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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 77 of 112

LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 71 Y Z X x marks the spot yesteryear Zanzabar Last year, festivalgoers gave us a few tips about making the perfect totem, aka a "people fnder." The frst Forecastle was in 2002 at Tyler Park (before fnding its permanent home at Waterfront Park, the festival also called Cherokee Park, the Mellwood Arts Center, and the Belvedere home). McKnight estimates 40 people showed up in year one. That number includes the bands. "Everybody who comes up to me and says they were there? I doubt it," McKnight says. "It has to be shiny." "It's gotta catch your eye." "Glow-in-the- dark paint." "It can't be heavy." "You have to make it; you can't just buy it." Z-bar owners/brothers Antz and Jon Wettig have close ties with Forecastle's beginnings. For starters, Antz used to be one of the festival's offcial photographers. And up- and-coming artists often play Zanzabar (2100 S. Preston St.) before becoming more established and playing Forecastle. "Each year when the lineup comes out, we go down the list and say, 'That band's played here, that band's played here,'" Jon says. "When Sleigh Bells played Z-bar in 2010, they had just blown up. There were people out front with signs saying 'We need tickets' like it was the Yum! Center. Sleigh Bells played Forecastle a few years later and gave us a shout-out from the stage. I had like 25 missed calls from people telling me, 'Man, Sleigh Bells just said Zanzabar. Twice!" Though Zanzabar has never hosted an "offcial" Forecastle after-party, the place has been known to draw a post-festival crowd. "When My Morning Jacket headlines, they'll make an appearance," Antz says. "That's always cool for people coming in from out of town who're not used to it." Photo Courtesy of JK McKnight

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