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This work analyses the figure of Djefaided, overseer of the ka‑servants in the necropolis of El‑Hammamiya during the Fifth Dynasty. Throughout the study of his tomb (A1) and that of the masters he served (Kaikhenet A2 and Kaikhenet A3),... more
This work analyses the figure of Djefaided, overseer of the ka‑servants in the necropolis of El‑Hammamiya during the Fifth Dynasty. Throughout the study of his tomb (A1) and that of the masters he served (Kaikhenet A2 and Kaikhenet A3), we can understand his role in the funerary cult developed in the necropolis, his socioeconomic status and the relationships of interdependence and patronage in which he was integrated. The figure of Djefaided is revealed as an exceptional case study to understand the impact that the establishment and man‑agement of the funerary cult had for the people who took care of its maintenance. The tombs of El‑Hammamiya show an especially clear example of how the offering service played an important role as a system of social or‑ganization and a method of economic redistribution during the Old Kingdom.
This paper focuses on the figure of the overseer of linen (jmj-r sšrw) during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By choosing a wide selection of sources, we have undertaken the reconstruction of the main features that defined... more
This paper focuses on the figure of the overseer of linen (jmj-r sšrw) during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By choosing a wide selection of sources, we have undertaken the reconstruction of the main features that defined this title, looking in-depth at the specific roles associated with it and the contexts in which they were exercised. The nature of the sources has meant that we have taken a mainly iconographic approach, which, combined with textual and archaeological analysis, has allowed us to get the most out of the evidence available. Thus, the jmj-r sšrw is revealed as an essential character in the Old Kingdom household, overseeing the supply, storage, and distribution of linen within the estate. Additionally, the supervision of a product that is key for the well-being of the deceased in the netherworld granted the jmj-r sšrw an important role in the funerary cult of their deceased master, who aimed to ensure his eternal supply of linen.
En las sociedades antiguas donde convivían múltiples comunidades religiosas de antigua raigambre resulta de especial interés el estudio de la interacción producida en el plano de las creencias y prácticas funerarias. En este sentido, el... more
En las sociedades antiguas donde convivían múltiples comunidades religiosas de antigua raigambre resulta de especial interés el estudio de la interacción producida en el plano de las creencias y prácticas funerarias. En este sentido, el presente trabajo pretende estudiar los orígenes de un motivo religioso que aparece en algunos de los ajuares funerarios de tradición osiriana en el Egipto romano, consistente en la momificación del difunto bajo el cielo como manto.
This paper focuses on the figure of the overseer of linen ( jmj-r sšrw) during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By choosing a wide selection of sources, we have undertaken the reconstruction of the main features that defined... more
This paper focuses on the figure of the overseer of linen ( jmj-r sšrw) during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By choosing a wide selection of sources, we have undertaken the reconstruction of the main features that defined this title, looking in-depth at the specific roles associated with it and the contexts in which they were exercised. The nature of the sources has meant that we have taken a mainly iconographic
approach, which, combined with textual and archaeological analysis, has
allowed us to get the most out of the evidence available. Thus, the jmj-r sšrw is revealed as an essential character in the Old Kingdom household, overseeing the supply, storage, and distribution of linen within the estate. Additionally, the supervision of a product that is key for the well-being of the deceased in the netherworld granted the jmj-r sšrw an important role in the funerary cult of their deceased master, who aimed to ensure his eternal supply of linen.
The present report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, and landscape works carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project-a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá (UAH, Madrid) Expedition to Deir... more
The present report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, and landscape works carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project-a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá (UAH, Madrid) Expedition to Deir el-Bahari and Asasif-in three campaigns (Fifth Season 2020, Study Season 2021, Sixth Season 2021). After the abrupt interruption of the Fifth Season due to the outbreak of the SARS-COVID 19 pandemic, the team organized a (summer) Study Season (Summer 2021), mainly to complete the analysis and documentation of required materials, and the Sixth Season (Fall 2021), where the focus stood on: i) the excavation of the courtyards of Henenu (TT 313) and Ipi (TT 315); ii) the excavation of the inner sections of TT 313 and E1; iii) the epigraphic analysis of hundreds of relief blocks retrieved from TT 313; iv) the implementation of new conservation protocols for the findings as well as the anal sis of the conservation conditions and problems in agi s tomb and v) the detailed analysis of textiles, ceramics, and human remains from TT 315.
Compte tenu de l'importance que la religion et ses principaux acteurs, à savoir les prêtres, ont pu jouer dans l'Égypte ancienne, la vision cinématographique du pays du Nil est restée intimement liée à cette dernière. En... more
Compte tenu de l'importance que la religion et ses principaux acteurs, à savoir les prêtres, ont pu jouer dans l'Égypte ancienne, la vision cinématographique du pays du Nil est restée intimement liée à cette dernière. En raison de cette circonstance, le présent travail propose une approche sur la façon avec laquelle le cinéma a représenté le sacerdoce égyptien, selon deux points de vue: son iconographie et son rôle dans la trame. C'est pour cda qu'ont été sélectionnées une série de séquences de différents films, qui sont commentées à la lumière de la documentation égyptologique, principalement afin de déterminer leur degré de fidélité historique, tout en évaluant comment les clichés qui existent dans l'imaginaire collectif ont affecté la vision qu'offre le passé égyptien sur le grand écran.
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari –... more
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari – in the first two seasons (2015–2016). The two initial seasons have provided abundant material for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
espanolEn este articulo se analizan tres conjuntos de fuentes que nos permiten acercarnos al papel jugado por los servidores del "ka" en algunos de los procedimientos legales del Reino Antiguo. En primer lugar, a traves de una... more
espanolEn este articulo se analizan tres conjuntos de fuentes que nos permiten acercarnos al papel jugado por los servidores del "ka" en algunos de los procedimientos legales del Reino Antiguo. En primer lugar, a traves de una tipologia de clausula incluida en las disposiciones de establecimiento del culto funerario, examinamos su vinculacion en la resolucion de conflictos dentro de la propia institucion de los "ḥmw-kȝ". En segundo lugar, por medio de la iconografia, estudiamos su papel en las llamadas escenas de ‘rendimiento de cuentas’, las cuales muestran su actividad en la fiscalizacion de la actividad de la fundacion funeraria; a la par que detenemos nuestra atencion en una escena particular en la que los "ḥmw-kȝ" aparecen acompanando a un individuo preso, que interpretamos como una posible victima sacrificial humana, real o fingida. Por ultimo, senalamos la actuacion de los servidores del ka como testigo en la firma de documentos legales. EnglishI...
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari –... more
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari – in the first two seasons (2015–2016). The two initial seasons have provided abundant material for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
The iconographic repertoire of the Old Kingdom tombs seems to show that the funerary cult during this period was developed by an important number of people that were able to hold a wide variety of titles. Among those, there is one that... more
The iconographic repertoire of the Old Kingdom tombs seems to show that the funerary cult during this period was developed by an important number of people that were able to hold a wide variety of titles. Among those, there is one that looms as particularly frequent: the Hm-kA. Usually known as the ka-servant or ka-priest, this title is almost omnipresent in Old Kingdom tombs. His main function was to satisfy the necessities of his deceased lord by providing his funerary cult with all kinds of offerings. However, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the cult and its supply, they also developed functions in the management of the properties allotted to its finance. The service of the ka was considered by ancient Egyptians as a communitarian system composed of several members, including women also. This circumstance makes the Hmt-kA one of the few female ritualists in the Old Kingdom. In this paper, I have aimed to shed light upon the position of the female ka-servants in relat...
The mortuary provisions of private tomb owners in the Old Kingdom constitute fundamental evidence for the understanding of the operation of the private mortuary cult. The clauses present in these texts provide information about a variety... more
The mortuary provisions of private tomb owners in the Old Kingdom constitute fundamental evidence for the understanding of the operation of the private mortuary cult. The clauses present in these texts provide information about a variety of topics concerning the development of the cult and the use of the properties allotted to sustaining it. However, there are some aspects about which not much information is given. One of these facets is the way in which the goods allocated for the mortuary cult were distributed among the cultic performers. In this paper I intend to contribute to clarifying this aspect by analysing three case studies that are particularly revealing about this matter. Las disposiciones funerarias de los propietarios de tumbas del Reino Antiguo constituyen una evidencia fundamental para la comprensión de los sistemas de funcionamiento del culto funerario de los particulares. Las cláusulas presentes en esos textos nos proporcionan información sobre el desarrollo del cu...
The aim of this paper is to clarify one of the lesser-known aspects in the operation of the mortuary cult in the Old Kingdom: the way in which thegoods allocated for sustaining the cult were distributed among... more
The aim of this paper is  to clarify  one of the lesser-known  aspects  in  the  operation  of  the mortuary cult in the Old Kingdom: the way in which  thegoods  allocated  for  sustaining  the cult    were    distributed    among    the    cultic performers.  In  order  to  accomplish  our objective,  we  have  analyzed  three  case  of mortuary  provisions  that  are  particularly illustrative  for  our  subject  of  study.  The combined  information  of  these  three  texts sheeds light on a  panorama  that would have been tremendously varied and adaptive. With greater or lesser accuracy, the private owners would have tried to imitate the organization of the royal mortuary cult, but this system would have  been  a  costly  privilege  that  coexisted with more modest arrangements. Regardless of the structure, the division of the goods among officiants  appears  to  have  been  primary linked  to  time  served.  Although,  as  we  will show,  the  distribution  systems  were more complex than a mere equitable division among the members.
This report presents a brief description of the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project —a project initiated under the auspices of the Freie Universität... more
This report presents a brief description of the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project —a project initiated under the auspices of the Freie Universität Mission (FUB) at Deir el-Bahari— in the BAEDE, Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología, núm. 25, 2016, págs. 89-112, ISSN: 1331-6780 BAEDE, no 25, 2016, 89-112, ISSN: 1331-6780 89 BAEDE, no 25, 2016, 89-112, ISSN: 1331-6780 A. J. MORALES, S. FALK, M. OSMAN, R. SÁNCHEZ, H. SHARED, K. YAMAMOTO y E. H. ZIDAN 90 first two seasons (2015-2016). The project shall be carried out in the next seasons with the support of the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH). The two initial seasons have provided significant evidence to the team for investigating the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs, and elite officials buried there, and should help to comprehend the political history, social con...
Compte tenu de l'importance que la religion et ses principaux acteurs, à savoir les prêtres, ont pu jouer dans l'Égypte ancienne, la vision cinématographique du pays du Nil est restée intimement liée à cette dernière. En raison de cette... more
Compte tenu de l'importance que la religion et ses principaux acteurs, à savoir les prêtres, ont pu jouer dans l'Égypte ancienne, la vision cinématographique du pays du Nil est restée intimement liée à cette dernière. En raison de cette circonstance, le présent travail propose une approche sur la façon avec laquelle le cinéma a représenté le sacerdoce égyptien, selon deux points de vue: son iconographie et son rôle dans la trame. C'est pour cda qu'ont été sélectionnées une série de séquences de différents films, qui sont commentées à la lumière de la documentation égyptologique, principalement afin de déterminer leur degré de fidélité historique, tout en évaluant comment les clichés qui existent dans l'imaginaire collectif ont affecté la vision qu'offre le passé égyptien sur le grand écran.
This paper deals with some of the most unmistakable changes and developments that the title Hm-kA underwent between the OK and the MK. The Hm-kA, as one of the most representative officiants of the funerary cult, has a substantial... more
This paper deals with some of the most unmistakable
changes and developments that the title Hm-kA underwent
between the OK and the MK. The Hm-kA, as one of the most
representative officiants of the funerary cult, has a substantial
presence in the sources. These sources are far more abundant in
the OK than in the MK, and the way in that these documents
present the Hm-kA denotes that the title experienced a development
that altered some of its features with respect to previous
periods. In this paper, I will focus on three aspects of this title:
the change in the spelling of the title in regard to the position
of the arms (signs D32 and D28), which could be more than a
mere change in the graphic conventions; the reduction in the
number of officiants and the disappearance of the hierarchical
positions as a proof of the profound change in the structure and
organisation of the office; and the loss of prominence in the
representations of these officiants, which should be understood
as a reflection of the other transformations that affect the title
structure, functions and conception.
The current report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, geological, and architectural works carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir... more
The current report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, geological, and architectural works carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá
Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Luxor) – in its fourth season (March-April 2018). In this season, the archaeological team expanded its concession, with the incorporation of two new areas in the eastern side of the necropolis of Deir el-Bahari (tombs TT316, MMA519, MMA520, and E1) and the Asasif cemetery (TT103, TT366). The expedition continued with its work in the mortuary complexes of Henenu (TT313) and Ipi (TT315), initiated the study of the tombs at the eastern area, excavated the entrance and main corridor of a new tomb (E1) in this part of the necropolis, and studied the epigraphic and architectural issues in the tombs of Dagi (TT103) and Djari (TT366).
The present study examines a repertoire of ushabti figurines found by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project (Freie Universität Berlin – Universidad de Alcalá Madrid) in the area of Deir el-Bahari during its first two seasons. The... more
The present study examines a repertoire of ushabti
figurines found by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project
(Freie Universität Berlin – Universidad de Alcalá
Madrid) in the area of Deir el-Bahari during its first
two seasons. The archaeological works in the funerary
complex of the vizier Ipi (TT 315) permitted the
recovery of a collection of 508 ushabtis in complete
and fragmentary state. These figurines have been
typologically classified into four main groups with
several subdivisions in diverse categories. The dating
of these figurines comprises a period from the
21st Dynasty until the Early Ptolemaic Period. This
material would have belonged to burials resulting
from the second occupation of this particular sector
of the necropolis from the late New Kingdom onwards.
At that time, some of the tombs and courtyards
of the high dignitaries of the late 11th Dynasty
and early Middle Kingdom would have been reused
for numerous burials.
Research Interests:
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, geological, architectural, and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá... more
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation, geological, architectural, and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the University of Alcalá Expedition to Deir el-Bahari (Luxor) – in its third season (March–April 2017). In this season, the archaeological
team focused on the mortuary complexes of both Henenu (TT 313) and Ipi (TT 315), with interesting findings such as the re-discovery of the mummification deposit for the vizier Ipi, originally located by Herbert Winlock and the Metropolitan Museum of New York in 1922, and the stepped ramp of Henenu. In addition, conservation and restoration activities were conducted in the sarcophagus chamber of Ipi while new works on the geology, architecture, and 3D reconstruction of the tombs were undertaken during the season.
Religion has been central to the cinematographic vision of Egypt, mirroring its importance to Pharaonic culture. Accordingly, this contribution aims to analyse the way in which cinema has recreated the cultural practices and rituals of... more
Religion has been central to the cinematographic vision of Egypt,
mirroring its importance to Pharaonic culture. Accordingly, this contribution aims to analyse the way in which cinema has recreated the cultural practices and rituals of Ancient Egypt. To that end a series of sequences from different films have been selected, which are commented upon in the light of Egyptological research, in order to determine their level of historical veracity, as well as to assess the way in which the stereotypes that persist in the collective imagination have affected the vision of Egyptian history of fered on the silver screen.
Research Interests:
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari –... more
This report presents the archaeological, epigraphic, conservation and site management activities carried out by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project – a project under the auspices of the Freie Universität Berlin Mission to Deir el-Bahari – in the first two seasons (2015–2016). The two initial seasons have provided abundant material
for the researchers to investigate the origin, history, and role of the early Middle Kingdom necropolis in the northern hills of Deir el-Bahari, its tombs and elite officials buried there, and shall shed light on the history, society, and religion of the period initiated by Mentuhotep II at Thebes at the end of the Eleventh Dynasty.
Uso y reúso en la necrópolis tebana Miércoles 23 de noviembre 16:30-17:00 Presentación-Francisco Salvador Ventura (Director del grupo de investigación HUM 870) y Raúl Sánchez Casado (IP del Proyecto Dagi)
Research Interests:
The PROVISIONAL programme of the Current Research in Egyptology – CRE 2019 has been uploaded by the Organization Committee at the UAH. The five-days conference includes ca. 90 talks, 20 posters, 10 keynotes, and visits to the Ancient... more
The PROVISIONAL programme of the Current Research in Egyptology – CRE 2019 has been uploaded by the Organization Committee at the UAH. The five-days conference includes ca. 90 talks, 20 posters, 10 keynotes, and visits to the Ancient Egyptian Collection at the National Museum of Archaeology (MAN) in Madrid, the Temple of Debod, and the city of Toledo. The organization committee of CRE 2019 at the University of Alcalá is constituted by the young scholars Raúl Sánchez, Marta Arranz, Patricia Mora, Jónatan Ortiz, Albert Planelles, and Sergio Alarcón.
Research Interests:
Poster for the University of Alcalá proposal for CRE2019 at Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain). Dear CRE colleague: We are very excited to present our candidature for We hope that you contemplate the CRE 2019! fascinating possibilities... more
Poster for the University of Alcalá proposal for CRE2019 at Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain).
Dear CRE colleague: We are very excited to present our candidature for We hope that you contemplate the CRE 2019! fascinating possibilities that Alcalá (Madrid) can offer for the next CRE meeting.
Research Interests:
RESUMEN: En este artículo se analizan tres conjuntos de fuentes que nos permiten acercarnos al papel jugado por los servidores del ka en algunos de los procedimientos legales del Reino Antiguo. En primer lugar, a través de una tipología... more
RESUMEN: En este artículo se analizan tres conjuntos de fuentes que nos permiten acercarnos al papel jugado por los servidores del ka en algunos de los procedimientos legales del Reino Antiguo. En primer lugar, a través de una tipología de cláusula incluida en las disposiciones de establecimiento del culto funerario, examinamos su vinculación en la
resolución de conflictos dentro de la propia institución de los Hmw-kA. En segundo lugar, por medio de la iconografía, estudiamos su papel en las llamadas escenas de ‘rendimiento de cuentas’, las cuales muestran su actividad en la fiscalización de la actividad de la fundación funeraria; a la par que detenemos nuestra atención en una escena particular en la
que los Hmw-kA aparecen acompañando a un individuo preso, que interpretamos como una posible víctima sacrificial humana, real o fingida. Por último, señalamos la actuación de los servidores del ka como testigo en la firma de documentos legales.
ABSTRACT: In this paper, three distinctive groups of evidence are presented with the aim to analyze the role played by the ka-servant in certain legal procedures of the Old Kingdom. At first, based on a specific kind of clause found in the funerary contracts, we examine the relationship of the ka-servant with the procedure of dispute resolution within the institution of the Hmw-kA. At second, by means of an iconographic analysis, we studied
his role in the so-called scenes of ‘rendering accounts’, which show it activity in the oversight of the funerary estate; At the same time, we focus in a particular scene which shows the Hmw-kA conducting a prisoner, that I interpreted as a possible sacrificial human victim, real or fictive. At last, we point out the action of the ka-servants as witness in the signing of legal documents.
Research Interests:
Ante la limitada oferta de programas de investigación que permitan la especialización real y profunda en español en investigación histórica, filológica y cultural en Egiptología, se proponen estos programas de Formación Permanente y... more
Ante la limitada oferta de programas de investigación que permitan la especialización real y profunda en español en investigación histórica, filológica y cultural en Egiptología, se proponen estos programas de Formación Permanente y Máster en Egiptología. Nuestros programas contribuyen al desarrollo personal y profesional del alumnado en Egiptología. Sus profesores dirigen y participan en proyectos de investigación internacionales, cuentan con concesiones arqueológicas en Egipto, experiencia en publicaciones, conferencias y reuniones nacionales e internacionales. Estos programas no solo responden a una necesidad formativa de contenidos históricos, culturales y filológicos sino que también contribuyen a conocer las herramientas, recursos y métodos más adecuados para la investigación en Egiptología.
La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) presenta cuatro programas de Egiptología en el marco de los Estudios Propios de la universidad: Formación en Egiptología (I), Formación en Egiptología (II), Formación Superior en Egiptología y Master en... more
La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) presenta cuatro programas de Egiptología en el marco de los Estudios Propios de la universidad: Formación en Egiptología (I), Formación en Egiptología (II), Formación Superior en Egiptología y Master en Egiptología. Esta oferta era el año académico 2021-2022 confirma la determinación de nuestra área de estudios de Orientalística por consolidar esta línea formativa, docente y también de investigación en nuestra institución.
El curso está diseñado para alumnos de todos los niveles, aunque por su nivel de contenidos, cantidad de trabajo, ritmo y tareas a realizar se recomienza principalmente para alumnos que están acabando su grado o licenciatura y para... more
El curso está diseñado para alumnos de todos los niveles, aunque por su nivel de contenidos, cantidad de trabajo, ritmo y tareas a realizar se recomienza principalmente para alumnos que están acabando su grado o licenciatura y para estudiantes de master o doctorado que desean reforzar sus capacidades y conocimientos. Además, este curso permite a los alumnos recibir asesoramiento sobre las posibles instituciones, programas o rutas a seguir en caso de querer estudiar Egiptología o alguna disciplina relacionada como la Asiriología, Semíticas, Arqueología, Clásicas, etc.
Ancient Egyptian mortuary cult is one of the most fascinating subjects for whoever approaches ancient Egypt and a recurrent topic in previous and current research on ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices. One key aspect for understanding... more
Ancient Egyptian mortuary cult is one of the most fascinating subjects for whoever approaches ancient Egypt and a recurrent topic in previous and current research on ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices. One key aspect for understanding the mortuary cult is, doubtlessly, its agents, the ‘priestly officiants’ that once performed the rites with the ultimate expectation to ensure an escape from death for the deceased. Despite their significant role, there are not many works particularly devoted to the mortuary ‘priesthood’ in ancient Egypt, and even less for a period as remote as the Old Kingdom. In view of this, Priestly officiants in the Old Kingdom mortuary cult aims at filling the gap in the Egyptological literature by incorporating into the discussion comprehensive analyses of eight of the most prominent priestly titles of the period. Thus, the main goal is to consolidate our insight of the role of those who guarded, developed, and sustained the most professional duties involved in the respect and care for the dead and their memory. The most noteworthy figures in the mortuary cult from both private and royal domains are the subject of a thorough examination covering the nature and development of each title, its functions and domains of practice, the most critical sources for their study and its historical evolution with a fresh approach that incorporates the newest theories and positions in the study of the Old Kingdom mortuary officialdom.

Table of Contents and initial pages:
The present work aims at studying the figure of the ka-servant during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By selecting a wide range of sources, we undertake the reconstruction of the main features that defined this title,... more
The present work aims at studying the figure of the ka-servant during the chronological period of the Old Kingdom. By selecting a wide range of sources, we undertake the reconstruction of the main features that defined this title, deepening into its specific roles and the contexts in which they were exercised. The nature of the sources has imposed an iconographic approach, which, combined with a textual and archaeological analysis, has allowed for the highest possible performance of the available evidence. Thus, the ka-servant is revealed as an essential character in implementing the funerary religion during the Old Kingdom. His main role was to perform the due mortuary cult to non-royal deceased, guaranteeing their well-being through the delivery of offerings. Despite this generic character, his status as a member of the tomb owner’s household marked him, in addition, as an active party in managing the properties of the deceased and as an officiant to guarantee the required products in the funerary cult.
The tomb of Dagi (TT 103) is an exceptional case for the study of reuse in the Theban necropolis. The tomb was built by Dagi, a vizier under Montuhotep II, in a privileged emplacement close to the mortuary temple of the king, on the... more
The tomb of Dagi (TT 103) is an exceptional case for the study of reuse in the Theban necropolis. The tomb was built by Dagi, a vizier under Montuhotep II, in a privileged emplacement close to the mortuary temple of the king, on the northern side of Seikh Abd el-Qurna, looking towards Asasif. The tomb of Dagi was first discovered by Lepsius, published by N. de Garis Davies (1913), and finally, the team from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, led by Herbert Winlock, conducted several archaeological excavations at the site. Currently, the tomb is being studied by the Middle Kingdom Theban Project (University of Alcalá).
In spite of its origin as a tomb for the vizier, the tomb of Dagi was extensively reused in later times, as happened with tombs all over the area of Deir el-Bahari. But the most relevant phase of reoccupation of the monument occurred in the Coptic period, when part of the primitive structure was integrated into the monastery of Epiphanius. Although it is difficult to provide absolutely certain dates, we know that the monastery was fully operational as early as the middle of the sixth century.
The aim of our paper is to analyse the structures associated with Dagi’s tomb from a diachronic perspective, focusing on the understanding of its evolution and phases of utilization by using an approach that Upton has come to call historical fluidity in Architecture. Given that the building presents at least two key moments in its evolution: its use as a funerary structure in Pharaonic times and its reuse as a monastery of early Christianity in Coptic times, our efforts will focus on the analysis of both phases and on understanding the changes made to adapt the structure for its later use.