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Experiment 12


page 7


A milkman is like a mole.
He burrows thru the night
With his cold hands sticking out beside him.
Do you not pity this poor unwanted creature ?
Milk makes a neverending fountain
In his bottletop brain.
His hairy scottish hands hold our milk upright
He scuttles from the light
Like a creature in a fright.

He longs to escape from the wetness of glowworm tokens -
If the cow burst does he rush to save them.

Do you get a milkman in a bottle every morning ?
The milkman does.
Nor does he complain.
Did you ever get a COW in a bottle ?
Bottles are the wrong shape anyway
So are cows.
The milkman is too sleepy to notice.

What a misshapen nocturnal creature is a milkman!
Clawing his way over the broken bottle tops,
He attains pasteurization.