Wikidata:Main Page

From Wikidata
Revision as of 17:37, 10 June 2013 by Tamzin (talk | contribs) (rephrase somewhat)
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This is a test instance of Wikidata. It is not the same as the production website. It is also not a generic MediaWiki testing site: Please use the test instance of Wikipedia (or the secondary test instance) for that. For more advanced testing, you may want to simply set up your own copy of MediaWiki and install Wikibase. Wikimedia Germany (the Wikimedia chapter that runs Wikidata) also runs a Wikidata test site, but this site has several advantages over that one, including greater data stability, and being on the same account system as other Wikimedia projects.

The Wikidata Test Wiki is not:

  • a place to put content or anything meaningful.
  • an arena to play with administrator's tools. If you are looking for that, see testwiki:Wikipedia:Requests/Tools.
  • where nonsense items will stick.
  • a web host or wiki host.
  • where you can get away with everything.
  • where libel will be tolerated.
  • a community.

The Wikidata Test Wiki is for developers to test their code without breaking all of Wikimedia, and blowing the world up.

The Wikidata Test Wiki may also be used in a classroom environment for teaching basic Wikidata editing to avoid the great confusion resulting from creating pages and breaking a regular project, although this may not always be desirable because of the occasional difference between the test interface and a typical Wikimedia project interface.