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BBC News
watch One-Minute World News
Last Updated: Tuesday, 8 May 2007, 14:59 GMT 15:59 UK
French voters' views: Final result
Nicolas Sarkozy has promised radical changes for France after winning a clear victory over opponent Segolene Royal to become the country's next president.

Here, our panel of French voters react to the final result and look ahead to a Sarkozy presidency. Read their views and send us your comments using the link at the bottom of this page.

Josette Gendreau
Josette Gendreau

Helios Chardon
Helios Chardon
Saint Brieuc

Muriel Calvez
Muriel Calvez

Hazem Eseifan
Hazem Eseifan

The readers' panel has been selected from as wide a cross-section of people as possible and may not be representative of wider public opinion.

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