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An international research cruise named Iatá-Piuna took place on the São Paulo Plateau on May, 2013 in the Campos and Espírito Santo basins, off Brazil. The cruise was carried ou on board the research vessel (R/V) Yokosuka that hosts the... more
An international research cruise named Iatá-Piuna took place on the São Paulo Plateau on May, 2013 in the Campos and Espírito Santo basins, off Brazil. The cruise was carried ou on board the research vessel (R/V) Yokosuka that hosts the human operated vehicle (HOV) SHINKAI 6500. It aimed at finding chemosynthetic communities, composed of organisms capable of generating their own vital energy by metabolizing organic and inorganic compounds related to seeps. Identification of these organisms could provide information for understanding the origin of life, since they may resemble primitive organisms that existed in the initial stages of life on Earth. During Leg 2 (May 10–24, 2013), however, dives on the northern part of the São Paulo Plateau at the Espírito Santo Basin led to the discovery of a giant oil seep. The seep, ca. 3 nautical miles (ca. 5.6 km) in length is located along an outcrop of Eocene rocks on a salt-induced escarpment of the plateau and at a water depth of ca. 2700 m. The 200 m relief of the seafloor suggests that the seep takes place along an active fault system driven by salt diapirism. The oil was analyzed and identified as a severely biodegraded marine oil, generated by carbonate rocks within a minibasin located to the east of the escarpment. This represents valuable exploratory information because it proves that an active petroleum system is present in the context of minibasins associated with salt diapirism in the area.
Research Interests:
Empty elliptical vesicles are observed in outcrops of Barremian very fine clayey sandstone to siltstone lacustrine slurry deposits of the Pitanga Member (Maracangalha Forma‑ tion), exposed in the Maré Island, Southern Recôncavo Basin,... more
Empty elliptical vesicles are observed in outcrops of Barremian very fine clayey sandstone to siltstone lacustrine slurry deposits of the Pitanga Member (Maracangalha Forma‑ tion), exposed in the Maré Island, Southern Recôncavo Basin, Brazil. These sedimentary features have been traditionally in‑ terpreted as water escape structures triggered by the diapirism of the underlying shales of the Candeias Formation. This work proposes that vesicles were generated during massive gas hydrate dissociation as a result of tectonic activity in a paleolake system. Tectonic uplift would have triggered both the reduction of the confining pressure as well as an increase in lake bottom tem‑ perature, resulting in the instability of gas hydrate and causing intense release of both methane — or carbon dioxide (CO 2) — and water. On one hand, this proposal has a strong impact on pa‑ leoenvironmental interpretations, giving support to the current hypothesis that rocks related to the Pitanga Member would have been deposited under water columns deep enough for gas hydrate formation and subsequent dissociation. On the other hand, it provides new insights on the genesis of fluid escape structures in sedimentary rocks, both lacustrine and marine, providing a paleobathymetric indicator. RESUMO: Vesículas elípticas ocas são observadas em afloramentos de areni-tos argilosos muito finos e siltitos lacustrinos do Membro Pitanga da Formação Maracangalha, expostos na Ilha de Maré, sudeste da Bacia do Recôncavo, Es-tado da Bahia, Brasil. Essas rochas foram depositadas em condições subaquo-sas e são consideradas depósitos gravitacionais do tipo slurry. Essas feições têm sido tradicionalmente interpretadas como sendo estruturas de escape de água, resultado da ação do diapismo de folhelhos sotopostos da Formação Candeias. Este trabalho propõe que as vesículas foram geradas durante uma intensa dis-sociação de hidratos de gás em resposta à atividade tectônica existente naquele sistema lacustre. O soerguimento tectônico do fundo do lago teria propiciado a redução da pressão confinante nos poros sedimentares, bem como o aumento de temperatura nas águas de fundo, resultando na instabilidade dos hidratos de gás contidos nas porções rasas dos sedimentos e causando uma violenta libera-ção de metano — ou gás carbônico (CO 2) — e água. Se correta, esta proposta tem um grande impacto na interpretação paleoambiental da Bacia do Recôn-cavo, uma vez que corroborará com a hipótese corrente de que as rochas do Membro Pitanga teriam sido depositadas em ambientes profundos, suficientes para a formação de hidratos de gás e a consequente dissociação em período de soerguimento. Por outro lado, permite uma interpretação adicional acerca da gênese de estruturas de escape de fluidos em rochas sedimentares, lacustres ou marinhas, servindo como um potencial indicador de paleobatimetria.
Research Interests:
A quantidade de trabalhos que abordam aspectos tectônicos, magmáticos e deposicionais das bacias sedimentares brasileiras é vasto e abrangente. Entretanto, muitos destes trabalhos são localizados e não abordam, de forma integrada, a... more
A quantidade de trabalhos que abordam aspectos tectônicos, magmáticos e deposicionais das bacias sedimentares brasileiras é vasto e abrangente. Entretanto, muitos destes trabalhos são localizados e não abordam, de forma integrada, a evolução do continente Sul-Americano como um todo. A última grande tentativa de integração dos dados evolutivos foi a atualização das Cartas Estratigráficas das
Bacias Sedimentares Brasileiras, publicada no Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras (v.15, n.2) em 2007. O presente trabalho visa integrar e condensar as informações contidas naquela publicação, bem como compilar o máximo de informações já publicadas. A correlação entre as bacias sedimentares e os principais eventos geológicos, durante
a evolução do continente, teve como amarração a Carta Estratigráfica Internacional, tornando possível a correlação destes eventos ao longo do tempo geológico. Além disto, foi feita uma criteriosa compilação de dados sobre os substratos
destas bacias, evidenciando os diversos ambientes geotectônicos envolvidos antes e durante a evolução polifásica do continente Sul-Americano. A principal intenção deste trabalho, no entanto, é resumir o estado-da-arte do conhecimento geológico sobre as bacias sedimentares brasileiras através de um painel, no qual estas informações foram integradas.
Research Interests:
A quantidade de trabalhos que abordam aspectos tectônicos, magmáticos e deposicionais das bacias sedimentares brasileiras é vasto e abrangente. Entretanto, muitos destes trabalhos são localizados e não abordam, de forma integrada, a... more
A quantidade de trabalhos que abordam aspectos tectônicos, magmáticos e deposicionais das bacias sedimentares brasileiras é vasto e abrangente. Entretanto, muitos destes trabalhos são localizados e não abordam, de forma integrada, a evolução do continente Sul-Americano como um todo. A última grande tentativa de integração dos dados evolutivos foi a atualização das Cartas Estratigráficas das
Bacias Sedimentares Brasileiras, publicada no Boletim de Geociências da Petrobras (v.15, n.2) em 2007. O presente trabalho visa integrar e condensar as informações contidas naquela publicação, bem como compilar o máximo de informações já publicadas. A correlação entre as bacias sedimentares e os principais eventos geológicos, durante
a evolução do continente, teve como amarração a Carta Estratigráfica Internacional, tornando possível a correlação destes eventos ao longo do tempo geológico. Além disto, foi feita uma criteriosa compilação de dados sobre os substratos
destas bacias, evidenciando os diversos ambientes geotectônicos envolvidos antes e durante a evolução polifásica do continente Sul-Americano. A principal intenção deste trabalho, no entanto, é resumir o estado-da-arte do conhecimento geológico sobre as bacias sedimentares brasileiras através de um painel, no qual estas informações foram integradas.
Research Interests:
The Rio Grande Cone is a large-scale fanlike feature in the continental slope of the Pelotas Basin, Southern Brazil, where ubiquitous world-class bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) are readily observed in seismic records. With the... more
The Rio Grande Cone is a large-scale fanlike feature in the continental slope of the Pelotas Basin,
Southern Brazil, where ubiquitous world-class bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) are readily observed
in seismic records. With the purpose of searching for natural gas hydrate deposits in the Cone area, four
oceanographic cruises were carried out between May 2011 and July 2013, leading to the discovery of two
pockmark fields, active faults and gas hydrates in shallow sediments. Multichannel seismic, multibeam
echo sounder, side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler records were used to map the shallow section and
select sites for piston core sampling. Gas hydrates were recovered in several piston cores within muddy
sediments collected inside pockmarks displaying high backscatter in the multibeam and side scan sonar
data. We present two representative piston cores where numerous levels of gas hydrates occur, along
with degassing features, authigenic carbonate and soupy sediments. Gas dissociated from gas hydrate
samples is dominantly methane (>99.78%) with minor quantities of ethane. The chemical and isotopic
compositions of the gas strongly suggest a biogenic origin for the analyzed samples. These new findings
are regarded as strong enough evidence to consider the Rio Grande Cone as a new gas hydrate province.
Lightness of two long (over 30 m) piston core sediment (MD179-3329 and -3304) obtained at the Umitaka Spur off Joetsu of Japan Sea, was measured at 2 cm interval by MINOLTA SPAD 503 spectrometer. Umitaka Spur, about 900 m below sea level,... more
Lightness of two long (over 30 m) piston core sediment (MD179-3329 and -3304) obtained at the Umitaka Spur off Joetsu of Japan Sea, was measured at 2 cm interval by MINOLTA SPAD 503 spectrometer. Umitaka Spur, about 900 m below sea level, is closed to Japan Alps and characterized by high sedimentation rates of about 0.4 mm/y, along with dozens of distinctive marker tephras. MD 179-3296 and -3304 sites show similarities and record Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) type oscillations as the lightness change of the sediment during the late Pleistocene. The two marine cores also suggest that there are somewhat similar oscillations during Holocene. The symmetrical lightness changes of the marine cores resemble those of stalagmites record from caves in China rather than the asymmetrical changes of temperature proxy record from Greenland ice cores, ie rapid temperature rise and gradual decline. This implies the lightness of the marine sediments reflects terrestrial sediment flux depending on the precipitation controlled by summer Asian monsoon activity. Thus, the lightness change has a potential to reconstruct paleoenvironmental changes with high resolution of decennial timescale in the marginal areas of the Japan Sea with high sedimentation rates.
Research Interests:
The tephra which spreads and deposits in wide areas by volcanic eruption is one of the most important time makers for the paleoenvironmental researches in and around the Japanese Islands. However, the source and eruption age of many... more
The tephra which spreads and deposits in wide areas by volcanic eruption is one of the most important time makers for the paleoenvironmental researches in and around the Japanese Islands. However, the source and eruption age of many tephras is still unknown (Machida 2011). The study area, off Joetsu of the Japan Sea, has great advantage to establish tephrostratigraphy because the various tephras from the Japanese Islands and Ulreung-do Island are probably distributed and because sedimentation rate in the study area is high since the area is situated close to the continental shelf and Japan Alps. This report revealed the tephrastratigraphy off Joetsu based on the identification and correlation of the tephras layers collected from the long core samples obtained by MD 179 survey.
The tephra samples were collected from the six piston cores and two gravity cores collected at geomorphologically different places off Joetsu, and at the submarine valley off Sado Island. Each sample was listed in the mineral composition and the morphologic feature of volcanic glass shards, and the chemical composition of 20 shards of volcanic glass measured by microprobe analyzer (SEM-EDS). The total of 95 tephra samples were classified into 32 kinds of tephras based on the shape and the chemical composition of volcanic glass along with heavy-mineral combination. Then 12 kinds of them were identified and correlated with the well-established tephras, although the source and age of the other kinds of tephra were uncertain.
Research Interests:
This is a tentative to illustrate the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of Brazilian sedimentary basins during the geological time. This pannel was presented and distributed as a CD-ROM during the 46° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia... more
This is a tentative to illustrate the tectonic-sedimentary evolution of Brazilian sedimentary basins during the geological time. This pannel was presented and distributed as a CD-ROM during the 46° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia occurred in Santos city, São Paulo from Sep, 30th to Oct, 5th.
Research Interests:
The ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (TOC:TN) and the stable carbon isotope ratio of organic matter (δ13Corg) are widely applied for inferring the origin of organic matter (OM) in Quaternary marine sediments. A plot of... more
The ratio of total organic carbon to total nitrogen (TOC:TN) and the stable carbon isotope ratio of organic matter (δ13Corg) are widely applied for inferring the origin of organic matter (OM) in Quaternary marine sediments. A plot of TOC:TN vs. δ13Corg is useful for such studies but is strongly based on qualitative constraints. This study is based on the qualitative characterization of the source of Quaternary OM via analysis of TOC:TN and δ13Corg signatures, but also proposes a probability parameter, which combines both signatures, to infer the amount of Terrestrial OM Input (TOMI). This index provides a method for quantifying the proportion of terrestrial OM vs. marine OM in a more comprehensive manner. The TOMI index concept was applied to a study area in the Joetsu Basin, eastern margin of the Japan Sea, where previous studies have characterized the OM from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the present. The upwards increase in TOC indicates that OM production during the Holocene was higher than during the LGM. The enriched δ13Corg signature upwards and decrease in TOC:TN suggest predominantly marine phytoplankton OM during the Holo-cene. Throughout the LGM, low OM production with depleted δ13Corg values and high TOC:TN values in the sediments suggest a predominantly C3 terrestrial plant source for the OM. Using these data, it was possible to calculate a proxy for a sea level variation curve during that period and to investigate the influence of the proximity of the coastal line to the continental slope on the input of terrestrial material to the basin. The proposal provides information for the application of sequence stratigraphic concepts. The TOMI index could confirm that the proximity to the shoreline and shelf break has a strong influence on the input of terrestrial material during lowstand periods.
Research Interests:
Integrated geological, geochemical, and geophysical exploration since 2004 has identified massive accumulation of gas hydrate associated with active methane seeps on the Umitaka Spur, located in the Joetsu Basin on the eastern margin of... more
Integrated geological, geochemical, and geophysical exploration since 2004 has identified massive
accumulation of gas hydrate associated with active methane seeps on the Umitaka Spur, located in the
Joetsu Basin on the eastern margin of Japan Sea. Umitaka Spur is an asymmetric anticline formed along
an incipient subduction zone that extends throughout the western side of the Japanese island-arc
system. Seismic surveys recognized chimney structures that seem strongly controlled by a complex
anticlinal axial fault system, and exhibit high seismic amplitudes with apparent pull-up structures,
probably due to massive and dense accumulation of gas hydrate. Bottom simulating reflectors are widely
developed, in particular within gas chimneys and in the gently dipping eastern flank of the anticline,
where debris can store gas hydrates that may represent a potential natural gas resource. The axial fault
system, the shape of the anticline, and the carrier beds induce thermogenic gas migration to the top of
the structure, and supply gas to the gas hydrate stability zone. Gas reaching the seafloor produces strong
seepages and giant plumes in the sea water column.
Research Interests:
The Holocene sediments of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea are characterized by high total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents, low TOC/TN and TS/TOC values with enriched 13Corg signatures, as a result of high marine... more
The Holocene sediments of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea are characterized by high total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) contents, low TOC/TN and TS/TOC values with enriched 13Corg signatures, as a result of high marine productivity during present oxic highstand. On the other hand, the LGM sediments are characterized by low TOC and TN contents, high TOC/TN and TS/TOC values with depleted 13Corg signatures, characteristic of C3-derived terrestrial organic matter input during that anoxic lowstand. However, at the top of mounds at the seafloor, where gas hydrate and authigenic carbonate nodules occur, the host sediments have geochemical signatures similar to those of the LGM. Both gas hydrate and authigenic carbonate, formed by the anaerobic oxidation of methane, increased the sedimentary volume and caused an uplift of older sediments, inducing mound formation. The thickness of the Holocene sediments over mounds is very small or absent exposing the LGM sediments to the seafloor. The uplift of the LGM sediments within mounds is estimated to be of ca. 2 to 3 meters. We conducted geochemical analysis to detect such sediment movement, using samples collected by shallow cores in the Joetsu Basin, eastern margin of the Japan Sea.
Research Interests:
Este estudo é baseado em análises realizadas em amostras de cinzas vulcânicas (tefras) coletadas por testemunhadores a pistão (piston-cores) ao longo da margem leste do Mar do Japão. A caracterização de cinzas vulcânicas é baseada na... more
Este estudo é baseado em análises realizadas em
amostras de cinzas vulcânicas (tefras) coletadas por
testemunhadores a pistão (piston-cores) ao longo da
margem leste do Mar do Japão. A caracterização de
cinzas vulcânicas é baseada na combinação de diversos
parâmetros como composição química e petrografia,
além do conhecimento acerca da distribuição geográfica
e estratigráfica. Foram coletados 12 testemunhos
da costa oeste da cidade de Kanazawa até o oeste da
Ilha de Hokkaido, mais de 500km a norte. As amostras
foram analisadas através de microscópio eletrônico de
varredura, associado ao espectroscópio por energia
dispersiva (SEM-EDS), tendo suas composições químicas,
constituintes minerais e formas de ocorrência
comparadas com os registros catalogados em atlas de
cinzas vulcânicas do Japão. Depósitos de cinzas piroclásticas,
conhecidos como marcos vulcânicos Aso-1,
K-Tz, Aso-4, AT e U-Oki, foram reconhecidos neste estudo, promovendo a correlação estratigráfica dos
sedimentos quaternários da margem leste do Mar do
Japão. Datações por C14 em foraminíferos e identificação
de associações de diatomáceas auxiliaram nestas
correlações e, em associação com a identificação das
cinzas vulcânicas, possibilitaram a criação de curvas de
taxas de sedimentação. Através destas curvas, foi possível
entender a distribuição dos sedimentos nos últimos
300 Ka da margem leste do Mar do Japão, sugerindo
que as elevações e depressões do fundo do mar, reflexo
da movimentação tectônica atual, controlam a
distribuição vertical e lateral dos sedimentos. Quatro
níveis de cinzas vulcânicas, não catalogados no atlas,
foram identificados e denominados como Joetsu-1
(Jo-1), Joetsu-2 (Jo-2), Okushiri-1 (Ok-1) e Okushiri-2
(Ok-2), tendo suas características petrográficas e químicas
reveladas neste estudo.
Research Interests:
This study was carried out on sediment samples collected by piston-coring in two areas of the eastern margin of the Japan Sea. One area is located at open sea conditions in the Oki Trough, o shore Kanazawa city, and the other is located... more
This study was carried out on sediment samples collected by piston-coring in two areas of the eastern
margin of the Japan Sea. One area is located at open sea conditions in the Oki Trough, o shore Kanazawa city,
and the other is located in the enclosed bay conditions of the Joetsu Basin, o shore Joetsu city. Using these
samples it was possible to di erentiate the source of the organic matter in the sediments of Holocene and late
Pleistocene time on the basis of d13C and TOC/TN ratios coupled with palynofacies analysis. The Holocene
sediments are characterized by high TOC and TN contents, low TOC/TN ratio, and heavier d13C values,
which indicate a predominant marine organic matter production, probably due to warming and inflow of warm
ocean currents and coastal currents along the East China Sea. These currents carried abundant phytoplankton
from the Pacific Ocean as a result of the sea level rise. Occurrence of particulate organic matter shows
abundant primary productivity during the Holocene under marine conditions. On the other hand, the LGM
sediments are characterized by low TOC and TN contents, high TOC/TN ratio, and lighter d13C signatures,
which are characteristic of terrestrial organic matter, probably due to seaward migration of shorelines and
strong input of freshwater with terrestrial materials. This terrestrial influence decreased gradually from the
LGM to the Holocene because of the sea level rise and consequent increase in the marine organic matter.
Research Interests:
Cinqüenta testemunhos foram coletados no fundo do mar na plataforma continental central do Estado da Bahia, entre a Ponta do Mutá e a cidade de Olivença. Destes testemunhos, 36 foram coletados por mergulhadores em profundidades de até 40... more
Cinqüenta testemunhos foram coletados no fundo
do mar na plataforma continental central do Estado
da Bahia, entre a Ponta do Mutá e a cidade de Olivença.
Destes testemunhos, 36 foram coletados por mergulhadores
em profundidades de até 40 m, enquanto
14 testemunhos foram coletados a pistão (piston
cores). Todos os testemunhos foram descritos, fotografados
e amostrados para análises granulométricas
e bioestratigráficas, produzindo um banco de dados
que permitiu a elaboração de mapas texturais e faciológicos
do sedimento de fundo. Durante a coleta dos
testemunhos a pistão, foi feito um levantamento de
sísmica rasa. Este levantamento permitiu identificar
um forte refletor a uma profundidade em torno de
3 – 4 m, que limitou a penetração dos testemunhos.
Tal superfície representa um limite de seqüências, separando a seqüência holocênica da pleistocênica.
Sobre esta, se acumulou um trato de sistema transgressivo
e os estágios iniciais do desenvolvimento de
um trato de sistemas de mar alto, principalmente na
plataforma interna. A área apresenta características de
uma plataforma “faminta”, notadamente em sua porção
externa, limitando a aplicação dos conceitos estratigráficos
modernos à plataforma interna e face da
costa, onde é evidente a sedimentação siliciclástica
progradando sobre sedimentos carbonáticos. Inúmeros
vales não preenchidos dissecam a plataforma externa
e o talude, servindo como conduto para o transporte
de sedimentos da plataforma continental para regiões
mais profundas.
Research Interests: