable Opinions in an Age of Shock and Awe: What Would Lilburne Do?

Ted Honderich
Tony Blair's Moral Responsibility for Atrocities

Saul Landau / Farrah Hassen
The Plot Against Syria: an Irresponsibility Act

Gary Leupp
On Viewing "The Passion of the Christ"

William A. Cook
Fence, Barrier, Wall

Phil Gasper
Bush v. Bush-lite: Chomsky's Lesser Evilism

Ron Jacobs
Fox News and the Masters of War

John Stanton
Which Way John Kerry? The Senator's Inner Nixon

Justin Felux
Kerry and Black America: Just Another Stupid White Man

Mike Whitney
Greenspan's Treason: Swindling Posterity

Augustin Velloso
Avoiding Osama's Abyss

Lawrence Magnuson
Eyes Wide Open: Is Spain Caving in to Terrorism?

Kathy Kelly
Getting Together to Defeat Terrorism

Tracy McLellan
Scalia & Cheney: Happiness is a Warm Gun

Kurt Nimmo
Emma Goldman for President!

Luis J. Rodriguez
The Redemptive Power of Art: It's Not a Frill

Mickey Z
The Michael Moore Diet

Jackie Corr
When Harry Truman Stopped in Butte

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The Great Trial of 1922: Gandhi's Vision of Responsibility

Poets' Basement
Stew Albert & JD Curtis

Website of the Weekend
Virtual World Election

March 19, 2004

Jeffrey St. Clair
Zapatero to Kerry: Back Off, Senator, Our Troops are Coming Home

Ann Harrison
So Protesters, How Well Do You Know Your Rights?

William MacDougall
Fortress Britain's War on "Economic Migrants"

Greg Moses
Sold American: Cowboy Nation Gets Ready to Vote

Cynthia McKinney
Haiti and the Impotence of Black America: Roll Back This Coup, Mr. Bush

Norman Solomon
Spinning the Past; Threatening the Future

John L. Hess
"Missing" Evidence and the NYTs

Vicente Navarro
The End of Aznar, Bush's Best Friend

Website of the War
Naming the Dead

March 18, 2004

Gila Svirsky
Rachel Corrie, One Year Later: She Never Lost Faith in Decency

Christopher Brauchli
Drilling a Hole in the Sanctions: How Halliburton Made $73 Million from Saddam

William Kulin
Report from Iraq: Just Another Baghdad Car Bombing

Mike Whitney
Resistance: a Moral Imperative

Rep. Ron Paul
Broadcast Indecency Act: an Indecent Attack on the First Amendment

Josh Frank
The Nader Question

Jack Random
They Lied & They Lost: Madrid and the Lessons of Democracy

Greg Bates
What Makes a Nader Voter Tick? A Survey

Sam Hamod / Alfredo Reyes
Contempt of the World: Hastert, Bush and Cheney on Spain

Gary Leupp
The Madrid Bombings: the Chickens Come Home to Roost

Website of the Day
Privatizing Armageddon: Buy Your Own Doomsday Key

March 17, 2004

Marjorie Cohn
Spain, the EU and the US: War on Terror or Civil Liberties?

David MacMichael
Untruth and Consequences

Michael Donnelly
Wear the Green, But Skip the Green Beer

Tom Stephens
"Steady Leadership": Let the Buyer Beware

Wayne Madsen
Sen. Kerry, Let Me Help You Out

Karyn Strickler
Who Owns the Sierra Club? Anonymous Donors and Rigged Elections

Peter Linebaugh
Bush: Blanc Blanc

March 16, 2004

Lenni Brenner
James Madison: the Anti-Clerical Father of the Bill of Rights

Scott Boehm
Madrid Diary: How to Change World Order in Four Days

Alexander Lynch
From Franco to Aznar: the History Behind the Spanish Elections

Sam Hamod and Alfredo Reyes
The Truth About the Spanish Elections: Aznar Was Going Down Anyway

Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg
You Wouldn't Do a Dog This Way: Executing David Clayton Hill

Mike Whitney
The Case for a Nuclear Iran

Robert Fisk
The Bloody Price of the "War on Terror"

Bill Christison
The Aftershocks from Madrid

CounterPunch Photo Wire
The Passion of St. Teresa

Website of the Day
Join the War on Art!

March 15, 2004

Harry Browne
Terror Nothing New to Europe

Mike Whitney
Justice Not Murder: the Tragic Symmetry of Terrorism

Lidice Valenzuela
Haiti: a Coup without Consultation

Greg Moses
Lessons from the Texas Primaries: Looking for a Coalition with Legs

Mickey Z.
Depraved Indifference: C-Sections, Patriarchy & Women's Health

Asaf Shtull-Trauring
AWOL in New York: From Refusenik to Organizer

CounterPunch Wire
Gen. Gramajo Executed by Bees!

March 12 / 14, 2004

Gabriel Kolko
The Coming Elections and the Future of American Global Power

Saul Landau
Oh, Jesus...It's the Movie!

William Blum

William S. Lind
Why They Throw Rocks

Rahul Mahajan
The Meaning of Madrid: War on "Terrorism" Makes Us All Less Safe

Neve Gordon
Demographic Wars

Kurt Nimmo
Kerry and the Progressive Interventionists

Mickey Z.
The "New" UN Blames the Poor

Mike Whitney
War Games: the American Media Leads the Charge

Helen Scott and Ashley Smith
Aristide's Fall: What Led to the Coup?

Justin E.H. Smith
Loïc Wacquant: Against a Sociodicy of the American Prison

Brandy Baker
Him Again? Al Gore Needs to Move On

Robin Philpot
Nobody Can Call It a "Plane Crash" Now: the Report on the Assassination of Rwandan President Habyarimana

Mokhiber / Weissman
The Meat Monopoly Takes a Rare Pounding

Dave Zirin
She Turned Her Back on the War: an Interview with Toni Smith

Daniel Wolff
The Lord's Pier

March 11, 2004

Ron Jacobs
Bedtime for Democracy

Bill Kauffman
Hey, Ralph! Why Not Another Party of the People?

James Hollander
Slaughter in Madrid: Consolidating an Ally?

Norman Solomon
They Shoot Journalists, Don't They?

Patrick Gavin
The Salvation of Dan Quayle: Family Values Return

Becky Burgwin
You're Messing with the Wrong Generation

John Sugg
The FBI is on My Trail

March 10, 2004

Hammond Guthrie
Read This Book!: "Who the Hell is Stew Albert?"

Chris Floyd
Operation Enduring Sweatshop: Another Bush Brings Hell to Haiti

Elizabeth Corrie
Remembering the Death of Rachel Corrie

Mike Whitney
US Press Torpedoes Aristide

M. Junaid Alam
An Anti-Civilizational War?

Bob Feldman
The Occupation of Haiti: Recalling 1915-1934

John L. Hess
An Overload of Crises

Gary Leupp
On Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and the Uses of al-Qaeda "Links"


March 9, 2004

Greg Weiher
The Zarqawi Gambit, Part 2

Ben Tripp
Word Up! Let's Have a Conversation

Tom Barry
Neo-Cons Target Syria

Sharon Smith
The Hypocrites in the Catholic Church

Robert Fisk
The Same Old Iraq

Doug Giebel
The Bush Strategy: Laughing All the Way

Ralph Nader
Pension Rights, the Trail of Broken Promises

Daniel Estulin
In Memory of Ricardo Ortega: a Great Journalist, Killed in Haiti

Dave Lindorff
Martha Stewart's Cloudy Day

Saul Landau
Will the Filthy Rich Dump Bush?

Website of the Day
Imperial Armies in the Garden


March 8, 2004

Amy Goodman
An Interview with Aristide

Eric Ruder
An Interview with Robert Fatton on the Coup in Haiti

Robert Jensen
The Presidential Library Terrorist Connection

Mike Whitney
Expel the US from the Security Council

Jason Leopold
How Cheney Helped Cover Up Pakistan's Nuclear Proliferation

Mazin Qumsiyeh
Why is Apartheid Touted as a Solution?

Kevin Alexander Gray
The Legacy of Strom Thurmond

Derek Seidman
Radical Continuity: an Interview with Paul Buhle

Steve Perry
Kerry Fiddles While He Could be Burning Bush

Website of the Day
Patriot Act Game



March 6 / 7, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Understanding the World with Paul Sweezy

Robert Pollin
Remembering Paul Sweezy

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Politics of Timber Theft

Tom Reeves
Bush's Mass Deportations: 63,000 and Counting

Charles Lewis
Who Mugged Howard Dean in Iowa: Kerry, Torricelli and a Mysterious Frontgroup

Tom Jackson
My Breakfast with Sen. Judd Gregg

Kurt Nimmo
Is Venezuela Next?

Alan Cisco
A Report from Caracas

Jack Random
Haitian Democracy be Damned

Colin Piquette
Oh, Canada: the Coup Coalition

Lee Sustar
Labor's State of Emergency

William D. Hartung
Iraq and the Costs of War

David Sally
Rebuilding Amérique

Mark Scaramella
When God Mooned Moses: Test Your Bible Knowledge

Mickey Z.
What We Can Learn from Ashcroft's Gallbladder

Ron Jacobs
Politics and Baseball

Dave Zirin
The Longest Jump: the Blackballing of Phil Shinnick

Poets' Basement
John Holt and Larry Kearney

Website of the Weekend
National Day of Action for Rachel Corrie



March 5, 2004

Chris Floyd
Uncle Sugar: How the WMD Scam Put Money in Bush Family Pockets

Ron Jacobs
Chaos Reigns: Haiti and Iraq

Lisa Viscidi
Guatemalan Refugees: a Difficult Return

Yves Engler
Canada and the Coup in Haiti

Mike Legro
Those Bush Ads: Some Dead Bodies Are Worth More Than Others

Javier Armas
A Night of Inspiration: Oakland Benefit for Grocery Workers Strike

Bennett Hoffman
"Who Cares About Haiti, Anyway?"

Bill Christison
Faltering Neo-Cons Still Dangerous

Website of the Day
Haiti Support Group


March 4, 2004

Diane Christian
Sex and Ideals

Sen. Robert Byrd
Stop the Stonewalling, Mr. President: Fairy Tales, Bush and the 9/11 Commission

Norman Solomon
Assuming the Right to Intervene: The US Press and Haiti

Jack Brown
A Fragrant Saga of Mexico's Greens

Hal Cranmer
The John Kerry Experience

David Lindorff
Greenspan's Pension

Sam Smith
The Election is Over, We Lost

Christopher Brauchli
Goin' to the Chapel: The Gay and the Dead

Brian D. Barry
The "Perfect" World of E-Voting: A Computer Scientist Reports from the Polling Booth

Richard Oxman
Arsonists for Haiti?

Peter Phillips
Haitian Fantasies: Mainstream Media Fails Itself, Again

Tariq Ali
Notes on Anti-Semitism, Zionism and Palestine

Website of the Day
What If Boeing Ads Told the Truth?



March 3, 2004

Heather Williams / Karl Laraque
Marines Retake Haiti

Jack McCarthy
Guy's Our Guy: "I am the Chief. My Hero is Pinochet."

Robert Sandels
The Purloined Label: The Struggle Over the Havana Club Trademark

Juliana Fredman / James Davis
Israeli Organized Crime

The Yuppie Silence on Haiti

Emilio Sardi
The Colombia/US Free Trade Deal: It's About More Than Trade

Alan Farago
Swimming in Sewage

Mike Whitney
"Blood Will Have Blood": 143 Murdered in Liberated Iraq

CounterPunch Wire
Nader's Legislative Record in the 1960s

Steve Perry
Kerry Advisory: Remember Lena Guerrero

Nelson George/ Marcus Miller
Miles Davis & Hip Hop: a Conversation

Website of the Day
$10,000 Is Yours for the Taking: The USS Liberty Challenge



March 2, 2004

William Blum
If Kerry's the Answer, What's the Question?

Conn Hallinan
Haiti: the Dangerous Muddle

JoAnn Wypijewski
The Bravo H-Bomb Test: One WMD They Couldn't Hide

Mike Whitney
Regime Change in Haiti: the Bush Dominos Keep Falling

Ra Ravishankar
Afghanistan, the Liberation That Isn't: an Interview with Mariam from RAWA

Dan Bacher
Merle Haggard & the Politics of Salmon: "Clearcutting is Rape"

Greg Moses
Oscar White

Brandy Baker
Mel Gibson's Minstrelsy Show

Little Tucker Carlson
What I Did on My Vacation

Robert Fisk
All This Talk of Civil War, Now This

Merle Haggard
Kern River

Website of the Day
Rebel Edit


March 1, 2004

Alexander Cockburn
Morris Thanks War Criminal in Front of Billions

Richard Oxman
Oscar's Obit: Thanking Bob McNamara

Elaine Cassel
Writing and Reading as "Terrorism"

Mickey Z
Thomas Friedman's Education

Mike Whitney
George Will and Anti-Semitism: a Cul-de-Sac of Prejudice

Heather Williams
Haiti as Target Practice: How the US Press Missed the Story

Cathy Crosson
Chanson d'amour haïtienne

Website of the Day
God Hates Shrimp

February 28 / 29, 2004

Stephen Green
Serving Two Flags: Neo-Cons, Israel and the Bush Team

Gary Leupp
Another Senseless Bush Battle: Defining and Protecting Marriage

William A. Cook
Israel: America's Albatross

Ron Jacobs
Kucinich: Good Fight; Wrong Battlefield

Ben Tripp
A Nosegay of Posies: Queer Weddings at Last!

Leilla Matsui
Dances with Crucifixes

Mike Whitney
Dismantle the Military Goliath

Yoel Marcus
Down and Out in the Hague

Uri Avnery
The Dancing Bear

Linda S. Heard
Britons and Americans Condemned to a Hobson's Choice

Al Krebs
Unmasking a Secret American Empire: Land, Water & Cotton

Stan Cox
Life (Pat. Pend.): Genetic Commandeering

The Haiti Boomerang: "After The Looting & Pillaging, Your Hunger Will Remain"

Rick Giombetti
Censorship at the Seattle P-I on Forced Psychiatry

Keith Hoeller
The Bankruptcy of Mental Health Insurance Parity

Dave Zirin
Colorado Football: Buffalo Swill


Alan Maass
Nader and the Politics of Lesser Evils

Michael Donnelly
Regime Rotation: Anybody But Bush...Again?

Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Exeunt Serenaders; Enter Nader

Doug Giebel
So Nader's Running? Get Over It

Bruce Jackson
An Open Letter to Naderites

CounterPunch Wire
Stalinists for Kerry! and Other Roars from the Crowd

Poets' Basement
Davies, Scarr, Kearney & Albert