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Holy Moley! Its all new and improved!

Hi all; Allison here. Some know me as Miz Allie, others as Mrs Adam Hughes, and still others as "that lady with the control over all the AH! art". Yup; that's me- the redhead you see behind Adam's table at every convention.  I'm also the slacker that let JustSayAH.com fall into such a sad state. But no more! Welcome to the new and vastly improved official home of Adam Hughes on the internet.

This blog is really for Adam to use- in the future you will be able to tune in here for Adam's insight and ramblings on everything from art to movies and music and I'm sure he'll even have a thing or two to say about a  couple of shaggy dogs we know. But for now, the master of this domain (get it, it's a pun!)  is busily drawing as much as he can, trying to get everything done in time for San Diego Comic Con International, which looms ever larger on the horizon. As I write this, we are four days away from Sneak Preview Night. It makes my head -and my feet- hurt just thinking about it.

We'll be at booth 4607 at San Diego Comic Con- come by and visit if you get the chance. And stay tuned to JustSayAH.com; as the convention progresses, there are going to be some very exciting announcements involving Adam. I'll make sure to post as much as I can, as often as I can, and with pictures when I can. My days of slacking are over.