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Author and Citation Information for "Domination"

The latest version of the entry "Domination" may be cited via the earliest archive in which this version appears:

McCammon, Christopher, "Domination", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/domination/>.
The citation above refers to the version in the following archive edition:

Please note that you are being asked to cite a URL that is in a fixed, archived edition of the encyclopedia. The reason for this is that the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy recommends that readers cite a stable document for scholarly purposes. You should not cite the dynamic portion of the encyclopedia.

Archive Schedule
Spring:March 21
Summer:June 21
Fall: September 21
Winter:December 21
This entry was first published on Thu Nov 8, 2018. It was last modified on Nov 15, 2018.

BibTeX Citation String (Current Version in Winter 2018 Archive)

There are over 50 BibTeX styles and no standard format that is guaranteed to work for all 50. So, we suggest you use our string as a 'useful suggestion' that might need to be adapted for your particular BibTeX file. Also note that the double braces around the title is to preserve capitalization. You may wish to edit that as well.

	author       =	{McCammon, Christopher},
	title        =	{{Domination}},
	booktitle    =	{The {Stanford} Encyclopedia of Philosophy},
	editor       =	{Edward N. Zalta},
	howpublished =	{\url{https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2018/entries/domination/}},
	year         =	{2018},
	edition      =	{{W}inter 2018},
	publisher    =	{Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University}