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Friday, April 16, 2010

Not The End Yet

Yesterday was the second anniversary of Dhamma Musings. For two years I have blogged nearly every day except when I was out of Singapore. I haven’t counted how many blogged I posted during these two years but its about 640. While most of these have been about one or another aspect of the Dhamma, I have also blogged about Buddhist art, history, culture, currant affairs and occasionally about a few things that are only distantly related to Buddhism. It has been a most fruitful two years for me. It has required me to revisit various aspects of the Dhamma, look at aspects of it that I have never or only rarely looked at before, and give to some thought to things I never have before. You, my readers, through your comments, have been appreciative, informative, kindly, and occasionally challenging. I have enjoyed at all enormously. However, blogging daily is now proving to be taking too much of my time and energy. So from now on I intend to blog irregularly, although I will try to post at least one blog every Sunday. In the meantime, I invite readers to check out some of my old posts that they may not have read before. Here are a few of my favourites.


Sam Jerga said...
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Branko said...

Dear Bhante,
congratulations for the anniversary. I'm really glad you have managed to keep up the pace of your blog for the last two year and I must confess to be your most faithful reader. This also developed a kind o habit. Now comes "de-conditioning" phase. But with one blog a week, that will be kind of a soft landing. :)

I'm very grateful for your posts, which greatly expanded my views on Buddhism.

With lot of Metta

Nathan said...

I appreciate the consistency you have had. As well as the attention you give to the dharma. It's a practice itself, writing these posts, as I have experienced doing about 300 posts in 13 months.

Thank you for sticking with it. I know a day will come when my own frequency in posting will dwindle as well. Ah, impermanence.

MidPath said...

Dear Venerable Sir,

I remember you asked your readers at the last anniversary if you should continue. Many of your readers urge you to.

There are really not many Monks who can bridge across to the masses in this modern times. You are one such and it is you who opened the doors to the dharma for me.

Yes there are the opposing views and the challenging ones, but I am sure you knew from the begining how the internet can be far reaching on one hand while interactive on the other. Further, vistors to your blog can comment freely and anonymously.

Unlike attendees at your Friday evening talks at Hoa Nam Building and later BDMS at Balestier Road, visitors to your blog and their comments can be unrestrained. Some are opposing just for the sake of it instead of offering an alternative and contributing and qualified views.

Anyway, thank you Venerable for contunuing to post. I will miss the frequency, the photographs, the videos, your views and all else.

Buddha said...

Dear Bhante,

Thanks for all of your Post, they are certainly an Enriching Experience for Beginners Like me.

To be honest i am Expecting your Views on the Earthquake that Leashed its violence on Tibet & China, i want to know the Real Sitaution , the PLA puts the Toll around 700, but i saw a Pic of a Tibet Monastrey with Bodies Lying all around.

Metta to all the People in the Region

Joe Lim said...

Dearest bhante D

I've learnt heaps from your post these 2 years and it's my lost for not being able to be present more often for the friday suttas discussions....I hope to see you soon.

warmest regards and
happy Earth Day.


bobzane said...

I'm a little bummed. I will have to subsist on one post a week. Thank you so much and good luck.

your bdf (best dhamma friend),

reasonable said...

Hi Ven Dhammika,

I have been checking your blog almost daily. Now I will need to adjust to the new reduced frequency. Will have withdrawal symptom, haha...

Hope one day u would be able to resume more frequent posting again :)

wizwman said...

Dear Bhante,
I think it is too much to expect you to continue writing as frequently as you did for past 2 years. While I have to adjust to not having this almost daily dose of dharma teaching from you, I am grateful that you are not giving up blogging. Thank You.

Super Pops Unknown said...

Dear Bhante,

Your thoughtfulness,honesty and integrity shine a unique light on the dhamma. I am glad to know that you will still post every Sunday.

With Metta,


Barry said...

Thank you for your dedication to helping us on the path!


dyannne said...

Bhante, I have learned so much from your blogs. Whatever time you can give to this forum is a gift. Thank you and much metta. Diane

Anonymous said...


Has it been another year already?

Either way... thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Ananda See施性国 said...

In Chinese, we say Gong Xi ! Gong Xi ! Bhante, keep it up, out of compassion, for the welfare of many, as Dhamma is beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful in the end, so do keep it up, spread the Dhamma to the world.

yuri said...

Dear S.Dhammika, your blog is very interesting, educative and very often helpful - and I thank you for that! I am sure you will keep it that way no matter how frequent or infrequent your posts are. I visited your blog practically every day, but I often wondered why you should write a post a day - it is not just some burden, but it has another problem - I went through your old posts and found a few occasions when your readers' questions remained unanswered, or serious problems they had raised were not commented. From my own experience of blogging in Russian LiveJournal I find this interaction very valuable for both the blogger and his visitors. It is just my opinion and please don't see it as a kind of challenge. :) Many more wonderful posts in your blog!!!

Paulo Roberto said...

Happy anniversary!


And, let's wait for sunny Sundays!


Soe am i said...

Dear bhante,

post or no post, bus or no bus, clouds or no clouds, may you be "detangled"

katannuta homi :)

desertboot said...

Congratulations! It has been quite an experience following your blogs quietly, from a distance, since the early ones...leaving a message here now and then...and always smiling to myself at your enthusiasm and energy. Thank you for so many things. And mainly for being human and humane.
Your friend,