Why is Elon Musk taking away our ability to snoop on our exes?

Likes will no longer be viewable on X... a move which represents another poorly thought-out change to a disintegrating website

User likes on Twitter/X will no longer be viewable by default

Ryan Coogan
© UK Independent

I’ve never really been clear about what the purpose of a Twitter/X “like” is, from the perspective of the “liker”. If I actually like a tweet enough to share it with my friends, I’ll retweet it. If it’s especially good, maybe I’ll screenshot it. A “like” is just so non-committal, like a pity laugh, or replying “yeah man, that’s crazy” to a story you were only half listening to.

One thing “likes” are especially good for, though, is getting an insight into the preferences and predilections of friends, coworkers and celebrities. Sure, Jim from accounting probably won’t post about any of their embarrassing hobbies on their main feed, but click on his profile’s “like” tab and suddenly it’s Naruto fan-art all the way down.