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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review September 1921

The Fulfilment of a Promise

page 28

The Fulfilment of a Promise.

Sir,—On many occasions I have seen on the notice-boards notices to this effect: " Photos of . . . . . . . . . . . are still awaiting collection by following, by whom subscription of . . . . . . . . is due," and then follows a list of names of students. The most-recent and glaring example is in connection with "The Spike."

Is this habit of repudiation a usual one among 'Varsity students, or is it a custom peculiar to Victoria College For most certainly no decent secondary school would permit such a practice, and no business man who valued his reputation would think of doing such a thing. I was always under the impression that honour, if I be found and valued anywhere, would be most preciously regarded in a place such as this; but apparently I am wrong, and a 'Varsity student is no more to be trusted than the shiftiest business crook. Surely it is a strange education which fails to teach that "My word is my bond!"

It might be suggested that there are only isolated examples of this repudiation of promises, but scarcely a person who undertakes to distribute photos, of any group at College but is faced with having to pay out of his own pocket because of such repudiation. And when out of 400 students who signed written promises to take "The spike" we have a list of over 150 who fail to collect their copy, this can scarcely be called "isolated examples."

Surely when those responsible for the issue and distribution of the magazine spend many hours of their time in such issue and distribution, the students who have signed their written promises to take the magazine can at hast find the few minutes necessary to collect such copy and not leave still another debt to be shouldered by the willing few on their behalf.

Is there no remedy for this habit? Appeals to conscience and honour have no effect, for apparently this class of student is deficient in both of these.

Yours Faithfully,

A. S. Tonkin.