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A dictionary of English slang and colloquialisms
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sab Noun. Abb. of saboteur. The 'sab'/'sabbing' terms gained prominence during the 1980s with the increased activity in animal rights and hunt saboteurs.
Verb. To sabotage.
sabbing Noun. An act of sabotage. E.g."We're off sabbing the ICI animal labs in Cheshire tomorrow so bring your lawyers phone number."
sack Noun. Bed. E.g."Let's hit the sack, I'm exhausted." See 'hit the sack'. [U.S.]
sack (something) off Verb. To put an end to something.
sack-it Verb. Stop it, put an end to something.
sad Adj. Unfortunate, pitiful or pathetic. Derog. E.g."Geoff's so sad, getting his tongue pierced just because it's fashionable."
saddo Noun. A pathetic or contemptible person. Derog.
safe! Exclam. An expression of agreement, OK! Yes! Agreed!
salad dodger Noun. A fat person. Derog.
same to you with brass knobs on! Exclam. A dismissive and contemptuous retort.
sample Noun. A digitally copied segment of a tune, edited for use in one's own musical piece.
Verb. To copy in the above manner.
S. and M. Noun. Sado-masochism. Abb. of sadism and masochism. The sexual pleasure derived from inflicting and receiving pain.
sandwich Noun. A sexual threesome.
Sapphic Noun. Of or like a lesbian.
sanger Noun. A sandwich. [Aust/Irish.]
sarky Adj. Abb. of sarcastic.
sarnie Noun. A sandwich. {Informal}.
sauce Noun. Alcoholic drink.
sausage Noun. A penis.
sausage fingers Noun. Clumsy and imprecise fingers, usually applied to when mistyping on computer keyboards. E.g."Sorry about the spelling mistakes; I think I must have had sausage fingers that day."
sausage jockey Noun. A homosexual male. Derog. [1990s.]
sausage sandwich Noun. 1. A sexual act involving one man and two women.
2. A masturbatory act involving the penis being sandwiched between a woman's breasts.
savvy Verb. To know, or understand.
scabby Adj. Unpleasant, distasteful, rotten.
scag Noun. Heroin, the opiate. Also spelt 'skag'.
scally Noun. A miscreant, a lout, usually male. Abb. of scallywag. This derogatory name has been in prolific use from the early 1990s.
* Scally was also a term for a Liverpudlian youth, used in and around Liverpool itself and was possibly the forerunner of the current expression, however the use of it in this form is now rare .
scam Noun. A trick or con. [1900s. U.S.]
scammels Noun. Prominent and erect female nipples. An abbreviated form of scammel wheel nuts.
scanties Noun. Female underwear. From their often exiguous nature.
scaredy-cat Noun. A person who is frightened. An adolescent term. Derog.
scare the pants off (someone) Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone). E.g."When I saw the muscles on him it scared pants off me."
scare the shit out of (someone) Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone).
scarper Verb. Go, often hurriedly, escape. Abb. rhyming slang from Scapa Flow. E.g."Scarper lads, the police are coming!"
scat queen Noun. A gay male who indulges in sexual acts involving faeces. Scat is derived from scatology. Cf. also 'curry queen', 'pissy queen' and 'dinge queen'.
schemie Noun. A disparaging term for a person from a Scottish council estate, called a scheme. Derog. [Scottish use]
schizzo Noun. Abb. of schizophrenic but more generally applied to a person showing mental problems and incapabilities. Derog. Pronounced skitzo.
schlep Verb. To tiresomely lug around, to do lots of leg work. Also spelt 'shlepp'. The term gained popularity in Britain during the late 1980s. {Informal}. [Yiddish.]
schlong Noun. Penis. From the Yiddish. Also spelt shlong.
schmaltzy Adj. Sugary and corny sentiments. {Informal}. [Yiddish.]
schmooze Verb. To chat intimately and in a flattering manner.
schtum Adj. Quiet, silent. Also spelt schtoom, stumm. E.g. "Keep schtum about it, we'll get into trouble if the boss finds out!" [Yiddish]
scoff Verb. To eat. {Informal}.
Noun. Food. {Informal}.
sconner Noun. A person without pubic hair.
scooby Noun. A clue. Rhyming slang on 'scooby doo', the cartoon character. E.g."I haven't got a scooby why she went into a rage, I was only 1 hour late for dinner."
score Verb. 1. To obtain illicit drugs. [1930s. U.S.]
2. To achieve a liason with a sexually desirable person.
Noun. 20 pounds sterling.
Scouse Adj. Of or from Liverpool. Derived from the name of a local stew, an abb. of lobscouse.
Scouser Noun. A person from Liverpool, a Liverpudlian.
scrambled Adj. Confused. E.g."Strewth, my head's scrambled from all those drugs."
Also applies to one's hearing, E.g."What did he say ? My ears were on scramble."
scrag Verb. To handle roughly.
scran Noun. Food. [Late 1800s]
scrap Noun. A fight or quarrel. {Informal}.
scream blue murder Vrb phrs. To make an outcry of anger or exasperation.
screaming abdabs Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. E.g."He's got the screaming abdabs since failing his driving exam 6 times." Cf. 'abdabs' [1940s]
screw Verb. To fornicate. [1800s]
Noun. A prison officer.
screw around Verb. 1. Be sexually promiscuous. [U.S.]
2. To idle away time.
screw loose Noun. See 'have a screw loose'.
screw the arse off (someone) Vrb phrs. To fornicate enthusiastically. Cf. 'fuck the arse off.'
screw up Verb. To ruin, mess up. E.g."Don't screw up your life with jugs, no sorry, I mean drugs."
Noun. A failure, a 'cock-up'.
screw you! Verb. A rebuke such as 'get lost' or 'fuck you'.
scrike Verb. To cry. Northern dialect. E.g."She scrikes that much she actually takes a box of tissues to the cinema."
scrikey Adj. Tearful. [Northern use.]
scrote Noun. 1. A contemptible person. Derog.
2. An abb. of scrotum.
scrotty Adj. Unpleasant, dirty.
scrubber Noun. A coarse and sexually amenable or promiscuous woman. Has recently being superseded by the use of 'slapper'. Derog.
scruff Noun. An unkempt or dirty person. {Informal}.
scruffs Noun. Less important clothes in which one relaxes or completes tasks likely to dirty or ruin them. E.g."I can't come for a meal immediately, I'm still in my scruffs."
scrummy Adj. Delicious, pleasant. Derived from the informal scrumptious.
scrump Verb. To steal fruit from a garden or orchard. {Informal}.
scum Noun. A worthless person or group. Derog. {Informal}.

Noun. 1. A despicable or objectionable person. Derog.
2. A sleazy person. Derog.
* Orig. scumbag, meaning a condom, a contraceptive sheath..

scumbucket Noun. Meaning the same as 'scumbag'.
scupper Verb. To thwart, to prevent from succeeding. E.g."Don't scupper your chances of passing your driving test by having a beer first." {Informal}
scut Noun. A sexually promiscuous woman. [Merseyside use?]
scutch Adj. Sting or smart from a slap. [Runcorn/North-west use.]
scuzzbucket Noun. 1. A despicable or objectionable person. Derog.
2. A sleazy person. Derog.
scuzzy Adj. Filthy, dirty, unkempt.
see a man about a dog Vrb phrs. An euphemism to avoid telling of your true destination, often in reply to an awkward question. Is commonly used as a euphemism for going to the toilet.
seeing to Noun. 1. A sexual act. E.g."I wouldn't mind giving her a good seeing to."
2. A beating.
semi Noun. A half erect penis; abb. of semi-erection. [1990s]
septic Noun. A North American. From the rhyming slang septic tank - Yank.
set of wheels Noun. A vehicle or a wheeled means of transport.
sex on a stick Noun. A sexually attractive, slim, woman.
shaft Verb. 1. To fornicate. Male terminology. [1940s.]
2. To con.
shag Verb. 1. To fornicate. Less coarse than 'fuck'. [1800s]
2. To wear out, to break. E.g."You'll shag it up if you keep hitting it with that hammer."
Noun. An act of fornication.
shagbag Noun. A sexually amenable or available woman. Derog.
shaggable Adj. Sexually desirable.
shagged Adj. Worn out, 'knackered'. Also followed by up or out.
shake a leg! Exclam. Hurry up! Move!
shambolic Adj. In a mess, disorganised, mismanaged. {Informal}
shant Noun. A drink, usually alcohol.
Sharon and Tracy Noun. A disparaging name for females considered to be working class, unintelligent and vulgarly dressed, generally below the social standards acceptable to the user of the phrase. Each name can be heard used individually to imply the same. Derog.
sharpish Adj. Quickly. E.g."You had better hurry to shops pretty damned sharpish, before they close"
shat Verb. To have defecated, the past tense of 'shit'. E.g."I shat my pants when I saw the size of him."
Shaz/Shazza Noun. A form of the name Sharon, see 'Sharon and Tracy'. Derog.
shedded Adj. Very intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
shed load (of something) Noun. A large quantity of (something). E.g."If you want tunes, go down Oldham Street, there's a shed load of record shops there."
sheepshagger Noun. A ruralised person. Derog.
sheet Noun. Paper money, monetary notes. E.g."My new computer cost me 800 sheets."
shell out Verb. To pay up, to hand over. {Informal}.
sherbet Noun. An alcoholic drink. Also spelt sherbert. E.g."I think we should go down to the bar, get some sherbets in and then hit a nightclub."
sherman Noun. An act of masturbation. Cockney rhyming slang. Sherman tank, rhyming with 'wank'. [1940s]
shift one's arse Vrb Phrs. To move out of the way or to hurry up. E.g."Come on, shift your arse and help me tidy up, my parents will be here soon."
shirt Noun. A male nightclubber whose ideal night out will be to drink excessively, make sexual advances towards women and complete the night with a drunken brawl. Invariably their attire includes a dressy shirt, often without a tie.
shirtlifter Noun. A male homosexual. Derog.
shirty Adj. Ill-tempered. E.g."Pete got all shirty with me when I didn't invite him for dinner." {Informal}
shit (!) Noun. 1. Faeces.
2. An act of defecation.
3. A contemptible person.
4. Rubbish, nonsense.
5. Cannabis or marijuana.
6. Miscellaneous items. E.g."Come on, get your shit together, the taxi's due in 5 minutes."
Verb. To defecate.
Exclam. An exclamation of frustration or anger.
shit-a-brick! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or annoyance.
shit-all Adj. Nothing at all. Cf. 'fuck-all', 'sod-all'.
shitbag Noun. A contemptible person. Derog.
shit bricks Vrb Phrs. To be very scared. Cf. 'shit one's pants' and 'brick it'.
shite Noun / Verb. See 'shit'. [Orig. Northern use 1800s]
shitey Adj. See 'shitty'.
shitehawk Noun. A despicable person. Derog.
shit-face Noun. A contemptible person. Derog.
shit-faced Adj. Drunk. [1940s]
shit for brains Noun. A particularly stupid person, or a general insult. Derog.
shit-head Noun. An annoying or loathsome person. Derog.
shit hits the fan Phrs. As 'when the shit hits the fan', it warns that severe consequences will be felt when the results of actions are discovered. Alternatively, in such phrases as "the shit will hit the fan when she discovers the truth". See 'when the shit hits the fan'.
shit-hot Adj. Excellent.
shithouse Noun. A messy or dirty domicile. Originally a shithouse was the outside toilet, before the advent of an inside lavatory.
shit-load of (something) Noun. A vulgar version of 'shed load of'.
shitloads Noun. Many, a lot of
shit on (someone) Verb. To betray, to land someone in trouble.
shit one's pants Vrb phrs. Be terrified. Used metaphorically for when in extreme terror the bowels are uncontrollably voided.
shits Noun. Diarrhoea. E.g."I can't come out tonight, I've got the shits."
shit-scared Adj. Very frightened. Cf. 'shit bricks'.
shit-stabber Noun. A homosexual male. Derog.
shitstain Noun. A contemptible person. Derog.
shit stirrer Noun. An insidious gossip, a person whose malicious actions cause problems for others.
shitter Noun. 1. The anus.
2. A toilet.
3. A contemptible person.
shit the bed! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
shitting hell! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, annoyance or frustration. Almost invariably it'll be heard pronounced shittin'ell.
shitty Adj. 1. Worthless, trashy.
2. Covered in faeces.
3. Dirty, filthy.
shlepp Verb. See 'schlep'.
shock horror! Exclam. That's not surprising. An ironic exclamation.
shoot! Exclam. A euphemism for 'shit'. [U.S.]
shoot blanks Verb. Of a man, to be sterile. Also phrased as fire blanks.
shoot one's load Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen. [1800s]
shoot-up Verb. To inject a drug.
shop Verb. To tell or inform on. [1890s]
shopping Noun. A euphemism for illicit drugs brought from a dealer.
short and curlies Noun. Basically the term refers to pubic hairs, however it is used figuratively in having got someone by the short and curlies - having complete power over someone. Originating from army use. [1930s]
short-arse Noun. A person who is small in stature. Derog.
shot Adj. Worn out, exhausted. {Informal}.
shotgun Verb. A way of smoking cannabis/marijuana between two people, with one person blowing and the other inhaling.
shout Noun. A round of drinks. E.g."Go on, get to the bar you lazy sod, it's your shout."
shout-out Noun. A mentioning of a person verbally or in writing, as a method of showing respect. Often heard used on the radio by DJ's replacing the previously popular request. [1990s]
shove it! Exclam. A dismissive exclamation of anger.
shove it up your arse! Exclam. An exclamation of contempt.
shove off (!) Verb. Go away. Often heard as an imperative exclamation.
shower Noun. A derogatory and all encompassing term for a motley group of people.
shower of shite/shit Noun. Contemptible person, persons or thing. Derog. E.g."It has been said that this dictionary is a shower of shite."
shrapnel Noun. Money in the form of loose change.
shreddies Noun. Underwear.
shrimp Verb. To lick, suck and kiss the toes for sexual gratification.
Noun. A small, thin, feeble and objectionable person. Derog. Cf. 'prawn'.
shrooms Noun. Mushrooms, often with regard to 'magic mushrooms', the hallucinogenic psilocybin. Cf. 'mushies'.
shufflebutt Noun. A fidgety, restless person.
shufty Noun. A look, a glance. E.g."Have a shufty at the copyright laws before you use dictionary on your own website." {Informal}.
shushy Adj. A 'camp', extravagant style. Many spelling alternatives including zhoosy, jujjy, zuzshy.
shut your face! Exclam. Shut up! Trap can be substituted for face for an allusion to the mouth but still retaining the same emphasis and essential meaning.
sick as a parrot Phrs. Depressed, upset, very disappointed.
sickie Noun. A period away from work with illness, and usually without just medical cause. Cf. 'throw a sickie'. {Informal}. [Aust./N.Z.]
sicko Noun. A disturbing and unsavoury person. Derog.
sign one's pants Vrb phrs. To be in need of defecation. E.g."Quick! Let me in the toilet will you! I've just signed my pants."
silent but deadly Phrs. Describing an emmision of wind from the anus, a 'fart', that is released silently but is particularly bad smelling. [1980s]
silly moo Noun. A idiotic or foolish woman. Often jocular. Cf. 'cow'.
silly sausage Noun. A foolish person. Jocular usage but mildly derog.
siphon the python Vrb phrs. To urinate. Male usage.
sissy Noun. An effeminate, weak, or cowardly person. Derog. {Informal}.
six-pack Noun. Strong and evident abdominal muscles. [U.S.]
sixty-nine (69) Noun. A couples simultaneous oral stimulation of each others genitals during sex. Being representative of the shape two bodies attain in such a position.
size queen Noun. A gay male with a sexual preference for partners with large genitalia.
skag Noun. Heroin. Also spelt 'scag'.
skanky Adj. Dirty, unnattractive, ugly, smelly.
skedaddle Verb. Move, go away. Imper. {Informal}.
skerret Noun. A tiny amount. Such as in given in the reply to the question "Did you get anything ?" "No not a skerret." A derivative of the slang skerrick.
skew-whiff Adj. Out of alignment, incorrect. {Informal}.
skidmark Noun. A faecal smear or stain. Usually with regard to one's undergarments. [1900s]
skin Noun. A skinhead.
Verb. To roll up a cannabis/marijuana cigarette. E.g."Is it yours or my turn to skin."
skinful Noun. A sufficient quantity of alcohol to make one drunk. E.g."I'm not driving anywhere; I've had a skinful." {Informal}.
skins Noun. Cigarette papers, but refers more to those used in a 'joint.'
skint Adj. Having no money, poor.
skin up Verb. To roll a 'joint'.
skirt Noun. A woman or women. Cf. 'bit of skirt'. Derog.
skit Verb. To make fun of, to tease. [Merseyside use]
skive Verb. To evade doing one's task or duty.
skive off Verb. See 'skive'.
skivvies Noun. Underwear, particularly with reference to pants. [US]
skivvy Noun. A servant for menial tasks. Derog. {Informal}.
skoosh Noun. 1. A squirt of cream from an aerosol.
2. Something very easy. E.g."That exam was a skoosh!"
3. A carbonated drink.
* All uses are Scottish.
skun Verb. Past tense of 'skin' (verb), i.e. skinned. E.g."Rob skun up a joint last night that was 9 inches long!"
skunk Noun. 1. A popular type of very strong marijuana, characterized by its pungent smell, hence its name.
2. A person from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and more particularly a supporter of Newcastle football club. From the team's colours, black and white stripes, and as a derogatory term due to the fact that skunks 'smell'. Derog. [Mainly Sunderland use]
skunkweed Noun. A type of very strong marijuana. See 'skunk'.
sky (rocket) Noun. Pocket. Rhyming slang.
skypilot Noun. A priest, vicar or similar preacher of religion.
slag Noun. 1. A prostitute or promiscuous woman. Also occasionally heard with reference to such men. Derog.
2. A contemptible person. Derog.
Verb Meaning the same as 'slag off'.
slag (someone) off Verb. To verbally put down someone or something. E.g."If you are going to persistently slag off your friends you soon won't have any left to upset."
slam dancing Adj. An aggressive and physical dance style adopted by 'thrash metal' fans. Cf. 'moshing'.
slap Noun. Cosmetic make-up. Originally from theatrical usage. See 'slap-up' (verb).
slap and tickle Noun. A lighthearted sexual liason. {Informal}.
slaphead Noun. A balding person. Derog.
slapper Noun. 1. A sexually promiscuous woman. Derog.
2. A contemptible woman. Derog.
slap-up Verb. To apply cosmetic make-up.
Adj. Extravagent and sumptuous. Usually applied to meals or dinner. E.g."It's my birthday so we're off out for a slap-up meal." {Informal}.
slash Verb. To urinate. Onomatopoeic.
Noun. An act of urination.
slaughtered Verb. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs.
sleazebag Noun. A despicable, sleazy, fawning person. Derog. [U.S.]
sleazeball Noun. Meaning the same as 'sleazebag'. Derog.
sledge Verb. To be incapacitated mentally, and consequently physically, from taking drugs. E.g."I just sat there sledging in the corner, unable to dance." [1990s]
slimeball Noun. A repugnant person. Also shortened to slime. Derog.
sling one's hook Vrb phrs. Go away. A demand or order to leave. E.g."You're not coming in here, sling your hook before I call for security."
slip one a length Vrb phrs. To fornicate. Generally a male used expression.
slit Noun. The vagina. [1600s]
slob Noun. A uncouth, unsavoury and lazy person. Derog. {Informal}.
Verb. To act in the manner of a slob. E.g."Are you going slob all day, or do something useful for a change."
slob about /around Verb. See 'slob' (verb).
slobberchops Noun. A name for a person with a particularly salivery mouth.
slob out Verb. See 'slob' (verb).
slog one's guts out Vrb phrs. To work very hard.
slo-mo Adj. Slowly. Abb. of slow-motion.
sloppy seconds Noun. A subsequent indulgence in an activity by a second person involving an exchange of bodily fluids. This may involve the sharing of drink, or more often it applies to a sexual nature. E.g."I'm not having sloppy seconds, I want to shag her first."
sloshed Adj. Drunk. [1900s]
slum-it Verb. To live without the usual pleasures.
slummock Noun. A dirty, untidy or lazy person. {Informal}
Verb. To behave in a lazy and unkempt fashion. {Informal}
slummy Noun. Loose change. [Liverpool use]
slutty Adj. Sluttish.
smack Noun. Heroin. Derived from the Yiddish schmeck. [Mid 1940s. U.S.]
smacker Noun. 1. A loud kiss. From the noise it might make.
2. One pound sterling, although usually in the plural. E.g."She still owes me 40 smackers from last week."
3. A strong physical blow. E.g."I caught him a right smacker on his jaw."
smackeroos Noun. Meaning the same as 'smacker' (version 2), but with a more lighthearted slant. E.g."I can't wait to get my hands on all those lovely smackeroos when I collect my winnings."
smackhead Noun. A heroin addict, junkie. Derog.
small potatoes Noun. An insignificant amount, often with regard to money.
smarmy Adj. Obsequious, condescendingly flattering. {Informal}.
smart-arse Noun. A person who smuggly displays their intelligence.
smashed Adj. Very intoxicated with drink or drugs.
smashing Adj. Excellent, brilliant. {Informal}.
smeg Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance.
smeggy Adj. Unsavoury, horrible. The word derives from smegma.
smeg-head Noun. An imbecile, an objectionable person. Watch Red Dwarf, a British sit-com, for the humorous usage. Derog. [Liverpool]
smellies Noun. Scented toiletries and perfumes.
smelly Noun. A biker, usually unkempt, long haired, and a listener of rock music. Derog.
smidge Noun. A little, a small amount. An abbreviated form of 'smidgeon'.
smidgeon Noun. A little, a small amount. {Informal}.
smoke Noun. 1. A cigarette.
2. Also cannabis or marijuana. E.g."Have you got any smoke for tonight."
3. London. Always phrased as the smoke.
smoothie Noun. A person who is over stylish and suave. {Informal}.
smuggling peanuts Phrs. Of a woman, having erect and prominant nipples apparent through her clothing.
snaffle Verb. To grab, seize or steal. {Informal}.
SNAFU Noun. A bad situation, a mistake, a foul-up. Acronym of situation normal all fucked up. [U.S. 1940s]
snail-mail Noun. Post, mail. Jocular expression coined with the advent of the much speedier e-mail.
snap Noun. Food, especially a snack. [Northern use/dialect?]
snappin Noun. Food. [Stoke on Trent use]
snatch Noun. The female genitals.
snazzy Adj. Smart or attractive in an ostentatious way.
snicket Noun. An alleyway. [Mainly Northern use]
snifter Noun. A small drink of alcohol, usually a shot of spirits.
snig Noun. Nasal mucus. Often extended to sniggy.
snitch Verb. To inform on somebody.
Noun. Someone who snitches. [1700s]
snitcher Noun. An informer.
snog Verb. To kiss lengthily, passionately or lustfully.
Noun. A lengthy and passionate kiss.
snookered Adj. Defeated, thwarted.
snort Verb. To inhale via the nose a small quantity of powdered drug, such as cocaine or amphetamne. [U.S]
snot Noun. Nasal mucus. [S.e. from 1400s, until 1800s]
Verb. To expel nasal mucus. E.g."He laughed so much that he snotted down his chin."
snot rag Noun. A handkerchief.
snotty Adj. 1. Over proud and conceited.
2. Full of nasal mucus, as with having the ailment, a cold.
snotty nosed Adj. See 'snotty' (adj. 1).
snout Noun. Tobacco, or a cigarette. E.g."Have you got a snout John? I'm gasping for a smoke."
snuff-it Verb. To die.
snuff movie Noun. A violent movie showing real murders or torture. Snuff meaning to murder or a murder.
soak Noun. A drunkard.
so-and-so Noun. A contemptible person. Mildy offensive. {Informal}.
soap-dodger Noun. An unkempt, dirty person. Derog.
soapy tit wank Noun. An act of masturbation between a woman's breasts with the use of some form of lubrication. Cf. 'tit wank'.
sobs Noun. Money. E.g."How many sobs did that Armani suit cost?"
sod Noun. 1. A despicable or objectionable person. Derog.
2. A pitiable person. E.g."He's just had his car stolen and his wife has just run off with the milkman, the poor sod." This use is also be found with the expressions 'poor bastard' and 'poor bugger'.
* Abb. of the word sodomite.
sod about / around Verb. To waste time.
sod-all Noun. Nothing. E.g."I've done sod-all this vacation, but I still feel like I need a holiday."
Adj. No. E.g."I've done sod-all work this vacation."
sodding Adv./Adj. Used as an intensifier. E.g."It's always that sodding idiot who wakes everyone up at a god awful hour."
sod it! Exclam. A exclamation of contempt or frustration. E.g."Sod-it! I'm giving up."
sod off Verb. Go away. E.g."If he doesn't sod off in the next 2 minutes I'm going to hit him."
sod this for a lark ! Exclam. An intolerant exclamation. Compare with 'sod this for a game of soldiers'.
sod this for a game of soldiers ! Exclam. An intolerant exclamation.
soft in the head Phrs. Stupid, dimwitted.
soft-lad / lass Noun. Affectionate expression for an inept or overly sentimental male/female.
softy Noun. A weak, feeble or overly sentimental person. {Informal}.
solid (!) Adj. Excellent. Jazz origins. [U.S.]
Exclam. An approving exclamation.
Noun. Hashish.
soopy Noun. A supermarket. Unknown spellings, perhaps also supie or supey.
soppy Adj. Feeble, sickly sentimental. {Informal}.

Exclam. An approving exclamation, brilliant, excellent.
Adj. An all purpose expression of satisfaction, contentment. Commonly used to denote having the required or desired drugs. E.g."I've just been into town and got sorted for tonight's party."

sound Adj. O.K., wonderful, similar to 'sorted.'
sound as a pound Phrs. Wonderful, excellent, correct. [Merseyside/North west ? use]
sounds Noun. Tunes or music. E.g."Have you brought any new sounds for tonights party."
sow one's oats Vrb phrs. To have sexual intercourse but usually during a period of youthful sexual promiscuity.
soz Adj. Sorry. Mainly adolescent use.
sozzled Adj. Drunk, but not incapacitated. {Informal}.
space cadet Noun. An eccentric or crazy person, someone not thinking normally. Derived from 'spaced out'. Derog. [U.S.]
spacecake Noun. Cake made with the added ingredients of cannabis or marijuana.
spaced out Adj. A light-headed stupification resulting from the use of drugs.
spacey Adj. Ambient, ethereal.
spadger Noun. A sparrow. [dialect]
Spanish archer Noun. See 'give the spanish archer'.
spanking Adj. 1. Excellent.
2. New. Short for brand spanking new.
Noun. A beating.
spank the monkey Verb. To masturbate. A term for male masturbation.
spanner Noun. An idiot, a contemptible person.
spare Noun. Sexually available, unattached person. Cf. 'bit of spare'.
spare-tyre Noun. A roll of fat around one's midrift. {Informal}. [1920s]
spark Noun. An electrician.
spark out Verb. To pass out, become unconcsious.
spark up Verb. To light a cigarette, and often with regards to a 'joint'.
sparrowfart Noun. Dawn, morning break. Cf. 'crack of sparrow's fart'.
spawny Adj. Lucky.
spaz Noun. Imbecile. Derog. and offensive. Derived from spastic.
spazmobile Noun. 1. A car for the disabled.
2. An objectionable unstylish car. Derog.
special K Noun. The drug ketamine.
specky-four-eyes Noun. A juvenile name for a person wearing spectacles. Derog.
speed Noun. The drug amphetamine sulphate. [U.S. 1960s]
speed freak Noun. 1. A compulsive amphetamine user.
2. A person who loves driving fast.
speed garage Noun. A genre of dance music which encompasses 'garage' styles with 'dubby' basslines and 'jungle' type 'samples'. Although in some ways existing for some time, it has only recently been given its contentious name by the music press. [1997]
speeding Adj. Under the influence of amphetamine sulphate.
spend a penny Vrb phrs. To urinate, to go to the lavatory. A euphemism derived from a fee charged in public toilets, albeit usually only in the women's; the saying is based on a pre-inflatatory figure. {Informal}.
spends Noun. Money to spend on oneself, often with respect to children's pocket money.
spesh Adj. Abbreviated form of special. E.g."Last night was really spesh!"
spew Noun. Vomit.
Verb. To vomit.
spew one's guts up Vrb phrs. To vomit.
spew-up Verb. To vomit.
spic Noun. 1. A person from Puerto Rico, Mexico and Spain. Derog. [US]
2. Of Spain and its languages. Derog. [US]
* Also spelt spick.
spice Noun. Confectionery. [Yorkshire/Nottinghamshire use]
spider's legs Noun. The pubic hairs which protrude from beneath one's underwear.
spiel Noun. Persuasive speech, sales patter.
spiffing Adj. Excellent, first rate. Somewhat archaic expression perpetuated by humourous use when mimicking upper class behaviour. E.g."How absolutely spiffing old man!"
spiggy Noun. Chewing gum. Cf 'spoggy'. [E. Lancs. use]
spill one's guts Vrb phrs. 1. To confess or reveal the truth.
2. To vomit. Probably a misuse of version 1 due to its similarity with 'spew one's guts up'.
spit tacks Vrb Phrs. Be very angry.
spitting feathers Adj. 1. Thirsty. E.g."Let's stop at the next cafe, I'm spitting feathers."
2. Frantic, fretful, agitated. E.g."She was spitting feathers after those kids smashed her front window."
splash one's boots Vrb phrs. To urinate. Male usage.
splick Noun. Distasteful or unpleasant viscous substances. [1980s]
spliff Noun. A cannabis or marijuana cigarette. Used more frequently than 'joint'. [W.I.].
split arse Noun. A woman. Derog.
split beaver Noun. An explicit pornographic pose fully revealing the female genitals. Cf. 'beaver'.
splosh Noun. Tea (the drink). [Mainly London use]
spod Noun. 1. A studious person. A 'swot'. Derog.
2. A contemptible person. Derived from definition1. Derog.
spoggy Noun. Chewing gum. Cf 'spiggy'. [Humberside/Lincolnshire use]
spondulicks Noun. Money. Also spelt spondulics and spondulix. [1800s]
spoof Noun. Semen.
spoon Verb. 1. To nestle against one another in bed whilst both facing the same way. [Mid 1800s]
2. To miss hit a ball during a sporting activity. E.g."He only had the goalkeeper to beat and he spooned it!"
Noun. An idiot, a foolish person.
spot on Adj./Adv. Correct, exactly right. {Informal}
spread it on thick Vrb phrs. To exagerrate.
sprog Noun. A child.
spud Noun. 1. Someone who is ugly. Derog.
2. An affectionate term of address for a friend.
3. A potato.
spud ugly Adj. Very ugly.
spuds Noun. The hands. Children might be heard to say "Put your spuds in", when chanting a rhyme to decide who is it.
spuggly Adj. Very ugly. A contraction of 'spud ugly'.
spunk Noun. Semen.
spunk bucket Noun. 1. A woman, possibly of easy morals. Derog.
2. Vagina, as viewed as a recepticle for semen.
spunk dustbin Noun. 1. Vagina, as viewed as a recepticle for semen.
spunk up Verb. To ejaculate semen.
squaddie Noun. A soldier.
square Noun. A person who is reactionary, old fashioned and set in their ways. Derog.
Adj. Old fashioned, conservative, conventional.
square-eyes Noun. A humourous address for someone who watches too much television.
squat Verb. 1. To defecate.
2. To urinate. Female expression.
Noun. The act of defecation or urination.
squeal Verb. To inform (on). Often used in the simile, squeal like a pig.
squid Noun. A jocular term for one pound sterling, derived from 'quid'.
squidgey Adj. Feeling soft, squashy or soggy. E.g. "I think the ground's a little too squidgey for cricket today." {Informal}.
squiffy Adj. A little drunk.
squillion Noun. A very large indefinite amount.
squire Noun. A term of address. {Informal}.
squirt Noun. A diminutive and insignificant person. Derog. {Informal}.
squits Noun. The runs, having diarrhoea. [1840s]
squity Adj. Of or having the characteristics of diarrhoea. E.g."I not coming into work today, I have a squity bottom."
stacked Adj. Of a woman, well built or large breasted.
stage-diving Noun. The act of climbing onto the stage during a gig, to then leap off and be caught by the audience. Originates from 1980s punk but proliferating during 'thrash' and 'grunge' era of the late 1980s and 1990s.
stalk Noun. An erect penis.
stark bollock naked Adj. Totally naked.
starkers Noun. Naked. From Stark naked. Cf. 'stark bollock naked'.
stash Noun. Illicit drugs.
steamboats Adj. Drunk.
steaming Adj. 1. Drunk. Abb. of steaming drunk.
2. Racing. E.g."We were steaming up the motorway."
3. Angry.
Adj./Adv. An intensifier, such as 'blinking', 'bleeding'. E.g."That steaming idiot has spent all our holiday money on a new stereo."
stench-trench Noun. Vagina.
Stenders Noun. Abb. of Eastenders, the British TV soap. Cf. 'Brooky' and 'Corry'.
Steve McQueens Noun. Jeans. Rhyming slang, often shortened to 'steves'.
stewed Adj. Drunk.
stick Noun. 1. Hassle, excessive criticism, trouble. E.g."Keep giving him stick and he'll pack his bags and leave."
2. Effort. E.g."Go on, give it some stick."
Verb. Suffer, tolerate, abide. E.g."I can't stick that sarcastic humour of his." {Informal}.
stick in the mud Noun. A boring, unadventurous, old-fashioned person. Derog. {Informal}.
stick one on someone Vrb phrs. To hit or beat up someone. E.g."I'm going to stick one on him if he shows up tonight."
sticks Noun. Rural, remote areas such as in the countryside. [U.S.]
sticky biscuit Noun. A sex game whereby a biscuit (cookie) is placed centrally between a circle of masturbating males. The last male to ejaculate, over the biscuit, is obliged to eat it.
sticky-fingered Adj. Liable to steal. Evokes interesting imagery of other people's belongings adherring to the culprit's fingers. Not dissimilar to the s.e. light-fingered.
sticky wicket Noun. A difficult situation. Cf. Bat on a sticky wicket.
stiff Noun. 1. A dead body.
2. A boring conventional person. Derog.
stiffy Noun. An erect penis. Crude but jocular. Also stiffie.
stinker Noun. 1. A contemptible person. Derogatory but not particulalry vulgar.
2. An awkward, difficult task.
stinking Adj. 1. Extremely objectionable. E.g."That stinking idiot deserves all he got."
2. Wealthy. A shortening of stinking rich. E.g."She can afford it, she's stinking."
3. Drunk.
stinks Adj. Suspicious. E.g."Your excuse stinks."
stitch up Verb. To betray with false evidence. Also phrased to stitch someone up.
Noun. An act of betrayal with the use of falsified evidence.
stoater Noun. Something impressive or excellent. [Scottish use]
stocious Adj. Intoxicated. [Irish/Scottish use ?]
stoked Adj. Excited, pleased, thrilled. E.g."My dad was stoked when I passed my driving test."
stomp on Verb. To physically assault (someone).
stomping Adj. Lively, energetic. E.g."That last tune was stomping."
stoned Adj. Intoxicated with drink or more frequently its contemporary usage refers to cannabis or marijuana intoxication. [U.S.]
stone me! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
stone the crows! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
stonker Noun. 1. An erect penis, usually implying great size.
2. Something huge or impressive.
stonking Adj. 1. Impressively large.
2. An intensifier, E.g."Yeah, we had a stonking good time."
stookie Noun. A plaster cast on a broken limb. Also spelt stooky. [Scottish use]
storming Adj. Marvellous, excellent. E.g."We had a storming night out at the club."
stove in Verb. To smash up. E.g."When I see that idiot again I'm gonna stove his head in"
straight Noun. 1. A heterosexual. [U.S.]
2. A conventional boring person. Derog.
3. A manufactured cigarette, as opposed to a roll-up.
Adj. 1. Heterosexual, as opposed to homosexual, being 'bent'
2. Law abiding.
straight-up Adj. True.
Adv. Truthfully, honestly. E.g."Honestly, I didn't touch it Sarah, straight up."
strap-on Noun. A substitute penis that can be worn by females to simulate male to female sexual intercourse.
strapped Adj. 1. Lacking, short of. E.g."Can you give it some thought? I'm strapped for ideas." {Informal}.
2. Poor, short of money. E.g."I can't come out tonight, I'm strapped."
strap up Verb. To make a cannabis/marijuana cigarette.
street Noun. Having to do with the street life of a city at the most common accessible level, urban subculture.
street cred Noun. Having fashionable awareness, acceptable on the 'street'.
stretch Noun. A period spent in prison.
strewth! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise, annoyance or frustration. Derived from God's truth. Also spelt struth. {Informal}.
strides Noun. Trousers
strike a light! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
strike me pink! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
stringbean Noun. A tall, thin person. {Informal}.
strobing Adj. An effect similar to seeing a series of stills as when viewed under a stroboscope, but when under the influence of LSD or another hallucinogen.
strop Noun. A bad mood, a fit of fury. E.g."I got in a strop after that bloke knocked over my pint of beer."
stroppy Adj. Bad tempered. {Informal}.
strum Noun. An act of female masturbation.
strung out Adj. Emotionally stressed, in mental turmoil.
stuck-up Adj. Conceited, snobbish. {Informal}.
studmuffin Noun. An attractive male. [U.S. 1990s]

Verb. 1. To copulate. Male usage. [Mid 1800s]
2. To defeat thoroughly in a game or competition. E.g."With our new signing from United we're going to stuff them good and proper."
3. Used to express indifference or rejection of (something). Imper. E.g."Stuff the consequences! I'm going to get drunk."

stuff and nonsense Noun. Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; nonsense. Often as an exclamation. E.g."Stuff and nonsense! You're talking rubbish."
stuffed Adj. 1. Concerned, bothered. Usually phrased in the negative. E.g."I'm not stuffed with going out drinking tonight."
2. In a position of no hope.
stuffing Noun. Sexual intercourse, from a male point of view. E.g."I gave her good stuffing then went back down to the party."
stuff it ! Exclam. An exclamation of anger, contempt or indifference.
Verb. Expressing contempt. E.g."I don't care, you can stuff it! I'm going home."
stuff one's face Vrb phrs. To eat greedily or fully.
stump up Verb. To pay up, to hand over what is owed.
suck Verb. To be worthless, contemptible or disgusting. E.g."The storyline in that book is a little contrived and the characters suck."
suck off Verb. To give oral sex (to someone). E.g."I lay down on the sofa so she could suck me off."
sucker Noun. A gullible person. Derog.
suck up Verb. To flatter, be obsequious.
sugar ! Exclam. A euphemism for 'shit!'.
suit Noun. A white-collar worker, a business executive.
summat Pron. Something. E.g."There's summat up with the engine. Everytime we accelerate the exhaust blows smoke." [Northern use/dialect]
sunshine Noun. A form of address. E.g."Alright sunshine! Show us what you've got." {Informal}
sup Verb. To drink.
surf Verb. To browse different Web sites using the links in a relaxed almost random manner. E.g."I've been surfing on the net all night and found an excellent new music page."
surf-bum Noun. Someone whose life revolves around surfing and consequently spend their time on beaches.
suss Verb. To work something out, to understand, to ascertain. Often followed by 'out'.
Adj. Abb. of suspicious. E.g."I don't like the looks of that bloke, he's suss."
sussed Adj. Knowledgeable, well-informed, able to look after oneself.
swamp donkey Noun. An ugly person. Derog.
swap spit Verb. To kiss deeply.
sweaty Betty Noun. A jocular name for a woman who suffers from excess perspiration and consequently from bad body odour. Derog.
sweaty sock Noun. A Scot. From the rhyming slang sweaty sock - Jock. Offens.
sweet Adj. Excellent, a general term of approval.
sweet F.A. Phrs. Nothing at all. Euphemism for sweet fuck-all. Cf. 'sweet fanny adams'.
sweet Fanny Adams Phrs. Absolutely nothing. Euphemism for sweet fuck-all. Cf. 'fanny adams'.
sweet-pea Noun. A term of affection.
swig Verb. To drink greedily. {Informal}.
swing both ways Vrb phrs. To be bisexual. [U.S.]
swinger Noun. A person who indulges in partner swapping for sexual variety.
swing the lead Vrb phrs. To waste time, to shirk one's duties. E.g."Come on Mark, stop swinging the lead, there's work to do."
swizz Noun. A swindle. {Informal}.

Noun. A person who studies hard. {Informal}
Verb. To study hard. {Informal}

swotty Adj. Studious. {Informal}.
swot up Verb. To study hard. {Informal}.
syphon the python Vrb phrs. To urinate. A light-hearted expression.
syrup Noun. A wig. Abb. of the rhyming slang Syrup of Fig; making a comeback into everyday usage.

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