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[38] Nor are words only repeated to reaffirm the same meaning, but the repetition may serve to mark a contrast, as in the following sentence. [p. 467] “The reputation of the leaders was approximately equal, but that of their followers perhaps not so equal.”1 At times the cases and genders of the words repeated may be varied, as in “Great is the toil of speaking, and great the task, etc.”;2 a similar instance is found in Rutilius, but in a long period. I therefore merely cite the beginnings of the clauses. Pater hic tuus? patrem nunc appellas? patris tui filius es?3

1 pro Lig. vi. 19.

2 pro Muren. xiii. 29.

3 Rutil. i. x. “Is this your father? Do you still call him father? Are you your father's son?”

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