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List of domain mirrors of the site

If you enable the filter by the list of domains the counter will collect statistics for pageviews only on domains from this list. This behavior is necessary to protect your statistics from the “noise” created by stored pages or placing your counter on other resources (accidentally, when copying the content of the site, or intentionally, to spoil your statistics).

In addition if your site is on different domains you do not need to register for each domain a separate counter. Enter all domains in the “Domain List”, set the same counter code on them and you can view statistics on them in one place.

Enabling the filter

  1. Open the “Mirrors” section by clicking on the corresponding item in the left menu of Top Mail.Ru.

  2. To enable the filter, click the “Enable” link.

Adding domains to the list

If your site has a different domain, add it to the list as shown in the image.

The ^ symbol before the domain in the list means that an exact match with the domain is required. Otherwise, subdomains (for example, ‘www’) of the specified domain are automatically considered as resource domains, and there no need to enter it. For example, when typing mail.ru, the subdomain www.mail.ru will be automatically considered as a resource domain.

The domain from the resource address must present in the list of domains. You can add up to 50 domains.

Removing domain from the list

To remove a domain from the list, click on the red cross in front of it.