Amateur boxer fights two men in ‘distressing’ Belfast street brawl

Carson McAdams was filmed exchanging punches with two men on the Shankill Road

Carson McAdams in the street brawl in Belfast

Footage of the Belfast fight

Carson McAdams was filmed exchanging punches with two men on the Shankill Road

Steven Moore

This is the moment an amateur boxer fought two men at the same time in broad daylight on a Belfast street.

Carson McAdams was filmed exchanging dozens of punches with two men on the Shankill Road on Wednesday afternoon.

The brawl took place outside the premises of a well-known firm of solicitors at around 3pm as kids made their way home from school.

The PSNI confirmed it is investigating the incident after it received a report of an alleged assault taking place.

The video clip, which has been widely shared, shows father-of-one Carson McAdams in a yellow T-shirt exchanging punches with a man wearing a blue Chelsea football top and workman’s trousers.

One member of the public can be heard saying ‘Oh f**k’ as almost immediately a second man, wearing a black T-shirt, wades in to attack McAdams.

Carson McAdams was filmed exchanging dozens of punches with two men on the Shankill Road

At one stage someone is heard shouting “Ah there’s two of them on him”.

Seconds later a man can be heard shouting at the two men fighting with McAdams, “Hey, f**king leave him alone”.

At that point it seems the man in the Chelsea top goes to confront the man shouting at him, but it’s not seen in the video.

McAdams continues fighting with the other man before he’s brought to the ground, but members of the public can be heard telling the men to leave McAdams alone and it appears they leave the scene.

Shortly after that incident McAdams posted a video in a bid to explain what had happened.

He named the two men he was fighting with and made an allegation about his car which he said was burnt out the night before, of which he also posted pictures.

He then detailed how he saw both men on the street and said he told them, “No sweat, come and have a fair dig, I’ll fight the both of you. I fought the both of them. [Name removed] came over and tried to swing for me, I knew it was coming so I slipped, bang, left-right.

Carson McAdams under attack in Belfast

“[Name of second man removed] hit me right on the nose and I hit him a big [inaudible] and he felt it just swinging like f**k with my back up against the wall. And then I grabbed [name removed] and I tried to put him on his hole and he swiped me and then everyone split it up.

“I fought the both of them at the exact same time the two f**kers. Never do that on me again and I tell you what I’m not f**king finished with them.”

McAdams has had several fights under the badge of the Irish Independent Boxing Union and fought most recently in February at the Ulster Hall in Belfast. According to his Facebook profile he works as a painter, plasterer and landscape gardener.

The Sunday World approached him for comment on the brawl but he didn’t respond. People who know him described him as “decent big fella”.

“Carson is a decent big fella who is usually a gentle giant I’d describe him as,” they said. “I don’t know what this was all about but it’s not like him to be fighting on the street like that. People would have a lot of time for Carson round here.

“The video going ‘round is distressing, nobody like to see two ganging up on one, but Carson seemed more than able to handle it.”

News Catch Up: Wednesday 19th June 2024

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