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Algeria | Egypt | Libya | Morocco | Tunisia | Western Sahara
Western Sahara

UN will not monitor human rights in Western Sahara

afrol News - The US has backed down on its demand that UN peacekeepers in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara also shall monitor the human rights situation after Moroccan sources threatened to scale down relations with Washington.
Even governors in Pharaonic Egypt died in their 20s

afrol News - Researchers have analysed more than 200 mummies from ancient Egypt, finding that even high dignitaries were poorly nourished and had infectious diseases. The typical governor in Pharaonic Egypt died before he was 30 years old.
Egypt court suspends planned election date

afrol News - An Egyptian court today ruled that the parliamentary elections, which President Mohammed Morsi had decreed for 22 April, must be postponed. Judges say the Constitutional Court needs time to approve the new Electoral Code. Mr Morsi says he will appeal the ruling.
Morocco | Western Sahara
Morocco denies entry to EU delegation

afrol News - Moroccan authorities today denied a delegation of four EU parliamentarians (MEPs) entry to the country. The MEPs were travelling to El Aiun, the administrative capital of the Moroccan-occupied territory Western Sahara, to study the human rights situation.
Morocco to get free trade access to Europe

afrol News - The European Union (EU) and Morocco today announced the start-up of negotiations aiming at reaching a complete free trade agreement, according to EU President José Manuel Barroso, who is currently in Rabat.
Libya "could produce more solar power than oil"

afrol News - Libya could generate approximately five times the amount of energy from solar power than it currently produces in crude oil, according to researchers. This would be achieved from only 0.1 percent of the desert country's landmass.
Opposition to boycott another Egypt election?

afrol News - Political parties opposing Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi consider boycotting also the upcoming parliamentary poll, claiming they are prone to be manipulated by the Muslim Brotherhood. But there is little to indicate this may happen.
Ghaddafi disappears from Libyan notes

afrol News - Mohamar Ghaddafi is soon to be destructed for good, at least from Libyan banknotes. The Tripoli Central Bank finally has its new paper money ready, where the ex-dictator is replaced by revolutionary fighters.
Western Sahara
First university for Western Sahara refugees being built

afrol News - The Sahrawi exile government, located in refugee camps in Algeria, has announced the construction of the first university of Western Sahara. The education unit will be built in the small liberated zone of the country.
Libya peace very fragile, warns UN

afrol News - The newest report on the situation in Libya concludes on dramatic challenges for the North African country. State-building reforms are going to slow, endangering stability, and the Mali conflict may spill over to Libya, the UN warns.
Attacks on Misrata "are war crimes"

afrol News - Attacks by forces loyal to Colonel Ghaddafi on civilian and residential areas of Misrata, Libya, "may amount to war crimes," according to human rights specialists.
Large budget aid programme for Tunisia

afrol News - The World Bank reveals it is working on a US$ 500 million programme in budgetary support "to provide a boost" for Tunisia's transitional government.
Egypt Islamists "use homophobia to win votes"

afrol News - Homosexuality is becoming an issue in the upcoming Egyptian elections, with the Muslim Brotherhood already being accused of spreading homophobia to win votes.

Niger, Chad receive 75,000 refugees from Libya

afrol News - The governments of the poor Sahelian states of Niger and Chad are struggling to accommodate a total of 75,000 refugees crossing the Sahara desert from Libya.
Libya's Foreign Minister defects

afrol News - On a flight to the UK, Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa has asked for asylum, saying he wants to leave the Ghaddafi government. Mr Koussa was seen as one of Colonel Ghaddafi's most trusted associates.

» Still double standards in Egypt justice
» How cyber-activism lent savvy to North African protests
» Malta airport "not open for Libya strikes"
» Ten nations ready to attack Ghaddafi regime
» Africa defies AU chief's support for Ghaddafi
» Egyptians split on Saturday's referendum
» Benghazi celebrates UN resolution
» France: We can start bombing Libya tonight
» Libya rebels shoot down fighter jets
» Ghaddafi thanks Germany, Russia and China
» Libya rebels hold key city Ajdabiya
» African Union praises Ghaddafi "reform offer"
» Algeria protests risk losing momentum
» Niger transition shows way for North Africa
» Morocco protesters encouraged by King's speech

Feature articles, North Africa

Somalia | Egypt
A tale of two Shabab movements: Egypt and Somalia

afrol News - As I watched the youth-driven upheavals that have awoken the comatose Arab people into action to reclaim their dignity, I could not help but compare the situation of the Facebook empowered youth that spearheaded Egypt's revolution with the Al Qaeda inspired Somali youth Al Shabab.

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Tunisia travel guide: Summer in Raf Raf

LexicOrient / afrol News - Tunisia still holds some secrets from its foreign visitors - there are still beaches and sea side villages undiscovered by Europeans with wallets full of hard currency. The old sea pirate ports of Ghar el Melh and Raf Raf lie well protected behind steep cliffs, and offer great beaches and the opportunity to mingle with Tunisians on summer leave.

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Holy hatred: Homosexuality in Muslim countries

afrol News - Anissa Helie, with Algerian and French background, analyses the rights situation of gays and lesbians in the Muslim world in this article previously published in the New Internationalist.

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Tunisia Gender Profile

afrol News - The position of women in Tunisia is among the most privileged in North Africa, and the Tunisian government is often internationally praised for its efforts to promote gender equality. This afrol News Tunisia Gender Profile - one in a series of profiles - gives you a deeper insight in women's position in the country. The profile presents social data, discusses gender policies versus family and tradition values and looks into violence against women.

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