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The Spike Golden Jubilee Number May 1949


page 39


Seaforth Mackenzie's line
Brought friends together—
Sang he, 'When air's like wine
In sunny weather.'

When on life's stony way
I trip and stumble,
That lovely lilting lay
Stills all my grumble:

Helps through the bad bits,
Lifts all the gloom,
Cheers in my sad fits,
Brightens my room.

Ring through the years to be,
Glad songs of youth;
Bringing the waters free,
Quenching our drouth!

Ring through the years to be,
O'er land and waters,
Heartening Victoria's
True sons and daughters.

Seaforth's Mackenzie's line
Brought friends together—
Sang he, 'When air's like wine
In sunny weather.'

Beryl G. Osborne

(nee Armstrong)

Horsham Downs, Waikato