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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, October 1904

Victoria College?

Victoria College?

Thou shalt be greater than the city that lies
Beneath thee; though the wave curve tender foam
Athwart her beach, thou hast a fairer home,
Where mountains watch thee with eternal eyes,
Within thy sanctuary men shall prize
The charm of Greece, the majesty of Rome,
And science through thy starry-circled dome
Shall trail her robe of unimagined dyes.
As thou hast gathered round thee all that brood
Of sacrifice for knowledge, who foresee
Regeneration, humbleness and faith
Won through the yoke of Pallas, thou wilt be
Memory for those who build thy walls, when Death
Had given them else forgotten solitude

Hubert Church.

page 57
Students Types No. 3-"Bellator."

Students Types No. 3-"Bellator."

(For Coat of arms see page 16.)

"Hech gather! Hech gather! hech gather aroun',
An' I'll fill a' your lugs wi' the exquisite soun'."