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Collected Poems

Now that You've Found the Way, You Must Come and See us Again

page 160

Now that You've Found the Way, You Must Come and See us Again

Canon for two voices

Well, thank God that's over, I don't want to go through another evening like this in a hurry …

Me neither and I don't intend to; I'm not asking them again, don't worry …

I never in all my life heard a grown man talk such a lot of nonsense…

He doesn't know the first thing about anything and she's a perfect fool, they're worse even than the Johnsons …

Yes, and although he's a dreadful bore and she's a malicious gossip I'd swear I'd rather have even the Burtons…

And the dress she was wearing, did you notice, it looked as if it had been knocked together out of some old curtains…

It was awfully silly of you to invite them at all, you know, knowing what they were like…

I did nothing of the sort, it was you who said drop in and see us some time, any time at all…

Well if you call that an invitation, but anybody in their sane senses would take it as an indication that we'd rather they didn't call…

All right, all right, for God's sake don't nag …

I'm not nagging; I'm just telling you, and there's no need to get out your rag…

Well, you go on and on and on, you give me a thick head…
For God's sake wind the clock and put out the cat and let's go to bed…