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Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride (1997) / Chapter Skim
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Pages 1-20

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From page 1...
... The overall project is a comprehensive effort undertaken by the Stancling Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI Committee) of the Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, with the involvement of Health Canacia.
From page 2...
... WHAT ARE DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES? Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIsJ are reference values that can be used for planning and assessing cliets for healthy populations and for many other purposes.
From page 3...
... Recommended Dietary Allowances The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDAJ is the average tinily clietar,v intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97 to 98 percent) inclivicluals in a life stage and gentler group.
From page 4...
... For example, the AI for young infants, for whom human milk is the recommencleci sole source of food for the first 4 to 6 months, is baseci on the estimated ciaily mean nutrient intake supplied by human milk for healthy, full-term infants who are exclusively breastfeci. The main intencleci use of the AI is as a goal for the nutrient intake of inclivicluals.
From page 5...
... When ciata about aciverse effects are extremely limited, extra caution may be warranted. COMPARISON OF RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCES AND ADEQUATE INTAKES Although the RDA and AI are used for the same purpose setting goals for intake by inclivicluals the RDA differs from the AI.
From page 6...
... At intakes above the UL, the risk of adverse effect may increase. Calcium In this report, three major approaches were considered in deriving the AIs for calcium calcium balance studies of subjects consuming variable amounts of calcium, a factorial model using calcium accretion baseci on bone mineral accretion ciata, and clinical trials which investigated the response of change in bone mineral content/density or fracture rate to varying calcium intakes.
From page 7...
... uncertainties in the methods inherent in and the precise nutritional significance of values obtained from the balance studies that form the basis of the desirable retention model clescribeci in the previous paragraph, (2) the lack of concorciance between observational and experimental ciata (mean calcium intakes in the United States and Canada are much lower than are the experimentally cleriveci values required to achieve desirable calcium retention)
From page 8...
... With fluoride, the data are strong on risk reduction, but the evidence upon which to base an actual requirement is scant, thus driving the decision to adopt an AI as the reference value. INDICATOR OF NUTRIENT ADEQUACY The DRIs represent a new paradigm for the nutrition community: three of the reference values are defined by a specific indicator of nutrient adequacy, which may relate to the reduction of the risk of chronic disease or clisorclers; the fourth is clefineci by a specific inclicator of excess where one is available.
From page 9...
... The information reviewed came primarily from published calcium balance studies and calcium accretion ciata. These ciata were combined with information on bone mineral content and density using the new clual-energy x-ray absorptiometry technology Willing new insights into calcium neecis at various stages of the lifespan.
From page 10...
... USES OF DIETARY REFERENCE INTAKES Uses of the DRIs are summarized in the following Box S-1: For statistical reasons that will be aciciresseci in a future report, the EAR is greatly preferred over the RDA for use in assessing the nutrient intake of groups. Internationa;t Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes Until more is known about the prevalence of chronic disease risk and habitual nutrient intakes in other countries, the implications of these DRIs should be used with caution outside the United States and Canada.
From page 11...
... SUMMARY 11 the nutrient, providing clietary supplements, or a combination of the three methocis. It is not the function of this report, given the scope of work outlined, to provide an analysis of the impact of using these three methocis.
From page 12...
... It is not the function of this report, given the scope of work (see Appendix A, Origin and Framework of the Development of Dietary Reference Intakes) , to aciciress in detail applications of the DRIB, including considerations necessary for the assessment of adequacy of intakes of various population groups and for planning for intakes of populations or for groups with special needs.
From page 13...
... nutrient intake on functional outcomes related to specific diseases is urgently neecleci in order to optimize nutrient recommenciations. Examples of such research include: · clietary calcium, peak bone mass and fracture risk · clietary calcium and prostate cancer · clietary calcium and renal stones
From page 14...
... c) For children ages 1 through 18 years, research is needed to evaluate the dietary intakes of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamin D required to optimize bone mineral accretion, especially in relation to changing age ranges for the onset of puberty and growth spurts.
From page 15...
... For healthy infants fed human milk, AI is an estimated mean intake. Some seemingly healthy individuals may require higher calcium intakes to minimize risk of osteopenia and some individuals may be at low risk on even lower intakes.
From page 17...
... 17 o V: 40 · · ~ V, V, 40 · · · u Cal U
From page 18...
... AI is used if the scientific evidence is not available to derive an EAR. For healthy infants fed human milk, AI is the estimated mean intake.
From page 19...
... For healthy infants fed human milk, AI is the mean intake. The observed estimate of nutrient intake that reduces the incidence of dental caries maximally in a group of healthy people.

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