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The New Zealand Survey

Auld Jamie Waft.—A Song

“New Zealand Survey”: Page 158.

Auld Jamie Waft.—A Song.

Tune—Laird o’ Cockpen.

There’sauld Jamie Waft, that wins o’er in the swamp,
He shews aye a courage that naething can damp;
So come all ye gawkins, what e’re be your craft,
And learn from the history of auld Jamie Waft.

War; Liberty; Love; OppressionAuld Jamie had been a bright weaver of old,
And seldom was favored with silver or gold;
Though early and late he would ply at his craft,
Still blythe as a linnet was auld Jamie Waft.

And when to New Zealand auld Jamie did come,
To follow dame fortune and seek a fresh home;
In meeting with hardships he never shew’d saft,
But stick to his colours did auld Jamie Waft.

For Jamie when landed had scarcely a shilling,
But had a stout heart and twa hands that were willing
For all kind o’ wark though professing no craft;
So naething could wrang come tae auld Jamie Waft.

Though whiles he gat fuddled, ’twas seldom kenn’d how,
But aye he contrived to keep out of a row;
While driving a bargain, he never look’d daft,
For gleg was the man that outdid Jamie Waft.

Though Jamie said yes, when he often meant no,
To do what he said he was seldom found slow;
While o’er an advantage he inwardly laugh’d,
Then wha was sae chatty as auld Jamie Waft.

page 159“New Zealand Survey”: Page 159.

Prosperity; HomeNow laird of the land the auld man has become,
With plenty tae mak’ up the comforts of home;
When he sits with a friend o’er a pipe and a draught,
Langsyne is remember’d by auld Jamie Waft.