The Thrilling Detective Web Site

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Kevin Burton Smith
The Thrilling Detective Web Site
3053 Rancho Vista Blvd, H116
Palmdale, CA 93551

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45 thoughts on “The Thrilling Detective Web Site

  1. Glad I came upon your site via noirish Chandler post.Like your line “I’m a man who likes to talk to a man who likes to talk.” Your line or from a movie? I’m an intellectual vagrant whose train of thought often takes the scenic route. 1st half is mine 2nd was said about the late N.Y.Times writer Johnny Apple.

  2. Thank you so much for this website. I’ve always loved mysteries, but I found I really love the hard-boiled gumshoes. This is a great reference to learn about the authors and characters.

  3. I’m new to your site. When you post the link “Buy this book,” next to a title is that also your personal recommendation based on the quality of that particular novel or just a convenience you’re extending to anyone who doesn’t know how to get to the Amazon website?

    1. I’d love to say it was both, but honestly? It’s to push people towards Amazon. If someone buys a book (or a movie or whatever) through one of my links, I get a few pennies, which I can then plough back into server space, domain registration and, if I’m really lucky, a beer now and then. It doesn’t cost readers anything, but those few cents can mean a lot to me.

      As for my recommendations, while most of the entries are NOT reviews, per se, it’s usually pretty easy to suss out how I feel about a certain character or writer.

  4. Just stumbled onto your web site. What a gem. I love the Detective Noir genre and your web site is an amazing tribute. Just wanted to thank you for putting this all together and to let you know that it’s great to see how passionate you are about Detective Fiction. Your handwork in creating this extremely informative and entertaining web site is greatly appreciated.

  5. Hey, Kevin… I owe you a beer. You and Victoria published one of my first stories back in the day, September 2000 as I recall (you called it The Desperate Minutes which I loved), but now I have a series or two out under a new name (Brian Drake because bloody hell even I have trouble pronouncing my own name sometimes) and it’s all your fault. Or something. Anyway one of these days I’ll get you that beer! Please give my best to Victoria.

  6. Great site. Not sure how I got to it, but glad to be here. Oh, I remember now. I must have been Googling Ross Macdonald.

  7. OH NO! Proof reading is not someone’s forte on this site. “We’re now officially became twenty-two years old” should We’ve now officially became…or We have now officially became (become would be more appropriate)

  8. I just found you while looking for “like Robert B. Parker”. Beacause I adore Robert B. Parker and nobody in the real world knows who I’m talking about. (A. Who bought all those books? B. I need new friends.) So I’m really looking forward to following your new website after sneaking in the back door.

    1. I hate the thought that anyone may only know Spenser from that horrible Mark Wahlberg movie on Netflix. Been reading Parker since college, when they sent me his early paperbacks for review, and I love the job Ace Atkins is doing post-Parker. If you think Spenser is “obscure,” though, mention Ellery Queen to any so-called whodunit fan — you can buy any dozen 70-year-old Perry Mason paperbacks any time at Barnes and Noble, but one of the greatest American detective characters today’s known only for the magazine. Sigh.

      1. Sorry, I thought it was a magazine publication paying homage to the Thrilling Detective magazine from the 30s.

        Sorry I am new to the website.

      2. Nope, it’s a web site paying homage to fictional private eyes (and it’s a bit embarrassing, but I swear when I started what became the web site, almost as a lark, I wasn’t even aware there had been a magazine from the 30s with the same name). But please, stick around… the more the merrier.

  9. Like a P.I. following cryptic clues. I’ve ended up here. I’m looking for someone see, guy they call Eddie Boyd. Know him? Scribbled around on the radio a bit – The Same River Twice. Curlews in Autumn, very noirish with a sweet twang of Caledonia coming down the Glen. But it’s his TV show I’m really after – The View from Daniel Pike. Man, if I could lay my hands on a DVD of that, I could retire a happy Dick. Any answers welcome, even if they ain’t true, no questions asked. And thanks for the website.

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