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Bewildering Stories

Bewildering Stories
Book and Film Reviews

This index also includes authors’ excerpts.

The editors of Bewildering Stories express their gratitude
to Martin Kerharo and Ian Donnell Arbuckle
for compiling the initial bibliography
of reviews in issues 1 to 127.

Everything in green is an anchor or link.

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Reviews are by Bewildering Stories publisher Jerry Wright unless otherwise noted.
Anthologies are indexed by editors or, if none is known, by title only.


Michelle Adelman, Piece of Mind by Alison McBain
David Adès, Afloat in Light excerpt
Edward Ahern
Capricious Visions excerpt
Capricious Visions by Alison McBain
Crosswind Passage excerpt
Dirty-Handed Graspings excerpt
Irregular Images excerpt
The Witch Made Me Do It excerpt
The Witches’ Bane excerpt
The Witches’ Bane press release
Jack Alcott
Grim Legion by Stefan Brenner
Grim Legion by Sam Ivey
Grim Legion by Joe Queenan
Mileva Anastasiadou, Ellipsis excerpt
Andreas Androutsellis-Theotokis, Nannion excerpt
Piers Anthony, Writer’s Retweet by Alison McBain
Danko Antolovic, The Demiurge excerpt
Karen Armstrong, The Battle for God by Don Webb (in Cassandra’s Voices)
Catherine Asaro
Catch the Lightning
The Moon’s Shadow
Neal Asher
Brass Man by Danielle L. Parker
The Departure by Danielle L. Parker
Gridlinked by Danielle L. Parker
Prador Moon by Danielle L. Parker
Pauline Ashwell, Project Farcry
Isaac Asimov, The End of Eternity by Don Webb
Anselm Audley


Kage Baker
Anvil of the World
Children of the Company
The Life of the World to Come
Sky Coyote
Kristen Ball, A Calf Named Brian Higgins by Alison McBain
B. C. Bamber, Super Red excerpt
Iain M. Banks, Consider Phlebas by Danielle L. Parker
Tala Bar, Gaia by Don Webb
John Barnes, The Sky So Big and Black
Jonathan Barnes, The Somnambulist by Danielle L. Parker
Steven Barnes, Charisma
Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson, Peter and the Starcatchers
Bascom James, ed., Hyperpowers by Alison McBain
Dana Bate, Too Many Cooks by Alison McBain
Stephen Baxter
Manifold: Time
Barrington J. Bayley, The Soul of the Robot  by Thomas R.
Elizabeth Bear, New Amsterdam by Danielle L. Parker
Gary Beck
Contusions excerpt
Fault Lines by Alison McBain
Flare Up excerpt
Now I Accuse by Alison McBain
Perceptions by Alison McBain
Perturbations by Alison McBain
Resonance by Alison McBain
Transitions excerpt
Tremors excerpt
Tremors. by Alison McBain
Virtual Living by Alison McBain
Paul Beckman
Kiss Kiss by Alison McBain
Peek by Alison McBain
Denis Bell, A Box of Dreams excerpt
Robert P. Bennett, Blind Traveler Down a Dark River
J. D. Beresford, The Hampdenshire Wonder  by Thomas R.
Cyrano de Bergerac, The Other World, translation by Michael E. Lloyd
Alfred Bester, The Stars, My Destination by Thomas R.
John Gregory Betancourt, To Rule in Amber
Anne Bishop, The Invisible Ring by Danielle L. Parker
Edward Bloor, London Calling
Deep Bora, Venus Interaction excerpt
Anthony Boucher & Denis Green
The Casebook of Gregory Hood by Bertil Falk
Thoraiya Bousaleh, Red Soul, Green Soul
Leigh Brackett, Lorelei of the Red Mist: Planetary Romances by Bertil Falk
Russell Bradbury-Carlin, Along the Monster’s Spine excerpt
Jason Brannon, Eric S. Brown, and John Grover
Spacestations and Graveyards
Marie Brennan
Doppelganger by Clyde Andrews
Midnight Never Come by Danielle L. Parker
David Brin, Foundation’s Triumph by Don Webb
Kristen Britain, First Rider’s Call
Terry Brooks, Armageddon’s Children by Danielle L. Parker
John Brosnan, Mothership
Mike Brotherton, Star Dragon
Eric S. Brown & Susan Brydenbaugh, Cobble
Matt Browne, The Future Happens Twice by Danielle L. Parker
Steven Brust, Dzur by Danielle L. Parker
Algis Budrys, Benchmarks Continued by David Redd
Lois McMaster Bujold
A Civil Campaign by Danielle L. Parker
The Hallowed Hunt by Danielle L. Parker
Paladin of Souls
The Sharing Knife: Beguilement by Danielle L. Parker
Jim Butcher
Dead Beat by Danielle L. Parker
The Furies of Calderon
Salvatore Buttaci, Flashing My Shorts excerpt

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Garrett Calcaterra, Umbral Visions excerpt
Albert Camus, The Plague by Nick Pipitone
Orson Scott Card
The Crystal City
Magic Street
M. R. Carey, The Girl With All the Gifts by Martin Kerharo
Jonathan Carroll, Bones of the Moon
C. J. Carter-Stephenson, The Crystal Ship by Steve Douglas
Lionel Casson, Libraries in the Ancient World by Don Webb
Carlos Castaneda, A Separate Reality by Danielle L. Parker
Ray Cattie, Ard Righ
Ann Cefola, Free Ferry by Alison McBain
Michael Chabon, Summerland
Suzy McKee Charnas, Stagestruck Vampires
C. J. Cherryh
Deceiver by Danielle L. Parker
Forge of Heaven
Arthur C. Clarke & Steven Baxter, Time’s Eye
Susannah Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Danielle L. Parker
Gary Clifton
Burn Sugar Burn excerpt
The Biggest Balls in Sanderson County excerpt
Eric H. Cline, 1177 B.C., The Year Civilization Collapsed by Don Webb (in Cassandra’s Voices)
Cat Connor, Killerbyte excerpt
Guy Consolmagno, Brother Astronomer by Thomas R.
Scott Coon, Lost Helix excerpt
Loren W. Cooper, CrossTown excerpt
Mickey J. Corrigan, What I Did for Love excerpt
Janine Cross, Touched by Venom by Danielle L. Parker
John Dominic Crossan, God & Empire by Don Webb (in Cassandra’s Voices)
James Curtis, Cataclysm
Crystalwizard, Villenspell: City of Wizards excerpt
Julie Czerneda
Hidden in Sight
In the Company of Others

D - E

Tony Daniel, Metaplanetary
Cecilia Dart-Thornton, The Ill-Made Mute (The Bitterbynde Book 1)
Colin P. Davies
Tall Tales on the Iron Horse excerpts
Tall Tales on the Iron Horse by Danielle L. Parker
C. G. Davis & Eric S. Brown, Blood Rain by Susie Hawes
Gail Davis, Eric S. Brown and John Grover, Poisoned Graves
Genie Davis, The Model Man by Alison McBain
Oscar Deadwood, The Perfect Revolution (and excerpt)
Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe: After the Blast by Mark Koerner
JD DeHart, The Brass Man excerpt
Marianne Delacourt, Sharp Edge by Alison McBain
Craig DiLouie, One of Us byAlison McBain
Phillip Donnelly
Kev the Vampire excerpt
Kev the Vampire by Danielle L. Parker
Paul di Filippo, Harp, Pipe & Symphony by Danielle L. Parker
Chris Dolley, Resonance
Steven R. Donaldson, The Runes of the Earth
Gardner Dozois, ed. Galileo’s Children by Lewayne L. White
Gardner Dozois & Jonathan Strahan, eds.
The New Space Opera by Danielle L. Parker
Dave Duncan
Children of Chaos
Ill Met in the Arena by Danielle L. Parker
Robert Dutcher & Mike Allen, eds.
The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase by Danielle L. Parker
Rado Dyne, One Man’s Burden excerpt
Robert Earle, Suffer the Children excerpt
Robert Edric, The Mermaids by Steve Mazey
John Eric Ellison
Descending Circles, Ascending Earth excerpt
Wind Cave excerpt
Lucy Ellman, Ducks, Newburyport by Gary Inbinder
J. Saunders Elmore, The Amateur American by Danielle L. Parker
Kenneth C. Eng
Dragons: Epic Eternal excerpt
Spell Knights excerpt
Weredragons and Other New Monsters excerpt
Steven Erikson, Gardens of the Moon
Andreas Eschbach, The Carpet Makers by Jörn Grote
Jane Espenson & Glenn Yeffeth, eds. Finding Serenity by Lewayne L. White
Loren D. Estleman
Sherlock Holmes vs. Dracula by Danielle L. Parker
Valentino: Film Detective by Bertil Falk
Janet Evanovich, Tricky Twenty-Two by Alison McBain
Lawrence Watt Evans The Spriggan Mirror

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Bertil Falk, Feroze, the Fogotten Gandhi excerpt
Nancy Farmer, The House of the Scorpion
Kane X. Faucher, The Infinite Library excerpt
Adam Fawer, Improbable
John Russell Fearn, Land's End - Labrador by David Redd
Jasper Fforde, The Well of Lost Plots
Marina Fitch, The Border
Eric Flint, ed., Ring of Fire
Eric Flint and K. D. Wentworth, The Course of Empire
A. Rahman Ford, Life as a Sclerian by James R. Rudolph
Jeffrey Ford, The Fantasy Writer's Assistant
Beverly Forehand, Haunted Homeplace excerpt
Pat Frank, Alas, Babylon by Steven Francis Murphy
Leo Frankowski, Conrad’s Quest for Rubber by Don Webb
C.S. Friedman, The Wilding
Bret Funk, ed. Beacons of Tomorrow
Cornelia Funke, Inkheart


Leighton Gage, Blood of the Wicked by Danielle L. Parker
Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys
Smoke and Mirrors
Walter Giersbach, The Green Of Second Avenue excerpt
Cleveland W. Gibson, Moondust, The Indian Rope Trick excerpt
Rachel Gibson, The Trouble With Valentine’s Day by Alison McBain
Greg Gifune, Heretics by Eric S. Brown
Bruce Golden
Better Than Chocolate by Darlene Santori
Evergreen by Carolyn Crow
Ken Goldman
Of A Feather excerpt
Sinkhole excerpt
Elana Gomel
Ethics of Posthumanism excerpt
A Tale of Three Cities excerpt
Steven Gould, Reflex
James Graham, Jack London, The People of the Abyss review article
Mitchell Graham, The Fifth Ring
Greg Grandin, Fordlandia by Danielle L. Parker
David Grann, The Lost City of Z by Danielle L. Parker
Glenn Gray, The Little Boy Inside and Other Stories excerpt
K. C. Gray, Singular Multiplicity excerpt
Simon R. Green
Beyond the Blue Moon
The Man With the Golden Torc by Danielle L. Parker
Channie Greenberg
A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck with His Ex-Girlfriend excerpt
An Orbit of Chairs excerpt
Can I Be Rare, Too? excerpt
Citrus-Inspired Ceramics excerpt
Communicated Childbirth Options excerpt
Concatenation excerpt
Demurral excerpt
Don’t Pet the Sweaty Things by Don Webb
Eternal not Ephemeral excerpt
Flames and Fire excerpt
Friends and Rabid Hedgehogs excerpt
A Grand Sociology Lesson excerpt
Granny Does It, vol. 1 excerpt
Intelligence’s Vast Bonfires excerpt
The Little Temple of My Sleeping Bag excerpt
Mothers Ought To Utter Only Niceties excerpt
The Nexus of the Sun, the Moon and Mother excerpt
Oblivious to the Obvious excerpt
One-Handed Pianist excerpt
Owmapow Rides Again excerpt
Rhetorical Candy excerpt
Rudiments excerpt
Smiling and Nodding With Alacrity excerpt
Subrogation excerpt
Sweet and Sour excerpt
Ten Kilo and One Million excerpt
The Wife/Mom excerpt
The Word Magpie excerpt
Tosh excerpt
Walnut Street excerpt
Whistling for Salvation excerpt
Word Citizen excerpt
John Michael Greer, The New Encyclopedia of the Occult by Danielle L. Parker
Nicola Griffith, Ammonite by Danielle L. Parker
Jim Grimsley, The Ordinary
Martin Grise, Black Trident excerpt
John Courtney Grimwood, Pashazade
Talia Gryphon, Key to Redemption by Danielle L. Parker
Jerry Guarino, 40 Slices of Pizza excerpts
Eric J. Guignard, Baggage of Eternal Night excerpt
Kevin Guilfoile, Cast of Shadows

H - I

Joe Haldeman
The Coming by Don Webb
Old Twentieth by Danielle L. Parker
Work Done for Hire by Don Webb
Tarquin Hall, The Case of the Missing Servant: by Danielle L. Parker
Barbara Hambly, Dead Water by Danielle L. Parker
Peter F. Hamilton, Pandora’s Star
John Gregory Hancock, A Plague of Dreams excerpts
Karen Hancock, Arena by Danielle L. Parker
Philip Harbottle, Vultures of the Void: The Legacy by David Redd
Jack D. Harvey, Mark the Dwarf excerpt
Michael Harvey, The Fifth Floor by Danielle L. Parker
Simon Haynes, Hal Spacejock by Clyde Andrews
William P. Haynes, The Shaman and the Rose by Susie Hawes
Lian Hearn, Across The Nightingale Floor by Danielle L. Parker
Robert A. Heinlein
Between Planets by Mark Koerner
The Cat Who Walked Through Walls by Clyde Andrews
For Us the Living: The Last Piece of the Heinlein Puzzle by Mark Koerner
For Us the Living
Starman Jones by Mark Koerner
Amanda Hemingway
The Greenstone Grail
The Sword of Straw
John G. Hemry, Burden of Proof
Paul Heyer, The Medium and the Magician:
Orson Welles, the Radio Years 1934-1952 by Bertil Falk
Baileigh Higgins, The Black Tide: Remnants by Alison McBain
Kristan Higgins, In Your Dreams by Alison McBain
Alice S. Hill, When the Tree Is Dry by Alison McBain
Martin Hill Ortiz, A Predatory Mind excerpt
Jim C. Hines, Goblin Quest by Clyde Andrews
S.E. Hinton, Hawkes Harbor
Russel Hoban, Riddley Walker by Thomas R.
William Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland by Danielle L. Parker
J. B. Hogan
The Apostate excerpt
Living Behind Time excerpt
James Hogg
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by Louise Norlie
Wendy Holborow, Janky Tuk Tuks excerpt
Steena Holmes, The Forgotten Ones by Alison McBain
Kenneth Mark Hoover, Fevreblau excerpt
Sean Horlor, Made Beautiful by Use by Joanna M. Weston
Matthew Hughes
Black Brillion by Danielle L. Parker
The Henghis Hapthorn series: by Danielle L. Parker
Faith Hunter, Raven Cursed by Danielle L. Parker
Eric Idle, The Road to Mars by Michael J A Tyzuk
Gary Inbinder
Confessions of the Creature excerpt
The Devil in Montmartre excerpt
The Devil in Montmartre by Bill Bowler
The Flower to the Painter excerpt
The Flower to the Painter by Danielle L. Parker
The Hanged Man excerpt
The Hanged Man by Charles C. Cole
The Man Upon the Stair excerpt
The Man Upon the Stair by Alison McBain & Don Webb
Arnaldur Indridason, Silence of the Grave by Danielle L. Parker
Abha Iyengar
Flash Bites excerpt
Flash Bites excerpt
Yearnings excerpts

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J - K

Jane Jacobs, Dark Age Ahead by Don Webb (in Cassandra’s Voices)
Rick Jankowski, The Sound of Midnight Fire excerpt
Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time series by Eric S. Brown
Michael Kandel, Strange Invasion by Don Webb
Guy Gavriel Kay, Tigana by Alison McBain
Marvin Kaye, ed.
The Dragon Quintet
Masterpieces of Terror and the Supernatural by Danielle L. Parker
P. C. Keeler, Migon excerpt
Isabelle Kenyon, This Is Not a Spectacle excerpt
Martin Kerharo
The Dohani War by Michael E. Lloyd
Dohani Guerre by Don Webb
Philip B. Kerr
The Akhenaten Adventure by Danielle L. Parker
Berlin Noir by Danielle L. Parker
Jessica Khoury, Origin by Martin Kerharo
Steven King
Song of Susannah and The Dark Tower
Wolves of the Calla
William Kitcher, Farewell and Goodbye, My Maltese Sleep excerpt Artie Knapp
Living Green excerpt
Stuttering Stan excerpt
Ellis L. “Skip” Knox,
A Child of Great Promise excerpt
Goblins at the Gates excerpt
Into the Second World excerpt
Mad House excerpt
Boris Kokotov, ed., Welcome to the Smashing Center excerpt
Bill Kowaleski, Brighter Than the Stars excerpt
K. A. Krake, Skin. by Alison McBain
Nancy Kress, Nothing Human
Dave Kuzminski
Knight Spirits
Red Wing: Dragon from Venus


Mercedes Lackey
The Fairy Godmother
Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory
The Outstretched Shadow by Danielle L. Parker
To Light a Candle
R. A. Lafferty, 900 Grandmothers by Thomas R.
Harry Lang, My Name Is Angela excerpt
R D Larson
Evil Angel excerpt
Mama Tried to Raise a Lady excerpt
Mama Tried to Raise a Lady by Pamela Faye
Robert Laughlin, Vow of Silence
Tanith Lee, A Heroine of the World by Alison McBain
Tosca Lee
The Firstborn by Alison McBain
The Progeny by Alison McBain
Sarah-Jane Lehoux, Thief excerpt
Eleanor Lerman
Radiomen excerpt
The Stargazer’s Embassy excerpt
Edward Lerner, Moonstruck
Jonathan Lethem, The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye by Jörn Grote
Paul Levinson
The Consciousness Plague
The Plot To Save Socrates
C. S. Lewis, The Complete Chronicles of Narnia by Melissa Green
Michael E. Lloyd
Donna’s Men by Stefan Brenner
Missing Emilie by Don Webb
Observation One by Stefan Brenner
Observation Two: Standing Divided by Stefan Brenner
The Observation Trilogy by Bertil Falk
LindaAnn LoSchiavo and David Davies, Messengers of the Macabre excerpt
Jack Phillips Lowe, Cold Case Cowboys excerpt
Aidan Lucid
The Zargothian Tales excerpt
The Zargothian Tales by Bill Bowler
Russell Lutz, Iota Cycle

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M. K. MacInnes, Close Call by Colin W. Campbell
Ken MacLeod, The Star Fraction by David Norris
Margaret MacMillan, The Uses and Abuses of History by Don Webb
D. A. Madigan, Time Watch excerpt
Tom Mahony
Flooding Granite excerpt
Imperfect Solitude excerpt
Stephen Marlowe, The Lighthouse at the End of the World by Danielle L. Parker
Lori Martin, The Darkling Hills by Danielle L. Parker
A. Lee Martinez, The Automatic Detective by Danielle L. Parker
Mad Marv, Man-Made Monsters by Ian Donnell Arbuckle
Jeffrey Penn May, Where the River Splits excerpt
Matthew McAyeal, Melody excerpt
Alison McBain
Enchantress of Books excerpt
The Rose Queen excerpt
Wil McCarthy, The Collapsium
Kelly McCullough
Webmage by Danielle L. Parker
Jack McDevitt
Eternity Road
Infinity Beach by Don Webb
Seeker by Danielle L. Parker
Seanan McGuire, Ashes of Honor by Danielle L. Parker
Joel McKay, Wolf at the Door excerpt
Nancy McKenzie, Guinevere’s Gamble
Patricia McKillip, Od Magic by Danielle L. Parker
Robin McKinley, Chalice
Ian McLeod, The Light Ages
Ken McLeod
Learning the World
Newton’s Wake
Sean McMullen, Glass Dragons
Mike McNichols
A Body Given excerpt
On Turpin’s Head excerpt
This Side of Death excerpt
A. A. Merritt, The Ship of Ishtar by Danielle L. Parker
Yves Meynard
Chrysanthe by Danielle L. Parker
The Book of Knights by Danielle L. Parker
China Miéville, King Rat by Danielle L. Parker
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Crystal Dragon by Danielle L. Parker
Plan B
Darby Mitchell Arse Poetica excerpt
Naomi Mitchison, Memoirs of a Spacewoman by Thomas R.
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Alector’s Choice by Danielle L. Parker
An Appreciation
The Eternity Artifact
Legacies by Danielle L. Parker
Wellspring of Chaos
Elizabeth Moon, The Deed of Paksenarrion
Christopher Moore, The Stupidest Angel by Alison McBain
Marshall Moore
Inhospitable excerpt
Inhospitable by Johanna Miklós
Ward Moore, Bring the Jubilee by Don Webb
William Morris, The Wood Beyond the World by Danielle L. Parker
Walter Mosley
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned
Walkin’ the Dog
Eric G. Müller, Rites of Rock excerpt
Seth Mullins, Song of an Untamed Land excerpt
Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird by Nick Pipitone
Audie A. Murphy, Star City
Ted Myers, Making It: Music, Sex & Drugs in the Golden Age of Rock excerpt
Tendai R. Mwanaka, Zimbabwe: the Blame Game excerpt

N - O

Marina J. Neary
Big Hero of a Small Country excerpt
Big Hero of a Small Country by Alison McBain
Brendan Malone excerpt
Saved by the Bang by Bill Bowler
Sirens Over the Hudson excerpt
Sirens Over the Hudson by Alison McBain
Wynfield’s Kingdom excerpt
B. Z. Niditch, Everything, Everywhere excerpt
Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler’s Wife
Dr. Fred Nour, True Love by Alison McBain
Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
Burning City by Danielle L. Parker
Burning Tower
James J. O’Donnell
Pagans by Donald Webb (a companion to Cassandra’s Voices)
The Ruin of the Roman Empire by Donald Webb (in Cassandra’s Voices)
Cindy O’Quinn, Dark Cloud on Naked Creek by Alison McBain
Rachel V. Olivier
The Holly and the Ivan excerpt
The G.O.D. Factor excerpt
Jerry Oltion, The Getaway Special
Kathleen M. O’Neal, The Powers of Light trilogy by Michael J A Tyzuk
Kenneth Oppel, Airborn

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P - Q

Julie Eberhart Painter, Mortal Coil excerpt
Susan Palwick, Shelter
Edgar Pangborn
Davy by Thomas R.
A Mirror For Observers by Gerardo Brandariz
A Mirror For Observers by Thomas R.
Christopher Paolini, Eldest
Danielle L. Parker, The Infinite Instant
Richard Parks, Hereafter, and After by Holly Schmidt
Sue Parman, The Thin Monster House excerpt
Melvyn Pettle, The Flowers of the Future by Andrew May
Michael Phillips, Reign of the Nightmare Prince excerpt
Meredith Ann Pierce, Treasure at the Heart of the Tanglewood
Tamora Pierce, Trickster’s Choice
Jangeo Pinkerton, Templar Knight: A Witch Spell excerpt
Bryce R. Piper, Orlando’s Vigil excerpt
Frederick Pohl, The Boy Who Would Live Forever
L. S. Popovich, Undertones excerpt
Jason Powell, No Man’s Ghost excerpt
Ken Poyner
The Book of Robot excerpt
Engaging Cattle excerpt
The Revenge of the House Hurlers excerpt
Terry Pratchett
Going Postal
Going Postal by Danielle L. Parker
The Johnny Maxwell trilogy
Monstrous Regiment
The Wee Free Men
Thud !
Robert M. Price, ed., The Necronomicon, Cthulhu Cycle Book 12 by Danielle L. Parker
Cherie Priest, Dreadnought by Danielle L. Parker
Casey Quinn, Snapshots of Life excerpt


R. Rafael & T. R. Roberts, eds., Mother of Invention by P. C. Keeler
Rod Raglin, Forest excerpt
Robert Randall, A Little Intelligence by Bertil Falk
S. J. Rapala, Broken Worlds excerpt
Lev Raphael, My Germany by Danielle L. Parker
Philip Reeve, Mortal Engines
John Reinhart, broken bottle of time
Mike Resnick, The Return of Santiago
Alastair Reynolds
Chasm City by Danielle L. Parker
The Prefect by Danielle L. Parker
Pushing Ice
Revelation Space
Slow Bullets by Danielle L. Parker
Walter Rhein, The Bone Sword by Danielle L. Parker
Teresa Richards, The Windfall App by Alison McBain
Kim Stanley Robinson
Fifty Degrees Below
Forty Signs of Rain
Red Mars by Randy Beck
Spider Robinson, Callahan’s Con by Michael J A Tyzuk
John B. Rosenman, Inspector of the Cross excerpt
Rudy Rucker, Frek and the Elixir by Danielle L. Parker
Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Consequences

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Fred Saberhagen, Rogue Berserker by Danielle L. Parker
Michelle Sagara, Cast in Shadow by Danielle L. Parker
Angie Sage, Magyk
Chris Saknussemm, Zanesville excerpt
R. A. Salvatore
The Highwayman
Promise of the Witch-King by Danielle L. Parker
Clarise Samuels
Fairy Tales for the Bourgeoisie, excerpt
Loving Brynhild excerpt
Ron Sanders, , Elis Royd excerpt
Robert J. Sawyer
Calculating God by Don Webb
John Scalzi
The Ghost Brigades by Danielle L. Parker
Old Man’s War
Stanley Schmidt, Argonaut
David K. Scholes
Alien Hunter excerpt
Essential Readings in Science Fiction excerpt
Soldier of the Brell excerpt
Speculative Fiction excerpt
Karl Schroeder
Lady of Mazes by Danielle L. Parker
Lady of Mazes
Francine Schwartz, Dancing Shadows excerpt
Susan Schwartz, Second Chances
Marcus Sedgewick
The Book of Dead Days
The Dark Flight Down
Julie Ann Shapiro, Jen-Zen and the One Shoe Diaries excerpt
Tamara Sheehan, Stormy Bamboo excerpt
Tom Sheehan, Brief Cases, Short Spans:
Improper Burial at the First Iron Works of America
Charles Sheffield
Dark as Day
Charles Sheffield & Jerry Pournelle, Higher Education by Don Webb
Mike Shepherd, Kris Longknife: Mutineer
Robert Silverberg, Dying Inside by Thomas R.
Helen Simonson, Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Danielle L. Parker
A. C. Smith, The Wanted Lawman by Alison McBain
L. Neil Smith, The American Zone
Sherman Smith
Golden City on Fire excerpt
Silencing the Blues Man excerpt
Silencing the Blues Man by Alison McBain
Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events
Sydney Somers, Call Me Cupid by Alison McBain
Hannah SpencerThe Wolf of Allendale by Alison McBain
Matt Spencer
Chapel of the Falcon excerpt
Dreamweaver by Alison McBain
The Night and the Land excerpt
Spinetingler magazine by Henry F. Tonn
Laura Stamps, The Witches of Dixie: Book One of the Witchery Series excerpt
Olaf Stapledon, The Star Maker
Allen Steele, Coyote
John W. Steele
The Chronicle of Belthaeous excerpt
The Chronicle of Belthaeous by Bill Bowler
Neil Stephenson, Quicksilver
Bruce Sterling, Visionary in Residence
Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, The Edge Chronicles
Chris Stires, To the Mountain of the Beast excerpt
S. M. Stirling
Dies the Fire
In the Courts of the Crimson Kings
Charles Stross
The Family Trade by Danielle L. Parker
Glasshouse by Danielle L. Parker
Singularity Sky
Arkady & Boris Strugatsky
It’s Hard To Be a God by Bill Bowler
Roadside Picnic and Tale of the Troika by Thomas R.

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T - V

Phillip E. Temples, Uncontacted Frontier excerpt
Sheri S. Tepper, The Fresco by Danielle L. Parker
Richard Thieme
Mind Games excerpt
Mobius: a Memoir excerpt
Herbert Thomas, The Superlative Man by Danielle L. Parker
J. Thomas & R. Scotellaro, eds., New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction by Alison McBain
Gabriel Timar
Aura of War excerpt
Novgorod Diary excerpt
James Tiptree, Jr., Meet Me at Infinity: the Uncollected Tiptree
Henry F. Tonn, ed., Remembrances of Wars Past excerpt
Lynn Truss, Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Danielle L. Parker
Harry Turtledove, Gunpowder Empire
V. Ulea, About Angels excerpt
Steven Utley, Ghost Seas excerpt
Eric Van Lustbader, Mistress of the Pearl
James Van Pelt, Summer of the Apocalypse
Rajnar Vajra, Opening Wonders
Jack Vance, Lurulu
John Varley, Red Thunder
Anthony David Vernon, Assumption of Death excerpt
Vernor Vinge, Rainbows End with Danielle L. Parker
Paula Volsky, Illusion Alison McBain


Waiting for the Machines to Fall Asleep by Danielle L. Parker
Tim Waggoner, Necropolis by Danielle L. Parker
D. Alexander Ward, After the Fire by Danielle L. Parker
R. W. Warwick, The Dial excerpt
Lawrence Watt-Evan, Obsidian Chronicles
Peter Watts, Blindsight by Danielle L. Parker
Kenneth Weene
Memoirs From the Asylum excerpt
Widow’s Walk excerpt
Sharon Weinberger, Imaginary Weapons by Danielle L. Parker
Alan Weisman, The World Without Us by Danielle L. Parker
Martha Wells, The Gate of the Gods
Nemo West, The Curious Conspiracy on Gamma Ceti excerpt
Joanna M. Weston
A Summer Father excerpt
Those Blue Shoes excerpt
Hal White, The Mysteries of Reverend Dean by Bertil Falk
Subodhana Wijeyeratne, Tales From the Stone Lotus excerpt
Tom Willard, The Sable Doughboys by Steven Francis Murphy
Eric C. Williams, For Mona by David Redd
Simon Williams, Oblivion’s Forge by Alison McBain
Jack Williamson, The Legion of Time by Thomas R.
Michael Z. Williamson, The Weapon by Danielle L. Parker
Daniel H. Wilson, How to Survive a Robot Uprising
F. Paul Wilson, Gateways
N. D. Wilson, Dandelion Fire: Book 2 of the 100 Cupboards
Robert Charles Wilson
Blind Lake
Gene Wolfe
An Evil Guest by Danielle L. Parker
Soldier of Sidon by Danielle L. Parker
The Wizard Knight, book I by Danielle L. Parker
Julie Wornan, The Mutual Reverse See excerpt
John C. Wright
Count to a Trillion by Danielle L. Parker
Fugitives of Chaos by Danielle L. Parker
Golden Age trilogy by Jörn Grote
The Golden Age by Danielle L. Parker
The Last Guardian of Everness by Danielle L. Parker
Orphans of Chaos by Danielle L. Parker
Orphans of Chaos
Philip Wylie, The Gladiator by Danielle L. Parker
Thomas F. Wylie, Cold Car excerpts

X - Z

Douglas Young
Deep in the Forest excerpt
Due South excerpt
Scattershot: Life, Music, Elton, and Me review
This Little Opinion... excerpt
Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Danielle L. Parker
Timothy Zahn
Dragon and Soldier
Dragon and Thief
The Green and the Gray
LaVerne Zocco, Moon Flowers excerpt
Tom Zoellner, Uranium by Danielle L. Parker

Film and DVD Reviews


20 Million Miles to Earth, dir. Nathan Juran by Steven Utley
Brotherhood of the Wolf, dir. Christophe Gans by Eric S. Brown
La Chute (Untergang / Downfall ), dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel by Paule Libby
Daredevil, dir. Mark Steven Johnson by Eric S. Brown
Dark City, dir. Alex Proyas by Michael J A Tyzuk
Flightplan, dir. Robert Schwentke by Chris Stires
FTPD: Fairy Tale Police Department, producer Yoram Gross by Lewayne L. White
The Hills Have Eyes, dir. Alexandre Aja by Chris Stires
A History Of Violence, dir. David Cronenberg by Chris Stires
Hostel, dir. Eli Roth by Chris Stires
House of Wax, dir. Collet-Sera by Chris Stires


Iron Man, dir. Jon Favreau by O. J. Anderson
George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle, dir. Phillip Norman by Douglas Young
The Last Exorcism, dir. Daniel Stamm by Lewayne L. White
The Mist, dir. Frank Darabont by Lewayne L. White
Mystic River, dir. Clint Eastwood by Mel Cartagena
Once Upon a Time in Mexico, dir. Robert Rodriguez by Mel Cartagena
Penny Serenade, dir. George Stevens by S. Michael Leier
The Pink Panther, dir. Shawn Levy by Michael J A Tyzuk
Red Eye, dir. Wes Craven by Chris Stires
Resident Evil, dir. Paul W. S. Anderson by Eric S. Brown
Rowing with the Wind (Remando al viento), dir. Gonzalo Suárez by Gary Inbinder


Sin City, dir. Robert Rodriguez by Chris Stires
Skyline, dirs. Colin & Greg Strause by Lewayne L. White
The Stones and Brian Jones reviewed by Douglas Young
Strange Days, dir. Kathryn Bigelow by Michael J A Tyzuk
Thriller, starring Michael Jackson by Nathan Rosen
The Village, dir. M. Night Shyamalan by Mark Koerner
Wolf Creek, dir. Greg McLean by Chris Stires

Music Reviews

Clark at Neumos by Ada Fetters
Steve Gunn at Barboza by Ada Fetters
Tobacco at the Crocodile by Ada Fetters


Four from TokyoPop
The Top Ten Movies in Outer Space by Chris Stires

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