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Questo manuale, versione italiana del bestseller \u201cA Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling\u201d, presenta con un linguaggio accessibile e con un approccio orientato alla pratica il metodo noto come Partial... more
Questo manuale, versione italiana del bestseller \u201cA Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling\u201d, presenta con un linguaggio accessibile e con un approccio orientato alla pratica il metodo noto come Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), o modelli di equazioni strutturali basati sui minimi quadrati parziali. Questo metodo sta conoscendo una rapidissima diffusione in una grande variet\ue0 di discipline, dal marketing al management, dall\u2019international business al turismo e, in generale, nelle scienze sociali. Alla base di questa popolarit\ue0 sta la capacit\ue0 della PLS-SEM di coniugare rigore scientifico e facilit\ue0 di applicazione, superando alcuni limiti tipici delle tecniche statistiche tradizionali (legate, ad esempio, ai requisiti di numerosit\ue0 minima del campione o di complessit\ue0 massima del modello). Il manuale rappresenta una guida ai concetti e alle applicazioni dei modelli di equazioni strutturali di tipo PLS, permettendo al lettore di comprendere e applicare correttamente e in autonomia questo metodo. L\u2019approccio orientato alla pratica si concretizza anche nell\u2019illustrazione di un caso (con l\u2019impiego del software SmartPLS 3) attraverso il quale vengono applicati i concetti presentati in ciascun capitolo
Purpose – The authors aim to present partial least squares (PLS) as an evolving approach to structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an overview of recent research on the method across... more
Purpose – The authors aim to present partial least squares (PLS) as an evolving approach to structural equation modeling (SEM), highlight its advantages and limitations and provide an overview of recent research on the method across various fields. Design/methodology/approach – In this review article, the authors merge literatures from the marketing, management, and management information systems fields to present the state-of-the art of PLS-SEM research. Furthermore, the authors meta-analyze recent review studies to shed light on popular reasons for PLS-SEM usage. Findings – PLS-SEM has experienced increasing dissemination in a variety of fields in recent years with nonnormal data, small sample sizes and the use of formative indicators being the most prominent reasons for its application. Recent methodological research has extended PLS-SEM's methodological toolbox to accommodate more complex model structures or handle data inadequacies such as heterogeneity. Research limitation...
Abstract The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has been gaining momentum in family business research. Since the publication of a PLS-SEM guidelines article in the Journal of Family Business Strategy’s... more
Abstract The use of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has been gaining momentum in family business research. Since the publication of a PLS-SEM guidelines article in the Journal of Family Business Strategy’s special issue on “Innovative and Established Research Methods in Family Business” in 2014, methodological research has developed new model evaluation methods and metrics and sharpened our understanding of the method’s strengths and limitations. In light of these developments, we extend prior guidelines on PLS-SEM applications by discussing new model evaluation procedures (e.g., model selection) and metrics (e.g., PLSpredict). In addition, we highlight the usefulness of methodological extensions for discrete choice modeling and endogeneity assessment that considerably extend the scope of the PLS-SEM method, and emerging opportunities for the application of PLS-SEM with archival (secondary) data. PLS-SEM remains a valuable method in the context of family business research, especially when it comes to gaining a more sophisticated understanding of the drivers of family business behavior. Because of its properties, the PLS-SEM approach proves particularly valuable when the aim is to predict target variables (e.g., family firm performance) in the context of a causal model.
Abstract With the increasing prominence of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in business research, the use of latent class analyses for identifying and treating unobserved heterogeneity has also gained momentum.... more
Abstract With the increasing prominence of partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) in business research, the use of latent class analyses for identifying and treating unobserved heterogeneity has also gained momentum. Researchers have introduced various latent class approaches in a PLS-SEM context, of which finite mixture PLS (FIMIX-PLS) plays a central role due to its ability to identify heterogeneity and indicate a suitable number of segments to extract from the data. However, applying FIMIX-PLS requires researchers to make several choices that, if incorrect, could lead to wrong results and false conclusions. Addressing this concern, we present the results of a systematic review of FIMIX-PLS applications published in major business research journals. Our review provides an overview of the interdependencies between researchers’ choices and identifies potential problem areas. Based on our results, we offer concrete guidance on how to prevent common pitfalls when using FIMIX-PLS, and identify future research areas.
O objetivo deste artigo a apresentao de um exemplo de forma mais didtica de uso da modelaem de Equaes Estruturais com o software SmathPLS 2.0 M3. O referido programa usa o mtodo de Mnimos Quadrados Parciais e busca atender situaes muito... more
O objetivo deste artigo a apresentao de um exemplo de forma mais didtica de uso da modelaem de Equaes Estruturais com o software SmathPLS 2.0 M3. O referido programa usa o mtodo de Mnimos Quadrados Parciais e busca atender situaes muito frequentes na pesquisa de Marketing: Ausncia de distribuies simtricas das variveis mensuradas, teoria ainda em fase inicial ou com pouca cristalizao, modelos formativos e/ou quantidade menor de dados. O uso crescente do SmartPLS vem mostrado a robusteza e aplicabilidade do modelo nas pesquisas da rea.DOI: 10.5585/remark.v13i2.2717
Researchers must frequently consider the directionality of relationships between variables when linking variables as well as when positing construct-to-construct relationships or when relations are specified at a higher order level of... more
Researchers must frequently consider the directionality of relationships between variables when linking variables as well as when positing construct-to-construct relationships or when relations are specified at a higher order level of abstraction (Wilson, Callaghan & Stainforth, 2006). The psychometric literatures have been particularly mindful of these path directionality issues with measurement model specifications (item-to-construct directionality being either reflective or formative in orientation 2).
Purpose – Research on international marketing usually involves comparing different groups of respondents. When using structural equation modeling (SEM), group comparisons can be misleading unless researchers establish the invariance of... more
Purpose – Research on international marketing usually involves comparing different groups of respondents. When using structural equation modeling (SEM), group comparisons can be misleading unless researchers establish the invariance of their measures. While methods have been proposed to analyze measurement invariance in common factor models, research lacks an approach in respect of composite models. The purpose of this paper is to present a novel three-step procedure to analyze the measurement invariance of composite models (MICOM) when using variance-based SEM, such as partial least squares (PLS) path modeling. Design/methodology/approach – A simulation study allows us to assess the suitability of the MICOM procedure to analyze the measurement invariance in PLS applications. Findings – The MICOM procedure appropriately identifies no, partial, and full measurement invariance. Research limitations/implications – The statistical power of the proposed tests requires further research, a...
... et al., 2005]) represents a non-traditional alternative to CBSEM for structural equation modeling (Rigdon, 2005). ... between independent and dependent variables in the inner and outer path models ([Chin, 1998 ... The use of CTA in... more
... et al., 2005]) represents a non-traditional alternative to CBSEM for structural equation modeling (Rigdon, 2005). ... between independent and dependent variables in the inner and outer path models ([Chin, 1998 ... The use of CTA in PLS (CTA-PLS), in principal, follows Bollen and ...
Management consulting firms play a crucial role in companies' strategic and organizational activities. In business practice, however, they are often criticized for providing inferior solutions due to the deficiencies in the... more
Management consulting firms play a crucial role in companies' strategic and organizational activities. In business practice, however, they are often criticized for providing inferior solutions due to the deficiencies in the client-consultant interactions. In this paper, we study the effects of team competences and team processes on the performance of consulting teams. We specifically examine processes related to consulting teams'