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Louisville Magazine

JUL 2015

Louisville Magazine is Louisville's city magazine, covering Louisville people, lifestyles, politics, sports, restaurants, entertainment and homes. Includes a monthly calendar of events.

Issue link: https://loumag.epubxp.com/i/532701

Contents of this Issue


Page 102 of 112

96 LOUISVILLE MAGAZINE 7.15 20 More Things To Do This Summer GoCards.com/kickofgame 1. Brew at the Zoo tickets go on sale July 1. That means you should put down this magazine right now and buy your tickets to the fundraiser, which sells out faster than a Prince concert at the Palace. 2. Take the advice of a 10-year-old named Ainsley, who had just downed a Mountain Dew at El Mundo when we overhead this quote about Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana: "Look up HolidayWorld.com. You can see all the rides on video, and it's craaaaazy! Holiday World has the top-fve roller coaster" — we're assuming that's the Thunderbird, which accelerates from 0 mph to 60 mph in 3 ½ seconds, or the wooden Voyage — "and it's really, really, really, really, really, really fun! And Holiday World gives free Mountain Dew!" 3. Read Hurry Please I Want to Know, the latest short-story collection from University of Louisville creative writing professor Paul Griner. These stories range from surreal shorts — a man resurrects his dead mother only to fnd her annoying; another leaves a funeral and takes a ride in a hot air balloon — to long narratives full of strange worlds and struggling human hearts. Griner shows us hearts in the deserts of Iraq, hearts in the streets of Butchertown, hearts even in a too-full closet. 4. Read Wander Louisville, a new "visual guidebook" to our city. 5. No, you're not at a church-carnival cakewalk. Those are Frank F. Weisberg's photorealistic dessert paintings at the Jewish Community Center's Patio Gallery (through July 14). 6. Play disc golf at Iroquois Park. When you get the hang of it, take on the narrow, wooded course at Charlie Vettiner Park. Let us know if you fnd that neon-green disc we lost in the woods there two summers ago. 7. Throughout July, WUOL-FM is putting on its free classic summer concerts, including the Louisville Orchestra July 4th at Waterfront Park. 8. "Love, Shirley Temple," July 3-8 at the Frazier History Museum, will exhibit some 200 items from the actress' personal collection, from dolls and autograph books to costumes and photos. 9. Yes, we already told you about some of our favorite ice cream a few pages back. One more: Tasty Tuxedo Treats. Since April, Madison Hamman and Jimmy Mai have been riding

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