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Read Whiteout: the CIA, Drugs and the Press and discover how the CIA gave a helping hand to the opium lords who took over Afghanistan, ushering the Taliban into power and helping to finance Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

CounterPunch Special Reports


Five Days That
Shook The World:
Seattle and Beyond

By Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair
with Photos
by Allan Sekula

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Al Gore:
A User's Manual
by Cockburn
and St. Clair

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Reviews of Gore:
a User's Manual

CIA, Drugs & the Press
by Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St. Clair

A Pocket Guide to
Environmental Bad Guys
by James Ridgeway
and Jeffrey St. Clair


The Phoenix Program
by Douglas Valentine

By Douglas Valentine

Private Warriors
by Ken Silverstein

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She Needed Fewer Friends

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Children In Banana Trees:
a photo exhibit by David Bacon

Bill Gates' Mugshot

Is It the Next Guatemala?

George W. Bush's Money Men:
The 119 Pioneers

What Set Off Ted K.?: The Unabomber, the CIA & LSD

CounterPunch Stories July 2002

July 30, 2002

Pierre Tristam
Branding September 11

PS Burton
Financial Journalism:
A Very Small Cog

Tom Stephens
Hypocrites in the House:
Fast Track After Midnight

Dave Marsh
Censorship Goes Global

July 29, 2002

Linda Belanger
Why Do They Do It?

Alfredo Castro
Colombia's Disappeared

Anne Brodsky
Inside Pakistan and
Afghanistan with RAWA

Andrew George
The Fires of Summer:
Don't Blame the Greens

David Vest
A Blind Mule and
a Box of Medals

July 28, 2002

Bob Geary
Our Dinner with Fidel Castro

July 27, 2002

Ian Daoust
The New Mahler, Seattle Style

Gavin Keeney
Zizek and Lenin

Ralph Nader
Citigroup Heal Thyself

M. Shahid Alam
American Presidents (Poem)

Mokhiber / Weissman
Push Back: Women Take
on the Corporate Beasts

July 26, 2002

Jerre Skog
American Dictatorship:
It Couldn't Happen...Could It?

Philip Farruggio
Lie, Rob and Steal

Rep. Ron Paul
Monitor Thy Neighbor

Ron Jacobs
Thinking About the
Weather (Underground)

Walt Brasch
Ashcroft's War on Bookstores

July 25, 2002

Norman Madarasz
Paul Krugman's Howl:
Populism, War and
the Melting Economy

Gavin Keeney
Van Morrison: In September

Rep. Cynthia McKinney
War on Terrorism or
Police State?

July 24, 2002

Gary Leupp
An Islam Primer

July 23, 2002

Jeffrey St. Clair
The Battle for Zuni Salt Lake

Ansar Ahmed
Am I with You, George?

Bill Christison
The Disastrous Foreign Policies of the US: Oppression Abroad Means Repression at Home

July 22, 2002

Rick Giombetti
Glaxo Raises White Flag
in Paxil Case

Wayne Madsen
Forbidden Truth
The Press, Bush, Oil
and the Taliban

July 21. 2002

Francis A. Boyle
The Rogue Elephant

Jennifer Harbury
Why are the FBI & CIA Targeting Me?

Joan Claybrook
Time for a Special Prosceutor
for Thomas White

Gloria Bergen
The Struggle of Workers
in Palestine

Dave Marsh
Mr. Big Stuff:
Alan Lomax, Great White Fraud

James T. Phillips
"I'll Tell You No Lies"
The Human Rubble of War

July 20, 2002

Gavin Keeney
The Grave New Urbanism
World Trade Center Burlesque

Jacob Levich
"I Was Schooled in Hate"
Confessions of a
Summer Camp Terror Tot

Thomas Croft
Augusta, GA
Growing Up in the Deep South

Alexander Cockburn
The Market Hogwallow:
Popgun Populism Isn't Enough

July 19, 2002

Abe Bonowitz / SueZann Bosler
A Discussion with Jeb Bush on the Death Penalty

Jonathan Power
No Need for War Against Iraq

Rick Giombetti
Qwest Death Watch

Kurt Nimmo
Of Mice, Bullets & Bombs

M. Shahid Alam
Through Racist Eyes:
Is Eurocentrism Unique?

July 18, 2002

Jere Skog
I Spy: Now Let's be Fair,
the USA Ain't East Germany

Ralph Nader
The CEO Crimewave:
Corporate Socialism

Mahbubul Karim (Sohel)
The Rising Tensions
Between Spain and Morocco

Alexander Cockburn
Drivel and Squawk:
Can the Times' Jeff Gerth
Save the White House?

July 17, 2002

Philip Farruggio
The New Role Model:
Remember Jesus, George?

Zara Gelsey
Who's Reading Over
Your Shoulder?

Behzad Yaghmaian
9/11 and Fotress Europe:
the Drama of the New
Moslem Diaspora

Mike Ferner
War, Incorporated

Gary Leupp
Bush, Burqas and the Oppression of Afghan Women

July 16, 2002

Pierre Tristam
Faith-based Capitalism in
the Ruins of the Market

Kurt Nimmo
How My 35mm Camera Almost Became a Tool of Treason

Robert Fisk
The Kashmir Distraction

Salam al-Marayati
When is Terrorism
Not Defined as Terrorism?

Kathleen Christison
The Image Problem:
Anti-Palestinian Bias
from Wilson to Bush

July 15, 2002

Gavin Keeney
In One of Safire's Ears,
Out the Other

CounterPunch Wire
Nader in Cuba

Ralph Nader
The Secret World of Banking

Dave Marsh
Vincible: Michael Jackson, Racism and the Music Cartel

Rahul Mahajan
Justice for Bhopal

Jeffrey St. Clair
Seduced by a Legend
The Return of Jimmy T99 Nelson

July 14, 2002

Bill Christison
The DOA (Poem)

David Vest
I'll Never Get Out of This Band Alive

July 13, 2002

M. Junaid Alam
A Process of Dehumanization

Gavin Keeney
Go Tell Karl Rove!

Matt Vidal
Corporate "Ethics" Red Herrings

Ed Whitfield
Lessons from Independence Day

July 12, 2002

Sean Donahue
The Other Harken Energy Scandal: Oil, Death Squads
and Colombia

Walt Brasch
Sin Tax Scam
"Psst. Cigarettes. A Buck Each."

Steve Perry
A Tale of Two Twits
Wall Street Burns, Bush Fiddles, But Where's Wellstone?

July 11, 2002

Lloyd Marbet
Arrested by the Chamber
of Commerce

David Krieger
Law vs. Force

David Vest
Fountain of Foo:
Strike Three Called

Irit Katriel
A Deep Ideological Crisis

Richard Glen Boire
Dangerous Lessons:
Public School Drug Testing

July 10, 2002

CounterPunch Wire
Third Party Woes
South Carolina Denies Kevin Alexander Gray Ballot Status

Nassar Ibriham & Majed Nassar
Bush's Middle East Plan: Always Changing, Never Changing

Robert Fisk
Ain't That America:
A Strange Kind of Freedom

Dave Marsh
The Return of CREEP:
Record Cartel Accounting

Bernard Weiner
Hope and Despair in
the Body Politic

Gary Leupp
European Worries and
Bush's Terror War

July 9, 2002

St. Clair / Cockburn
The Atomic Clock is Ticking:
All Roads Lead to Yucca Mtn.

Jack McCarthy
Florida: a Terrorist Sanctuary for Bush's Bloody Pals?

Robert Fisk
How a Saudi Billionaire
Does Beirut

Stanton and Madsen
God, Incorporated

Kurt Nimmo
IDF, Gangbanging with Tanks

Bill Christison
Disastrous Foreign Policies
of the US Part 3:
What Can We Do About It?

July 8, 2002

Rick Mercier
Yucca Mountain Bound

Lev Grinberg
The BUSHARON Global War

Tariq Ali
How Bush Used 9/11 to Remap the World

Lori Allen
The Tugs of War:
Palestinian Life Under Curfew

July 7, 2002

Alexander Cockburn
White House Crooks

July 6, 2002

Gavin Keeney
Loose Lips:
Liberty, Democracy & Bush

Michael Neumann
What's So Bad About Israel?

Steve Baughman
Ashcroft's Vendetta:
Lynching John Lindh

July 5, 2002

Ahmad Faruqui
Bush Freezes Peace Process

Todd May
Independence and Terrorism

Rahul Mahajan
Why I Won't Celebrate the Fourth of July This Year

July 4, 2002

S. Brian Willson
What the Flag Means to Me

Philip Farruggio
Independence Day and
the Working Poor

Tom Gorman
The Uncommon Pledge
of Allegiance

Chris Floyd
Jungle Fever:
Bush's Bolivian Mercenaries

July 3, 2002

Mokhiber / Weissman
Cracking Down on Corp. Crime

Robert Jensen
Lynne Cheney's Primer

Behzad Yaghmaian
An Alternative to the G-8s Africa Initiative
Toward a Global AIDS Fund and a Living Wage

John Borowski
Public Schools Under Seige

Norman Madarasz
Brazil, the Workers' Party and the Financial Times

July 2, 2002

Leah Wells
The Wedding Was a Bomb

CounterPunch Wire
Trial of the SOA 37

Edward Hammond
Bombing the Mind:
The Pentagon's Drug Warfare

Sam Bahour
Ramallah Occupied:
Uninvited Guests Become Neighbors

July 1, 2002

Norman Madarasz
Brazil's Triumph