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Experiment 8


page 32


It's a little closer now, and now;
And now: the accepted time is
Now is the day.

And it's a great day for the race today:
- The Newman, Youman Race
That Grinds Through Space
At Jagging Pace
Without The Grease -
And we'll just wait
for a moment -

For when the numbers do go up
You may receive a big surprise,
A genuine giant economy size,
Custombilt and chromium-plated,
Supercharged high-octane-rated,
Synchromatic, antistatic,
Guided missile.
(with your own name engraved on the warhead!)
The Judge's decision will be final
And no correspondence will be entered into.

But I never had a chance,
My parents were of two different sexes.
Nature or Nurture?
The iniquity of the fathers upon the children
How many Japs hate God?
Four generations?
More mutations?
Sterilize Nips and limit nippers
I'm all white,
It's the Wogs and the Chows and the Hindu cows.
The yellow horde stirs to the winds of change
Like mid-West golden wheat that's sold,
Or stored, or even burned
For profit.
Yon Capitalist has a sleek unhungry look.

Thou art of them also.
Will you lose sleep; or weep;
Or feed my people?
You don't want to join the Ku-Klux-Klan?
Try passive assistance.
The quality of mercy

- Are You Anti-Semitic? -

Of one man, not man, exceeds a multitude,
And covers a multitude - of sins.
Don't tell me
Was a Jew

Get off my back and let me be!
For what have I to do with thee?
God helps those who
Ask and it shall be given.
Think on of Number One,
Join Jonah at Joppa:
The Judge's decision will be.
page 33 I aint got no new commandment;
It's the Law of the Jungle:
I'm just an ordinary man.
(The deodorant for social security.)
And he was sad at that saying
And went away in his grey flannel suit.

Is it for me to say
How many beans make five?
That's the sixty-four dollar question:
Heads or tails?
The older you get, the wiser you grow;
The more you learn the less you know.

"Can I be of any assistance?"
"No, just looking thanks."
"There's nothing else available like this."
"I think I'll leave it for now."
But Now Is
"That's a bit more than I'm prepared to pay."
But Now Is The
"I may come back later,"
But Now Is The Day
"If I can't get it cheaper."
But Now Is The Day Of
"What shall a man give in exchange?"

No correspondence will be entered into.
Entries close on ...