
A polling place in Las Vegas.

More states consider voter ID laws amid conflicting research on their impact

BY: - July 1, 2024

Nevada voters may decide in November whether they should join three dozen other states in requiring voters to present valid identification before casting a ballot. And Maine may not be far behind, as the push for voter ID requirements grows nationwide despite conflicting studies over their effects. Conservative organizers in Nevada say they have gathered […]

Bullets in a gun magazine holder.

Swing-state legislatures diverge on election-year gun measures

BY: - June 18, 2024

Read more Stateline coverage of the 2024 election. States continued to diverge on gun policy this year, with especially intense debate in the swing states that will decide November’s election. In Michigan, legislators are considering at least half a dozen gun bills that would create storage requirements and establish gun-free zones. In Pennsylvania, lawmakers are still debating […]

A worker in a lab.

As mpox cases rise, experts urge complete, 2-part vaccinations

BY: - June 4, 2024

The number of U.S. mpox cases has more than doubled compared with last year, and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been urging clinicians across states to encourage vaccinations for those at risk. As of May 25, the nation had seen a roughly 150% increase in cases of the disease formerly known […]

A woman and her son sit at a table.

Survivors of domestic and sexual violence can break their leases early in some states

BY: - May 10, 2024

New Hampshire state Rep. Ellen Read remembers how trapped she felt as an 18-year-old in her native Tennessee, enduring the physical and emotional toll of an abusive relationship. The abuse Read suffered — which included being held captive in an apartment for days and hit by her abuser’s car — lasted years after she left […]

A community solar project in Virginia.

Can’t install your own solar panels? Some areas let you join a community project.

BY: - May 3, 2024

For four generations, Steve Wine’s family has tended a 600-acre farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, raising steers and growing corn, soybeans and alfalfa. The farm has struggled in recent years with rising costs and slumping crop markets, leaving Wine to question the operation’s viability. In a bid to sustain the farm, Wine will begin in […]

A health worker with a patient.

Many states are eager to extend Medicaid to people soon to be released from prison

BY: - May 2, 2024

A new policy that allows states to provide Medicaid health care coverage to incarcerated people at least a month prior to their release has drawn bipartisan interest and a slew of state applications. Federal policy has long prohibited Medicaid spending on people who are incarcerated in jails or prisons, except for hospitalization. As a result, […]

A woman puts up an anti-squatting sign.

Anxiety over squatters, fueled by TikTok, inspires a wave of legislation

BY: - April 26, 2024

Across various news channels and outlets, a visceral fear of some property owners — that an unwanted guest could move into their vacant home, refuse to leave, and then claim ownership — has been a trending story. These squatter horror stories have reached a fever pitch in the past month after a migrant TikTok influencer, […]

A poll worker sets up a sign.

Cash-strapped election offices have fewer resources after bans on private grants

BY: - April 23, 2024

This month, Wisconsin joined 27 other states that have banned or restricted local governments’ use of private donations to run cash-strapped election offices, buy voting equipment or hire poll workers for Election Day. All of the state laws came in the past four years, pushed by conservative lawmakers and activists who claim that Democratic voters […]

A display of gift cards at a New York CVS.

As consumers lose millions to gift card scams, lawmakers pressure businesses

BY: - April 15, 2024

When Denise Brown peruses the tightly packed gift card display at her local CVS in Harlem, New York, she sees the perfect present for her grandson: a Sony PlayStation gift card. Others, acting in bad faith, see these gift card displays as easy money in one of the country’s costliest and most common consumer scams: […]

A crowd cheers at a Pride Fest event.

Swing states see newcomers as Americans move from blue to red counties

BY: - April 3, 2024

In recent years, millions of people across the United States have moved from Democratic cities to Republican suburbs, complicating the politics of swing states in a pivotal election year, according to a Stateline analysis. Republican suburban counties in four swing states — Georgia in the South and Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the Midwest — […]

A meeting in the Missouri Capitol.

Freedom Caucuses push for conservative state laws, but getting attention is their big success

BY: - April 2, 2024

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — When a Republican colleague threatened to read aloud from a 2-foot stack of books — including a biblical guide to leadership and a tome by anti-tax activist Grover Norquist — to protest inaction on his bills last week, Missouri state Sen. Rick Brattin quickly took up the cause. Seizing on a chance to […]

A worker stands behind the counter at an ice cream shop.

Disabled workers can be paid less than the minimum wage. Some states want to end that.

BY: - March 28, 2024

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — High-fives, fist-bumps and hugs come with the ice cream at the Golden Scoop. Tucked into a shopping center in suburban Kansas City, the shop employs 15 people with developmental disabilities. While customers first come for the sweet treats, many are drawn in by the Golden Scoop’s mission and friendly environment. “It […]