Southern Great Plains

The states of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas regularly experience some of the most extreme weather on the planet. Climate change is expected to lead to hotter and drier conditions that will challenge agricultural producers across the region's vast rural areas. Urban centers will also need to adapt to new conditions to ensure a reliable water supply for people and industry.

    Key Points:

  • How we live: Climate change is degrading lands, waters, culture, and health.
  • How we work: Climate changes are creating economic challenges and opportunities.
  • How we play: Climate extremes are endangering sports, recreation, and leisure.
  • How we heal: Climate change is exacerbating existing social and environmental disparities.
  • How we serve: Climate change is straining public infrastructure and services.

View the Southern Great Plains chapter of the NCA5 >>


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Banner Image Credit

Photo by Thomas Shahan: Cynomys ludovicianus (Black-tailed Prairie Dog) - Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma. Used via a Creative Commons license, CC BY-NC 2.0

Last modified
19 April 2024 - 1:27pm