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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 24 of 112

18 LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 FLASH BACK Louisville Magazine July 1986 Vol. 37/No. 7 On the cover: Our "And the winners are…" cover teased our inaugural Best of Louisville awards, with a red-nailed hand ripping open the envelope/cover to reveal three photos: WHAS' Melissa Forsythe wearing zebra- striped earrings, a dessert known as a "zebra brownie" and an actual zebra. Were zebras big in '86? Inside: Who determined the frst Best of Louisville winners? Readers "who took the considerable time to fll out a 40-question ballot." Two so-'80s categories: travel agency and VHS rental shop. We asked journalist/ curmudgeon John Ed Pearce to fll out his own ballot, and he penned an essay about his "favorites and pet hates." "I'll tell you what I don't like about Louisville: The people here talk during movies," he wrote. "They throw trash out their car windows." On his ballot for the pizza category, Pearce wrote, "Don't like pizza." Elsewhere in the magazine, a business brief declared: "Every discernible sign is that after Gannett formally takes over [the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times] this month, Louisville and the state of Kentucky as a whole can expect their union with Gannett to be for richer rather than for poorer." Also, Queen Elizabeth II had recently been in town, and a local woman named Yvonne Williams prepared a luncheon for the occasion at Hermitage Farm in Oldham County. Did Her Majesty enjoy the menu that included cold curried eggplant soup, chicken stroganoff, wild rice, asparagus and lemon souffé with sliced strawberries? "She cleaned her plate," Williams said. Outside: The Reagans were involved in reopening ceremonies at the Statue of Liberty following the monument's extensive renovations. NASA released a report about NASA's Challenger disaster. Greg LeMond became the frst American to win the Tour de France. alicenter.org/awards parkcommunity.com

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