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Roza Pavlovskaya (Sochi, Russia) from Barnaul a Russian scammer? ScamCheck dating scammer.

Is Roza Pavlovskaya (Sochi, Russia) the Russian scammer?
She appeared in our database from 2007-03-22 , financial damage US $ 250

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Roza Pavlovskaya (Sochi, Russia)
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Roza Pavlovskaya (Sochi, Russia)I am a single, white american, 42. Someone has been adding profiles for me on various Internet dating sites, including fellowshiplive.com. Roza began a correspondence with me on the basis of a nearly empty profile on fellowshiplive, although it would take about a week for me to actually see that profile. Rozas notes are nearly verbatim copies of notes to someone named John from a previously noted scammer named Marina Moskvicheva (Barnaul, Russia). There are slight differences and insertions to give token answers to some of our individual questions. The physical data (height and weight) and photos are different, but the letters are the same. In her last note to me (#9) she speaks of money troubles and gives her full name and address: ROZA PAVLOVSKAYA Russia, 354000, Sochi, Chernomorskaya 158 - 35. I sent her what I thought was the next note in her series, but with names and genders reversed, as appropriate. Too subtle for her! So I sent another note giving her the URL of her letters (as Marina), and taking her to task for her deception. I will also contact her ISP, yandex.ru. No money was sent. The entire correspondence took place from July 5 through July 24. Below are some of her notes. Note the correspondence with Marinas notes, found at womenrussiadotcom/blackpage76.htm#moskvicheva

Letter #2 : Introduction Hi, my dearest friend David! I am writing you from Russia, from my city called Sochi. I saw your profile in fellowshiplive.com and I decided to use my chance to get acquainted with you. I know that somewhere in this world lives my second half. And Internet is a good way to find him. So why not to try to get to know each another? I believe that I need to tell you more about myself. My name is Roza. My height is for about 170 cm and weight is for about 54 kg. I was born on July 1,1974, i.e 28 y.o. I become a Christian (Russian Orthodox) in my childhood. So, and you? As I told, I have blond hair now, my own hair is a little darker, and my eyes are green. Well, to have a better idea of my appearance you can look at my picture attached to this letter. I want to apologize for some mistakes in my letter. You see, I am not very good in English, I think, but I am studying it hard myself and hope to prove my knowledge someday. As for my family, I am an only child in my family. I have no sisters and brothers. I have cousins. My parents are divorced for long time already. My father left us when I was still a little girl and I havent seen him since that time. It is really very sad and I am always very upset thinking about it. So I am looking for the person who will be a reliable husband, friend, lover for me, who loves children because I adore children and would like to have a happy, friendly family and our children to live in the atmosphere of joy and happiness. It is my dream to create my own family and to present all my love, care and tenderness to my future husband and children. I have many interests and I will tell you about it in brief. Well, I cant imagine my life without music. I get up with music and go to bed with it. I always listen to music when I do something at home and it helps me to be in a high spirit. I like everything from classical to modern music. Usually it depends on my mood. From modern foreign music, I prefer Elton John, Madonna, Joe Cocker, Shakira, Houston, etc. I always try to find some time during the day to read a book. Usually I do it before going to bed. I prefer Russian classics, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevski and many others. I have re-read them many times already and every time I take one of these books, it is like I am reading it for the first time. I am sure you have heard about these writers. Sometimes I dont mind to read something from the modern literature, detective stories or novels. I do it just for fun. Sport is a great part of my life. I go to the gym twice a week and also do aerobics. It helps me to be in a good shape and in a high spirit. When I am training, I forget about all problems and hardships in my life. I love my friends a lot and I have many of them. They are all very different and it is always a great pleasure to see them. Sometimes we go to the nightclubs but do it seldom because it is rather expensive for me. We like just to walk around the town and talk about different things. We often go to visit each another, it so nice to sit at home with a cup of hot tea in the cold winter evening. We often go to the cinema and enjoy our time there. When I watch a movie, it is like I am getting to that unusual for me world full of emotions, passion, love and tenderness. You see I am very romantic and I like Romantic dinners with the candles, surprises, night walks under the stars and many, many another things and some day I hope to experience all these with my beloved man. I want to say some words about my city, as you now it is located on the Black sea on the south of Russia. So we have good weather in summer, we go to swim, to lying on the sun, play beach volleyball etc. So, we have guests from other cities in our city in summer. Well, please if you can tell me about your city? What interesting you have in your city? Well, I will close here for today and leave something for tomorrow I am waiting impatiently for your reply and hope to get to know as much as possible about you. I really like you and have very serious intentions. So feel free to ask me everything you are interested in. Take care and have a good day! Hope to hear from you very soon. See ya! Roza. Letter #3 : Happy in the Internet cafeHi, my dear David! I was so happy to get a letter from you today! I had the feeling inside that I will get a reply from you. So when I went to the Internet cafe I was in a high spirit. You see, I dont have telephone and my own computer at home, so I have to go to the Internet cafe to check if there is a mail from you. It was so amazing to get a letter from you, that I was smiling all the time and people looked at me like I was crazy. After getting a letter from you I went to work. I think that you are interested to know where I work. So I work as a nurse in the kindergarten. I like my profession and job very much. You already know that I adore children and when I look at them, I feel that I will be a very good mother. But at the same time I understand that it is a great responsibility and I will do my best to give everything to my baby. By the way, may be I do not say you that I am not married and I do not have any children. You know, it is a very beautiful time of the year here. It is my favorite season! So, just imagine for yourself, I am walking down the street, and I am thinking about you. Of course, I dont know you well and you dont know me. After some letters it may be strange for you to hear these words. The meeting will decide everything but I have the feeling that everything will work for us. I am sure that everything will be fine and that we could be happy together. You know, I am going to the church not so often, usually I am going every Saturday, so and now I will be pray for us!!! The time will just show everything to us. As soon as we see each another we will understand it. It is just the matter of time and we need to be patient. I want to say you what are my favorites, my favorite color is green, but sometime I like red and my favorite figure is 3. And what about you? Ok, I will send this letter to you and will go home. It is already late and the Internet cafe is rather far from my place. At this time of the day it is very difficult with the transport. I must going on city transport, because I do not have my own car, but I can drive, I learn it earlier. So, and you can spend an hour at the bus stop to get a bus or trolley bus. But the thoughts about you help me to spend that time! All my thoughts are with you, do you feel it? See you later. Warm hugs, Roza.Letter #5 : Mom Hi, sunshine David! How are you there? You are the best what I have in my life and I am not alone any more. Every time I go to the Internet cafe, it is a date with you. It is the greatest even for me during the day. I even cant find the words to describe what feelings I have when I get a message from you. It is like a storm. I forget about the world around me- only you and I in the whole world. But every fairy-tale has the end -sometimes sad, sometimes happy. I hope that we will have the happy end, what do you think???????? Thank you very much for your beautiful and very funny photo! I must say to you that I pick you up because I feel it in my heart that you are interesting to me and I do not mistake! Now I want to tell you about our church. I go with my mom to the church every week, usually in Saturdays. I can tell you that our God help us to live in this hard world, because my soul is crying so often when these tragedies happened in all over the world. And in our church we pray for us and for all people in the world. I think that it is help all of us! Do you think so? Well, I decided to talk to my mom about you yesterday. I was a little bit afraid to do it. The reason is that she loves very much and of course, like every mother she worries about me. It is not an easy step to leave everything you have and move to the strange country for you. The country, you know nothing about. But I am sure that with you I would be feel safe and secure and that I have nothing to be afraid of. I told this to my Mom and read some points from your letter. She told me that she trusts me. And if I am happy, she is happy too. She thinks that you are a good, reliable, honest, kind and caring person. And she wishes us only happiness and good luck. But of course, only the meeting will show us if we really were made for each another. I am sure already that you are my second half. We really have much in common and I admire and respect you. Tomorrow we are going to visit my aunt (my mothers elder sister). She is the only one left in our family. My grandparents died and I miss them very much. I loved them very much. My aunt, her name is Katya, lives in the countryside not far from our city. She is 56 years old and she is often ill. So we often go to visit her and to help with everything we can. She loves me like her own daughter and always very glad to see me. I will write you after that. So I will close here, dear. I cant write you long letters because the services of the internet-cafe are very expensive. Take care. Kisses and hugs. You are always with me in my heart. Yours, Roza.Letter #8 : Fantasy Hi, my honey David! It is already a tradition for me to go to the Internet cafe. But frankly speaking, it is the best what is going on during my day. I enjoy every letter I get from you and I re-read them several times. I want to share my life with you; I want to be always with you, to feel your warmth and care. I am a very emotional, passionate, hot-tempered woman and it is usual for me to show my feelings. May be it seems strange for you, we havent met with you in the real life, we have only letters which I cherish but I have the feeling that we know each another for ages. Hope you are not scared with all these and you understand me. The most important in the relations between two people, man and woman, love, of course, mutual understanding, respect. Two people should trust each other at first, understand, and care about each another. His life will be my life and I will give him all my love, care and tenderness. Lets fantasy a little bit. Imagine:^?…^?…^?…^?…^?….. night, romance, we are alone in the room, we turn on the music and dance slowly. I look into your eyes, they are so deep and you look in mine, they are full of emotions. I see your lips, so soft and I want to kiss them. We love each another and the minute is an eternity^?….. Or so^?….. you are coming back from work. I am waiting for you. I have cooked a very tasty dinner and we are sitting at the table, you tell me the news, about your work and I am just listening to you. I dont need anything else. I just enjoy the moments I spend with you. Then we go to the living room and watch the movie. We are sitting on the sofa, hugging and kissing. Just the calm evening^?…. Or so ^?….. weekend, we are cooking breakfast for our children, they are running near us - a boy and a girl. After breakfast we are going to walk, we are having picnic, then we are going to see our friends and we come back home tired but so happy. We spent a day with our family. Children are sleeping already and we are alone. We are making love and the whole night is not enough for us. Tomorrow one more week will begin and it will be even better^?…^?…^?…^?…. We have on camping a lot of fun, we play deferent games we go to swim and we are lying on the sun. Basically, everything was all right! That photo was not from this camping, and unfortunately we forget photo camera to this camping. Well, enough with my dreams^?… Write me, please, your thoughts about it. I am waiting impatiently for your reply, sunshine. Hot kisses for you. Your baby Roza. Letter #9 : Money problemsHello, David!!!!!!! How are you there? Ok? One more day without you, my dear! Only your letters help me not to be sad. Today I am going to visit aunt Katya. Mom cant go with me, she need to work. And after I finish my work, I will go to see her. She still didnt recover and I worry about her a lot. She is not a young girl and she needs my care. The weather is bad today, the sky is so gray, cloudy and the cold wind is blowing. I am in a low spirit today, you are far from me and there are so many problems. There is one more thing, which upsets me, I already told you that the service of the Internet cafe is rather expensive and I cant write you so often, but I will be try to do it, Ok? And you write me as often as you want. It is Ok! You know, I still havent got my salary. It upsets me very much. I hate this situation. Money is nothing; its simply a piece of paper! But at the same time we cant live without it. I wish I could have much money to write as much as I can and as often as I wish. But alas! Ok, lets close this sad topic. I really need to go, dear. I miss you badly. By the way I want to give you my full name is ROZA PAVLOVSKAYA and my home address is Russia, 354000, Sochi, Chernomorskaya 158 - 35. So, you know this now. Tomorrow I will go to the church and will pray for you and for us. And I will thank the God that I have you in my life now. Thank you. Kisses and hugs!!!! Your one and only, Roza.
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