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Frank van Dun        Ph.D., Dr.Jur.     -    Senior lecturer Philosophy of Law.

 Ius sine lege


By the way


The Law


Natural Law

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Last update

(C) 2004
Frank van Dun
Gent, België




Mises Institute Daily Articles

Classical Liberalism and International Relations Theory (Edwin van de Haar, 2009)
Freddy Evers,
Kiezen tussen recht en rechtvaardigheid (bevat mijn Rechter in gesprek of ambtenaar in functie)
H.Bouillon & H.Kliemt
: Ordered Anarchy: Jasay and his surroundings (contains my Concepts of order)
Etienne de la Boétie: Vertoog over de vrijwillige slavernij 
met een voorwoord van Jos Verhulst en een nawoord van Frank van Dun

Texts    Teksten

The texts that are accessible via this page are pre-publication drafts, texts of coursebooks, unpublished lectures and other occasional material. Pre-publication drafts may differ more or less substantially from the final published version.

Scroll down to see all available texts   *****   


May 2024 Not in my name...
Ukraine and the Empire of Lies

Maart 2024 Lezing Mises.nl  Tilburg (31-03-2024)
Powerpoint presentation
English version, expanded (with corrections) here


April 2023 Is freedom nothing more than an instrumental value (pdf), Draft of lecture at AEME 2023 (Austrian Economics Meeting Europe, 11-13 May, 2023). Powerpoint presentation,
Expanded (with corrections) here


September 2022 TheTrouble with Society (.pps)
An introduction to the philosophy of law and politics

April 2022: Corona!
Bedenkingen bij een rampzalig beleid (maart 2020 - maart 2022) met nabeschouwingen over de coronamaatschappij en haar plaats in de moderne geschiedenis


Oktober 2021: Corona!
Bedenkingen bij een rampzalig beleid (maart 2020 - augustus 2021) met nabeschouwingen over de coronamaatschappij en haar plaats in de moderne geschiedenis

July 2021 The Logic of the Argumentum Anselmi
On understanding Anselm's argument for the existence of God, the so-called "ontological argument" of Proslogion 2.

July 2021 Corona - Tyranny goes viral
A summary of my Dutch text, Corona! (August 2021)

June 2021 The Social Contract... in case you missed it

May 2021: Unde venis, iudex, et quo vadis?
Over het geloof van rechters en de institutionalisering van macht zonder verantwoordelijkheid

April 2021: Corona!
Bedenkingen bij een rampzalig beleid
(maart 2020 - maart 2021) met nabeschouwingen over de coronamaatschappij en haar plaats in de moderne geschiedenis


December 2020 Corona!
Bedenkingen bij een rampzalig beleid


June 2018. What Exactly Did The Reformation Reform?
Philosophical reflections on pre- and post-Reformation Christianity.


September 2017. Richard Storey on "The Reactionary Libertarianism of Frank van Dun". The body of this text consists of Richard Storey's collation of extracts from my replies to his questions in a rather extended email conversation in 2016. (The qualification 'reactionary' is his.)

Uprooted Liberalism and its Discontents
March 2017.


Brexit: results by voting area.
June 2016


Argumentation ethics and self-ownership (again)!
June 2015. A revised reply to a revised paper (See below July 2014).
Published: Van Dun, Frank. 2015. "Reply to Andrew Young's "Argumentation Ethics and the Question of Self-Ownership"." The Journal of Private Enterprise, 30(3): 89-102.

Three Essays on Freedom and the Corporation (epub)
March 2015. Brings together an essay from 2003,one from 2005 and another from 2008.

In The Shadow of The Prodigy (ebook)
In The Shadow of The Prodigy (paperback)
March 2015. A thoroughly revised and, I hope, greatly improved
version, published for the same time in e-book format. Reviews at
the publisher's website are much appreciated.


Argumentation ethics and self-ownership!
July 2014. A requested reply to yet another challenge of Hoppe's thesis.

Of cows and bitcoins; a domestic conversation
February 2014.


The limits of knee-jerk libertarianism
October 2013.

Bruno Leoni: Praxeology and the Law (epub)
Bruno Leoni: Praxeology and the Law (doc)
October 2013. Draft for a lecture at the
University of Callabria, 30 / 31 October 2013

De laatste vrijheid
Lezing "Prijs van de Vrijheid", 25-06-2013, Gent
(Definitieve versie 19-08-2013)

Anselm's ontological argument - Synopsis.
March 2013.


De Utopische verleiding (samen met Hans Crombag)
Juni 2012. (Heruitgave van het originele boek uit 1997)

De Utopie van de Mensenrechten
Juni 2012.


Recht, Markt en Staat
December 2011. Laatste versie van de syllabus "Metajuridica" (Universiteit Maastricht, 2003) in boekformaat.

Recht en conflict in context (pdf)
May 2011. Tekst voor het vormingsprogramma rond het thema "De advocaat" (Balie Kortrijk 10 mei 2011)
Slides (Powerpoint)


Recht en Macht in de Moderne Tijd (pdf)
November 2010. Collegetekst

Anselm's Ontological Argument (pdf)
September 2010. What does it intend to prove? Does it succeed?
A revision of this first draft is long overdue. I am currently working on it.Watch the video !

Freedom, Liberty, Autonomy (pdf)
May 2010. A lecture given at the University of Padua (Treviso) 


Excerpt from The Shadow of the Prodigy (pdf).
July 2009. The dialogue on religion and politics.

Excerpt from The Shadow of the Prodigy (pdf).
June 2009. The dialogue on representative democracy.

Logic of Law (pdf)
May 2009. Revised and expanded. (published in Libertarian Papers, Vol I, 2009)

Rechtspreken (pdf)
April 2009. Ontwerp voor een bijdrage tot een bundel over rechtspraak.

Crash en depressie (1988) (pdf)
April 2009. Uit de oude doos: een beschouwing over de Grote Depressie naar aanleiding van de crash van 1987.

Dead End Street Blues (pdf)
January 2009. On the failures of Keynesian and neo-liberal policies.


Saving in the land of good cheer and better beer (pdf)
December 2008. On a new savings regulation.

New introduction to the course (pdf)
December 2008. Draft.

Non-trivial pursuit: de crisis van het vrijemarktkapitalisme (pdf)
December 2008. 

Excerpt from "In the Shadow of The Prodigy". (pdf) The dialogue on politics and information technology.

Aquinas on the State, Property and Taxation (pdf)
September 2008. A short reply to a question about Christian apologetics for the State.

A Note on Austro-libertarianism and The Corporation (pdf)
August 2008. This was written after a stimulating exchange at an IES "Liberty seminar" in Leuven (B) on August 5.

Not Really a Libertarian Case Against Immigration (pdf)
June 2008.

Freedom and Property: Where they conflict (pdf) 
May 2008. On freedom of movement.

Naar aanleiding van de heruitgave van Het Fundamenteel Rechtsbeginsel. (Lezing Antwerpen, 12 april 2008)

DirTree Disk Navigator 
February 2008. (Build February 3, 2008).


Leoni and the Law.
December 2007.

DirTree Disk Navigator (zip)
December 2007. (Build December 15, 2007: Copy-functions restored; notebook added).
Access code on request.

Reason and the Passions.
October 2007. As published in
The Freeman.

The Shadow of The Prodigy 
August 2007. A tale of the twentieth century.

Argumentation Ethics (pdf)
May 2007. An introduction to argumentation ethics and the philosophy of freedom.

Boétie: politieke filosofie van de rede (pdf)
February 2007. Draft of a postscript to a new (abridged) Dutch translation of "Voluntary Slavery".

The Shadow of The Prodigy 
January 2007. A tale of the twentieth century.


Reason and the passions (pdf)
October 2006. Short comment on Hume's moral philosophy.

The full package (8MB)
September 2006. .

Voting (pdf)
September 2006. Reflection on voting (draft for a project undertaken by M. Guttman)

Murphy & Callahan on Argumentation Ethics. 
August 2006. An extended  comment on a their critique of H.-H. Hoppe's use of argumentation ethics in justifying libertarianism (draft).

The complete package (5.2 MB)
July 2006. Calculator; Dirtree, Secretary. . 

Calculator / Graph plotter
July 2006. A stand-alone version of the calculator, enhanced with a module for plotting simple and complex graphs..

A libertarian critique of libertarian theorising
May 2006. Remarks delivered at the Property and Freedom Society founding meeting in Bodrum, May 20th, 2006.

Droit Naturel
March 2006. Transcription of a debate with Patrick Simon (External link)

Concepts of Order (pdf)
February 2006. A comparison of social and convivial order.

Evolution or Intelligent Design?
January 2006. On the sciences of life and the dogmas and politics of evolutionism. (Extract).


On Immigration, Freedom and Other Things (pdf)
December 2005. A dialogue

Social Security Conundrum in Belgium
November 2005. On the Belgian government's "Intergenerational Solidarity Pact"

Arm en grijs Vlaanderen
Oktober 2005. Nog over de problematiek van vergrijzing.

Ius Natural y Derechos Naturales (pdf)
October 2005. Translation by Luis Eduardo Zamorano Aragón of Natural Law.  Luis asked me to check his translation but my Spanish is not nearly good enough. Can anybody help?

Personal Freedom, Corporate Liberties (pdf)
October 2005. More on limited liability corporations.

Langer werken?
September 2005. Over de futiliteit van het eindeloopbaandebat.

On Self-Ownership (pdf)
September 2005. A discussion on http://blog.mises.org/blog/archives/004055.asp 

Statistics in the Public Sphere (pdf)
August 2005. An introductory text for law students

Berichten uit de toekomst
Juli 2005. Op naar de Brave New World!

De Spin van Mia Doornaert
Juli 2005. Naar aanleiding van de aanslagen in Londen op 7 juli 2005

The Substance and the Shadow (pdf)
July 2005. A reflection on the erosion of the institution of marriage.

Reconciling Freedom and Order (pdf)
June 2005. An interpretation of Hayek's theory of order and its relation to classical liberalism.

Afscheid Maastricht
A selection of texts from the CD that was offered to me on the occasion of my resignation from the Law Faculty of the University of Maastricht. 
-De Consolatione Historiae (N.Baakman)
-Voor Frank: wat ons scheidt  (H.Crombag)
-Waarom er geen natuurlijke rechten zijn (J.Hage)
-Meta, macht en juristen (A.Jettinghoff)
-Frank van Dun, revolutionair en Stoïcijn (N.Roos)

April 2005. A self-extracting zip-file containing the full program (file handling, text editor, rtf editor, agenda, notebook, archive, data compressor, multifunctional calculator, graph plotter, evaluation of syllogisms and logic of propositions, encryption, online help and more). Available for testing (let me know if you are interested)

For Louis Berkvens (pdf)
A comparison of the attitudes of the historian, the lawyer and the legal historian concerning the importance of history. (From the archive)


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The Pure Theory of Natural Law - Part I (pdf)
November 2004. A first attempt at systematisation.

What's new? (pdf)
September 2004. On King James VI and his colonisation of Lewis.

The Perfect Law of Freedom (pdf)
September 2004. Contribution to a colloquium organised by the Instituto Bruno Leoni in Rome 'October 1, 2004, on the CHristan origins of the free society

Recht en Rechtswetenschap (pdf)
Juli 2004. Mijn bijdrage aan de bundel "Over leven en recht: Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof.mr. N.H.M. Roos" (ed. Frank van Dun), Shaker Publishing, Maastricht 2004

Organised Chaos
April 2004. Lecture notes for a presentation at the Libertarian Spring Convention in Leiden (the Netherlands) on April 3rd, 2004

Natural law and the Jurisprudence of Freedom  (pdf)
March 2004. Expands on the argument in 'Against Libertarian Legalism'.

Goud en economie: Inleiding
March 2004. An introduction to a reader on gold and the economy to be published by the Dutch Bastiatstichting.

The Science of Law and Legal Studies (pdf)
February 2004. A logical and methodological comparison of the study of natural law and the study of legal systems, plus an exposition of the ideological or religious basis of legal positivism.

Toleranter dan wij zelf denken?
February 2004. Marc Hooghe over het maatschappelijk draagvlak van het politiek correcte denken.

Political Liberalism and the Formal Rechtsstaat (pdf)
January 2004. On eighteenth century classical liberalism and nineteenth century political liberalism.

Vrijhandel en globalisering: een Westers dilemma
January 2004. The debate about trade liberalisation against the background of a century of political madness.


Danneels: (nog) een gemiste kans
December 2003. Cardinal Danneels diplomatically evades a question about the legalisation of homosexual marriage but fails to clarify why the Church does not, and should not, give the sacrament of marriage to homosexual couples. 

Bayesianism and Austrian Apriorism (pdf)
October 2003. A comment on an exchange between Walter Block and Bryan Caplan.

Hobbesian democracy (pdf)
October 2003. A definition and analysis of our modern Hobbesian democracy and a compariso
n with lawful democracy.

The logic of law (djvu)
September 2003. A logical analysis of the concept of law as an order of persons.

Het land van oorsprong
September 2003. A note on the significance of borders as guarantees of freedom.

It usually begins at home (pdf)
July 2003. A short autobiographical note, written for Walter Block's collection.

Vanop deze piramide kijken veertig jaren wanbeleid op u neer (pdf)
June 2003. A critical look at some of the Belgian Government's attempts to meet the approaching pensions-crisis. 

Utopie van de mensenrechten (pdf)
June 2003. A philosophical critique of the ruling human rights doctrine as a manifestation of a utopian philosophy of order. Based on notes for a lecture given to the Studium Generale of the University of Utrecht (April 22nd, 2003)

Natural Law, A Logical Analysis
May 2003. An explication of the concept of natural law, with special attention to the difference between artificial and natural persons.    
This paper was prepared for an issue of the electronic journal Etica é Politica on anarchocapitalism.

De Rechtsstaat: een bescheiden voorstel (pdf)
April 2003. A comment on the coming elections (May 18th, 2003) for the Belgian parliament. Its main point is that those elections are supposed to elect 'legislators', not, as the papers appear to assume, 'administrators'. Hence, I take a careful look at the notion of the 'separation of powers'. To be published on the Nova Civitas website.

George Bush en de heilige oorlogen van VS (pdf)
March 2003. A critical look at the Bush administration's 'justifications' for the invasion in Iraq.

Meedenken, tegendenken, doordenken, nadenken
March 2003. Contribution to a reader 'Academische vorming in actie' to be published by Studium Generale, Nederland

Fiscal redistribution in a global economy (pdf)
January 2003. How international tax shifting affects the international distribution of wealth. Repertoried in CNE-Monatsmagazin (February-March 2003)

The logic of religion and economic order (DjVu)
April 2003. An analysis of diverse concepts of economic order and their religious contexts. Dedicated to a dear friend and collegue.

The business corporation versus the free market? (pdf)
January 2003. Why corporations in their present form are incompatible with the free market.


Lokale publieke goederen (pdf)
December 2002. A critique of the traditional neo-classical approach to public goods analysis, with special reference to probems of urbanisation in the 19th century. intended for the students of the Metajuridica course in Maastricht.

Consumentisme en verrechtsing?
December 2002. A critique on the Left's view of 'consumerism'.

Statistieken, wetgeving en beleid (pdf)
November 2002. A short introduction to the use and abuse of statistics, intended for the students of the Metajuridica course in Maastricht.

Recht en zedelijkheid (pdf)
November 2002. Een kritische beschouwing over de rechtsfilosofie van Rudolf vol Laun.

Recht en onrecht (pdf)
June 2002. An analysis of the concept of law as an order of persons. Prepared for the Rudolf von Laun Institute (Groningen).

Concepts of Order (pdf)
April 2002. An essay on ordered anarchy (to be published in a reader on ordered anarchy)

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Teksten / texts


An outline of European History (pdf) Presentatie: De utopische verleiding Presentatie
Recht en Natuur (Cursus) Het alledaagse van de utopie Bekijk het boek (DjVu)
Philosophy of Law & Economics (djvu) Filosofische achtergrond van de utopie Fiscaal onrecht
Reader Philosophy of Law (DjVu) Kritiek van "Het Sienjaal"
Metajuridica Werkboek 2003 (pdf) Utopie van de mensenrechten (pdf)
Metajuridica Blokboek 2003 (pdf)
Frederic Bastiat : La Loi
Lysander Spooner on Natural and Constitutional Law


On the Thomas Theorem Statistieken, wetgeving en beleid (pdf) Veertig jaren wanbeleid  (pdf)
Fiscal redistribution in a global economy (pdf) It usually begins at home (pdf) Lokale publieke goederen (pdf)
The painted word Het land van oorsprong Danneels: (nog) een gemiste kans
The logic of religion and ecnomic order (DjVu) Geore Bush en de heilige oorlogen van VS (pdf) Vrijhandel en globalisering 
The business corporation versus the free market? (pdf) Stefan van Glabbeek interviewt Frank van Dun Toleranter dan wij zelf denken? 
Bayesianism and Austrian Apriorism (pdf) Consumentisme en verrechtsing? Goud en economie
Organised Chaos  Meedenken, tegendeken, doordenken, nadenken What's new? (pdf)
The Substance and the Shadow (pdf) Arm en grijs Vlaanderen / Langer werken? Personal Freedom, Corporate Liberties (pdf)


Launs 'Recht und Sittlichkeit' (pdf) Liberty and Justice Hobbesian democracy (pdf)
Recht en onrecht (pdf) A note on pragmatism Political Liberalism and the Formal Rechtsstaat (pdf)
Vrijheid en consequentialisme The Lawful and the Legal The Science of Law and Legal Studies (pdf)
Vrijheid, argumentatie en contract (1) Kritarchy Natural law and the Jurisprudence of Freedom (pdf)
Vrijheid, argumentatie en contract (2) Natural Law, Liberalism, and Christianity (DjVu) The Perfect Law of Freedom (pdf)
Inleiding rechtsfilosofie The logic of law (pdf) Reconciling Freedom and Order (pdf)
Natuurlijke rechten vs. Mensenrechten Against libertarian legalism (DjVu)
Van democratie naar ochlocratie Ordered Anarchy: A Tale of the Woods (pdf)
Liberalisme in een tijd van vermaatschappelijking Philosophical Statism and Illusion of Citizenship (pdf)
De Rechtsstaat: een bescheiden voorstel (pdf) Natural Law, A Logical Analysis
Recht en Rechtswetenschap (pdf) The Pure Theory of Natural Law - Part I (pdf)

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