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The New Zealand Survey

The Young Bride

“New Zealand Survey”: Page 156.

The Young Bride.

Tune—Lass of Glenshee.

Society; MoralityYoung Mary sat busy her needle-work plying,
While stitching a shirt-breast of linen so fine;
With love’s sweetest smile on her rosy cheeks playing,
Bespeaking heart joys little short of divine.
As nicely she pointed her needle, how neatly
Each stitch did appear in due order so fair,
Thus closely intent on her task, which completely
Absorb’dev’ry thought as the sum of her care.

And oft as her work she review’d, oh! how sweetly
The mark of approval would beam from her eye;
Her bosom still throbbing with pleasure, as meetly
She thus an expression did give to her joy:
“I know my dear Henry does kindly regard me,
Which makes me delight in such favors to shew,
To see him wear this, oh! how much ’twill reward me
As proof of that love he would freely bestow.

page 157“New Zealand Survey”: Page 157.

When first his attentions he paid me, how kindly
He spoke, that I could not but hear to his love;
Though oft seeming shy and repelling, yet fondly
I could not but all his advances approve!
But, oh! the delight that did thrill through his bosom,
To which I was strain’d when I own’d myself his,
I ne’er can forget, as amid my confusion
He warmly impressed on my cheek a sweet kiss.

My parents, though kind, may appear disconcerted,
Yet I am of age, and the choice is my own!
He’s active and candid, and ever true hearted,
Nor can I in truth, his kind offer disown!
Through life as we journey, our industry joining,
’Twill not be our fault should we fail in succes;
But doing our best will shut out all repining;
As our’s is a love Heaven surely will bless!