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D is a statically typed language: once a variable has been declared, its type can't be changed from that point onwards. This allows the compiler to prevent bugs early and enforce restrictions at compile time. Good type-safety provides the support one needs to make large programs safer and more maintainable.

There are several type qualifiers in D but the most commonly used ones are const and immutable.


In addition to a static type system, D provides type qualifiers (sometimes also called "type constructors") that enforce additional constraints on certain objects. For example an immutable object can only be initialized once and after that isn't allowed to change.

immutable int err = 5;
// or: immutable err = 5 and int is inferred.
err = 5; // won't compile

immutable objects can thus be safely shared among different threads with no synchronization, because they never change by definition. This also implies that immutable objects can be cached perfectly.


Objects can't be modified through a const reference. A mutable reference to the same object can still modify it. A const pointer can be created from either a mutable or immutable object. It is common for APIs to accept const arguments to ensure they don't modify the input as that allows the same function to process both mutable and immutable data.

void foo(const char[] s)
    // if not commented out, next line will
    // result in error (can't modify const):
    // s[0] = 'x';

    import std.stdio : writeln;

// thanks to `const`, both calls will compile:
foo("abcd"); // string is an immutable array
foo("abcd".dup); // .dup returns a mutable copy


Both immutable and const are transitive type qualifiers, which ensures that once const is applied to a type, it applies recursively to every sub-component of that type.

immutable int* p = new int;
p = null; // error
*p = 5; // error

The element type of a pointer (or array) can be qualified separately:

immutable p = new int; // immutable(int*)
immutable(int)* q = p; // OK, mutable pointer
q = null; // OK
*q = 5; // error

The string type is defined as immutable(char)[]:

string s = "hi";
s ~= " world"; // OK, append new characters
s[0] = 'c'; // error, can't change existing data


Basic references

Advanced references

rdmd playground.d