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Publishers & Series List

20th-century publisher’s book series included on this site are linked below. I’ve created a page with only Paperback Series, although those series are also included on this page. Unlinked series names indicate the series is not yet documented on this site. Series dates vary in accuracy (see the main page for more information on establishing series dates). There are many more series than listed here, and I will continue to add series as I learn of them.

Updated 7/4/2024

Adelphi Co. (New York, US)
Poets Guild Series (1925-1926)

Adlard Coles Ltd. (London, UK)
Mariners Library (1971-1974)

Philip Allan (London, UK)
Nautilus Library (1928-1936)
Pilgrim’s Books (1919-1926)
Scholar’s Library (1920)
Westminster Library (1925-1942)

George Allen (London, UK)
The Athenian Drama (1900-1940)
The World’s Classics (1907-1912; Ruskin titles only)

Allen & Unwin (London, UK)
The Athenian Drama (1900-1940)
Everyman Theatre Guild series (1930-1934)
Interpreter Series (1937-1947)
Library of Philosophy (1890-1980)
Select Library of Polish Authors (1930)
Sesame Library (1914-1951)
Scandinavian Classics (1927-1930)
Standard Authors Library (1886-1959)

H.R. Allenson, Ltd. (London, UK)
Booklovers Booklets (1907)
Heart and Life Booklets (1901-1932)
Sanctuary Booklets (1895-1928)

Allyn & Bacon (New York, US)
Academy Classics (1891-1970)

Alston Rivers Ltd. (London, UK)
Colonial Library (1909-1914)

Henry Altemus Co. (Philadelphia, US)
Petit Trianon Series (1896-1910)

Amalgamated Press (London, UK)
Companion Library (1910-1927)
Daily Mail Sixpenny Novels (1907-1930)
Harmsworth Library (1905)
Sunday Companion Library (1900-1910)

F.M. Ambrose (Boston)
Windsor English Classics (1920-1929)

American Book Co. (New York, US)
American Fiction Series (1937-1939)
American Writers Series (1934-1950)
English Classics (Eclectic English Classics) (1892-1929)

American News Co. (New York, US)
Library of Popular Fiction (1890-1905)
People’s Library (1893-1905)
Superb Library (1899-1901)

American Publisher’s Corporation (New York, US)
Century Series

American-Scandinavian Foundation (New York, US)
Scandinavian Classics (1914-1967)

Andersons (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
Thistle Library (1906-1932)

The Antioch Press (Yellow Springs, Ohio, US)
Classics of Russian Poetry (1964-1979)

D. Appleton & Co. (New York, US; London, UK)
Appleton Biographies (1932-1940)
Appleton Library of Verse (1923-1927)
A Century of French Romance / A Library of French Masterpieces (1902-1904)
Dollar Library (1927-1935, 1939-1940)
The Library of Useful Stories (1895-1935)
Methuen’s Old English Library (1960-1969)
Modern Library (Appleton’s Modern Library, UK only) (1927-1937)
Modern Literature Series (1926-1960)
Town and Country Library (1888-1903)

Arden Book Co. (New York, US)
Arden Library (1930-1950)

Arena Publishing Co. (Boston, US)
Arena Library (1891-1896)
Beacon Library (1905)
Side Pocket Library (1893-1894)

Arno Press (New York, US)
Abercrombie & Fitch Library (1967)
History of Geology (1978)
The Middle East Collection (1973)
Physician Travelers Series (1971)
Russia Observed (1970)

Edward Arnold & Co. (London, UK)
Arnold’s English Literature Series (1906-1958)
Kingfisher Library (1931-1952)
Studies in English Literature (1961-1990)

ARS Bookshop / ARS Press (Tokyo, Japan)
ARS Booklets: A Series of Gems of Western Literature (1920-1928)

J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd. (Bristol, UK)
Arrowsmith’s Fiction Series (1943-1948)
Arrowsmith’s 2/- Net Novels (1928-1941)
Arrowsmith’s Three & Sixpenny Series (1892-1924)
Broad Arrow Thrillers (1937)

Association Press / YMCA Publishing House (Calcutta, India)
Heritage of India Series (1915-1971)
Religious Life of India Series (1916-1980)
Religious Quest of India Series (1915-1978)

Athenaeum Literature Department (London)
Westminster Classics (1918-1921)

Australian National University Press (Canberra, Australia)
Pacific History Series (1968-1984)

Bakunin Press at Bakunin House (Dublin, Ireland)
The Revolt Library (1912-1913)
“Spur” Glasgow Library (1920)
Word Library (1940)

John Baker, Ltd (London, UK)
Omar Series (1963-1971)

Baker & Taylor Co. (New York, US)
Red Label Reprints (1931-1940)

Arthur Barker (London, UK)
English Novelists Series (1950-1954)
Museum Street Thrillers (1947-1958)

Barnes & Noble (New York, US)
Nelson’s Medieval and Renaissance Library (1959-1962)
The Poetry Bookshelf (1963-1981; distributed some if not all titles prior to 1963)
The Revel Plays (1970-1975)

Barse & Hopkins (New York & Newark, NJ, US)
Essex Series (1912-1915)
Golden Books (1910-1920)
Pocket Classics (1925-1932)

B.T. Batsford Ltd. (London, UK)
Batsford’s Half-Guinea Library (1940-1951)
Fellowship Books (1913-1914)

George Bell & Sons (London, UK)
Bell’s Annotated English Classics (1914-1930)
Bell’s English Classics (1893-1940)
Bell’s Miniature Series of Artists (1901-1909)
Bell’s Miniature Series of Great Writers (1904-1909)
Bell’s Miniature Series of Musicians (1903-1913)
Bohn’s Artists’ Library (British Artists’ Library) (1901-1910)
Bohn’s Classical Library (1864-1927)
Bohn’s Library of Sports and Games (1889-1913)
Bohn’s Novelist’s Library (1876-1918)
Bohn’s Popular Library (1913-1932)
Bohn’s Scientific Library (1864-1900)
Bohn’s Standard Library (1864-1932)
Classics of Scientific Method (1922-1934)
Great Masters in Painting & Sculpture (1899-1914)
Masters of Literature (1909-1919)
Queen’s Treasures Series (1908-1931)
Quest Series (1913-1915)
York Library (1904-1909)

Ernest Benn Ltd. (London, UK)
The Augustan Books of English Poetry (1925-1932)
The Augustan Books of Modern Poetry (1920-1935)
Benn’s Sixpenny Library (1927-1939)
Contemporary British Dramatists (1923-1939)
Essex Library (1929-1932)
Mermaid Series (1926-1966)
Writers of the Day (1929)
Yellow Books (1926-1927)

Benzinger Brothers (London, UK)
Autograph Fiction Library (1913-1921)
Capuchin Classics (1930-1931)

The Bibliophilist Society (New York, US)
Bibliophilist Society (1929-1933)

Big Dollar Books Co. (New York, US) (Also see William Faro)
Big Dollar Books (1932)

Adam & Charles Black (London, UK)
Black’s Novel Library (1925-1940)
Lives to Remember (1957-1972)
Pioneer Histories (1946)

W.G. Black (New York, US)
Companion Classics (1932)

Blackie & Son Ltd. (London, Glasgow, UK)
Blackie’s Famous Books (1910-1965)
Blackie’s Standard English Classics (1930-1950)
Casket Library (1924-1930)
Imperial Library (1933-1936)
Order of Merit Series (1938-1940)
Red Letter Library (1903-1912)
Red Letter Poets (1902-1923)
Services Library (1937)
Travel Library (1935-1938)
Wallet Library (1910-1929)
Warwick Library (1895-1909)

Basil Blackwell (Oxford, UK)
Little Nineteenth-Century Classics (1925)
Mountaineering Library (1936-1946)
Percy Reprints (1920-1953)

Blackwood (London, UK)
Foreign Classics for English Readers (1877-1911)

Bloch Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Broadway Travellers (1931)

Anthony Blond (London, UK)
Doughty Library (1966-1968)

Blue Ribbon Books (New York, US)
Blue Ribbon Books (1930-1933; continues publication by Reynal & Hitchcock [1933-1939] and Doubleday [1939-1949])
Blue Ribbon De Luxe Editions (1926-1932)

Boar’s Head Press (Samuel Roth) (New York, US)
Library of Unusual Books (1949-1965)

Henry G. Bohn (London, UK)
Bohn’s Antiquarian Library (1846-1864)
Bohn’s Cheap Series (1851-1863)
Bohn’s Classical Library (1847-1863)
Bohn’s Collegiate Series (1859-1863)
Bohn’s Ecclesiastical and Theological Library (1853-1862)
Bohn’s Historical Library (1847-1860)
Bohn’s Illustrated Library (1849-1864)
Bohn’s Philosophical Library (1852-1861)
Bohn’s Reference Library (1846-1860)
Bohn’s Scientific Library (1847-1864)
Bohn’s Standard Library (1846-1864)
Bridgewater Treatises (1852-1862)

Albert & Charles Boni (New York, US)
American Library (1924-1926)
Bonibooks (1930-1943)
Cosmos Library (1923)
Paper Books (1929-1930)
St. Martin’s Library (1925)

Boni & Liveright (New York, NY)
Black and Gold Library (1927-1928) (continues, see Horace Liveright, Inc.)
Great Modern Stories Series (1919-1932)
Immortal Classics (1926-1928) (continues, see Horace Liveright, Inc.)
Modern Library (1917-1925)
Penguin Series (1917-1919)

Book Collectors’ Association, Inc. / Personal Books, Inc. (New York, US)
Book Collectors’ Association (1930-1935)
Personal Books (1935-1955)

Book League of America (New York, US)
Book League of America (1928-1932)

Books Inc. (New York, US)
Deluxe Masters Classics (1969)
University Library of Classics (1944-1955)
World’s Popular Classics (1938-1960)

Books Ltd. (Liverpool, UK)
Red Rose Series (1920)
Sign of the Rose Series (1920-1921)

Books for Libraries Press (Freeport, NY, US)
English Life in English Literature (1970-1972)

Brentano’s (New York, US; London, UK)
Bilingual Series (1921-1933)
Brentano’s Hispano-American Series (1920)
Broadway Library of Eighteenth-Century French Literature (1927-1928)
Brentano’s Contemporary Drama Series (1924-1937)
Eleonora Duse Series of Plays (1923-1924)
Lotus Library (1908-1929)
Modern Life Library (1895)
Moscow Art Theatre Series of Russian Plays (1922-1925)
World Fiction Library (1923)

British Publishers Guild (London, UK)
Guild Books (1941-1955)
Guild Books Australian Editions (1944-1945)
Guild Books Continental Editions (1944-1945)
Guild Books Guild Austria (1945-1948)
Guild Books Guild German (1945-1948)
Guild Books Originals (1953-1954)
Guild Books Services Editions (1943-1946)

F.A. Brockhaus (Leipzig, Germany)
English Library (1911-1940)

Nicholas L. Brown (New York, US)
Sea Gull Library (1920-1922)

Brown Brothers (Philadelphia, US)
Modern Authors’ Series (1908-1916)

David Bryce & Son (Glasgow, Scotland, UK)
Thistle Library (1905)

Burgess & Bowes (London, UK)
Pocket Series (1940-1947)

Burns & Oates (London, UK)
Orchard Books (1923-1935; 1952-1970)

Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd., (London, UK)
Home University Library (1920-1928) [Distribution in India]

A. L. Burt Co. (New York, US)
Burt’s Home Library (1883-1937)
Burt’s Mammoth Series (1932-1939)
Burt’s Pocket Edition of Standard Classics (1920-1937)
Cornell Series (1898-1927)
Ferret Library (1935)
Popular Copyright Fiction (1906-1937)

Thornton Butterworth (London, UK)
Home University Library (1928-1940)
Keystone Library (1933-1942)
Modern Writers Series (1931-1932)
Modern Writers and Playwrights (1933-1938)

John Calder Ltd. (London, UK)
Calderbooks (1957-2003)
European Classics (1954-2000)
Evergreen Books (1952-1970)
French Surrealism (1966-2001)
Jupiter Series (1955-2008)
Modern European Classics (2000)
Playscript Series (1967-1999)
Scottish Library (1970-2011)
Signature Series (1969-1993)

W.R. Caldwell (New York, US)
Greek-Lamp Library (1911-1920)
International Adventure Library (1904-1924)

Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK)
Cambridge English Classics (1904-1970)
Cambridge Miscellany (1932-1943)

Jonathan Cape (London, UK)
Academy Books (1933-1943)
Anglo-Swedish Literary Foundation (1929-1959)
Flexibles (1934)
Florin Books (1932-1938)
Half-Crown Fiction (1929-1940)
Life and Letters Series (1930-1941)
New Library (1937)
New Play Series (1935-1939)
Odyssey Library (1937-1956)
Saint Giles Library (1940)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
New Travellers’ Library (1950-1955)
Travellers’ Library (1926-1947)

Jonathan Cape & Harrison Smith (New York, US)
New Library (1929-1930)
Travellers’ Library (1927-1930)

Carlton House Publications (New York, US; imprint of Random House)
Carlton House (1936-1970)

Cassell & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Cassell’s National Library (1886-1914)
Cassell’s Pocket Library (1895, 1928-1955)
Cassell’s Shilling Novels (1885-1934)
First Novel Library (1966-1971)
Helicon Poetry Series (1925)
Little Classics (1909)
Living Thoughts Library (1939-1950)
People’s Library (1907-1933)
Seafarers’ Library (1928-1929)
Star Editions (1945-1953)

Caxton Publishing Co. (London, UK)
Caxton Library of Modern Authors (1915-1920)

Caxton House (New York, US)
Caxton Library (1946-1954)
Popular Classics of the World (1940-1950)

Centaur Press (London, UK)
Centaur Classics (1960-1972)

Century Co. (New York, US)
Century Classics (1902-1925)
English Comedie Humaine (1902-1907)

Chanticleer Press (New York, US)
Cresset Library (1946-1950)

Chapman & Dodd (London, UK)
Abbey Classics (1920-1937)
Abbey Copyright Novels (Abbey Novels, Abbey Copyright Fiction) (1922)
Abbey Library (1922-1927)
Abbey Nature Books (1920-1923)
New European Library (1923-1924)

Chapman & Hall (London, UK)
Chapman & Hall’s 2/- Net Library (1910-1925)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
XVIII Century French Romances (1925-1928)

Chatto & Windus (London, UK)
Centaur Library (1930-1935)
Dolphin Books (1930-1932)
Evergreen Books (1940-1941)
Golden Library (1871-1880, 1936-1942)
Khaki Library (1915)
King’s Classics (1907-1926)
Landmark Library (1968-1975)
Mayfair Library (1881-1904)
Medieval Library (1921-1926, reprints to 1978)
My Library (1891-1904)
New Medieval Library (1907-1912)
New Phoenix Library (1950-1956)
New Piccadilly Library (1932-1940)
Pelham Library (1941)
Phoenix Library (1928-1945)
Phoenix Library of Food and Drink (1936-1947)
Phoenix Living Poets (1960-1982)
Piccadilly Novels (1881-1905)
Pocket Library (1904-1932)
Services Library (1941-1943)
St. Martin’s Library (1904-1927)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
Vanguard Library (1952-1956)
Zodiac Books (1937-1942, 1948-1951 [Lighthouse Books imprint])
Also see The Zodiac Press

H.B. Claflin Co. (New York, US)
Waistcoat Pocket Classics (1904-1907)

W.B. Clive (London, UK)
Selected English Classics (1925-1947)

John W. Clute (Mexico City, MX)
Signature Series (1946)

Henry T. Coates & Co. (Philadelphia, US)
New Alta Library (1900-1903)

E.W. Cole Book Arcade (Melbourne, Australia)
Cole’s Victoria Library (1902-1920)

Coles Publishing Co. (Toronto, CA)
Coles Canadiana Collection (1970-1981)

William Collins & Sons (London, Glasgow, UK)
Collins’ Classics (1903-1970)
Collins’ Famous Library (1904-1911)
Collins Greetings Booklets (1936-1970)
Collins’ Handy Modern Fiction (1907-1920)
Collins’ Pocket Classics (1905-1945)
Collins’ Sevenpenny Novels (1907-1917, 1934-1935)
Crime Club (1936-1994)
First Novel Library (1921-1922)
Greenleaf Library (1932-1936)
Greenback Library (1946-1952)
Kings’ Way Classics (1927-1930)
Laurel and Gold Series (1930-1967)
Lotus Library (1920-1931)
Masterpieces of Literature (1929-1930)
Nations’ Library (1912-1920)
New Universal Library (1927-1930)
Novel Library (1928-1937) (published for Collins by the London Book Co.)
Olive Classics (1930-1939; 1951-1964)
St. James’s Library (1950-1957)
Shilling Novels (1928-1933)
Standard Collection of British and American Authors (1920-1922)
Students’ Library (1928-1935)
Westminster Classics (1928-1940)

Commercial Press (Shanghai)
English Classics (1921-1940)

Louis Conard (Paris, France)
Standard Collection of British and American Authors (1915-1926)

Concord Books (New York, US)
Arden Library (1933-1937)

W.B. Conkey Co. (Chicago, US)
Ivory Series (1901-1910)

Constable & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Colonial Library (1902-1913)
Constable’s Classics (1927-1930)
Constable’s Miscellany (1928-1932)
Constable’s Sixpenny Series (1908-1920)
Crown Constable (1933-1940)
English Reprints (1895-1936)
Saltire Classics (1974)
Tudor Translations (1924-1937)

Contemporary Poetry (Baltimore, US)
Contemporary Poetry Library (1944-1961)

The Continental Book Company AB (Stockholm, London)
Clipper Books (1942-1946)
Zephyr Books (1942-1950)

Continental Books Inc. (New York, US)
Continental Books (1932)

Cooper Square Publishers (New York, US)
King’s Library (1966)
Medieval Library (1966-1970)
Our Debt to Greece and Rome (1963)

Corkwood Press (Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia)
Les Hiddins Series of Facsimiles (1996-2000)

Cornstalk Publishing Co. (Sydney, Australia)
Bellbird Series (1919-1928)
Platypus Series (1924-1930)

Country Life Ltd. (London, UK)
Tavistock Library (1933-1936)

Coward-McCann (New York, US)
Contemporary Drama Series (1960-1965)
Macdonald Illustrated Classics (1950-1951)
Premier Fiction (1930)
Songs of Today Series (1929-1930)

The Cresset Press Ltd. (London, UK)
Cresset Historical Series (1931-1978)
Cresset Library (1935-1936, 1946-1961)
The Fitzroy Library (1936)
Introductions to English Literature (1938-1969)
Introductions to German Literature (1966-1970)

Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (New York, US)
Astor Edition of Poetry (1896-1919)
Astor Edition of Prose (1896-1919)
Astor Library of Standard Literature (1892-1900)
Crowell’s Colonial Series (1917-1923)
Crowell’s Poets (1884-1933)
Half-Hour Classics (1945-1955)
Handy Volume Classics (1892-1917)
Luxembourg Edition (1901-1934)
Luxembourg Illustrated Classics Series (1898-1928)
Luxembourg Illustrated Library (1928-1930)
The Crowell Poets (1964-1973)
What is Worth While Series (1895-1918)

Crown Publishers (New York, US)
Crown Classics (1935-1940)

Cyclopedia Corporation of America (New York)
World Classics (1930-1940)

Daily Express Fiction Library (London, UK)
Daily Express Fiction Library (1936-1940)

Daily Telegraph (London, UK)
Daily Telegraph Library (1910-1920)

Peter Davies (London, UK)
Covent Garden Library (1929-1932)
Little Books (1927)
Pilot Omnibus (1947)

Dawson’s of Pall Mall (London, UK)
Colonial History Series (1967-1973)

De La More Press (see Alexander Moring Ltd.)

J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd (London, UK)
Aldine Library (1938-1940)
All Clear Books (1940)
Arva Latina (1928-1947)
Bedside Library (1923-1927)
Cathedrals, Abbeys & Famous Churches (1925-1937)
Channels of English Literature (1912-1933)
Cities of the World (1965-1970)
The College Monographs (1906-1907)
Dent’s Double Volumes (1933-1936)
Dent’s Illustrated Classics (1927-1934)
Dent’s Treble Volumes (1936-1939)
English Men of Science (1906-1908)
Everyman’s Library (1906-1982)
Everyman’s University Library (1972-1988)
Handy Library Edition (1926-1931)
The King’s Treasuries of Literature (1920-1960)
Library of Greek Thought (1923-1974)
Literature of Yesterday and Today (1939-1961)
Master Musicians (1899-1993)
Medieval Towns Series (1898-1953)
Miranda’s Library (1901-1905)
Modern Sports Series (1936-1955)
New Adelphi Library (1932-1937)
New Poetry Series (1934-1938)
Open-Air Library (1932-1947)
Open-Air Nature Books (1909-1951)
Outward Bound Library (1928-1933)
Pennant Series (1962-1967)
Renaissance Library (1909-1912)
Saintly Lives Series (1899-1901)
Series of English Idylls (1904-1932)
Short Tales for Travelers (1894-1910)
Temple Classics (1896-1955)
Temple Cyclopædic Primers (1900-1935)
Temple Dramatists (1896-1970)
Wayfarer’s Library (1914-1942)

The Dial Press (New York, US)
The Bourbon Classics (1929-1930)
The Dial Detective Library (1924)
The Dial Standard Library (1925-1927 [?] may be ghost series)
Fireside Library (1925-1928)
Golden Dragon Library (1929-1931)
Library of Living Classics (1928-1931)
Permanent Library (1944-1966)
Quill Library (1925-1927)
Rogue’s Library (1925)

The Diamond Press (London, UK)
Savoy Library (1927-1928)

Henri Didier (Paris)
English Classics (1905-1940)

G. W. Dillingham Co. (New York, US)
Albatross Novels (1893-1905)

Dennis Dobson Ltd. (London, UK)
Twentieth Century Classics (1952-1954)

Dodd Mead & Co. (New York, US)
Ajax Series (1898-1920)
Astor Library (1927-1935)
Ebony Library (1925-1945)
Great Illustrated Classics (1941-1970)
International Classics (1923-1939)
Modern American Writers (1918-1940)
Quill Library (1927-1929)

Dodge Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Brown Library (1920-1925)
Craft Library (1920-1928)
Dodge Library (1909-1927)
People’s Books (1912-1925)
Poetry and Life (1911-1922)
Wellwood Books (1909)

R.R. Donnelly & Sons Co. (Chicago, US)
Lakeside Classics (1903-2019)

M.A. Donohue & Co. (Chicago, US)
Adelaide Series (1913-1916)
Adelphi Library (1905-1912)
Calumet Series (1900-1930)
Donohue’s Popular Copyright Fiction (1900-1930)
Greek-Lamp Library (1920)

George H. Doran Co. (New York, US)
First Novel Library (1920-1922)
Hutchinson’s Library of Standard Lives (1923-1939)
Murray Hill Library (1923-1927)
Pocket Books (1913-1915)

Doric Books (New York, U.S.)
Doric Books (1950)

Dorrance & Company, Inc. (Philadelphia, PA)
Contemporary Poets of Dorrance (1920-1985)

Doubleday & Co. (New York, US)
Book League of America (1936-1945)
Great French Romances (1923-1927)
International Collectors Library (1948-1980)
Lambskin Library (1922-1934)
Little Golden Books (1928-1930)
Series in Literature (1935-1937)
Theatre Guild Library (1923-1929)
Triangle Books (1939-1949)
Week-End Library (1914)
Windmill Books (1929-1937)
also see Blue Ribbon Books
also see Garden City Publishing Co.
also see Halcyon House

Lindsay Drummond Ltd. (London, UK)
Russian Literature Library (1945-1947)

Gerald Duckworth & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Covent Garden Library (1920)
Crown Library (1912)
Great Lives (1933-1965)
Greenback Library (1902-1910)
Hundred Years Series (1922-1970)
Modern Plays (1910-1924)
New Reader’s Library (1910-1927)
Noted Irish Lives (1930-1939)
Reader’s Library (1927-1946)

Duell, Sloan and Pearce (New York, US)
Pilot Omnibus (1945-1946)

Duffield & Co. (New York, US)
Interpreter’s Series (1919-1921)
Little Nineteenth Century Classics (1925)
New Medieval Library (1907-1912)

E.P. Dutton (New York, US)
Broadway Medieval Library (1930)
Broadway Oriental Library (1930-1932)
Broadway Translations (1923-1930)
Coniston Classics (1912-1921)
Dutton Dollar Novels (1932-1935)
Everyman’s Library (1906-1982)
Fellowship Books (1913-1914)
Golden Anthologies (1905-1908)
Half-forgotten Books (1903-1907)
The King’s Treasuries of Literature (1920-1960)
Library of Early Novelists (1904-1932)
Library of French Fiction (1919-1921)
London Library (1864-1915)
Master Musicians (1899-1963)
Muses’ Library (1904-1940)
Open-Air Library (1932-1933)
Republic of Letters (1925-1930)
Series of English Idylls (1904-1932)
Temple Classics (1910-1955)
Temple Dramatists (1910-1970)
To-day and Tomorrow Series (1924-1929)
Wayfarer’s Library (1914-1942)
New Universal Library (1890-1920)
Wisdom of the East Series (1904-1944)

Eaton & Mains (New York, US)
Forward Series (1902-1905)
Hero Series (1902-1905)

Peter Eckler Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Library of Liberal Classics (1885-1922)

Editions Poetry London (London, UK)
Editions Poetry London (1943-1951)

Educational Company of Ireland (Dublin, Ireland)
Talbot Library of Standard Authors (1919-1940)

Educational Publishing Co. (Boston, US)
The Red Shield Classics (1924-1925)

Walter Edwards (Publishers) Ltd. (London, UK)
Walter Edwards Classics (1947-1951)

Eerdmans-Sevensma (Grand Rapids, MI)
Knickerbocker Series: A Holland-American Library (1919-1921)

Paul Elek (London, UK)
Camden Classics (1947-1949)

Epstein & Carroll Associates, Distributed by Random House (New York, US)
Looking Glass Library (1959-1961)

The Epworth Press (London, UK)
Noble Life Series (1924-1929)

Essential Books (Fair Lawn, N.J)
Mariners Library (1955-1960)

Dana Estes & Co. (Boston, US)
Illustrated Cabinet Edition (1880-1920)

R.A. Everett & Co. (London)
Everett’s Library (1912-1920)

Eyre & Spottiswoode (London, UK)
Century Library (1947-1950)
Country Library (1940-1942)
Keystone Library (1941-1942)
Modern Writers and Playwrights (1941)
The Practitioner Handbooks (1936-1952)

Faber & Faber, Ltd. (London, UK)
Ariel Poems (New Series) (1929-1955)
Classics of the Contemplative Life Series (1951-1962)
Criterion Miscellany (1929-1936)
Faber Library (1932-1942)
Great Musicians Series (1940-1960)
Q Books (1942-1943)
Rose and Crown Library (1934-1936)
Sesame Books (1940-1951)

Faber & Gwyer, Ltd. (London, UK)
Ariel Poems (1927-1929)

Falcon Press (London, UK)
Falcon Prose Classics (1948-1953)
Star Editions (1945-1953)

Farrar, Straus & Cudahy (New York, US)
Great Letters Series (1955-1961)
Master Musicians (1956-1970)

Farrar, Straus & Young (New York, US)
Great Letters Series (1951-1955)
Illustrated Novel Library (1952-1954)

Federation Press (London, UK)
F.P. Library (1924-1925)
F.P. Racing Novels (aka, Racing Novels) (1927-1928)
French Classic Library (1925)
Home Circle Library (1925-1927)
My Pocket 3d Library (aka My Pocket Threepenny Library) (1927)
Sixpenny Library (1927) (source)

J. G. Ferguson Publishing Co. (Chicago, US)
Twentieth Century Classics (1936-1970)

William Faro (New York, US)
Ardent Classics (1931-1934)
Big Dollar Books (1932)
Modern Amatory Classics (1930-1934)

A. Flanagan Co. (Chicago, US)
Little Classics Series (1910-1922)

Folcroft Press / Folcroft Library Editions (Folcroft, PA, US)
English Life in English Literature (1969-1977)

Folio Society (London, UK)
Folio Society (1947-date)

Fore Publications (London, UK)
Key Books (1939-1951)
Key Poets (1950-1951)

Foreign Languages Publishing House (Moscow) (continues as Progress Publishers)
Arts Library (1950)
Classics of Russian Literature (1950-1965)
Library of Selected Soviet Literature (1950-1956)
Library of Soviet Literature (1948-1965)

T.N. Foulis (Edinburgh, London, UK)
Envelope Books (1907-1915)
Foulis Books (1910-1917)
Foulis Fiction Series (1921-1923)
Library of English Prose (1904-1905)
Romantic Lives (1909-1919)
Roses of Parnassus (1904-1910)

W. Foulsham (London, UK)
Mayflower Library (1925-1935)
Pilgrim Library (1925-1930)

The Four Seas Co. (Boston, US)
Contemporary Dramatist Series (1919)
Contemporary Series (1915-1928)
International Pocket Library (1918-1936)
Player’s Series (1925-1927)
Seven Arts Series (1920-1923)

Fremdsprachen-Gesellschaft (München, Germany)
The English Library (1920-1930)

Samuel French (New York, US)
Theatre Guild Library (1955)

French Library Syndicate (New York, US)
Popular Edition Series (1917)

Maurice Fridberg (Dublin; London, UK)
Hour-Glass Library (1945-1947)

Funk & Wagnalls (New York, US; London, UK)
Cassell’s Little Classics (1914-1933)
Hour-Glass Stories (1902-1911)
National Health Series (1923-1941)

Garden City Publishing Co. (Garden City, New York, US; imprint of Doubleday)
Star Dollar Books (1925-1950)
Sun Dial Library (1929-1930)

Garland Publishing (New York)
Garland Library of Science Fiction (1975)

P. R. Gawthorn, Ltd. (London, UK)
Russell Classics (1947-1948)

Gay & Hancock Ltd. (London, UK)
Gay’s Shilling Library (1910-1913)
The World Beautiful Library (1898-1925)

Gesellschaft Zur Verbreitung Zeitgem. Sprachmethoden (Kempten, Bavaria)
English Library (1923)

Ginn & Co. (New York, US)
Albion Series of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English Poetry (1904-1910)
International Modern Language Series (1892-1944)
Modern Literature Series (1931-1933)
Selected English Classics (1931-1963)

Gold Medal Books, Inc. (New York, US)
Gold Medal Books (1935)

Victor Gollancz Ltd. (London, UK)
Connoisseur’s Library of Strange Fiction (1946-1947)
Gollancz Revivals (1967-1970)
New People’s Library (1933-1946)
New Soviet Library (1932-1935)
Outline Series (1927-1935)
Rare Works of Imaginative Fiction (1963-1971)
Victory Books (1940-1949)

Gotham House (New York, US)
Broadway Medieval Library (1932)

Gowans & Gray (Glasgow, Scotland; London, UK)
Gowans Cosmopolitan Library (1912-1930)
Gowans International Library (1905-1930)

Grayson & Grayson (London, UK)
Grayson Books (1935)
Grayson’s Fiction Library (1931-1935)

Greenberg, Publisher (New York, US)
Rogues’ Bookshelf (1926)

Greening & Co. (London, UK)
Colonial Library (1909-1911)
Lotus Library (1901-1913)
Masterpiece Library (1899-1913)

Gregg Publishing Co. (Chicago; New York, US)
Living Literature Series (1919-1920)

Gresham Publishing Co. (Dublin, London, UK)
Irish Library (1910-1916)

Grey Walls Press (London, UK)
Crown Classics (1947-1954)

Greystone Press (New York, US)
Masterworks Library (1947-1955)

Grolier Society (New York, US)
Beaux Arts Classics (1915-1930)

Grosset & Dunlap (New York, US)
Books of Distinction (1926-1937)
Cameo Classics (1935-1948)
Every Boy’s Library (1899-1920)
Ferret Library (1935)
Grosset & Dunlap reprints (1898-1982)
Macmillan’s Standard Library (1912-1915)
Novels of Distinction (1928-1942)
Universal Library (1931-1972)
Also see Books Inc.

Grossman Publishers (New York, US)
Cape Editions (1967-1974)
Mushinsha Books (1968-1974)

Grove Press (New York, US)
Venus Library (1969-1972)
Wisdom of the East Series (1951-1981)

Halcyon House (Garden City, NY; imprint of Doubleday)
Halcyon House Illustrated Library (1950)
Illustrated Classics (1940-1950)

Robert Hale Ltd. (London, UK)
County Books (1947-1954)
Portrait Of Series (1968-1982)
The Regions of Britain (1970-1979)
World Adventure Series (1958-1959)

Hamish Hamilton (London, UK)
The Modern Library (1936-1940)
Novel Library (1947-1953)
Star Editions (1945-1953)

John Hamilton Ltd. (London, UK)
Sundial Mystery and Adventure Library (1925-1936)
Sundial Mystery Library (1925-1936)
Sundial Popular Library (1927-1931)
Vanguard Series (1927-1931)

Hampton Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Hampton Classics (1948-1950)

The Happy Hour Library, Inc. / Friedmans’ Book Store (New York, US)
Happy Hour Library (1924-1925)

Harcourt, Brace & Co. (New York, US)
American Authors Series (1928-1936)
English Life and English Literature (1928-1930)
European Library (1921-1926)
Harbrace Modern Classics (1949-1970)
Broadway Medieval Library (1928-1929)

Harper & Brothers; Harper & Row (New York, US)
Broadway Travellers (1926-1939)
Continental Library (1887-1920)
Golden Hind Series (1927-1930)
Harper Dollar Library (1921-1939)
Harper Perennial Classics (1965-1968)
Harper’s Handy Classics (1890-1900)
Harper’s Library of Living Thought (1909-1922)
Harper’s Modern Classics (1917-1968)
Odd Number Series (1917-1938)
Pacific Coast Series (1898-1925)
The Revel Plays (1975)

George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Thriller Series (2/6 Thriller Series) (1933)
Bilingual Series (1919-1972)
The Choice Books (1910-1926)
Country-Lovers Library (1947-1949)
Essays of Today and Tomorrow (1926-1931)
Harrap Library (1909-1947)
Harrap’s French Classics (1945-1987)
Harrap’s Popular Fiction Library (1924-1941)
Harrap’s Shilling Library (1931-1937)
Harrap’s Standard Fiction Library (1925-1953)
Holborn Library (1947-1950)
King’s Treasury of Literary Masterpieces (1904-1925)
Library of Living Classics (1928-1936)
Life, Literature and Thought Library (1951-1966)
Novels Beautiful (1921-1935)
Our Debt to Greece and Rome (1922-1960)
Poetry and Life (1911-1940)
Sesame Booklets (1908-1920)
Short Stories of To-Day and Yesterday (1928-1939)

Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd. (London, UK)
Adventure Library (1955-1966)
Countryman Library (1953-1957)
Mariners Library (1948-1987)
Reynard Library (1950-1971)

Hartsdale House (New York, NY)
Hartsdale House (Editions, Classics) (1946-1960)

Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, US)
John Harvard Library (1959-date)
Loeb Classical Library (1933-date)
Muses’ Library (1950-1971)
The Revel Plays (1958-1962)
Reynard Library (1950-1971)

Robert Hayes (London, UK)
In A Nook Booklets (1927-1928)
Robert Hayes’ Fiction Library (1920)
Rosebery Series (1925-1930)
Sandringham Library (1923-1925)

Hearst’s International Library Co. (New York, US)
Hearst’s International Library (1913-1919)
Miniature Classics (1914-1916)

D.C. Heath & Co. (Boston, US)
Belles-Lettres Series (1903-1930)
Heath’s English Classics (1892-1917)
Heath’s Golden Key Series (1929-1934)
Heath’s Modern Language Series (1888-1960)

Heath Cranton Ltd. (Lonon, UK)
Books of the Countryside (1933-1935)

William Heinemann (London, UK)
Acme Library (1921)
A Century of French Romance / Library of French Masterpieces (1901-1908)
Bibliotheca Neerlandica (1963-1967)
Contemporary Men of Letters (1904-1908)
Crown Library (1929-1931)
Drama Library (1949-1996)
Evergreen Books (1940-1941)
Favourite Classics (1904-1922)
Golden Poets (1906-1930)
Great French Romances (1923-1927)
Guide Novel Series (1948-1980)
Heinemann Pocket Editions (1907-1920 (?), 1945-1948)
Kingswood Library (1929-1930)
Loeb Classical Library (1911-1989)
Masterpieces of French Romance (1923-1924)
Theatre Guild Library (1923-1924)
The Poetry Bookshelf (1951-1996)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
Travellers’ Library (1928-1932)
Vanguard Library (1952-1956)
Windmill Library (1927-1933)

Hendricks House (Putney, VT, US)
University Classics (1980)

Hendricks House / Farrar Straus (New York, US)
University Classics (1942-1964)

William J. Hill (Chicago)
Modern Reader’s Library (1920-1930)

Hodder & Stoughton (London, UK)
Black Jacket Books (1937-1947)
Bookman Booklets (1902-1904)
Bookman Library (1923-1924)
Herbert Strang’s Library (Herbert Strang’s Empire Library) (1909-1916)
Hodder & Stoughton’s Sevenpenny Library (1912-1925)
Little Books for Bookmen (1906)
People’s Library (1923-1942)
Pocket Books (1910-1914)
Yellow Jacket Series (1917-1944; 1949-1957)

Henry Holt & Co. (New York, US)
English Readings (1893-1940)
Home University Library (1911-1940)

Holt, Rinehart & Winston (New York, US)
Rinehart Library Classics (1965-1967)

The Hogarth Press (London, UK)
Crown Library (1938-1943)
Hogarth Essays (1924-1947)
Hogarth Lectures on Literature (1927–1951)
Merttens Lectures on War and Peace (1927–1936)
Hogarth Living Poets (1928–1937)
Day to Day Pamphlets (1930–1939)
Hogarth Letters (1931–1933)
New Hogarth Library (1940-1947)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
World-Makers and World-Shakers (1937)

Robert Holden & Co. Ltd. (London, UK)
Fortune Play Books (1926-1927)
Horrid Novels Series (1927)
Library of Imposters Series (1926)
Lyceum Library (1925)

Home and Van Thal (London, UK)
English Novelists Series (1947-1949)

Home Book Co. (New York, US)
New Beverly Edition (1895)

Homes and Meier Publishers (New York, US)
The Revel Plays (1982)

H. Hooks (London)
The Farringdon Library (1910-1938)

Martin Hopkinson & Co. Ltd (London, UK)
New Aldine Library (1923-1925)

Houghton Mifflin Co. (Boston, US)
Atlantic Library of Travel (1907-1908)
Autograph Poets (1897-1920)
Broadway Diaries, Memoirs & Letters (1930)
Cambridge Classics (1883-1938)
Cambridge Poets (1894-1933)
Evergreen Series (1923)
Holiday Edition (1879-1940)
New Poetry Series (1915-1916)
Park Street Library of Diaries, Memoirs, and Letters (1929)
Park Street Library of Travel (1920-1931)
Riverside Aldine Classics (Riverside Aldine Series) (1885-1940)
Riverside College Classics (1907-1950)
Riverside Library (1929-1935)
Riverside Literature Series (1882-1970)
Riverside Popular Biographies (1914-1925)

Gerald Howe (London, UK)
The Beginning of Things series (1927-1928)
Representative Women (1927-1932)
Soho Library (1927-1933)

E.F. Hudson Ltd. (London, UK)
Classic Novels (1930-1935)
English Masterpieces (1930-1935)

Humanities Press, Inc. (New York, US)
Victorian Library (1969-1979)

Hurst & Blackett Ltd. (London, UK)
Hurst & Blackett’s 7d. Novels (1909-1917)
Hurst & Blackett’s Colonial Library (1912-1920)
Janus Library (1937)
Paternoster Library (1936-1940)
Toucan Novels (1937-1950)
Welcome Library (1937)

Hurst & Co. (New York, US)
Best Value Books (1912-1915)
Companion Books (1918-1919)
Poetical Classics (1907-1911)
Magnolia Library (1906-1911)

Hutchinson International Authors Ltd. (London, UK; imprint of Hutchinson Ltd.)
Hutchinson International Authors (1940-1999)
Hutchinson International Authors First Novel Series (1947-1948)

Hutchinson & Co. (London, UK)
Blue Star Library (1929-1940)
Booklover’s Library (1928-1945)
Bookshelf Library (1934-1942)
Classic Novels (1904-1910)
First Novel Library (1933-1951)
Hutchinson’s 3/- Series of Popular Stories (1903-1920)
Hutchinson’s Colonial Library (1895-1925)
Hutchinson’s Library of Standard Biographies (1903-1908)
Hutchinson’s Library of Standard Lives (1923-1930)
Hutchinson’s Pocket Library (1935-1939)
Hutchinson’s Popular Classics (1906-1907)
Hutchinson’s 7d. Novels (1911-1915)
Hutchinson Classic Novels (1904-1932)
Hutchinson University Library (1947-1998)
Library of Standard Biographies (1903-1911)
Red Jacket Series (1920-1935)
Stratford Library (1955-1957)
Also see Hutchinson International Authors Ltd.

Illustrated Editions Co. (New York, US)
Illustrated Editions (1930-1942)

International Fiction Library (Cleveland, US) (Imprint of World Publishing Co.Cleveland, New York, US)
International Fiction Library (1929-1935)

International Book Publishing Co. (New York)
Russian Author’s Library (1919-1920)

Internationale Bibliothek (Berlin, Germany)
English Library (1921-1926)

Interscience Publications (New York, US)
Saltire Classics (1960)

T.C. & E.C. Jack (London & Edinburgh, UK)
Golden Poets (1906-1908)
People’s Books (1912-1925)
Romance of Reality (1914-1926)

George W. Jacobs & Co. (Philadelphia, US)
Fairmount Classics (1920-1925)
Rittenhouse Classics (1917-1925)
Washington Square Classics (1912-1925)

Jacobsen Publishing Co., Inc. (New York, US)
Modern Reprint Library (1926-1931)

Jarrolds (London, UK)
Beacon Library (1937-1951)
Jay Library (1930-1931)
Jarrolds’ 2/- Novels (1919-1935)
Jarrolds’ 3/6 Novels (1919-1935)
Jarrolds’ Jackdaw Library (1936-1945)
Miniature Classics (1910-1923)

Herbert Jenkins (London, UK)
Fireside Library (1924-1930)
Herbert Jenkins Shilling Library (1920-1935)
Splendid Library (1919-1928)
Star Editions (1945-1953)
To-Day Library (1926-1927)

Jennings & Graham (Cincinnati, US)
Forward Series (1902-1905)
Hero Series (1902-1905)

Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore, US)
The Revel Plays (1978-1980)

Michael Joseph (London, UK)
Mermaid Books (1952-1956)
Rosemary Library (1937)

Charles H. Kelly (London, UK)
Every Age Library (1912-1916)
Finsbury Library (1912-1913)

Kelly & Walsh (Shanghai)
Chinese Classics in English (1932-1940)

Kenkyusha (Tokyo, Japan)
Kenkyusha English Classics (1922-1983)

Richard Edward King (London, UK)
Rainbow Library (1892-1920)

Mitchell Kennerley (Boston, US)
Modern Drama Series (1912-1916)

Alfred A. Knopf (New York, US)
Alblabooks (1937-1948)
American Deserta (1930-1937)
Blue Jade Library (1925-1935)
Borzoi Books (Paper) (1935)
Borzoi Classics (1922-1930)
Borzoi Pocket Books (1923-1935)
Great Lives in Brief (1954-1973)
Library of Contemporary Thought (1926-1931)
Student’s Library of Contemporary Fiction (1922-1933)
Tudor Translations (1924-1937)

Verlag von Gerhard Kühtmann (Dresden, Germany)
English Library (1886-1928)

John Lane | The Bodley Head (London, UK)
Bodley Head Library (1937-1941)
Bodley Head Quartos (1923-1930)
Ebony Library (1925-1945)
Flowers of Parnassus (1900-1916)
Golden Hind Series (1927-1934)
Helicon Series (1927-1928)
Lover’s Library (1901-1912)
The Modern Library (1934-1936)
New Pocket Library (1901-1909)
On Active Service Series (1919-1921)
Penguin Books (1935-1936)
Quill Library (1925-1929)
Twentieth Century Library (1934-1939)
Week-End Library (1927-1935)

John Langdon Ltd. (London, UK)
Consol Classics (1946-1949)

Lansdowne Press (Melbourne, Australia)
Heritage Books (1963)

Laurel Book Co. (Chicago, US)
Laurel English Classics (1921-1931)

T. Werner Laurie Ltd. (London, UK)
Colonial Library (1906-1921)
Eclectic Library (1905-1931)
Live Books Resurrected (1942-1945)

Lawrence & Bullen (London, UK)
Muses’ Library (1891-1900)

Lawrence & Wishart (London, UK)
Library of Contemporary Soviet Authors (1955-1957)

Leach, Shewell, & Sanborn (Boston, US)
The Students’ Series of English Classics (1889-1931)

John Lehmann Ltd. (London, UK)
Chiltern Library (1946-1953)
Holiday Library (1948-1951)
Modern European Library (1947-1955)

Leicester University Press (Leicester, UK)
Victorian Library (1969-1980)

Libreria del Littorio (Rome, Italy)
Italian Classics (1930)

J.B. Lippincott Co. (Philadelphia, US)
Hour Library (1930-1933)
Lippincott’s Classics (1920-1949)
Lippincott’s Popular Library (1896-1912)
Lotos Library (1896-1902)

Literary Guild of America (New York, US)
Book League of America (1932-1936)
Literary Guild (1927-2008)

Little, Brown & Co. (Boston, US)
Beacon Hill Bookshelf (1924-1945)
Beacon Library of Fiction Classics (1927-1933)
Burlington Library (1911-1912)
Contemporary Drama Series (1917-1931)
Handy Library Edition (1903-1922)
Modern Drama Series (1916-1940)
Orchard House Edition (1925-1950)

Horace Liveright, Inc. (1928-33) / Liveright Publishing Co. (1933-69) (New York, US)
Black and Gold Library (1928-1971)
Immortal Classics (1928-1947)

London Book Co. (London, UK)
A Century of French Romance / A Library of French Masterpieces (1907-1908)
Novel Library (1928-1937) (published for the London Book Co. Collins & Sons)

London House & Maxwell (New York, US)
Bibliotheca Neerlandica (1964-1967)

John Long Ltd. (London, UK)
Carlton Classics (1905-1928)
English Masterpieces (1930-1935)
Library of Modern Classics (1903-1908)
John Long Four Square Thrillers (1938-1940)
John Long’s Select Half-crown Library (1923-1925)
Toucan Novels (1937-1950)

Longmans, Green & Co. (London, UK; New York, US, Toronto, CA)
Clifford Library (1947-1949)
Cygnet Books (1935-1955)
English Heritage Series (1929-1958)
Essential English Library (1946-1962)
Golden Measure Books (1941-1950)
Heritage of Literature (1934-1965)
Indian Students’ Library (1919-1924)
Library of Living Classics (1928-1931)
Living Thoughts Library (1939-1950)
Longman Library (1940-1948)
Longman’s English Classics (1879-1943)
Longmans’ Pocket Library (1907-1930)
Men and Books (1951-1960)
Our Debt to Greece and Rome (1922-1940)
Silver Library (1888-1929)
St. Pauls Library (1927-1928)
Stories of Laughter (1933-1938)
Swan Library (1931-1940)
Venture Library (1931-1932)

Lovell, Coryell & Co. (New York, US)
Century Series (1892-1897)
New Oxford 12mos (1892-1897)

Sampson Low (London, UK)
Globe Edition / Globe Novels (1873-1912)
Great Composers Series (1920-1936)
Sampson Low’s Sixpennies (1938-1939)

Sampson Low, Marston, & Searle (London, UK)
Rose Library (1873-1890)

Loyola University Press (Chicago, US)
Loyola University Classics (1917-1942)

F.M. Lupton Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Daisy Series (1898-1901)

Lyons & Carnahan (Chicago, New York)
Stratford Classics (1923-1936)

Macaulay Co. (New York, US)
Gold Label Books (1927-1946)
Transatlantic Library (1928-1935)

Macdonald & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Macdonald Illustrated Classics (1948-1961)

William Maclellan (Glasgow, Scotland)
Poetry Scotland Series (1943-1947)

Macmillan & Co., Ltd. (London, UK; New York, US)
Cambridge Miscellany (1934-1937)
Caravan Library (1928-1944)
Cottage Library (1928-1944)
Cranford Series (1895-1937)
Economic Classics (1895-1931)
English Men of Action (1889-1937)
English Men of Letters (1878-1970)
English Reprints (1895-1936)
Eversley Series (1893-1926)
Globe Edition / Globe Library (1864-1976)
Golden Treasury Series (1862-2001)
Illustrated Pocket Classics (1902-1951)
Illustrated Pocket Classics for the Young (1902-1922)
Imperial Editions (1936-1944)
Library of English Classics (1901-1932)
Library of Philosophy:
Library of Philosophy (1890-1980)
Loeb Classical Library (1911-1917)
Macmillan’s 7d. Series (1909-1914)
Macmillan’s Empire Library (1904-1926)
Macmillan’s Fiction Library (1902-1920)
Macmillan’s Pocket American and English Classics (1899-1924)
Macmillan’s Pocket Classics (1901-1935)
Macmillan’s Pocket Library (1949-1968)
Macmillan Standard Library (1912-1915)
Macmillan’s Three & Sixpenny Novels (1886-1935)
Many Mansions Series (1929-1930)
Modern Fiction Library (1913, 1949-1954)
Modern Readers’ Series (1926-1950)
Murder Revisited Series (1952-1968)
New Eversley Series (1927-1948)
New Pocket Classics (1929-1960)
Royal Editions (1900-1950)
Scholar’s Library (1930-1970)
Temple Cyclopædic Primers (1900-1910)
Temple Dramatists (1896-1910)
Two-Shilling Series (1912-1937)

Macrae Smith Co. (Philadelphia, US)
Fairmount Classics (1925-1937)
Rittenhouse Classics (1925-1930)
Washington Square Classics (1925-1930)

George Macy Companies (New York, US)
Heritage Illustrated Bookshelf (1935-1970)
Heritage Press / Heritage Club (1935-1970)
Limited Editions Club (1929-1970)
Reader’s Club (1941-1970)
Ten Great French Romances (1939-1952)

R.H. Macy (New York, US)
Macy Classics (1929-1942) (Published for Macy by Illustrated Classics / Three Sirens Press)
Macy Library (1930-1940)

Macy-Masius (New York, US)
An American Bookshelf (1927-1935)

Manchester University Press (Manchester, UK and Wolfeboro, N.H, US; Dover, N.H. US; New York, US)
The Revel Plays (1975-present)

Mandrake Press (London, UK)
Mandrake Booklets (1929-1930)

Marshall Jones Co. (Boston, US)
Our Debt to Greece and Rome (1922-1930)

Elkin Mathews & Marrot, Ltd. (London, UK)
Baskerville Series (1927-1928)
Beacon Books (1932)
Bodoni Series (1927)
County Anthologies (1929-1930)
Library of New Ideas (1930-1931)
Rescue Series (1927-1929)
Woburn Books (1928-1929)

Maunsel & Co. (Dublin, London, UK)
Modern Russian Library (1915-1917)

Robert M. McBride & Co. (New York)
Argonaut Series (1927-1930)
Broadway Travellers (1928-1930)
Chelsea Classics (1920-1927)
Modern American Writers (1925-1930)
XVIII Century French Romances (1926-1928)

A.C. McClurg (Chicago, US)
Little Books on Art (1905-1914)

David McKay Co. (Philadelphia, US)
American Classics Series (1890-1920)
International Library (1923-1928)
Living Thoughts Library (1939-1943)
Newbery Classics (1917-1947)
Pocket Classics (1929-1961)

McKinlay, Stone & Mackenzie (New York, US)
International Adventure Library (1924-1929)
Scotland Yard Mystery Library (1915-1930)

Mellifont Press, Ltd. (London, UK)
Mellifont Classics (1944-1960)
Mellifont Library (1937-1950)

Andrew Melrose Ltd. (London, UK)
Melrose’s Pocket Series (1918-1953)
Rogues Gallery (1954-1956)

Merrill & Baker (New York, US)
English Texts (1907-1933)
Standard Classics (1890-1920)

Methuen & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Colonial Library (1895-1960)
Famous Novels (1950-1960)
Fountain Library (1934-1941)
Gateway Library (1924-1940)
Gateway Poets (1933-1935)
English Life and English Literature (1928-1952)
Little Books on Art (1903-1929)
Little Library (1899-1910)
Methuen’s Cheap Novels (1905-1920)
Methuen’s English Classics (1921-1970)
Methuen’s Half-Crown Library (1905-1915)
Methuen’s Library of Humour (1933-1936)
Methuen’s Modern Classics (1924-1974)
Methuen’s Old English Library (1933-1977)
Methuen’s Shilling Library (1912-1919)
Methuen’s Shilling Novels (1905-1935)
Methuen’s Standard Library (1902-1912)
Methuen’s Two-Shilling Novels (1906-1925)
Methuen’s Two Shilling Novels (1925-1929)
Modern Masterpieces (1905-1941)
The Revel Plays (1958-1975)
Vintage Books (1941)

Mills & Boon (London, UK)
Shilling Cloth Library (1913-1929)

Modern Age Books (New York, US)
Blue Seal Books (1937)
Gold Seal Books (1937)
Modern World Series (1937)
Red Seal Books (1937)
Seal Books (1938-1942)

The Modern Library / Random House (New York, NY)
Modern Library (1925-1927)

Modern Book Co. (Shanghai)
Modern Series (1920)

Montgomery Ward (Chicago, US)
La Belle Library (1893-1920)

Alexander Moring, De La More Press (London, UK)
De La More Booklets (1902-1925, “New Issue”: 1935)
King’s Classics (1902-06)
King’s Poets (1904)
Saint George Series (1920-1938)
Smaller Classics Series (1906-1908)

Thomas B. Mosher (Portland, ME, US)
Brocade Series (1895-1905)

John Murray Ltd. (London, UK)
Albemarle Library (1947-1978)
Albemarle Library For Schools (1954-1978)
Journeys and Adventures (1940)
Murray’s 2/- net Novels (1922-1932)
Murray’s Fiction Library (1922-1932)
Murray’s Library (1912-1931)
Murray’s Shilling Library (1910-1929)
Wisdom of the East Series (1904-1992)

Murray’s Book Sales (aka/ Murray’s Sales & Service Co.) (London, UK)
Abbey Classics (1955-1978)
Abbey Library (1955-1965)

Eveleigh Nash & Grayson Ltd. (London, UK)
Nash’s Famous Fiction Library (1921-1931)
Nash’s Great Novel Library (1921-1931)

National Home Library Foundation (Washington DC, US)
National Home Library (1935-1941)

Naval Institute Press (Annapolis, MD, US)
Classics of Naval Literature (1951-2016)

F. Tennyson Neely (Chicago, US; New York, US; London, UK)
Neely’s Anglo-American Library (1898-1899)
Neely’s Booklet Library (1898-1899)
Neely’s Choice Library (1892-1899)
Neely’s Classic Library (1898-1899)
Neely’s Continental Library (1897-1898)
Neely’s Imperial Library (1894-1899)
Neely’s International Library (1894-1899)
Neely’s Popular Library (1890-1901)
Neely’s Prismatic Library (1895-1904)
Neely’s Tourist Library (1890-1898)
Neely’s Vacation Library (1899)
Neely’s Universal Library (1896-1899)

T. Nelson & Sons Ltd. (London, UK)
Alexander Classic Library (1925-1935)
Argosy Books (1935-1948)
Chelsea Classics (1930)
Discussion Books (1938-1967)
Edinburgh Library (1919-1931; 1950)
Horizon Books (1937-1941)
Modern Anthologies (1936-1938)
Nelson Standard Library (1923-1933)
Nelsonian Library (1933-1954)
Nelson’s Classics (1905-1965)
Nelson’s Continental Library (1915-1939)
Nelson’s English Series (1925-1942)
Nelson’s Library / Nelson’s Novels (1909-1937)
Nelson’s Medieval and Renaissance Library (1959-1968)
Nelson’s Sevenpenny Library (1907-1932)
Nelson’s Sixpenny Classics (1905-1920)
Nelson’s Teaching of English Series (1925-1968)
Nelson’s Travel Series (1901-1919)
New Century Library (1899-1950)
People’s Books (1912-1925)
Premier Series (1919-1960)
Red Rose Library (1894-1903)
Short Biographies (1938-1944)
Winchester Classics (1934-1945)

New Directions Publishing (Norfolk, CT, New York, USA)
Direction Series (1946-1952)
Makers of Modern Literature Series (1941-1964)
Modern Readers Series (1947-1952)
New Directions Series (1939-1955)
Poet of the Month / Poets of the Year (1941-1945)

George Newnes Ltd. (London, UK)
Caxton Series (1901-1904)
John O’London’s Library (1934-1938)
John O’London’s Little Books (1924-1932)
The Library of Useful Stories (1895-1910)
Newnes’ Illustrated Sixpenny Novels (1903-1920)
Newnes’ Pocket Classics (1903-1906)
Newnes’ Sixpenny Copyright Novels (1895-1940)
Newnes’ Sixpenny Series (1901-1920)
Private Lives Library (1936)
Thin Paper Classics (1901-1907)

H.S. Nichols (New York, US)
Precious Tomes (1924-1935)

Nicholson & Watson (London)
Student’s Library (1920-1940)
University Extension Library (1934-1938)

Martinus Nijhoff (The Hague, Netherlands)
The Dutch Library (1924-1927)

W.P. Nimmo, Hay & Mitchell, Ltd. (Edinburgh, London, UK)
Nimmo’s Clyde Classics (1903-1928)
Nimmo’s Miniatures (1902-1922)

Nisbet & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Nisbets’ Shilling Novels (1914-1917)
Wide World Series (1920)

Noel Douglas (London, UK)
Noel Douglas Replicas (1926-1928)
Ormond Poets (1927-1928)

Nonesuch Press (London, UK)
Nonesuch Library (1927-1977)
Ten Great French Romances (1939-1952)

P. Noordhoff (Groningen, Netherlands)
English Classics (1907-1922)

W. W. Norton & Co. (New York, US; See also People’s Institute Publishing Co.)
Gateway Poets (1938-1948)
New Science Series (1926-1929)
Psyche Miniatures (1926-1928)
Scandinavian Classics (1927-1930)
Seagull Library of Mystery and Suspense (1965-1968)
White Oak Library (1924-1934)

David Nutt (London, UK)
Bibliothèque de Carabas (1887-1900)

Odham Press (London, UK)
Popular Library (1918-1920)

Odyssey Press (New York, US)
Odyssey Series in Literature (1935-1975)

Oliver and Boyd (Edinburgh, UK)
The Revel Plays (1970)
Self-Study English Series (1934-1944)

Olympia Press (Paris, France)
Traveller’s Companion Series (1955-2011)

Orient Press (London, UK)
Wisdom of the East Series (1904-1922)

Oxford University Press (London, UK; New York, US)
Chameleon Books (1939-1957)
Champak Library (1947-1970)
Clarendon Series of English Literature (1921-1979)
English Novelists Series (1951)
Herbert Strang’s Library (Herbert Strang’s Empire Library) (1909-1942)
Heritage of India Series (1918-1938)
Home University Library (1940-1970)
Oxford Bookshelf (1936-1946)
Oxford English Texts (1912-1990)
Oxford in Asia Hardback Reprints (1985-1994)
Oxford Legacy Series (1948-1964)
Oxford Miscellany (1906-1945)
Oxford Poets (1909-1945)
Oxford Standard Authors (1904-1980)
Religious Life of India Series (1916-1980)
Religious Quest of India Series (1915-1978)
World’s Classics (1905-date)
World’s Classics Galaxy Edition (1947-1955)
World’s Manuals (1922-1962)

Packard & Co. (Chicago, IL, US)
University Classics (1941-1947)

Palgrave Macmillan (New York, US)
The Revel Plays (1990-2013)

Cecil Palmer (London, UK)
Film Lover’s Library (1921-1922)

Pantheon Books (New York, U.S.)
Bollingen Series (1943-2002)
Novel Library (1948-1953)

Paragon Book Gallery (New York, US)
Wisdom of the East Series (1963-1986)

Leonard Parsons (London, UK)
New Era Series (1920-1929)
Roadmaker Series (1924-1926)

S.W. Partridge & Co. Ltd (London, UK)
Everyone’s Library (1902-1930)

Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co (London, UK)
Beacon Biographies (1899-1904)
Paternoster Library (1896-1911)
Psyche Miniatures (1926-1945)

William Farquhar Payson (New York)
Deep Sea Library (1931)

C. Arthur Pearson (London)
Modern Library (1932)
Pearson’s Sixpenny Novels (1908-1915)
Pearson’s Western Novels (1930)

Penguin Books (London, UK)
Pelican Books (1937-1984)
Penguin Books (1936-date)
Penguin Education (1965-1974)
The Buildings of England (1951-1974)
King Penguin (1939-1959)

People’s Institute Publishing Co. (New York, US; Precursor to W.W. Norton)
Dollar Series (1926)
Lectures-In-Print Series (1924-1926)

The Percy Press (London, UK)
The Percy Press Reprints (1946-1950)

Peter Pauper Press (New York, US)
Peter Pauper Press (1928-date)

Phaidon Publishers (New York, US)
Phaidon Pocket Series (1947-1960)

G. Philip & Son Ltd. (London, UK)
New Era Library (1920-1932)

Leroy Phillips (Boston, US)
Gowans Cosmopolitan Library (1912-1930)
Gowans International Library (1905-1930)

Philosophical Library (New York, US)
Philosophical Library (1941-2007)

Phoenix Publishing Co. Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland)
Irish Library (1910-1920)
Library of Modern Irish Fiction (1920-1944)

Pickering & Inglis (London, UK)
Golden Crown Series (1927-1950)

Picador (London, UK)
Virago Travel Classics (1992-1997)

Pilot Press (London, UK)
Pilot Classics (1947)
Pilot Omnibus (1945-1947)

Sir Issac Pitman & Sons Ltd. (London, UK)
Greenjacket Books (1935-1947)

Platt & Munk (New York, US)
Great Writers Collection (1960-1965)

Pocket Books Inc. (New York, US)
Collector’s Edition (1949-1953)

The Poetry Book Shop (Samuel Roth, New York, US)
The Sign of the Lyre Series (1920)

Porpoise Press (Edinburg, UK)
Faber Library (1932)

Frederick A. Praeger (New York, US)
Praeger Scholarly Reprints (1969-1970)

Prentice-Hall, Inc. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, US)
New Library of French Classics (1969-1972)
Prentice-Hall Classics Series (1931-1966)
Prentice-Hall English Literature Series (1952-1974)

Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ, US)
Bollingen Series (1943-2017)

Progress Publishers (Moscow)
Soviet Author’s Library (1973-1990)

Prudential Book Co., (New York, US)
Brookfield Series (1894-1900)
Wakefield Series (1898-1905)

G.P. Putnam’s Sons (New York, US; London, UK)
Arabesque Series (1903-1906)
Ariel Booklets (1902-1930)
Bibliotheca Neerlandica (1965)
Black and White Library (1937)
Capricorn Books (1958-1996)
Golden Hind Series (1935)
Little French Masterpieces (1903-1909)
Loeb Classical Library (1917-1933)
Mauve Library (1911-1915)

Queensway Press (imprint of Readers Library Publishing Co. Ltd. (London, UK)
Chevron Books (1936-1937)
New Chevron Series (1937-1941)
Queensway Classics (1938)
Queensway Library (1934-1935)
See also Readers Library Publishing Co. Ltd.

Rand McNally & Co. (Chicago, New York, US)
Advance Library (1902-1907)
Canterbury Classics (1901-1930)
Greek-Lamp Library (1906-1914)
Independent Series (1901-1911)
Windermere Series (1912-1914)

Random House (New York, NY)
Looking Glass Library (1959-1961)
Modern Library (1925-1927)
Nonesuch Library (1933-1977)
Stanyan Books (1970-1973)
Also see Carlton House Publications

Readers’ League of America (New York)
The World’s Popular Classics (1930-1940)

Readers Union (London, UK)
Contemporary Fiction (1960-1966)

Readers Library Publishing Co. Ltd. (London, UK)
Chevron Books (1936-1937)
New Chevron Series (1937-1941)
Readers Library (1924-1935)
Queensway Classics (1938)
Queensway Library (1934-1935)
See also Queensway Press

Red Arrow Books / Columbian Art Works (Milwaukee, US)
Red Arrow Books (1939-1940)

Reilly & Britton (Chicago, US)
The Elzevir Library (1909-1910)

Charles Renard Co. (New York, US)
Popular Classics Library (1925-1926)
Renard’s Famous Authors Series (1925-1926)

Fleming H. Revell (New York / Chicago, US)
Comrade Series (1913-1915)
Inspirational Classics (1950-1969)

Review of Reviews Co. (New York, US)
Lock and Key Library (1909-1915)

Reynal & Hitchcock (New York, NY)
Blue Ribbon Books (1933-1939)
Triangle Books (1933-1939)

Rich & Cowan Ltd. (London, UK)
Crime Book Society Series (1950)
Flag-Lieutenant Series (1933-1936)
In My Time Series (1933-1935)
In the Steps of Series (1951-1954)
Needs of Today Series (1936-1950)
Neptune Library (1935-1937)
Popular Lives Series (1933)
Toucan Novels (1937-1950)
True Crime Series (1933)

Grant Richards, Ltd. (London, UK)
Omar Series (1911-1927)
Smaller Classics Series (1904-1905)
World’s Classics (1901-1905)

Richards Press (London, UK)
Omar Series (1927-1963)

Rio Grande Press Inc. (Glorieta, NM, US)
Rio Grande Classics (1968-1980)

Ronald Press Co. (New York, US)
English Series (1928-1958)

Routledge & Sons (Routledge, Kegan & Paul) (London, UK; New York, US)
Broadway Booklets (1903-1920)
Broadway Diaries, Memoirs and Letters (1929-1930)
Broadway Library of Eighteenth-Century French Literature (1927-1930)
Broadway Medieval Library (1928-1938)
Broadway Oriental Library (1930-1932)
Broadway Translations (1923-1930)
Broadway Travellers (1926-2015)
The English Library (1904-1930)
Gentleman’s Library (1896-1908)
Golden Anthologies (1905-1908)
Golden Dragon Library (1928-1930)
Half-forgotten Books (1903-1907)
Library of Early Novelists (1904-1932)
Library of Standard and Historical Books (1908)
London Library (1856-1915)
Muses’ Library (1904-1940; 1950-1980)
New Universal Library (1884-1931)
Pocket Library (1886-1925)
Poets and Poetry of the 19th Century (1905-1907)
Railway Library (1849-1898)
Republic of Letters (1925-1930)
The Revel Plays (1988)
Wayfaring Books (1905-1910)

Rowfant Club (Cleveland, US)
The Wittol Series (1920)

Roy Publishers (New York, US)
English Novelists Series (1951-1954)

Ryerson Press (Toronto, Canada)
Home University Library (1920-1928) [Distribution in Canada]

St. Martin’s Press (New York, US)
The Revel Plays (1988-2000)

The Saltire Society, by Oliver and Boyd, Ltd. (Edinburgh, UK)
Saltire Classics (1939-1971)

A. C. Sandford (Sydney, Australia)
Sandford’s Popular Library (1920)

Alfred Scherz Publishers (Berne, Switzerland)
Scherz Phoenix Books (1942-1952)

Schocken Books (New York, US)
Schocken Library (1947-1962)

Scholarly Press (St. Clair Shores, MI, US)
English Life in English Literature (1971)

Scholartis Press (London, UK)
An Oriental Bazaar (1928-1931)
The Benington Books (1930-1932)
Eighteenth-Century Novels (1928-1929)
Elizabethan Gallery (1928-1934)
Nineteenth-Century Highways and Byways (1927-1929)

Scott, Foresman & Co. (Chicago, US)
Lake English Classics (1893-1930)
Lake Library Edition (1909-1933)

The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. (London, Newcastle-On-Tyne, New York)
Evergreen Library (1925-1940)
Great Writers (1887-1921)
Scott Library (1876-1965)
Thistle Library (1928-1930)

Charles Scribner’s Sons (New York, US)
Batsford’s Half-Guinea Library (1940-1951)
Bric-a-Brac Series (1874-1887)
Caxton Series (1901-1937)
Library of Literary History (1898-1935)
Little Treasury Series (1946-1970)
Mermaid Series (1887-1940)
Modern Standard Authors (1934-1983)
Modern Student’s Library (1917-1931, 1955-1964)
Modern Student’s Library French Series (1928-1936, 1956-1961)
Modern Student’s Library Philosophy Series (1927-1940, 1950-1967)
Muses’ Library (1891-1900)
New Pocket Edition (1906-1939)
Pocket Classics (1917)
Sans Souci Series (1876-1877)
Scribner’s Famous Series (1908-1932)
Scribner’s Popular Fiction Series (1900-1910)
Scribner‘s Popular Series of Copyright Novels (1898-1905)
Theatre Guild Library (1926)
Thin Paper Classics (1904-1909, 1924-1934)
Twentieth Century Library (1950-1980)
Warwick Library (1895-1909)

J.H. Sears Co. (Sears Publishing Co. after 1929) (New York, US)
American Home Classics (1925-1928)
Father and Son Library (1927-1929)
Readers Library (1924-1930)
Royal Blue Library (1925-1930)
Royal Collection (1925-1928)
Royal Red Library (1925-1930)

Martin Secker (London, UK)
The Art and Craft of Letters (1914-1925)
New Adelphi Library (1926-1932)

Secker & Warburg (London, UK)
Searchlight Books (1941-1942)
Star Editions (1945-1953)

Seeley Service & Co. Ltd. (London, UK)
Modern Sports Series (1933-1951)
The Elzevir Library (1908-1915)
Things Seen Series (1920-1958)

The Shakespeare Head (London, UK)
Consol Classics (1946-1949)

The Shakespeare Head Press (Sydney, Australia)
S.H.P. Pocket Classics (1948-1949)

Shakespeare House (New York, US)
Shakespeare House (1951)

Harold Shaylor Ltd. (London, UK)
Modern Writers Series (1930-1931)

Sheed & Ward (London, UK)
Capuchin Classics (1930-1931)
Unicorn Books (1938-1939)

Sibley & Co. (Boston, Chicago, US)
The Students’ Series of English Classics (1889-1917)

Siegle Hill & Co. (London, UK)
Langham Bibelots (1912-1914)
Langham Booklets (1908-1923)
Selected Series (1911-1914)
Queen’s Library of Literary Treasures (1910-1920)

Simon & Schuster (New York, US)
Inner Sanctum Novels (1930)
Pamphlet Poets (1926-1928)

Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Gravure Series (1910-1917)
Quiet Hour Series (1909-1919)
Thin Paper Classics (1924-1934)

Simpkin Marshall & Co. (London, UK)
Abbey Classics (1920-1937)
Cosmos Library (1926)
Evergreen Library (1925-1940)

Sisley’s Ltd. (London, UK)
Novel Books (1908)
Panel Books (1907-1930)
Sisley’s Books (1906-1908)

Skeffington & Son (London, UK)
Toucan Novels (1937-1950)

Small, Maynard & Co. (Boston, USA)
Beacon Biographies (1899-1918)
Abbey Classics (1920-1937)
Roadmaker Series (1924-1926)

Societe Des Beaux-Arts (Paris; London; New York, US)
Comedie d’Amour Series (1905-1915)
Masterpieces of French Literature Series (1905- 1910)

Somerset Books (New York, US)
Somerset Books (1940-1947)

S.P.C.K. Depot (Vepery, Madras, India), S.P.C.K. (London, UK)
Dohnavur Books (1921-1958)

Swan Sonnenschein & Co. (New York, US)
Dilettante Library (1892-1894)
Library of Philosophy (1890-1910)

Southern Illinois University Press (Carbondale, Il, US)
Centaur Classics (1960-1972)

The Spencer Press / Consolidated Book Publishers, Inc. (Chicago, US)
Spencer Library (1936-1941)

Standard Book Co. (New York, US)
Standard Classics (1930-1933)

Stanley Paul & Co. (London, UK)
Essex Library (1913-1920)
International Library (1923-1928)
Lotus Library (1913-1920)
New Novel Library (1921)
Sell at Sight Novels (1919-1922)
Toucan Novels (1937-1950)
Treasure Library (1930-1940)

Stanyan Books (Los Angeles, US)
Stanyan Books (1970-1973)

Star Editions Ltd. (London, UK)
Star Editions (1945-1953)

Stein & Day Inc. (New York, US)
Doughty Library

Frederick A. Stokes Co. (New York)
The Augustan Books of English Poetry (1925-1927)
The Augustan Books of Modern Poetry (1925-1927)
Library of Fiction (1900-1905)
Library of Irish Literature (1910-1915)
Nautilus Library (1929-1930)
Rescue Series (1928-1929)
Romance of Reality (1915)
Thistle Library (1905)
Vignette Edition (1889-1907)

Stone & Kimball (Chicago, US)
Green Tree Library (1894-1906)

Alan Swallow (Denver, US)
American Library (1954)
English Novelists Series (1947-1950)
New Poetry Series (1949-1973)

The Stratford Co. (Boston, US)
Stratford Poets (1927-1935)
Stratford Universal Library (1918)

Sun Dial Press (imprint of Doubleday; Garden City, NY, US)
Center Books (1942-1943)
Hampton Court Edition (1937-1938)

Superior Printing Co. (Akron, Ohio, US)
Superior Library (1910-1915)

Swan Sonnenschein & Co. (London, UK)
Standard Authors Library (1886-1911)

Sythoff (Leiden, Netherlands)
Bibliotheca Neerlandica (1963-1967)

The Talbot Press Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland)
Every Irishman’s Library (1915-1925)
New Era Library (1915-1924)
Noted Irish Lives (1930-1939)

Bernhard Tauchnitz (Leipzig, Germany)
Cabinet Edition of English Classics (1862-1864)
Collection of German Authors (1867-1892)
English Text-Books (1916-1918)
Novel Series (1895-1896)
Students Series (1896-1917)
Tauchnitz Edition (1842-1943)
Tauchnitz Pocket Library (1916-1918)

James Thin: Mercat Press (Edinburgh, UK)
Saltire Classics (1981)

Three Sirens Press (New York, US)
Three Sirens Classics (1930-1940)
See Illustrated Editions Co.

Time-Life Books (New York, US)
Classics of Exploration (1982-1988)
Classics of the Old West (1980-1984)

Transatlantic Arts (New York, US)
Zodiac Books (1942)

Anthony Treherne & Co. (London, UK)
Waistcoat Pocket Classics (1903-1907)

Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd. (London, Paris, New York)
Tiger Series (1929-1934)

Tudor Publishing Co. (New York, US)
Library of Living Classics (1933-1941)

Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. (New York, US)
American Classics 1957-1969 (reprints through 1991)

Unit Library (London, New York)
Unit Library (1902-1904)

United Press Ltd. (London, UK)
Modern Fiction Library (1922)

Universal Library Co. (London, UK; imprint of Hutchinson & Co., London, UK)
Universal Library (1916-1935)

University of Denver Press (Denver, Colorado, USA)
American Biographical Library (1942)
American Fiction Library (1942)

University of Oklahoma Press (Norman, OK, US)
Western Frontier Library (1953-date)

University Publishing Co. (Lincoln, NE, US)
University Classics (1923-1935)

T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. (London, UK)
Adelphi Library (1908-1925)
Cabinet Library (1923-1927)
Colonial Library (1885-1911)
Every Irishman’s Library (1915-1925)
First Novel Library (1902-1927)
Library of Irish Literature (1910-1915)
Library of Literary History (1898-1927)
Mermaid Series (1894-1926)
Pseudonym Library (1880-1903)
Rogue’s Library (1925)
Unwin’s Library (1902-1914)

Urban Verlag (Vienna, Austria)
Buchreihe Unitas (1946)

Valentine & Anderson, Ltd (Scotland, UK)
Thistle Library (1906-1932)

Valentine & Sons Ltd. (Scotland, UK)
Thistle Library (1906-1932)

G.B. van Goor & Zonen (Gouda, Netherlands)
Library of English Literature (1878-1930)

Nicholas Vane (London, UK)
Goldfinch Titles (1947-1949)

Vanguard Press (New York, US)
Vanguard Books (1926-1950)

Viking Press (New York, US)
Broadway Travellers (1931)
Viking Portable Library (1943-date)

Henry Vizetelly & Co. (London, UK)
Mermaid Series (1887-1894)

Joseph F. Wagner (New York)
My Bookcase Series (1920-1928)

John Wanamaker (Philadelphia, New York)
Columbine Library (1884-1920)

Warburg Ltd. (London, UK)
New Adelphi Library (1936-1937)

Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd. (London, UK)
Prize Library (1923-1955)
Series of the Great Poets (1910-1951)
Ward, Lock & Co.’s Sevenpenny Net Novels (1912-1917)
Windsor Library (1904-1937)
World Library (1870-1920)

Frederick Warne & Co. (London, UK; New York, US)
Chandos Classics (1868-1926; reissued series 1926-1980)
Treasure Library (1931-1950)
Welcome Books (1920-1937)

Philip Lee Warner (London, UK; Boston, US) for the Medici Society, Ltd.
Memorabilia (1915-1916)
Riccardi Press Books / Booklets (1909-1926)
Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Riccardiana (1910-1914)

Warwick & York (Baltimore)
Nations’ Library (1912-1915)

Washington Square Press (New York, US)
Russian Library (1967-1968)

Watts & Company (London, UK)
Forum Series (1926-1937)
New Thinker’s Library (1962-1971)
Thinker’s Library (1929-1951)

Weidenfeld & Nicolson (London, UK)
Illustrated Novel Library (1951-1955)

Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., Ltd. (London, UK)
Fathers and Sons Library (1913-1925)
Laurel Series (1928-1929)

S. Wellwood (London, UK)
Wellwood Books (1906-1907)

Arthur Westbrook Co. (Cleveland, US)
Ideal Series (1915-1920)

Western Printing & Lithographing Co. (Racine, Wisconsin, US)
Whitman Home Library (1910-1920)

Willey Book Co. (New York, US)
Comedie d’Amour Series (1935-1940)
Library of World’s Greatest Books (1935-1945)

Williams, Belasco & Meyers (New York, US)
New Classics Library (1930)
See Illustrated Editions Co.

Williams & Norgate (London, UK)
Home University Library (1911-1928)
Library of Contemporary Thought (1926-1931)

Allan Wingate (London, UK)
Crown Classic Library (1962)
Londoner’s Library (1951-1953)

John C. Winston Co. (Philadelphia, US)
Handy Classics (1912-1925)
Ideal Classics (1908-1923)
Winston Companion Classics (1925-1935)

World Book Co. (Yonkers-on-Hudson, N.Y.)
Hawthorne Classics (1914-1924)

World Publishing Co. (Cleveland, New York, US)
Forum Books (1942-1948)
Illustrated Gift Editions (1942-1946)
Living Library (1946-1965)
Tower Books (1939-1948)
World Books (1928-1942)
Also see International Fiction Library

World Syndicate Publishing Co. (Cleveland, New York, US), subsidiary of World Publishing Co. (Cleveland, US; 1928-1935)
Classics Series (1930-1940)
World Books (1928-1942)

World Wide Publishing (New York, US)
World Wide Edition (1929-1930)

A.A. Wyn, Inc. (New York, US)
Mermaid Series (1949-1955)

The Zodiac Press (London, UK; imprint of Chatto & WindusLondon, UK)
Zodiac Press (1946-1985)
