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Experiment 7

Lunar Eclipse

page 41

Lunar Eclipse

("In such a night..." Merchant of Venice 5.1.1-28.)

Ton's on the roof
With the stars above
And yowls for Min
And a careless love,
With scuffle and scuttle
And scamper on tin,
To fret my ears
With a sensual din.
I count my worries,
I count my woes,
And all's for aught
And nobody knows;
But knowing's the trouble
And gives us pause
And ties our love
With a thousand laws.
Tom's on the roof
And you and I
Gaze at the moon
In the self-same sky,
But the noon's Just a light
For torn and Min
And love is a need
Untouched by sin.
I gaze at the moon
And share my plight
With history
And fancy's flight;
Flight and passion,
All make one,
Time before
And time to come;
Only now,
My mood to please,
The moon outshone
Shines on Louise!