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Write for us Entertainment

Write for us Entertainment | Entertainment Write For Us | Entertainment Submit Guest Post

Submit Guest Post: Entertainment

24inside is an established and respected source of entertainment news, reviews, features, and interviews.

We’re always looking for talented and passionate contributors to get involved across the site and generate fantastic content that our readers will love.

What do we need?

As you’ll know 24inside covers a wide variety of areas and we’re on the lookout for writers to help in every section of the site. We’re happy to consider interest from any writer but we’re particularly looking for help in the following sections:

Arts – news, reviews, features, and interviews

Film – news and features

Music – news, reviewers (albums/singles/live)

Games & Tech – news, reviews, features, and interviews

TV – weekly recaps for TV shows, British TV news writers, soap writers

Anyone interested in writing for us must be committed and passionate. Ideally, we want people who will generate regular content for the site.

How much will you get paid?

Honestly, the answer isn’t very much. There is a small pot of money that is divided between writers based on the number of page impressions they generate in a month. This varies wildly and depends on the ad revenue that comes in from the site. Obviously, the more page impressions generated, the more advertising revenue comes in so we can pay out more.

If money is your main motivation then you’d be wasting your time applying to write with us.

What experience do you need?

You need to be able to write to a high standard and talk knowledgeably about whatever it is you’re writing content about. You also need to be committed and passionate, and able and willing to do the things you agree to. If we take you on and you miss deadlines or don’t turn in the content you’ve agreed on, you will lose your place on the team.

How do you apply?

Send us an email at

editor@24inside.com / 24inside33@gmail.com.

Please include links to any samples of your work online and detail which section you’d be interested in writing for.

Entertainment tips write for us

Entertainment blogs write for us

Entertainment blog is written for us

write for us Entertainment India

Entertainment blogs “write for us”

Entertainment: write for us
