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Workers Unite: Tracing the Evolution and Significance of Labor Day through History, Politics, and Literature by Daniyal Shoukat :: SSRN   »   [go: up one dir, main page]

Workers Unite: Tracing the Evolution and Significance of Labor Day through History, Politics, and Literature

Posted: 15 May 2023

Date Written: April 30, 2023


This paper explores the evolution and significance of Labor Day through the lenses of history, politics, and literature. The origins of Labor Day can be traced back to the late 19th century when workers in the United States began to organize and demand better working conditions, fair wages, and shorter working hours. The paper provides a detailed historical account of the struggle for workers' rights and the role of Labor Day in commemorating the achievements of the labor movement.

The paper also examines the political significance of Labor Day and its impact on labor policies in the United States. It discusses the ways in which Labor Day has been used as a platform for political advocacy and the role of labor unions in shaping labor policy. The paper analyzes the challenges facing the labor movement today and the relevance of Labor Day in the current political climate.

In addition, the paper explores the literary representations of Labor Day in American literature. It examines the ways in which Labor Day has been portrayed in works of fiction and non-fiction, and how these representations reflect the social and political context of their time. The paper analyzes the literary themes and motifs associated with Labor Day, including the celebration of labor, the struggle for workers' rights, and the role of the labor movement in American society.

Overall, this research paper provides a comprehensive analysis of Labor Day's evolution and significance, tracing its history, politics, and representation in literature. It highlights the important role of the labor movement in shaping the United States' social and political landscape and underscores the continued relevance of Labor Day in contemporary debates about labor policy and workers' rights.

Keywords: Labor, Labour, Communist manifesto, Literature, Dark Romanticism, Equality, Workers

JEL Classification: B, J, Y

Suggested Citation

Shoukat, Daniyal, Workers Unite: Tracing the Evolution and Significance of Labor Day through History, Politics, and Literature (April 30, 2023). Available at SSRN:

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