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The Kia ora coo-ee : the magazine for the ANZACS in the Middle East, 1918

Christmas Song

Christmas Song.

The fires of hope were dying,
And Juda's heart was cold;
The pristine wealth was lying
Beneath the hoary mould;
The Land of Christ and David,
Where Christian faith was born,
Seemed weary, and content to sleep
Till resurrection morn.

Then life and high elation
Came laughing from the south,
Where voiceless desolation
Had mated with the drouth;
And Christmas came to greet us
By hill and palmy hord,
When all the bells of Bethlehem
Were pealing forth to God.

The foeman's power is broken,
And happy is Judaea,
So let us weave a token
Of love, and Christmas cheer;
Oh, let us send a greeting
To hearts that yearn afar.
For we shall soon be sailing home
Triumphant, from the war.