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Experiment 12

The Perennial Dragon

page 33

The Perennial Dragon

Feel the stirring age old dragon,
Heaving shake and split the ground
Break its body's graveyard windings,
Raise its head and gaze around.

Shamble forth renew its battle,
Death, decay, destruction bring,
What unleashed this ancient monstrous
tyrant dinosaurial king ?

As in antique Chinese paintings,
On two legs erect it stands,
Clawing mammon's frail defences,
Moneys, profits, interest, lands.

None who fight withstand this dragon,
Never fought by us before ,
Rather worshipped as saviour,
Thunder Father, God of war.

Only when its task completed,
Leaves the world a smoking fire,
Ravaged, wrecked, the remnants smoulder,
Cinders, soot, black charred ash pyre.

Only when the dragon sated,
Drags itself away to rest,
Waiting foolish priestly leaders,
To invoke its curses blest.

Only then the threefold Goddess,
Displays her gifts; Disputes the earth,
Loves despite still as she pleases,
Gives always death yet sometime birth.