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Olga Trofimenko from Moscow a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Olga Trofimenko the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2019-12-12 , financial damage US $ 5250

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Preview all photos of this scammer, which we have. After clicking on the photo, you will be redirected to Google Images for check Russian scammers photos in the other places. Maybe the photo was stolen in social networks.
russian dating scammer Olga Trofimenko`s photo russian dating scammer Olga Trofimenko`s photo russian dating scammer Olga Trofimenko`s photo russian dating scammer Olga Trofimenko`s photo
Olga Trofimenko`s added scammer photo Olga Trofimenko`s added scammer photo
Is she the russian scammer? All known names (aliases) of this scammer, which we have!
Olga Trofimenko
Olga Trofi
Is she the russian scammer? We known where she lives!
Is she the russian scammer? All known e'mail of this scammer, which we have!
Where you can to Spot and Meet Russian Dating Scammer (site(s), appplication(s))
Is she the russian scammer? For receive your money, she used this Bank Account
Is she the russian scammer? All known phone numbers (usernames on Skype, WhatsApp etc) of this scammer, which we have!
Is She the russian scammer? All known additional details of this scammer, which we have. If we have a text of scammer's letter(s), it'll be remark in this color.

I was cheated a second time by a Russian scammer.
I am a single man in my 40s living in Korea.
I want to get married, so I joined an online dating site.
I started a conversation with a woman living in Moscow, Russia, Her name is "Olga Trofi". She was very kind and wanted to marry me. We exchanged messages on the online dating site for about a month and talked. She wanted to talk to me in private email, and I paid $50 for an online dating site and got her private email address.

She wanted money from me for many reasons. I believed she loved me and sent money for her. But she was talking to several men on various online dating sites, and when I found out, she cut me off. I've asked her to return the money several times, but she hasn't returned it to me, saying she's spent it all.

The reason why I sent her the first remittance is as follows.
As soon as she received my personal email, she sent me the following email.
She told me that she had broken the cafe employee's iPhone by mistake at the cafe and had to sell her laptop computer to pay for the employee's iPhone. So she told me she might not be able to talk to me anymore. I told her I'd pay for the cafe employee's iPhone for her. She was very pleased with my proposal and told me to send the money to Western Union Bank. I remitted her $730.

And a few days later, she said she wanted to learn English for me. She said she wanted to go to an English academy and wanted $1500. I asked her if she had decided to marry me and she said she would marry me. I sent her $1500 for her English academy.
Then another few days later, she said her mother had a bank in debt and that her mother would lose her house if she didn't pay it back by the end of November. She wanted 3000 dollars from me.
I firmly believed that she would be my wife.
So I sent her $3000.
But I heard from a friend of mine that she was talking to other men on an online dating site called "find bride" I found out at that site, that she was dating other men, and I told her the truth.
She told me that another woman stole her identity and was active on the online dating site. But I confirmed to the site's manager that she joined the online dating site herself.
She cut me off.

2019-09-15 (???) 16:01
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2019-09-20 (??€) 02:39
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2019-09-21 (?† ) 00:04
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2019-09-21 (?† ) 01:29
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Russia Moscow Re: I'm getting crazy...

2019-09-23 (?›”) 23:02 ?????????µ?‚ ?????? ?????»???†?µ! ???°?? ???°?? ?????????? ???‚ ?‚?µ?±?? ???????±?‰?µ?????? ?? ?‚???»?????? ???µ???????»?°???? ???‚ ???°???‹, ?? ???°?·???µ ???µ ?????????????»?° ?‡?‚?? ?‡?°???‚?? ?µ?·?¶?? ?? ???µ?? ???° ?????µ ???‹?…???????‹?µ?
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2019-09-30 (?›”) 16:42
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2019-09-30 (?›”) 23:51
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2019-10-01 (?™”) 00:05
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