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Hilltop: A Literary Paper. Volume 1 Number 2

2 Sea Change

2 Sea Change

From dunes where once the Maori ovens burning
Calcined the clay, and now the groundlark nests
Among swordgrass, I watch where the bland sea rests
In Ovidian deluge over fields, and spurning
Tangle of stack and byre high on the smoking crests
Till but the primeval tumuli remain, drowned breasts
Suckling limitless ocean, the land to womb returning.

When fish fill churches and sleek dolphins browse
Upon land-herbage, then our earth will know
Utopian quiet. Till that time I dowse
For buried fountains, bid the thistle grow
Ripe figs, and harvest summer grapes in snow—
Lend my vain wor4ds to prop a falling house.